The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 01, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. AUOUBT 1, 192»
Principal Events ol the Week
Assembled tor Information
of Our Readers.
The North Morrow county fair I. to
hold ut Irrigun ugain thia year. Hep-
tombor U and 7.
The state fair board, Hl s recent
niootlim, employed lha Salem hand to
furnish raualr during tho 1929 atata
An tone Burges, ns, of Spray, died
at a hospital In Tha Halloa from In
Juries suffered whan ha waa kicked
by a horaa.
Graveling contracta for two county
roads In Finn »alloy will bo lot mb Boon
mb grading la cnmplotc<|, County Judg.
Charles E. Ilulrd recently announced.
( «nllnuod dry woathor, togeth.r
With northwest winds, have bad a
»ary dumuglng effect on i||c crops In
tha Wallowa community tho paat few
Tha forest servie. aviation Hold ad
Joining Summit ranger atatlon near
Swim la now In primo condition, and
la caaa of fire a landing can bo made
Turning backward tho history pagoa
of tha western land tha Dragon coun­
try Eugene sieged a colorful celetya
tlon and pagcuut In "Sunaat Trull.”
which wua bald laat weak.
Mrs Alice W. Porter has been ap­
pointed’ poatmluWeau at Long Creek,
Grant county, Oregon, (he poatofflce
department announced. She succeeds
William K Wler, realgned.
Mr and Mra. W W Heard of Fisher
Spring», northwest of Haine», cele­
brated their both wedding auntveraury
recently. They were married July 20,
1878. at Lebanon. Missouri.
Huckleberries are beginning to ripen
at Swltn und campera are already
coming In for tha berry season. Mra.
Boyd Hummers of Swim reporta the
crop will ba the largeat In years.
Although several head of cattle In
scattered hards have been killed In
the Fort Klamath district because of
an attack of anthrax, the disease la
not believed serious nor prevalent.
Approximately (8000 will be spent
In extending the Improved lighting
system In Aabland on north Main,
Granite street and Wlnburn Way. ac­
cording to a deulalon of the city coun­
"Overland to Oregon” la the title of
the pageant to be presented at the
Clackamas county fMlr at Canby Sep
tember 17 and 19, two evenings of the
fair to be devoted to the historical
For the first time In aoveral de-
«»den the Oregon State college will
not maintain formal exhibits at the
Oregon state fuir and the Pacific In­
ternational Livestock exposition thia
falj. It la announced.
Funeral aervlcea for Nicholas J. Sin-
nott. late Justice of the L'nlted States
court of claims at Wushfbglon, and
ex representative In rongrwss from
eastern Oregon, were held In The
Halles Friday morning.
The airplane demonstrated Its value
In the commercial field In Salem re­
cently when C. C. Reynold», farmer
of the Waldport district, flew to Sa­
lem, purchased a tractor and returned
to hla borne all within a few hours.
Over 100 miles of trail bave been
built already this season by the forest
service In the Mt. Hood forest reserve,
two of the most Important ones being
six miles from Swim to the limber
line, and one mile on .Multorpor moun­
Prineville Is at the present time
concerned with the establishment of
a first-class municipal air field. The
business men of the city realise the
importance of taking care of the In­
creasing air traffic which Is coming
that way.
W h eat-B ig Rend bluestem, »l.SI;
soft white, western white, $1.33; hard
winter, northern spring and western
red. $1.29.
Hay—Alfalfa, »18018 60 per ton;
valley timothy, new, $19@>19.6O; east­
ern Oregon timothy, $24026; clover,
new, $15; oata, $16; oats and vetch,
Hui terfat—44 0 47c.
Eggs—Ranch, 30036c.
Cattle—Steers, good, »11.60012.60.
Ilogs—Good to choice, $12013,
Lambs—Good to choice, $10012.
Wheat — Soft white and western
whlte, $1.33; hard winter, western red
and northern spring, $1.30; Big Bend
hlnestem, $1.38.
Eggs—Ranch. 24034c.
Cattla^Cholce »teors, $10.50011.60.
Hogs—Prime light, »13013,16.
Lamba—Choice. $11012.
Cattle— Steers, good. »11011 50.
Hogs—Good end choice, $12.60,
Lamb»—Choice, $10.60011.
Del 0. Smith, Ro. rode to bis death
In a runaway logging train recently
whan an engine, tender and <0 log-
laden cars rared down a steep grade
10 miles south of Head and piled up
on a curve.
Farmers using Irrigation along the
Deschutes river and Its tributaries In
central Oregon are alarmed over (he
shortage of water at the present time,
according to letters received by the
state engineer.
A grain fire starting on the Elmar
Rower ranch six miles north of Dufur
swept over 1000 acres of wheat and
grass land before being brought under
control. The firs extended to the
John Wurd ranch, where 100 aerna of
standing and sacked grain was de­
The county road building crew,
which bus been abu»y the past few
weeks grading and surfacing a stretch
of road running north from lamtlne
to Intersect a market road along the
north aide of the Wallowa valley, la
said to be making good progress with
the work.
Raker's new 10 story community-
owned hotel, erected at a cost of near­
ly $300,000, will be opened formally
August 17. It was announced Work
on (be structure brgan last rail and
Is now nearing completion. The hotel
contains Ho guest, rooms and elaborate
meeting places.
Flax harvest Is on In full swing In
the Salem section of the Willamette
valley, with 46 pulling machines at
worlrln th e 4500 acres devoted to the
crop. Estimates place (he yield at an
a v e ia g u of two toua to the acre, or a
total of 9000 tons, valued at approxi­
mately $260,000.
Vida Woman in Tow» Mm. York
Thompson of Vida waa In Springfield
for medical treatment Monday after­
Back From Tour—Mr and Mrs. C.
Jasper Man In Town -G eorge Frank
Camp Crssk Man In Town—John
E. 1-aKalle have returned to Hprlng-
of Jaeper waa a visitor In Springfield Fltigeruld, Camp Creek rancher, was
fleld after a two weaka trip to the
a business visitor In Springfield Wed­
various beaches on the Oregon coast
nesday morning.
Laaburg Woman H er.—Mrs. Haven
and to Portland.
Hill, Leaburg resident, wsa a business
Townsends Have Ron—A son was
Returns to Portland- Miss Christie
visitor In Springfield Saturday.
born Tuesday to Mr and Mrs. Alfred
' Anderson returned to Portland Sun-
Townsend at the Pacific Christian
' day ^venlng after spending the week­
Hers Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ hospital.
-end here vlaltlng at the home of b»r
bert Jakcwny of Wendllng were visit-
or» In Springfield Saturday,
parents, Mr and Mrs. A A. And- rson.
Visiting With Murphye—Miss Janet
Wllgrodt of Enterprise Is here at the
Kesters at Newport Mr. and Mrs.
Injured— C. Walsh,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy
Eugene Kester und Mrs. Clara Fawver
Lowell man , mployed at the J. P.
for a few days. Miss Wllgrodt was
spent Sunday on a trip to Newport.
Hull mill there, was quite badly hurt
Lucien Zachsrofr of New
a former school mate of Mrs. Murphy v
Saturday when he came In contact
York, who p lu s to go clear across
Charlea Thompson Here—('hurles
with the cut-off saw, cutting a deep
Has Tonsils Removed Miss Aggie the Country with her husband as
Thompson. Bond resident, spent the
gash In hla forearm He was brought
Smith, the daughter of -Mrs. Virgil
week-end In Kprlngfleld visiting at the
to Kprlngfleld and the Injury waa
Smith of Yoncalla, had her tonsils
— ______________
home of Mr and Mrs. W. I’. Tyson.
removed at the office of a local phy-
Reedsport Man Herr—C. H. West, treated at the office of a Ideal
In From Leaburg- Mrs Max Green «R ian Monday morning.
Reedsport business man, was a visitor physician.
of M-aburg was among the visitor. In
Bri<Jge Mefeh, nt H. r .- M r
Kprlngfleld from the up-river country ¡ W i l . 11,
,, „ n
Murphy, proprietors of a
H .re From Thurston— Miss Mar ♦
store at Bridge. Coo. county, spent garet Russel of Thurston was a bust ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Remodeling 8hop— W A. Hall Is re- Bunday In Kprlngfitld visiting with ness visiter in Springfield Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Platt and
modeling the Interior of hla shoe shop friend*-
Mr. and Mrs. George Platt
on Main street thia week. Mr. Hall la
Here From Myrtle Point—Mrs. D G
In From Waltervllle— P. P. Hoff- and sons, W illie and Melvin, attend­
arranging hla shop so that he will be
llrode of Myrtle Point la visiting In man. Waltervllle resident, was a ed the Platt’s family reunion at the
less crowded.
Kprlngfleld for a few daya at the business visitor In Kprlngfleld Mon- Benton-Lane park last Sunday.
To Enter Hospital—Robert Drury bome of her sister, Mrs. E. E. day.
Mr. and Mrs Dave Weaver and son.
left this week for San Francisco where Fredrick.
To Visit in Portland— Mra. Ivan Ray, who have been -visiting Mrs.
he will enter the Southern Pacific
Thurston Merchant Here—Mr. and Male left Wednesday for Portland Weaver's parents here for the post
hospital for a minor operation. He
Mrs. Frank Renney. proprietors of a where she will spend a few daya j two weeks, left for their home at
will be gone about two weeks.
general merchandise store at Thurs- visiting and shopping.
Crockett, California, last Sunday.
Farm Home Matron Hers— Mr». ton, were business visitors in Spring-
Clifford W eiver and Mrs. Mary Mc­
G o e s Burned— Dry Grass near
Ixlh a Webb, matron of the W. C. T. field Monday.
Lum s service station at the corner of Evoy from Salem spent the week-end
U. Children’s Farm Home near Cor­
Portland People in Town—Mr. and Main and Second streets was burned at A. W. Weaver's.
vallis. spent Tuesday In Springfield
visiting at the home o f Hr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clair Baker of Portland are Monday by Jess Smitson, local fire
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh spent last
visiting in Kpringfield for a few days chief.
W H. Pollard.
Sunday at Elmira with Mr and Mrs.
with Mr Baker’s parents, Mr. and
At Elite Hotel—C. H. Bargon of the Jim Maxwell.
Beall in Washington—D. J Beals, Mrs. J. W. Baker, and with other re-
Southern Pacific company, Frank Ma-
chairman of the local school board, latlves.
Irlneay of Bend. A. B. Maya of Ala Have you tried BETTER BREAD?—
left last week for Colfax, Washington,
Returns to Portland— Miss Florence kina- Clarence Parmenter of Wend-
New Home Bakery. 405 Mill Street.
where lie will spend three weeks visit­
ing at the home of his brother and
weeks visiting with friends in Spring H- West of Reedsport were registered EMBROIDERY WXJRK—Mrs Ora.»
aiding him In the wheat harvest.
Vaughn, 521 D St., Springfield. Ore.
field, returned to her home at Port last week-end at the Elite hotel.
A 15
Building New House—Dr. and Mrs. land Saturday. Miss Coffin is a for-
•■ p m M B a B H B a B n H
R P. Mortensen are having a new mer Springfield resident.
five room cottage built on their farm I „ .. . _
Medford People Here— Mrs. M. A
at Trent. William Vasby, local build­
Johnson and two sons of Medford,
er. Is doing the work. Dr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. A. J. Rlsley and daughter
Mortensen own a 100 acre tract at
of Forest Grove are visiting at the
942 Willamette St.. E ugene, Oregon.
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stacey
On Trip Through Cascades—Mr. this week.
Anolhera l0 per cent dividend will
be paid by the defunct Astoria Nation­
al bank some time this month, accord­
ing to announcement by John II Cole,
receiver. The dividend will amout to
approximately $100.000. and will bring
tho amount received by depoaltors to
45 per cent of deposits.
Pear picking In the Rogue river val­
ley will be started within two weeks,
according to County Agent L. P. Wil­
cox. Many pears are already 2%
Inches In diameter, and although no
tests have yet been made, Mr, Wilcox
says he believes they are near suffi­
cient ripeness for picking.
From the registration area In Ore­
gon. 14.036 births and 10.4HH deaths
were reported for 192S, according to
and Mrs. I. D. Larimer. Mrs. Maude
figures Just Issued by the department
Miss Wagner Here — Miss Clara
Bryan, and Miss Chrystal Bryan left
of commerce. The birth rate was
Wagner and her mother. Mrs. Charles
Sunday for a vacation In the Cas­
eight-tenths of 1 per cent lower and
Wagner of Corvallis, visited with
cades. The party will spend about
the death rate one-tenth of 1 per cent
friends In Springfield Wednesday.
two weeks In the mountains, visiting
higher In 1928 than In 1927.
Miss Wnifher is a member of the
at the various points of Interest.
faculty of the Springfield high school.
Postmaster Wagner of Ashland saya
that many cherry shipments have
Going to Taooma—Mrs. Janet Wtl !
I Visiting at Newport—Ben Skinner
been made through his office and that grodt of Enterprise, Oregon, who returned Sunday evening from New­
many of them went to far eastern spent the early ¡»art of the week Jn
port, where he and his family had
points. The five-pound fancy pack Kprlngfleld at the home of Mr. and
been visiting for several days. Mrs.
seemed to be the favorite, he aald, Mrs. Dallas Murphy, left Wednesday
Skinner and the children are still at
and reports have come back that they for Portland. After spending a few
the coast city, where they will re­
go through In excellent condition.
days there. Miss MHgrodt will go to * 1 main for about three weeks.
The Apple Growers' association has Tacoma to visit with relatives and !
, Back From Portland— Mr. and Mrs.
forwarded checks aggregating $300,- friends.
000 on the final distribution for the
G. II. Turner and their two nieces, the
Return to O hio-M r. and Mrs.. A M,Mpg , rcnp R(,
Newman of
1928 pear nnd apple crop. Thia will
bring the total of cash paid to grow­ Middleton, of Mansfield. Ohio, who Mevlford returned Thursday night
ers on the past season's tonnage to have been visiting with friends In from Portland where they spent the
$1.200.000. This Is exclusive of ad­ Springfield for the past several weeks l early part of last week on a buying
Mr. trip. •
vances made for harvesting expenses. left Monday for their home.
Middleton was formerly the proprie­
Hop growers from all sections of
tor of the drug store now owned by l Here From Kansaa— Mr. and Mrs.
western Oregon and Clark county,
John Ketels, and Is now owner of a N. H. Glle of Burr Oak. Kansas, and
Washington, met In Salem August 3
Lee Skellev. of North Branch. Kansas,
and organised a state-wide association. drug store In the Ohio town.
spent Sunday In Springfield visiting
The purpose of the association Is to
Return to Washington— Mr. and
the home of Mr. Glle's brother,
co-operate with the program outlined Mrs. M. A. Pohl and family of Ana- at
KPnn,.t}, Glle.
They left Monday
by the federal farm board and oppose cortes. Washington, who have been
legislation which la unfavorable to the visiting In Springfield with relatives morning for Medford to visit there
with Mr. Glle's parents.
for the past month, returned to their
A new record in number of loans home Monday.
Band Leader Here—C. J. S'mp'-on
Mr. Pohl Is a
made was established by the Oregon brother of Mra. M. B. Huntly of this returned to his home ut Ht.oc R .,er
State college student loan fund for city. Mrs. Pohl Is a sister of Mr%. R. Sunday after spending several days
the year ending July 1, according to P. Mortensen and a daughter of Mr. ,n Springfield at the home of Mr. and
the annual statement just Issued by and Mrs. A. J. Schnetsky.
Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mr. Simpson Is
the loan committee. From the gen­
the director of the Hood River Indian
University Woman Viaita - Miss ban(l whlch w..s
E,I(cene durlng ,„ p
eral fund alone 478 loans were made
Tra„ pageant last wee„
totaling $46,047, or an average of Naomi Hohman of Portland, a student
at the University of Oregon, spent
$96.33 a student.
Here From Canada — Miss Jean
Farmers on the Ochoco this year Sunday In Springfield visiting at the
expect to have the best crop of Uriinin home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Wright and Miss Bradfoot of Moose
alfalfa seed ever harvested, despite Miss Hohman was sitending a few Jaw. Saskatchewan. Canada, arrived
Springfield this week to spend the
the unusually short irrigation season. days visiting with friends and rela-
W. B. Tucker, Crook county agrlcul tlves In the Eugene and -Springfield remainder of the summer visiting at
! the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wright.
turlst, made known recently. The deep districts.
Miss Wright is a niece of Mr. and Mrs.
soil of the Ochoco bench land la prov­
Youth Breaks Shoulder—William Wi-lg-ht
ing excellent for alfalfa. An airplane
Mills of Pengra was quite badly hurt
Is being used to pollenlxe the alfalfa
Monday when he fell out of a hay I V. D. Kepner Here—V. D. Kepner
this season.
mow where he was at work. He suf-
Oakland, California, spent the |
Unless unfavorable weather occurs fered a broken shoulder and severe week-end In Springfield visiting at
within the next 90 days, farmers of body bhuises. He was knocked un- (he homes of his uncles, A. B. and E,
Oregon will receive approximately $9, conscious by the fall.* He was brought E. Kepner and with other relatives,
500,000 more for Ihelr crops than they
to Springfield and given treatment at He Is the traveling representative ot
received last year and about $24.000,-
the West Coast Reamer works of
the office of a local physician.
000 more than tho average return for
the last eight year, according to esti­
Visiting Here From Ashland—Mrs.
mates by R. H. Kipp, manager of the H. T. Mitchel of Ashland is spending
Small Fire Wednesday—The Spring,
agricultural riiarkettng department of the week In Springfield visiting at field fire department was railed Wed-
the Oregon state chamber of com- the home of her daughter and son-in- nesdny morning to extinguish a small
law. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy. hioze on the porch of the home of
E. R. Metzger, Roseburg, has taken Mr. Mitchell will arrive In Springfield I Mr. and Mrs. Kester on Eighth street
Only a small
over the rocking contract on the Wap- Saturday, and they will leave next between A and B.
Initia cutoff and 13 tons of powder week for Seattle where they will at­ amount of damage was done.
are being truckod through Sandy for tend the national conference of the |
At Springfield Hotel—Registered at
blasting rock from (ho project. A rock Christian church.
the Springfield hotel last week-end
quarry equipment fa being assembled
Former R e s id e n t Visiting— Rev. and
were M. Holup of Wendllng, Mr. and
near Waplnitla.
Mrs. Walter Bailey o f- Springfield.
A charter haa been Issued to the Massachusetts, are visiting <n Spring- Mrs. N. B. Swanson of Portland, Mr.
National Bank of Commerce at As­ field for a few days with friends and and Mra. C. C. Parks of Portland. Mr.
toria. It was announced by the United relatives. Rev. Bailey Is the pastor and Mrs. C. A. Walker of Wendllng,
States controller of currency. Thia of the Baptist churrh in the Massa­ R. M. Whlker of Gokhen, Clarence
la a conversion of the Bank of Com­ chusetts city. He waa a former re­ Chase of Wendllng, Bertha Logsdon
merce at Astoria. Tho capital of the sident of Kprlngfleld, having gradu- of Harrisburg, and Melvin M. Ford of
new bank Is $100,000.
ted from high school here. Mrs.
Bnlley Is the dnughter of Mrs. Mary
Platt of thia city.
Home Bakery, 406 Mill Street.
Men’s Shirts
In W h ite, Plain Colors,
and Fancy Pattern Broadcloths
We can’t say too much about our shirt
at $1.98. They are really exceptional.
which is so popular right now. plain
and an array of smart fancy patterns.
A fine Walnut Finish Rocker, with jacquard seat.
Regular $11.75, to sell at
See them in our show windows.
Attractive Junior Bridge Lamps
Buy a Refrigerator now when you need it.
Prices according to size:
$14.75, $17.75» $22.00 and $35.50
Wright & Sons