The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 31, 1929, Image 1

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    T r y the H o m e
P r in t Shop F ir a t
I Hchool will be called a half hour
earlier, or at eight o'clock, tomor­
Consolidation Report by School row morning, and will he dismissed
of Business Administration early In the afternoon no as to per­
Discussed; Bridge Dedication mit as many of I he students as
is Given to the County desire to go to Brownsville and see
: the football game there that after
I noon, which Is scheduled to be
The nomination of officers for the played between the Springfield and
next year wus the principal Item of
Brownsville high teams.
business to com« before the Chamber
Brownsvlue merchants are all en
of Commerce el Ils regular monthly
over the game and have an­
meeting, which whs held Friday
that they will close their
evening Other business presented for
onsldernlton wus the report pre­ stores for the game, according to
pared by the School of Business All Principal Buell at the high school
ministration at the University, con The Hprlngfleld high students are
cernlng the proposed consolidation of also greatly clatod over the game
Eugene and Hprlngfleld, und the dedi­
The Hprlngfleld team has not yet
cation of the new Springfield bridge.
met defeat so fur this year, and the
T a y lo r N e w President
W A Taylor was nominated for Brownsville aggregation Is rated as
the office of president of the cham­ one of the strongest teams which
ber organisation for the nest year. Springfield will meet this season
Other officers nominated were C. K. The local boys have the advantage of
Wheaton, vice-president; C K Ken­ • not having played a game last week
yon, treasurer; unil W C. Wright, due to the cancellation of the Harris-
W K. Burnell, Carl Olson, E. K. . burg gutne at the lust minute.
Roosevelt Junior hlgii at Eugene
Kepner anil Jess Heuvey, directors.
asked the freshmen of the high
W. K. Burnell, Jess Heuvey, and
F B Hamlin were elected as the school here for a football gam)-, and
from a game will probably be arranged for
Springfield to the County chamber on Armistice Day, according to
; Buell. The freshmen are out every
It was decided to Invite representa afternoon practicing, and Indications
fives from all civic organizations In urn that they will put up a mighty
the county to send representatives stiff battle against any high school
here Friday evening and to turn over
dedication of the bridge to the com
mlttee that meets nt thia time.
C o m m ittee
M M I’oory presented the report
from the University school and de­
manded that the agitation for con
aolldatlon ba kept alive. The re­
maining members of
consolidation commutes, II. M. Htew-
art. Dr. W. C. Rebhan. and H. R.
Matey, were Instructed to keep work­
ing on the problem. The late Mayor
Wilson was a member of this com
mlttee, as was Mr. Peery. who recent­
ly moved to Portland, whore he has
purchased a buslnass.
Asks Rest Room
No. 42
THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1929
B ridge C om pleted 2 0 -M in u te Bus
F ranchise Given
Fills A re R ushed
" T h i People's Paper”
Two DprtngfWId
County Committee Meets To­ Service Will Start With Open­ University of Oregon are Included, In
ing of Bridge; Busses Op­
morrow to Discuss Dedi­
the membership of the new Poly­
erate to C Street
cation of Structure
phonic choir, which was made publln Lane Road Committee and
Saturday afternoon by Arthur Board-
County Court Make Arrange­
Actuul construction work on the
An amended franchise to operate man, bear! of the voice department,
ment With Highway Com­
new Hprlngfleld bridge across the 1 buses <<n the streets of Hprlngfleld
who is directing the choir. They are
mission to Finish and Oil
Willamette river Is almost over. A every twenty minutes was granted
Wlnlfrld Tyson, alto; and Alfred
few more duubs of plasterers cement , to the Oregon Stages, Inc., at an ad- Frese, bass. Miss Tyson Is a regu­
and the bridge will be ready to turn , Journed meeting of the city council
over to the state officials. The Har­ ( here on Monday evening Under the
greaves und Lindsey construction ; new charter the buses will operate
company state thnt they will have north to C street on Sixth street. In­
the bridge In readiness to turn over stead of to E street, as they have
to the state tomorrow, as was called been doing In the past. They will
for In their contract. There will then run west on <’ to Fourth street.
still be a few scaffolds to remove and down Fourth to Main street.
later In the week
The new service schedule will be­
Coinciding with the completion of come effective Immediately follow­
the large bridge, which has a road­ ing the opening of the new bridge,
way of twenty-seven feet, comes the and officers of the company promise
announcement of the preliminary that the service will be extended be-
action looking to the formulation of , yond C street as rtpidly as ap-
plans for the dedication of the struc­ l proaches to the bridge are put In
ture. First steps In this were taken such a condition as would warrant
lust Friday night at the monthly the faster service.
The appointment of George Valller
meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
when the members of that body de­ 1 as street commissioner to fill the
cided to Invite the entire county to vacancy caused by the resignation of
take part In the dedication of the O. C. Thurmtn was ratified by the
council, and W. K. Barnell was ap­
new structure.
pointed electrical Inspector to re­
Many Invited to Take Part
It was decided to extend' an Invi­ place C. W Wyman, who resigned.
tation to all of the chamber of com­ Chick McPherson was granted per­
merce bodies In Lane county, to the mission to construct a sidewalk on
service clubs, and to the grange his property at 10th and E streets.
runners' union groups to send repre­
sentatives here On Friday evening, MONOPLANE CARRIES
November 1, to form a bridge com­
yearling team.
mittee, which will assume all work
In the dedication of the new bridge
which will probably take place some­
Five business men from Springfield
BEING ERECTED HERE time during the month of November. left here at noon today In the mono­
While the bridge Itself is complet­ plane City of Portland for Cottage
One of the largest transformers In ed, there still remains considerable Grove, where they will be guests of
the state of Oregon Is being erected filling and surfacing work, which . the Lions club for luncheon. Major
at the substation In Springfield. Just must be done before the bridge can Eckerson piloted the ship.
at the end ot the pavement on a be used. Workmen under A. C.
Those making the trip are Dr. W.
plot of ground purchased some time Mathews, began Monday to fill under C. Rebhan, W. F. Walker, W. K.
ago from Simon Klovdahl ot Eugene. the West approach and It will take Barnell, and F. B. Flanery.
The huge transformer Is Just a most of the week to complete thia
Major Eckerson landed the Breese
part of the two million dollar de­ Then there also remains considerable monoplane at the Springfield air­
velopment work now being done by filling to do between the two forks port Tuesday afternoon after a trip
the Mountain States Power company of the V leading to the Pacific high­ to Eastern Oregon on Monday, which
and the (California and Oregon Power way. After the fills have been made he had as as his passengers several
company. A new 110,000 volt power on both sides of the bridge the stats business men from Portland. H e will
line has been erected from Prospect. highway commission will surface take off here tomorrow morning on
California, to Hprlngfleld. with a the approaches with a heavy coating a flight to Medford and other south­
branch nt Roseburg, which feeds the of gravel.
ern Oregon cities with the monopane
territory between there and Marsh­
which he Is demonstrating for Vance
Breese, its bulder.
A party composed of Mrs. W. C. Reb­
The transformer being erected here
han, Mrs. W. N. Dow. Billy Dow and
weighs 100 tons when assembled, and
HERE SUNDAY P. M. Miss Ellis took a ride In the cabin
holds about 6,000 gallons of oil, which
Is used to cool the plant. The radia
Two hundred people are expected plane to Brownsville and return.
The major will be back at the
tors alone holds 55 barrels of oil. here Sunday afternoon at 2:30 for the
The oil In the transformer must be I monthly meeting of the Christian hprlngfleld airport on Sunday and
entirely free from moisture and Im­ Endeavor workers at the Christian will continue his stunting program
To assure this a purifier 1 church
The theme of the conven­ and passenger hauling.
has been cleaning the many barrels tio n is "Leadership," and Albert
Melvin Hansen. Kugene realtor,
appeared before the body and asked
that consideration bo given to the
establishment of a Chamber of Com
merce office on Main street as well
as a rest room for tourists, He
pointed out that travel over the Mc­
Kenzie highway would greatly In­
crease when the new bridge Is com
pleted, nnd the road Improvement
work now under way Is completed.
The officers nominated last Friday
will be officially elected at the next
i Krlbs, student at the Eugene Bible -METHODIST WOMEN
meeting In November and will be of oil for several days.
Unloading la Problem
university will be the principal
Installed In December.
A real problem was encountered speaker. His topic will be "Christ,
The father and son banquet will be
by the crew here when they began the Great Leuder,”
prepared and served by the ladies of
io unload the tarnsformer. A heavy
AT O. A. C. SATURDAY rallroud wrecker from Eugene wns
song leader of the convention. John the Methodist church, according to
The annual home-coming events brought over, but proved to be nlmost i Cornier will be the pianist. He Is a W. C. Hughes, one of the committee
at the Oregon State college at Cor­ useless. A houst mover from Eugene ' student at the University of Oregon. preparing for the annual gathering.
A potluck supper is being arranged ¡.The banquet will be held on November
vallis last week-end attracted several was sought, nnd after two days the
of the local residents, who are grad transformer was set down upon the for 5:50 und a regular meeting of the 12th this year, and all the churches In
local C. E. with the delegates as the city are co-operating In the ob­
nates tand former students of tha foundation built for It.
Workmen nre busv attaching the guests will be held at 6:15 In the servance of the day.
mdlators an«9 the :< n lus tank to evening. Miss Wlnlfrld Tyson is the
Among those who went to Cor­
the transformer, and expects to cut-in chairman of the convention here and FRIENDS GATHER TO
vallis to see the u. 9 . C.-ldnho game
on the power line Su i ay.
Will lead the evening program on the
were Miss Lucille Holman, Miss
The new transformer will step topic "Making Your Body a Fit
Clara Wagner, Glenn Mnrtln, Arland
A large number of friends of Mr.
down the power front 110,000 volts to Temple For God."
*^inntol, Miss Margaret Gorrle, Mrs.
and Mrs. S. O. Mosier gathered at
60,000 volts, nnd the transformer
Special music by the church or­ their home near Springfield on Tues­
Dan «Cooper, a former resident here,
located nt the local power plnnt will
and Mr. and Mrs. F. Hills, ot
chestra anil by vocalists will be pro­ day evening to surprise them and to
reduce the current down to domestic
vided for the afternoon and evening. .wish them well on the forty-fifth anni­
A social hour will be held at 5:00 versary of their wedding.
L. C. House nnd a crew of men
Those present Included Mrs. W. P.
from the Medford office of the Cali­
Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy,
POSTED AT MILL HERE fornia Oregon Power company are
Mr. Veltle Pruitt. Mrs. Cliff Abrams.
doing the construction work.
Notice of two accidents during the
W ITH PARTY MONDAY Mrs. E. E. Morrison. Mr. Will Mosier,
month of October have been posted KENSINGTON CLUB
Mrs. Gedtgla Griffith and Miss Clara
at the Booth-Kelly Lumbor company
The members of the Ixiyal Girls Jones.
TO BE ENTERTAINED class of the Christian cl urch were
here. Ii. C. Parker lost two days
front work when a piece of steel was
Mrs. W. N. Dow. nnd Mrs. W. K. entertained Monday afternoon at the PRISCILLA CLUB WAS
found In Ills eye. Ho wus unnble to
home of Miss Wlnlfrld Tyson, their
Barnell will entertain the members
account for Its presence there.
teacher. Games and stunts flut'd the
Mrs. Normnn Howard entertained
of the Kensington club nt n luncheon
P. 8. Kohler wns Injured on Octo­ nt the Anchorage In Eugene tomor­ afternoon hours. The hostess served the members of the Priscilla club at
apple elder and home made cookies. their regular meeting last Friday af
ber 5, when he slipped while walk­ row nfternoon.
Those present, were Esel Adams, ternoon at her home nenr Spring-
ing up the stnlrs nt the wood convey­
Mrs. Rebhnn and Mrs. Murphy will
or. Ha bruised his ankle badly and sing, nccompnnled nt the piano by Alice Neet, Delorts Nice, Luctle field. The nfternoon was spent with
Petttcord, Ruth a Hallowe'en guessing game and
r was laid up for several days.
Miss Tyson, who will also give n
Stratton, Helen Thompson. Muriel fancy needle work. Refreshments
pianoforte solo.
Tyson and Marjorie Moon.
were served by the hostess.
nnd Mrs. W. C. Rebhan will entertain
The members who attended were
Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. John Tom
Members of the club nre Mesdames ¡ASSISTANT RELIEVES
The monthly meeting of the I,. L. Mny, Mary Kessey, O. E.
SPRINGFIELD LIBRARIAN seth, Mrs. W. Stearmer, Mrs. Wil­
liam Curtis, Mrs. John Parker, Mrs.
American Legion will bo postponed Kenyon, A .J. Morgan, L. E. Basford,
Seavey and Mrs. J. A. McKy of
one week and will be hold on Friday,
November IB, Instead of tomorrow Neet, W. C. Wright, 8. C. Wright, charge of the library since last Eugene. Mrs. Charles Parrish and
evening as was previously announced. Dallas Murphy, John Henderer. Fred Saturday. She is relieving Mrs. Vina Mrs. Brown were guests.
The next meeting Is to be held at
The chnmber of commerce hns called Wnlker, C. P. Poole, W. C. Rebhnn, McLean, the regular librarian, who
a meeting of the county committee C. Monro, Hnrrv Whitney, L. F. An­ was taken 111 recently and who Is the home of Mrs. William Curtis, and
will be In the nature of a covered
to consider the dedication of the dersen. J. C. McMurrny, C. Chase, W. still unable to resume her duties.
Tho library wns closed last Wed­ dish dinner. It will be held on
bridge for thnt evening, nnd officials N. Dow, W. K. Rnmell and Miss Edna
nesday duo to the Illness of Mrs. November 8th.
of the legion have decided to put off Swnrts.
Mrs. B. E. Frnedrlck, Mrs. W. P. Mcliean.
their meeting for one week.
Will Entertain—Mrs. Clara Fawver
The regular meeting of the library
Tho American Legion Auxlllnry will Tyson, Miss Evelyn Walker, Miss
Invited a large number of people
also postpone Its meeting for one
to her home for a Hallowe’en party.
Ward will be guests nt the luncheon. next Monday evening.
lar student at the University and Mr.
Frese Is doing special work In music
under Mr. Boardman.
The choir, as selected by Mr.
Boardman, Includes forty-six of the
outstanding vocal musicians on the
school campus. They will hold regu­
lar practice periods for a while and
expect to present a concert In the
near future.
l^ater in the year a
smaller number will be selected from
the choir to travel over the United
States, appearing in other cities in
concerts similar to those of the St.
Olaf choir and the Westminster
The choir consists of nineteen
sopranos, ten altos, eight tenors, six
baritones, and three basses. They
will sing music from Bach, Handel,
Palestrina, Di Lasso, Hadyn, Rossini,
Beethoven, the Russian church and
negro splrituels.
Mr. Boardman, who has returned
to the United States after several
years In opera and oratorio work in
Europe, at one time directed a simi­
lar choir In the middle-west.
The McKenxle highway from WaP
tervllle to Doyle hill will be grade*
and surfaced to state road standards
next summer, according to an order
made Wednesday by the state high­
way commission. About seven miles
of construction, costing $122,000. will
be necessary to connect up all the
improved sections now and make ons
continuous Improved road from ths
end of the present oiled stretch at
Waltervtlle, to Doyle hill below ths
fish hatchery.
The agreement with the state was
concluded by the road committee of
the Lane County Chamber of Com­
merce, and the county court, who
appeared before the commissioners
In Portland. The road commutes
asked that all portions of the M c­
Kenzie highway up to state standards
be oiled from Springfield to Sisters
next year. While the state oiling
program for next year has not bees
formulated, the highway commission
promised to give the McKenzie high­
way earnest consideration.
Senator Edward F. Bailey of Junc­
City spoke before the commis­
sion, outlining the Lane County
Chamber of Commerce road program
MINUS HIS SHOP as the work desired on the Mc­
Kenzie and the Junction Ctty-Chc-
Such inconsequential things as a shlre section of the Willamette VaF
roof and four walls are not neces­ ley Florence highway. No money
sary for A1 Senseney, local black­ , will be available for the latter road
smith. when he decides to resume J section this year, but the commis«
his business following the fire two sioners said that they too wished to
weeks ago which completely destroy­ complete the road as soon as pos­
ed his plant on Fifth street. Sen­ sible. H. E. Maxey of Spriugfield
seney has dug out some of the tools spoke on the Importance of oiling ths
from the ashes and assembled to­ McK> zle highway and completing
gether a few of the more vital things the work as soon as possible.
necessary to a blacksmith shop, and
The highway commission had a very
Is doing business as usual on the lot
favorable attitude toward the Mc­
adjacent to his former plant, with
Kenzie highway
completion and
only the sky above him for a roof and
Judge C. P. Barnard promised Lane
without any walls about him.
1 county co-operation on a 50-50 basis
At the same time workmen are on construction and also purchase of
busy sorting out the tools. Iron bars, the right-of-way.
steel and other equipment from the
Bids will be called for in the near
ashes. The ashes are being removed
and work will be started on a new future for the grading and surfacing
shop as soon as the salvaged mate­ of the W \ltervide-Doyle hill section.
rials ran be sorted and the ashes The remainder of the highway from
Doyle hill to Nimrod will be built IB
according to plans of the county
The store room belonging to E. E,
Kepner, wbich adjoined the Spencer court, which expect to have the last
garage, and which was badly gutted portion of the county money ready
by fire, has been torn down and a at that time.
new end wall built Into the garage.
The buildings of Dr. W. H. Pollard PARKER GARAGE MOVES
have all been repaired except one
wail of the wood shed.
Another local business firm has
decided to change its location nearer
to the new bridge, which will sooa
be open to traffic. John Parker has
FULOP'S NEW STORE leased the garage building on thB
corner of Mill and Main streets from
The opening of the Fulop dry goods Simon Klovdahl and is moving his
and« men's furnishing store, which tools, machinery and garage equip-
was to have taken place here on ment Into the new quarters from hid
November 1st, has been delayed for former location in the building for­
one week, according to Julius Fulop, merly occupied by the Danner Motor
company. Workmen were busy the
Men have been rushing the re­ first of the week cleaning up the new
modeling work in the building which premises, repairing the roof and re­
is to house the store, but they have placing the broken window glass.
been unable to finish their work at
this time, and some time will be re­ "W HAT JESUS WANTS"
quired to finish the shelving and in­
terior decorations.
Much of the stock for the new
Rev. Veltle Pruitt, the new prea­
store is now at the depot and it is
cher at the Christian church here
being transferred to the building as
has announced his sermon topics for
rapidly as room can be found for It.
Sunday morning and evening. "What
Other stocks which have been ordered
Jesus Wants” Is the morning subject
from the Eastern markets will not
and In the evening he will talk on
arrive for a few days, and will be
i "Is this church a New Testament
placed upon the shelves Immediately
upon arrival here, states Mr. Fulop. , Church?”
Special music has been provided
I for both the services. Miss Wilma
1 Scott will sing a solo at the morn-
AT HALLOWEEN PARTY j lng service.
The Misses Barbara Barnell and
Florence May entertnlned a group ot
their friends at a Halloween party at
the W. K. Barnell home last Friday
William Hayward, regional secre­
evening. Mrs. Barnell and Mrs. E.
E. May served refreshments to the tary of the Boy Scouts of America
for the Pacific Northwest, was the
guests at the close of the evening.
The guests were Geneva Wycoff. main speaker at the noon luncheon
Bernice Burnes, Mildred Morgan. meeting Friday of the Lions club.
Margaret Jarrett, Luctle Davis, Irene He spoke to the members of the
Anderson, Pearl Hilterbrant, Jean work that the organization which he
Seavey, Ruth Pollard, Jean Young, represents Is doing and how It ef-
Molly Small, Jean Curtis, Patty May, I fects the boys.
Representatives from the service
Adelbert Armitage. Stephen Rice,
Ulla Waite, Roscoe Cole, Harlan clubs of Eugene wero present, who
Duncan, Allen Sneed, Billy Dow, Invited the members of the Spring-
Clair Hadley, Eugene Phillips, Jim­ field Lions club to the all-county
my Phillips, Roland Farnsworth and service club banquet to be held la
Scott Wright.