THURSDAY. AUOUBT 1, 192» OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events ol the Week Assembled tor Information of Our Readers. The North Morrow county fair I. to hold ut Irrigun ugain thia year. Hep- tombor U and 7. The state fair board, Hl s recent niootlim, employed lha Salem hand to furnish raualr during tho 1929 atata fair.^ An tone Burges, ns, of Spray, died at a hospital In Tha Halloa from In Juries suffered whan ha waa kicked by a horaa. Graveling contracta for two county roads In Finn »alloy will bo lot mb Boon mb grading la cnmplotc<|, County Judg. Charles E. Ilulrd recently announced. ( «nllnuod dry woathor, togeth.r With northwest winds, have bad a »ary dumuglng effect on i||c crops In tha Wallowa community tho paat few days. Tha forest servie. aviation Hold ad Joining Summit ranger atatlon near Swim la now In primo condition, and la caaa of fire a landing can bo made quickly. Turning backward tho history pagoa of tha western land tha Dragon coun­ try Eugene sieged a colorful celetya tlon and pagcuut In "Sunaat Trull.” which wua bald laat weak. Mrs Alice W. Porter has been ap­ pointed’ poatmluWeau at Long Creek, Grant county, Oregon, (he poatofflce department announced. She succeeds William K Wler, realgned. Mr and Mra. W W Heard of Fisher Spring», northwest of Haine», cele­ brated their both wedding auntveraury recently. They were married July 20, 1878. at Lebanon. Missouri. Huckleberries are beginning to ripen at Swltn und campera are already coming In for tha berry season. Mra. Boyd Hummers of Swim reporta the crop will ba the largeat In years. Although several head of cattle In scattered hards have been killed In the Fort Klamath district because of an attack of anthrax, the disease la not believed serious nor prevalent. Approximately (8000 will be spent In extending the Improved lighting system In Aabland on north Main, Granite street and Wlnburn Way. ac­ cording to a deulalon of the city coun­ cil. • "Overland to Oregon” la the title of the pageant to be presented at the Clackamas county fMlr at Canby Sep tember 17 and 19, two evenings of the fair to be devoted to the historical event. For the first time In aoveral de- «»den the Oregon State college will not maintain formal exhibits at the Oregon state fuir and the Pacific In­ ternational Livestock exposition thia falj. It la announced. Funeral aervlcea for Nicholas J. Sin- nott. late Justice of the L'nlted States court of claims at Wushfbglon, and ex representative In rongrwss from eastern Oregon, were held In The Halles Friday morning. The airplane demonstrated Its value In the commercial field In Salem re­ cently when C. C. Reynold», farmer of the Waldport district, flew to Sa­ lem, purchased a tractor and returned to hla borne all within a few hours. Over 100 miles of trail bave been built already this season by the forest service In the Mt. Hood forest reserve, two of the most Important ones being six miles from Swim to the limber line, and one mile on .Multorpor moun­ tain. Prineville Is at the present time concerned with the establishment of a first-class municipal air field. The business men of the city realise the importance of taking care of the In­ creasing air traffic which Is coming that way. • THE MARKETS Portland W h eat-B ig Rend bluestem, »l.SI; soft white, western white, $1.33; hard winter, northern spring and western red. $1.29. Hay—Alfalfa, »18018 60 per ton; valley timothy, new, $19@>19.6O; east­ ern Oregon timothy, $24026; clover, new, $15; oata, $16; oats and vetch, $16 Hui terfat—44 0 47c. Eggs—Ranch, 30036c. Cattle—Steers, good, »11.60012.60. Ilogs—Good to choice, $12013, Lambs—Good to choice, $10012. Seattle Wheat — Soft white and western whlte, $1.33; hard winter, western red and northern spring, $1.30; Big Bend hlnestem, $1.38. Eggs—Ranch. 24034c. Butterfat—47c. i Cattla^Cholce »teors, $10.50011.60. Hogs—Prime light, »13013,16. Lamba—Choice. $11012. Spokarfe Cattle— Steers, good. »11011 50. Hogs—Good end choice, $12.60, Lamb»—Choice, $10.60011. Del 0. Smith, Ro. rode to bis death In a runaway logging train recently whan an engine, tender and <0 log- laden cars rared down a steep grade 10 miles south of Head and piled up on a curve. Farmers using Irrigation along the Deschutes river and Its tributaries In central Oregon are alarmed over (he shortage of water at the present time, according to letters received by the state engineer. A grain fire starting on the Elmar Rower ranch six miles north of Dufur swept over 1000 acres of wheat and grass land before being brought under control. The firs extended to the John Wurd ranch, where 100 aerna of standing and sacked grain was de­ stroyed. The county road building crew, which bus been abu»y the past few weeks grading and surfacing a stretch of road running north from lamtlne to Intersect a market road along the north aide of the Wallowa valley, la said to be making good progress with the work. Raker's new 10 story community- owned hotel, erected at a cost of near­ ly $300,000, will be opened formally August 17. It was announced Work on (be structure brgan last rail and Is now nearing completion. The hotel contains Ho guest, rooms and elaborate meeting places. Flax harvest Is on In full swing In the Salem section of the Willamette valley, with 46 pulling machines at worlrln th e 4500 acres devoted to the crop. Estimates place (he yield at an a v e ia g u of two toua to the acre, or a total of 9000 tons, valued at approxi­ mately $260,000. Vida Woman in Tow» Mm. York Thompson of Vida waa In Springfield for medical treatment Monday after­ noon. TOWN AND VICINITY Back From Tour—Mr and Mrs. C. Jasper Man In Town -G eorge Frank Camp Crssk Man In Town—John E. 1-aKalle have returned to Hprlng- of Jaeper waa a visitor In Springfield Fltigeruld, Camp Creek rancher, was fleld after a two weaka trip to the Saturday, a business visitor In Springfield Wed­ various beaches on the Oregon coast nesday morning. Laaburg Woman H er.—Mrs. Haven and to Portland. Hill, Leaburg resident, wsa a business Townsends Have Ron—A son was Returns to Portland- Miss Christie visitor In Springfield Saturday. born Tuesday to Mr and Mrs. Alfred ' Anderson returned to Portland Sun- Townsend at the Pacific Christian ' day ^venlng after spending the week­ Hers Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ hospital. -end here vlaltlng at the home of b»r bert Jakcwny of Wendllng were visit- or» In Springfield Saturday, parents, Mr and Mrs. A A. And- rson. Visiting With Murphye—Miss Janet Wllgrodt of Enterprise Is here at the Kesters at Newport Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Man Injured— C. Walsh, home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy Eugene Kester und Mrs. Clara Fawver Lowell man , mployed at the J. P. for a few days. Miss Wllgrodt was spent Sunday on a trip to Newport. Hull mill there, was quite badly hurt Lucien Zachsrofr of New a former school mate of Mrs. Murphy v Saturday when he came In contact York, who p lu s to go clear across Charlea Thompson Here—('hurles with the cut-off saw, cutting a deep Has Tonsils Removed Miss Aggie the Country with her husband as Thompson. Bond resident, spent the “hUfh « gash In hla forearm He was brought Smith, the daughter of -Mrs. Virgil week-end In Kprlngfleld visiting at the to Kprlngfleld and the Injury waa Smith of Yoncalla, had her tonsils _____ — ______________ ___ home of Mr and Mrs. W. I’. Tyson. removed at the office of a local phy- Reedsport Man Herr—C. H. West, treated at the office of a Ideal In From Leaburg- Mrs Max Green «R ian Monday morning. Reedsport business man, was a visitor physician. of M-aburg was among the visitor. In Bri