The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 08, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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You do f!»•• reconciling
You fix II up »nil k W a ll the t r a d i i ! "
“I will," he declared confidently.
"I can do It« And all I ask la » little
That'a the way with Jim.
one of the best little fixers I know
He Is alw ays eMger to make some
one happy.
W hatever happens he
likes to feel (hat he Is the man who
mended the mainspring.
And he likes to be thanked, too.
Half a dozen thanks, and Jim will go
without hla breakfast any day. It's a
vice with him. He has to he thanked
for som ething about every so often,
or h e gets terribly depressed and
thinks that be la not much use to
the world.
' you <*t into » tight hole »end for me.
Í I'm a lw a y * w illin g Io help. A little
I thank I» all the pay I want."
Im m crscly cheered, he left me. It
wan all for toe twist—I had located a
paper weight to throw at him If he
offered to do anything more for mo.
W hen you drive th e P o n tia c
Big Six and a c tu a lly exp eri­
e n c e it s ex clu sive p erfo rm a n ce
q u a litie s —i t ’s ea sy to u n d xr-
sta m l w hy th o u sa n d s o f buyer»
ere tu r n in g to th is o u ts ta n d ­
in g G en eral M otors p ro d u ct I
Fwutoc Ms «a. Î74BW SS»*./. «• fc.
Nae, MtcA-. f U t t
T h e devis paym ent is la
— a n d a fa w d o lla r s a
F a s te r
F a u te r ta D r ir e .
M a r a E c o n o m is a i
Springfield, Oregon
There's greater speed
an d coni fort
by train
San Francisco
$23 Los Angeles
He struck his forehead n sharp
blow with the pnlm of his hand.
"My heaven! To think I am married
Mra. Hemmlngwny's eyes, usually
so placid, blazed In response, to hla
“You needn’t be any longer than
it takes to get a divorce,” she ex­
claimed. half-hysterical with anger.
"If you’re going to believe everything
you hear we might as well «operate
greater speed. Plcqty of room
to rest and relax or walk about.
fares to other Pacific Coast
points and to the East.
Southern Pacific
than any other
s ix o f e q u a lly !
loir p rice
from hard labor
flies, m osquitoes, roaches.inoths
...S tfO « ^
6 hours a week
of Freedom
7</7/s 'em d e a d ''
"I ran tell you what happens In tlM
N ovem ber number,” offered Mrs. LIP
lelove. who had overheard the roS-
1 picked up an old m agazine and versatlon. "1 read nearly all the mag«
tried to read. The story I started azines that come out. It’s terribly
proved to be a a«rlal. I asked Con­ excitin g when you get six or a ev W
rad« Itreyenfurth. who happened in. heroines In tight places all at one*.-
If th ey had a copy of the n imlx-r
with the next Installment.
Marion Chase Here— Marlon Cha
"No," he replied with aggravated
bittern»«*, "we get our m agazines Camp Creek resident, w as a buslna
from people who send 'em to us after visitor In Springfield Monday.
ii —
and gel It over with."
, snow storm la like. Jt falls on streets
W llV r HAI’l ’KNKI) 8«) FAK
Tom Bllhavk la the narrator. Ha la a
Comrade H enw elhar and I were that are shoveled clear alm ost aa faal
tat Dnwapapar writer who tlrlvtia a observing the scene, he with apprala as It com es down, and the little
tumbledown car he cal la Uramlmot her
Page. He la In love wHb Maryalla. hla Ing looks seeking to read In t h e ir » patches that remain are alm ost Im-
what he m issed
In their m ediately soiled with tracks and the
rival being Jim Coopor. The three are facra
■wmborg of an amateur drumatlc club sp eech es, and I with 4 ch ill of horror soot of cou n tless chim neys. Hut <»yt
I’liin* for a pluy at the o ld Hiddlera'
In the open It la different. There you
at the aerlouaneaa o f the breach
H o r a n are under way.
g d an Idea of the way the Lord
i'agii hue eitglne trouble while Mary-
alia la out driving with Wllteck, and all," vouchsafed I'llk, " lie's a mite Intended the world to look In the
Cooper lu hla big roadater, tnk«a Mury better looking than you be, bul you've w inter time.
«Ila home. After Muryella hue left
Klrangely enougt the lake, which
got a wav with you that goes with the
In an anglo-aaxon com m unity a
ItllbiM 'k la able to alart Ilia car agiiln
peacefully crystallized at the foot confirm ed thankotaanlae Is contfny
The am uleur pluyura urn to Rive
Mrs, Hernmlngway shrugged her of the hill where the Home stood, ally getting hurt Sim e I have learned
Fygnuillon and Qalatna. In their vor
alon Bllbeck la to act aa the statu«, shoulders helplessly and started from was com paratively free from sn/iw. of his habit I alw ays thank him every
and Muryella gate peeved when sin-
The wind had sw ept Its Kl'«'«"'"« j j ,m„ , see him. ev. n If I can I think of
dia< overa that llllbei k la bowleggiMl the room. Mr. Hernmlngway followed
clear and It lay a d e a r blat anything he has done. It saves a lot
Mr» Henlngwny Inter flatters Bil
on the white surface.
Imek and tulka to hlin about the play hla face
of trouble.
Here nod there fishing sh an ties dot-
Bllbeck pula her hund. only lo find a
I quickly gave up my Intentions of
Ho Jim agreed to fix up between
rough band KraapliiK him by the
led Ihe lake, anil ip ar the shore som e the Hem mlngwaya.
With elaborate
ahouhler and lifting him out of hla going u p sta irs, which Involved p ass­
ing through the living room and went boys were rigging up an Ice boat. One form ality he invited them Into a
Mr H em m ing*uy. huahnnd of one to the basem ent Inalead, convinced of them was up on the mast threading sm all room off from the living-room
of the no mhera, thlnka Bllbeck la In tliut safety Isy In slick in g to the a halyard through a pulley blosk
I which served as an office for Colonel
love with Ilia wife. Iturlng the urgu
rem em ber when l had done that soft S te w a rt. They followed him wonder-
meat the two men receive notice that
there la a Jail ei < ape at the penluentl* , W e went to luul la te r fo r a m orning of thing on my first Ice-boat.
' Ingly, and he clos* d the door.
1 sighed. 1 could never do It again
ary Thia eacupe keepa lilllxu'k busy nsp
Wh> 11 lh«j[ woke me up next
Jim was back again ever sooner
at hla new spaper work, an that h<* tim e I refused lo arise u n til I was — not w ith m v w eight.
i than 1 expected. What .chance had
geta nwav from the druiiinlb chib
Breakfast was announced. I went I
a lad of his slender biultl again st an
Hut Maryelln summon* him mid stm ts provided w ith soln« d o llie s .
II was all very well to prowl around dawn, fully clothed bul not ornament exasperated man as large as Hem-
telling the alory of "Ikdlyuiina" who
b elieves abut everything that happen* In w hile lig h ts nt night when I was ally clothed
m lngwav.? He picked h im self up
turna out for the beat.
The only on<- of our party who j
hunting ghosts, hut II would look
from the rug where he had land*d
The playera arrive at the O ld Hoi
spoke to me w as J.m Cooper
du ra' Home, being greeted royally mid rather slllv to appear In them In broad
and removed Ihe rare chair seat
daylight going about thte ordinary L lllelove looked as if she were going which was around bis neck.
raeellng I’llk llen w ea h er and others
The play ut the Old Soldiers' Home business of life, such as eatin g soft lo. but suddenly she blushed ami
o Interrupted bncsus*- of a fire, the boiled eggs or bringing In an armful lowered tier ey es to her plate without J "I suppose It's for the best,” he
, observed
playera and veterana «neaping
savin g anything
Hiding away from the seen« of the of wood
"W hat?” 1 asked without enthu­
"Hood morning.'' Jim assured me
U n fo rtu n a te ly I ant a larger man
111 rated pluy In their coatumna and
siasm .
overcoats, they are held up by e s ­ than most of the veterans. I tried
"W ell, I had to agree that y-u
caped con victs, one of whom la cap­ on several pairs of trousers without rubbed bis hands gleefully, as If he
would marry Mrs. Hernmlngway,” he
tured by Hllbeck after a struggle.
The captured th ief la taken back lo finding any that I would dare trust
explained painstakingly.
I tried to
’. be Old Soldiers' Home and the Sher We had Just about given It up as a be com plim ented for h is . skill.
but he In­
"'Yes.'' I mumbled, hurt and puz­
Iff la sent for Aa the car refuaea to bad Job when som eone suggested that
budge, the playera mual stay there, Comrade Dreyenfurtb was nearly my zled to find m yself an outcast In my sisted. You ought to be glad. Tom. (
and Mr H m im lngw ay, heurlng this
S h e’s a very sw eet woman and will
own circle.
ever the phone, aaya he la coming stxe.
make a fine w ife.”
H is other pants ware com m an­
right to the home---aa he In auapl
"You agreed that I would marry
<lous of Bllbeck and hla wife. Mean deered
I have m entioned. I believe. H enw ether had been doing a travel,
w hile the Rherlff arrlvea.
( |h#( Abel lkreyenfurlh w est leg had logue on my prow ess as a lady-killer her?" I demanded. “What in the
Hernmlngway arrives Just when i been m issing since Antietam
For which had been Interrupted by my name of Mike have you got to say
Bllbeck Is assistin g Mrs. H< mntlng ,
about It?”
wav. who has fainted, and of course that reason the Drevenfurth trousers
"W ell, he explained. ’’! let him
Mrs. H em m ln gw aya ey es were red
thinks the worst. M eanwhile a dis last tw ice as long as most m e n s He
'u rh n n c e Is heard tn the cellar, anti
the material In the extra leg to from weeping. Poor woman, she had think that you had sent me to patch
a ll In th e h o u se r u s h d o w n to It
- r „ , „ f„ r i.„
, F„
not had any sleep at all. I Judged. It up. Maybe I did wrong, but 1
For that reason they did not give Her husband sat moodily staring at thought it was all for the best."
“Oh, 1 see." What difference did
me all the protection tnal I could Ills plate, but ate little.
"W ell. I'm Jiggered!” exclaim ed the
Marvella and Mrs L lllelove con­ It. make, after all? One tangle more
have wished.
They were like the
sh eriff "There's a lot of life In that
first Installment of a m azazlne serial versed with painful anim ation about did not make It worse.
old horse yet
I didn't suppose he
“Pardon m e,” I said m echanically.
-g o o d as far as they w ent, bul tan­ crochet stitch es and new fashions.
could do th at.”
I thank you? 1 certainly am
"Is he frightened T' M rs Llllelove
much obliged for your good in ten ­
iHlII they were b elter Ilian nothing, m e on one side.
"Are you really In love with Mrs. tions.”
so I got up
"No. He's Just lonesom e. He ain't
“It was nothing at all, Tom. I'd do
I i The sun was bright and dazzling. Hernmlngway?" he demanded, fixing
used lo being alone at night, and
' I went to the window to look out. my ey e w ith 'a look that demanded It again for you any day. W henever j
vuptMtnr he wna going lo look for me." |
"Are your lnten-
either the I "'hat. a beautiful world It w as' Tons an honest reply.
The Inference w as that
’ of snow had been ca relessly tossed t.ons honorable?"
sh eriff slept In the stable with the
"Of course I'm not in ’ love with
lover the map with Ihe lavish hand of
horse O’ the n o-se slept In the house
Ineonclevable giant.
In som e h e r ! ” I replied with bitter em phasis.
with the sh eriff
At any r d e I had
1 places were gratefu l drifts as high as And I haven't any Intentions."
an explanation of the gh ostly sounds
"It's all for Ihe best then. You and
’ a man. and against a shed In the yard
which had awakened me from my
I must reconcile them."
Il was plied up even with the ro o t
doxe when 1 started on my III falen
I started aw ay hastily.
It hnd been a trem endous storm. In­
expedition d o w n sta irs
which had
"Not on yonr life. I haven't any
side we had not realized the amount
rulm lnatod In the nensatlonal mix-up
skin on my sh in s now Just because
of snow that had fallen.
with the Hem mlngwaya.
City people never know what a I mixed In trying to help Mrs. Hem-
W hile the sheriff and som e of the
ethers recaptured the horse and tied
him to a ring In Ihe alone wall. I
went back to Ihe main floor 1 w ant­
ed to be alone and think.
As I cam e up from the basem ent
to the living-room, which was now
beginning to gel light with Ihe flrat
ch ill of dawn of w inter morning. 1
S p e c ia l Offer for A u g u st
noticed Mr. and Mra. Hernmlngway
a n d m an y other insects
in eager conversation.
S T A N D A R D O i l C O M P A N Y O1 C A I . I F O K N I A
they w ere approaching som e sort of
n egotiatin g for pence because they
were standing quite clone together
M o n th ly
and on ««-or tw ice he mrde as If to
T k a ta d m a a i n f
take her In hla arms.
n u t i ras
Far be It from me to Interrupt
any reconciliations betw een the Hem-
m lngw ays. There and there only lay
IV. I _ ___ _
•a ct. Oesrwas ie
my hope of retain in g my Job and In­
w h a n M ara ia s c m
cidentally the reap ed of the com
m unlty.
1 w as carefully tiptoeing across Ihe
living-room to the door w hich led to
stirw ay. perfectly w illing to have Ihy
progress unnoted, when I waa arrest
»<1, nay frozen In my tracks, by Ihe
piercing voice of I’llk H enw ether
cau llou sly subdued lo a longshore­
man's hall.
•Hey, Mr. ntlherk!" he called. "1
want to warn you. T here's a feller
bears t w »«k ui
here trying to steal your girl away
from you— the pretty blond one that
w as m aking eyes ill you last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Hernmlngway who
had reached the sobblng-on-shonlder
sin ge of their reconciliation, now
[fro m m a in lin e p o in ts]
separated suddenly ns If n shell hnd
exploded betw een thorn.
Tickets are good for travel in
These exceptionally low fares
" S o!” the husbnnd shouted, his
arc available every day and you roomy, all-steel coaches and in
anger at w hile b eat once more. “My
have the choice of four daily
Tourist Sleepers
suspicions were true nfler all! You
Coast”, "Klamath”,
made such a fool of yourself that
At this low cost you enjoy “ Oregonian” and "Shasta"
everybody noticed II. And to think
(no tourist on "Shasta").
all the comforts of train travel,
that you would try to lure me back
with the added advantage of A sk about summer excursion
by soft words.! You vam p ire!”
thay get through reading 'em.
nobody ever sent us a complete
yet. 1 gave up trying to read
aerials five years ago.
if your ironing is o f average size— you are spending
about 8 hours a week honing it by hand.
wasting 6 of these hours.
This new Thor Speed-Iron will do it in 2 hours. Do
it better — and with none o f the old back-breaking,
nerve-racking drudgery. Let us show you how it works
— how easy it is to work with. You’ll never g o back
to hand methods.
Ask fo r a Free Demonstration
M ountain S tates P ower C ompany