PAGE THREW T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, AUOUBT mlnitwMy You do f!»•• reconciling You fix II up »nil k W a ll the t r a d i i ! " “I will," he declared confidently. "I can do It« And all I ask la » little thanks. That'a the way with Jim. He's one of the best little fixers I know He Is alw ays eMger to make some one happy. W hatever happens he likes to feel (hat he Is the man who mended the mainspring. And he likes to be thanked, too. Half a dozen thanks, and Jim will go without hla breakfast any day. It's a vice with him. He has to he thanked for som ething about every so often, or h e gets terribly depressed and thinks that be la not much use to the world. ' you <*t into » tight hole »end for me. Í I'm a lw a y * w illin g Io help. A little I thank I» all the pay I want." Im m crscly cheered, he left me. It wan all for toe twist—I had located a paper weight to throw at him If he offered to do anything more for mo. 5 PONTIAC » C B O D C C T O F G K S X ltA L M O TOSS W hen you drive th e P o n tia c Big Six and a c tu a lly exp eri­ e n c e it s ex clu sive p erfo rm a n ce q u a litie s —i t ’s ea sy to u n d xr- sta m l w hy th o u sa n d s o f buyer» ere tu r n in g to th is o u ts ta n d ­ in g G en eral M otors p ro d u ct I Fwutoc Ms «a. Î74BW SS»*./. «• fc. Nae, MtcA-. f U t t T h e devis paym ent is la — a n d a fa w d o lla r s a F a s te r F a u te r ta D r ir e . M a r a E c o n o m is a i W. R.. DAWSON Springfield, Oregon down There's greater speed an d coni fort by train San Francisco $23 Los Angeles He struck his forehead n sharp blow with the pnlm of his hand. "My heaven! To think I am married Mra. Hemmlngwny's eyes, usually so placid, blazed In response, to hla anger. “You needn’t be any longer than it takes to get a divorce,” she ex­ claimed. half-hysterical with anger. "If you’re going to believe everything you hear we might as well «operate greater speed. Plcqty of room to rest and relax or walk about. fares to other Pacific Coast points and to the East. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent PHONE 65 M ADAM - t than any other s ix o f e q u a lly ! loir p rice A from hard labor flies, m osquitoes, roaches.inoths FLY SP R A Y ...S tfO « ^ 6 hours a week of Freedom 7 11 lh«j[ woke me up next Jim was back again ever sooner at hla new spaper work, an that h<* tim e I refused lo arise u n til I was — not w ith m v w eight. i than 1 expected. What .chance had geta nwav from the druiiinlb chib Breakfast was announced. I went I a lad of his slender biultl again st an Hut Maryelln summon* him mid stm ts provided w ith soln« d o llie s . II was all very well to prowl around dawn, fully clothed bul not ornament exasperated man as large as Hem- telling the alory of "Ikdlyuiina" who b elieves abut everything that happen* In w hile lig h ts nt night when I was ally clothed m lngwav.? He picked h im self up turna out for the beat. The only on<- of our party who j hunting ghosts, hut II would look from the rug where he had land*d The playera arrive at the O ld Hoi spoke to me w as J.m Cooper Mrs. du ra' Home, being greeted royally mid rather slllv to appear In them In broad and removed Ihe rare chair seat daylight going about thte ordinary L lllelove looked as if she were going which was around bis neck. raeellng I’llk llen w ea h er and others The play ut the Old Soldiers' Home business of life, such as eatin g soft lo. but suddenly she blushed ami o Interrupted bncsus*- of a fire, the boiled eggs or bringing In an armful lowered tier ey es to her plate without J "I suppose It's for the best,” he , observed playera and veterana «neaping savin g anything Hiding away from the seen« of the of wood "W hat?” 1 asked without enthu­ "Hood morning.'' Jim assured me U n fo rtu n a te ly I ant a larger man 111 rated pluy In their coatumna and siasm . cheerfully. "Isn't II u fine day?” He overcoats, they are held up by e s ­ than most of the veterans. I tried "W ell, I had to agree that y-u caped con victs, one of whom la cap­ on several pairs of trousers without rubbed bis hands gleefully, as If he would marry Mrs. Hernmlngway,” he tured by Hllbeck after a struggle. had done It h im self and expected to The captured th ief la taken back lo finding any that I would dare trust explained painstakingly. I tried to ’. be Old Soldiers' Home and the Sher We had Just about given It up as a be com plim ented for h is . skill. make him see differently, but he In­ "'Yes.'' I mumbled, hurt and puz­ Iff la sent for Aa the car refuaea to bad Job when som eone suggested that budge, the playera mual stay there, Comrade Dreyenfurtb was nearly my zled to find m yself an outcast In my sisted. You ought to be glad. Tom. ( and Mr H m im lngw ay, heurlng this S h e’s a very sw eet woman and will own circle. ever the phone, aaya he la coming stxe. make a fine w ife.” latter I discovered that Comradt H is other pants ware com m an­ right to the home---aa he In auapl "You agreed that I would marry