T r y the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SIXTH YEAH E BY CHAMBER FRIDAY * SPUINUEIELI), LANE COUNTY, OREGON- FOOTBALL TEAM PLAYS FRIDAY AT BROWNSVILLE I Hchool will be called a half hour earlier, or at eight o'clock, tomor­ Consolidation Report by School row morning, and will he dismissed of Business Administration early In the afternoon no as to per­ Discussed; Bridge Dedication mit as many of I he students as is Given to the County desire to go to Brownsville and see : the football game there that after Committee. I noon, which Is scheduled to be The nomination of officers for the played between the Springfield and next year wus the principal Item of Brownsville high teams. business to com« before the Chamber Brownsvlue merchants are all en of Commerce el Ils regular monthly thused over the game and have an­ meeting, which whs held Friday nounced that they will close their evening Other business presented for onsldernlton wus the report pre­ stores for the game, according to pared by the School of Business All Principal Buell at the high school ministration at the University, con The Hprlngfleld high students are cernlng the proposed consolidation of also greatly clatod over the game prospects. Eugene and Hprlngfleld, und the dedi­ The Hprlngfleld team has not yet cation of the new Springfield bridge. met defeat so fur this year, and the T a y lo r N e w President W A Taylor was nominated for Brownsville aggregation Is rated as the office of president of the cham­ one of the strongest teams which ber organisation for the nest year. Springfield will meet this season Other officers nominated were C. K. The local boys have the advantage of Wheaton, vice-president; C K Ken­ • not having played a game last week yon, treasurer; unil W C. Wright, due to the cancellation of the Harris- W K. Burnell, Carl Olson, E. K. . burg gutne at the lust minute. Roosevelt Junior hlgii at Eugene Kepner anil Jess Heuvey, directors. has asked the freshmen of the high W. K. Burnell, Jess Heuvey, and F B Hamlin were elected as the school here for a football gam)-, and permanent representatives from a game will probably be arranged for Springfield to the County chamber on Armistice Day, according to ; Buell. The freshmen are out every meetings It was decided to Invite representa afternoon practicing, and Indications fives from all civic organizations In urn that they will put up a mighty the county to send representatives stiff battle against any high school here Friday evening and to turn over dedication of the bridge to the com mlttee that meets nt thia time. C o m m ittee Continued M M I’oory presented the report from the University school and de­ manded that the agitation for con aolldatlon ba kept alive. The re­ maining members of the Joint consolidation commutes, II. M. Htew- art. Dr. W. C. Rebhan. and H. R. Matey, were Instructed to keep work­ ing on the problem. The late Mayor Wilson was a member of this com mlttee, as was Mr. Peery. who recent­ ly moved to Portland, whore he has purchased a buslnass. Asks Rest Room A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 42 THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1929 B ridge C om pleted 2 0 -M in u te Bus F ranchise Given Fills A re R ushed " T h i People's Paper” TWO LOCAL SINGERS CHOSEN FOR CHOIR BY UNIV. DIRECTOR Two DprtngfWId students at the STATE PROMISES ID M P L E IjJ M IE County Committee Meets To­ Service Will Start With Open­ University of Oregon are Included, In ing of Bridge; Busses Op­ morrow to Discuss Dedi­ the membership of the new Poly­ erate to C Street cation of Structure phonic choir, which was made publln Lane Road Committee and Saturday afternoon by Arthur Board- County Court Make Arrange­ Actuul construction work on the An amended franchise to operate man, bear! of the voice department, ment With Highway Com­ new Hprlngfleld bridge across the 1 buses < zle highway and completing gether a few of the more vital things the work as soon as possible. necessary to a blacksmith shop, and The highway commission had a very Is doing business as usual on the lot favorable attitude toward the Mc­ adjacent to his former plant, with Kenzie highway completion and only the sky above him for a roof and Judge C. P. Barnard promised Lane without any walls about him. 1 county co-operation on a 50-50 basis At the same time workmen are on construction and also purchase of busy sorting out the tools. Iron bars, the right-of-way. steel and other equipment from the Bids will be called for in the near ashes. The ashes are being removed and work will be started on a new future for the grading and surfacing shop as soon as the salvaged mate­ of the W \ltervide-Doyle hill section. rials ran be sorted and the ashes The remainder of the highway from Doyle hill to Nimrod will be built IB removed. 1931, according to plans of the county The store room belonging to E. E, Kepner, wbich adjoined the Spencer court, which expect to have the last garage, and which was badly gutted portion of the county money ready by fire, has been torn down and a at that time. new end wall built Into the garage. The buildings of Dr. W. H. Pollard PARKER GARAGE MOVES have all been repaired except one TO SITE NEAR BRIDGE wail of the wood shed. Another local business firm has decided to change its location nearer REMODELING WORK to the new bridge, which will sooa DELAYS OPENING OF be open to traffic. John Parker has FULOP'S NEW STORE leased the garage building on thB corner of Mill and Main streets from The opening of the Fulop dry goods Simon Klovdahl and is moving his and« men's furnishing store, which tools, machinery and garage equip- was to have taken place here on ment Into the new quarters from hid November 1st, has been delayed for former location in the building for­ one week, according to Julius Fulop, merly occupied by the Danner Motor owner. company. Workmen were busy the Men have been rushing the re­ first of the week cleaning up the new modeling work in the building which premises, repairing the roof and re­ is to house the store, but they have placing the broken window glass. been unable to finish their work at this time, and some time will be re­ "W HAT JESUS WANTS" quired to finish the shelving and in­ REV. PRUITT'S TOPIC terior decorations. Much of the stock for the new Rev. Veltle Pruitt, the new prea­ store is now at the depot and it is cher at the Christian church here being transferred to the building as has announced his sermon topics for rapidly as room can be found for It. Sunday morning and evening. "What Other stocks which have been ordered Jesus Wants” Is the morning subject from the Eastern markets will not and In the evening he will talk on arrive for a few days, and will be i "Is this church a New Testament placed upon the shelves Immediately upon arrival here, states Mr. Fulop. , Church?” Special music has been provided I for both the services. Miss Wilma SMALL GIRLS ENTERTAIN 1 Scott will sing a solo at the morn- AT HALLOWEEN PARTY j lng service. The Misses Barbara Barnell and BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE Florence May entertnlned a group ot ADDRESSES LIONS CLUB their friends at a Halloween party at the W. K. Barnell home last Friday William Hayward, regional secre­ evening. Mrs. Barnell and Mrs. E. E. May served refreshments to the tary of the Boy Scouts of America for the Pacific Northwest, was the guests at the close of the evening. The guests were Geneva Wycoff. main speaker at the noon luncheon Bernice Burnes, Mildred Morgan. meeting Friday of the Lions club. Margaret Jarrett, Luctle Davis, Irene He spoke to the members of the Anderson, Pearl Hilterbrant, Jean work that the organization which he Seavey, Ruth Pollard, Jean Young, represents Is doing and how It ef- Molly Small, Jean Curtis, Patty May, I fects the boys. Representatives from the service Adelbert Armitage. Stephen Rice, Ulla Waite, Roscoe Cole, Harlan clubs of Eugene wero present, who Duncan, Allen Sneed, Billy Dow, Invited the members of the Spring- Clair Hadley, Eugene Phillips, Jim­ field Lions club to the all-county my Phillips, Roland Farnsworth and service club banquet to be held la Eugene. Scott Wright.