TIIIÍRSIIAV, OCT 31, 192» I TOWN AND VICINITY T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS P. T. A. Council Postpones Meeting PAOT FI VT STUDY DAIRY INDUSTRY IN LANE COUNTY TO poalts Gilbert In the new feature two famous com ediennes, do their and the supporting cast Includes stuff. Nance O'NIel, Herlda Hopper, Dori» Charles K ing of "The Broadway DETERMINE COSTS lltll. Gusttv von H eyfferlu, Richard Melody" fame. Introduce new songs. Carle and Tyretl Davis. “U kelele Ike" Is seen and heard la H. E. Selby, farm m anagem ent In a new medium veatlgator of the Oregon experim ent j With the greatest caat of atara that Natazha Nattova startle« with new atatlon, and an aaalatant are ln lutne i eTer contributed to the m aking ol hair raising leap« and bound». county thia week taking the flrat re P H « » . “The Hollywood The Albertina Rasch Hal let give corda In a coat and econom ic study h*’rUe' Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s huge of the dairy Industry In the county mu,,b:al extravaganza, com es Bunday som e of their eye-fllllng dances. The Bronx Sisters and others also County agent O. H. F letcher la a s­ to the McDonald. Stars of the stage sistin g the experim ent »tatlon work­ and screen stars of vaudeville, opera J take part in th is spectacular show, _____ ______________ ers In selectin g about forty dairymen and radio stars, to saynothlng of the I large dancing chorus of beautiful who will cooperate In the work WASHES. CARRIES COAL. The work In I-ane county will be girls, are features of this entertain­ WOMAN GAINS 18 POUNDS part of a statew ide study of the dairy ment. O roc«r S ic k - W . A Taylor wu« Monthly Meeting Featured by Many Interesting Events confined to hla bed the flrat half Last Friday of the week with a allffue»» In hla hack, lie 1» oul and around again R eturns From H o ap ltal H ill Lynn» The m eeting of the 1*. T. A. D istrict now, hul he »till walka In a atoopliiK wa» ri 'leased from n Eugene hoNpllal , Council uf lain« county, which waa poature. r e c en tly follo w in g u m ajor i i utliiii ; to have heeu held at Hprlugfleld on In lliu l In s titu tio n . Vial«» P arenta Sunday - M r. and , Saturday of thia week, ha» been Mr». Fred Lem ley were here Hiiniluy poalponud until »nine later dale, B ik s r at P o rtla n d II J Adam », to vlalt their parenta. Mr. Lem ley la probably som e tim e toward« the end bak er ui the H|u ngfh ild bak ery, the eon of Mr». Vina McLean, who of the moutn, according to Mr». It. I'. »lii-iil Sunday In Hu, Hand visitin g i ha» been III d u r n g the paat week, Morten sen, president of the local Willi r ela tiv e s. and Mr». Lemley 1» the daughter ol g.inii-u.P u. 'I lie chuuge in dates Industry, the mo»t Important farm Marlon Davis gives one of her “I wash. Iron and carry coal and Mr and Mr». Richter. R r*u in a F ro m Bandon M r» M , wu» mudi i b aa to make It poa»lble enterprise in Oregon, with the pos fam ous male maHquerades, assisted don't get tired since taking ViaoL «'«all'll I i ' I i i i iiim I recently from Han I to have Al,. ‘ ‘‘¡urles E. itoe, national «Ihle exception of wheat raising. The by a chorus of six-footers. and she Also, 1 have gained 18 pounds.’’— V isits Her Mother Mlaa Mnurlne i Mr». 8 Cortesse. dim, where »be mi» been »laying field »ecretury of the I'. T. A., and Inveatlgatlon will be one of the most sing» and tap nances. Lorn hard »pent the w eek en d III Vlnol Is a delicious compound of with her mother, M r» Jess I'a tro n Mrs. Brice, atute president for Ore­ com prehensive coat studies ever John Gilbert and Norma Shearer cod liver peptone. Iron, etc. Ner­ Springfield visiting with her mother, gon, present ul the m eeting. made. It Is planned to obtain reports give a version of “Romeo and Ju liet.” vous, easily tired, anem ic peopl are Tonsil» Removed Ml»» (llgu I"i -ter Mr». Ella I aim hard Ml»» Lomhard There u ie now approxim ately fifty from about 500 farmer» each year, Conrad N agle m akes his debut as : "urpr.,Mert how V ,no’ new ami had her tnnallH removed al the taught In Springfield hint year and sound sleep, and a BIG appetite. fully puld m em bers of the local distributed approxim ately 300 In the a »Inger. The very FIRST bottle often adds office of a local physli Ian Inn I 1» now teat hlng school a l North Bend group, according to an announce­ W illam ette vulley, 100 In the coast Be«»le Love gives generously of several pounds weight to thin child­ Oregon. Thursday. ment made Friday at the m eeting region», and 100 In Eastern Oregon. her talents. ren or adults T astes delicious. O b jective Stated Accident Victim Returns Mr» of the I'. T. A. at the liratlain at bool. P o rtland People H e re Mr. 1,11,1 Joan Crawford ravishes the eye K etels Drug Store. Objective» of the study as set forth and sin gs a crooning melody, M r». J o e L e in o n o f I ’o r ll u t id were Alice Johnson returned to her home A i outeat for new member» ha» been here Sunday v ld lln g ui Iho John I here Tu