The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 25, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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was alive, but my throat choked
I have to go home."
"How? '
Som ething In my face must have
"I don’t know, lint you must think shown, however, because Mr». Hem
up some way."
m lngway looked at me and exclaim ed
Another excursion into the Cas­
"Nonsense," I exclaim ed. "It can't In dism ay:
cades Is announced by the Southern
lie done tonight.
T here’s no train
"Did you bear what I said. Tom?"
Pacific company for Sunday. July 28.
until morning
You can tell your
"Well, part of It," I admitted.
special train will leave Eugene at
husband and explain It to him."
"You m ustn’t think I m eant It."
"Oh, Is there a telephone?”
Sunday morning for Odell
She tried h astily to repair the harm
terrifying thumping which could he
•’Sure. There rnitat be,” said Jim she had done.
Lake, located almost on the very
heard above the explosion of the Cooper. "You talk to John and tell ;
"I sim ply had to make John think summit of the mountains. The ex­
him It's all for the best."
It was all right."
cursion Is being sponsored by the
“Cut her off!" I yelled.
"I'll try." Mrs Hem m lngway said i
A loud “W hoa!" outside distracted summer school of the University of
When Grandmother Page had sub­ cheerfully.
our attention from the conversational
sided Jim Cooper asked solicitou sly;
The telephone was con ven ien tly j
Oregon and the Eugene Obsidian
tangle Into which we had fallen
"W hat's the matter?"
located In the living room so that j
club. Marlon McClain, West Sprtng-
"DMn't you hear the racket she all private conversations were dl« ' “The sheriff!" exclaim ed Colonel , field man and manager of the Uni­
Stew art, going to the door.
whs making?" I asked sarcastically.
tlnctly audible to any one In the !
A fur-wrapped figure came In, versity Co-op at Eugene, will act as
"I didn't hear nnythlng special." building
the conductor for the trip.
sheddlnig »now.
Jim observed, which remark put him
After considerable delay In getting
Special attractions at the lake
by unanim ous vote Into the I-oyal a long distance connection. Mrs. Hem
will Include fishing, boating and
Order o f H enw hethers
I’llk hod no­ m lngway managed to get the ear of
Riding horses will be
The sheriff unwrapped a muffler dancing.
thing on him for saying the wrong her husband, who fortunately had not
available for those who desire them.
left the office
Round trip tickets to the lake will
In silent exasperation I lifted the i "Is thst you. John?” »he asked In fore he responded
sell for J1.75 and may be obtained
hood and with tin* aid of the Inntern j the telephone
at the local Southern Pacific depot.
exam ined Grandmother's gizzard
Apparently It was.
Carl Olson urge» those who are In­
One look was enough
I closed the
''Well, llstter. John dear. I can’t
tending to go purchase their ticket»
hood once more and stood silent, com- get home tonight
I'm going to stay
Perkins at W aldport—George Per­ early so that plenty of room will be
mnunlng with nature.
nil night at the lid Soldier's Hom e.”
kins, local contractor, spent Sunday
S o m e th in g In my manner must have
The rest of us tried to talk about on a trip to W aldport. Oregon.
penetrated Jim Cooper's conscious som ething else so a» not to appear to
he listening, hut we couldn't help It.
"Is anything the matter." he asked ind a sudden silence fell at her next
"There 1» The pump froze while remark
we were hunting for the escap ed con­
“Yes, of course Tom Bllbeck 1» here
victs, and a« soon as I started the . It's all for the best."
engine she stripped her gear
T he receiver hummed for a mo­
won't run again until I get som e new ment. Even we knew that he had
parts from the factory "
raised his voire.
I turned out the lights and started
"Silly; of course I'd come home If
for the Home
Jim Cooper followed
I could
Hut Tom broke his auto.”
H alfw ay to the home he said
"No, no
he didn't break it on
brightly: "It's all for the best. Tom
Think how glad the autom obile repair
man will be."
•‘L isten, dear, you must not say such
When we entered the ladles stood
things over the telephone. Some one
up ready to go
I "J didn't hear you come," »aid m ight be listening B esid es, you are
Muryulla. "The car Is awfully quiet entirely m istaken. How eould I fall In
love with a man like Tom Bllbuck?"
tonight, Isn't It?”
- By -
Frank R. Adams
lie said
"I don't mind a bit. I'm
Turn Itlllwi k I n tbu uurrutor. Hu I n u glad Io slay hero overnight, where It's
fat uuwNiHtpur wr.lur who drlvus u warm
I'm kind of worried over
tumliludowu car he «alls Oruudmotlmr
I’agu Hu I n In loro with M»ry«lls. hl» Julius, though, out there In the snow
rival bulna Jliu Coopur. Thu tliruu aru I wish you'd got him, too. He's deli­
nw<mb«rs of an aruatuur drnniallc club cate, and I'm afraid he'll catch cold
Pluns for a pluy ut thu Old Holdlur»'
"W ell, I’m going hom e.” I said, by
IIout u aru under wuy Grandmotner
I'ugu baa angina trouble while Mary way of farew ell, "llut before I go Is
ulla la out drlvlua with Ullbuck. and there anything I can do for you?”
Coopor In hla big roadntnr, luk«s Mary ! "Not unless you're going Io tell me
ulla home. After Muryulla haa loft I
what ynu are wearing those white
Illlhm k I n able to aturt hla car again j
IMd som ebody ateal
Thu unintuur pluyora aru to give things for.
Pygnutllou and (lulateu In their v«r your—”
ulon llllbnck la to act ua thu atatuu, : "No they didn't." I snapped, turn
and Muryullu guts puuvod when ahe
discovers that Bllbuck la bowluggud Ing away.
M t » Hemingway later flnttura 1*11 i "Ain't you going to tell me?"
buck anil talk» to him about the play.
Bllbuck aula loir hand, only to Unit a
I rejoined the rest of our group
rough hand graaplng hliu by the around the fire
Nhouldnr and lifting him out of hla
"I'm going out and start the car," I
M r H em m lngway. huahimd of one notified them , "and back up to the
nf the mumbura, thinks Bllbuck la In gate once more
When you hear me
love with hla wire
During the urgu outside you can come out "
meat the two men receive notice thill
"Ini me com« with you." Jim Cooper
there la a Jail «»rape at the penlauntl
Thia nncapu keep» IIIII hk k busy offered.
at hia new spaper work, an that he
I would Just s s sooon have gone
geta uwuy from the ilramutlc club alone, but there seem ed no way of
llut Muryulla auintnon» him and atarta
lulling the »lory of "Dollyunna" who decllngtng hl» assista n ce so we trailed
tiellevea abut everything happen» out In the snow together w'th an
turn» out for the beat.
oil lantern flickering unsteadily In
The player» arrive nt the Did Hoi
d lera' Home, being greeted royally and
It was only a few hundnul yard»
m eeting I’llk Hunwiuihur and other»
T he play at the Old .Soldier»' H om e to where the autom obile waa stand
I* Interrupted because of a fire, Ihe Ing. l i n t the wind, which was In
player» and veteran» escaping
creasing, threw the »now Into our
H iding away from thi scunu of thu
»It fated play In their custom«» and face» In stin gin g b lasts that made
overcoats. they are held up by e s ­ walking difficult and conversation
caped con victs. one of whom 1» cap- practically Impoaalblu
lared by Bllbuck after a »truggle
Thu light» of the car were still
b ra v e ly hurling wedge» of lllumln»
tlon Into the black end white night
Mu obuyud muekly unough
’ The »eats ware covered with snow.
"Will you anawur onu question?" hu I So was the windshield; around each
a»k»d dufuruntlally.
' wheel was a little heap
“ Yon can get Inside If yo u w ill. "
•Are yoa a ghoat?*'
1 told Cooper, “and advance the »park
! as noon as I get an explosion.”
'Then what aru you?”
R. F. D.
Special $4-00 Price
“It Is." I assented glum ly, "and will 1 There was absolute silence In the
room, also on the part of Mrs. Hem
he for »everal days to come.
W hen I bed explained what bad , mlngway.
happened a cry of dism ay escaped
the tips of Mrs Hem m lngw ay
“1 promise-1 John I would come
right home as soon as the perform ­
ance was over, and he will be terribly
anxious." she walled.
•‘I wish I had gone home In the
funeral bua." bemoaned Mrs. L lllelove
"I wish you had." I echoed feel­
"It's probably all for the best."
chirped Jim Cooper like a parrot.
(O rnithologist's note: Parrots do
not chirp I
"W here do you find a ray of com ­
fort In this." I demanded
"That's easy." Jim explained. "For
one thing I am glad that It wasn't niv
l*ar. For another It will give u« a
chance to spend the night In an old
Soldier'» Hom«, which 1» som ething
m ost people who aren't veteran» can't
"S p e n d th e n ig h t h ere'" Mrs Hem-
m in g w n i e x c la im e d In dism ay.
li e did as I directed
I primed the
motor thoroughly. I had no partlcu-
• lar reason to suppose thst the engine
would start new when It had refused
He waa obviously disappointed.
' to do NO half an hour before, except
• W h a t are you going to do with
that from long experience I had great
» »?"
faith In the perversity o f Inanimate
"Turn you over to the sheriff, I
subject», esp ecially Internal combu»
tlon en gin es Grandmother Page had
The sound of Hie »hot has aroused
throw« «’• down In an em ergency,
atty al the Old Soldier»' llo h e. hut now that the Immediate danger
and now half a doken of (lie moat 1 was over I had no doubt that »he
nuurly com plete of the Inm ates led would »tnrt up cheerfully There 1»
by Colonel Stew art cam e down the som athlng
unm lstukably fem inine
roa d In m ilitary order
They were about a gasolin e engine.
anned with rifles with hnvoneta fixed
"All ready." I »aid a» I gave the
1 learned afterward» thin the wen
'crunk a »harp pull upward
pons w ere S p n n l b \m e r lc .m • W a r
I noticed that It pulled rather hard
trophic» which were not loaded and
but I bent an extra effort mid yanked
bad not been fired for sixteen years
We told the Colonel what had It over com pression.
"Hang'" responded
1 .ippened and he sent one of the old
Page en th u siastically
nu n hack to the Home with the ladle»
The first explosion was follow ed bv
with Instruction» to telephone • the
a hideous clashing sound and then a
The real of us went after
the other «escaped prisoner.
r W W ir i
He hail broken away from the
road and gone Into a pati h of woods
that ley alongside. a» we could caally
tell bv III» fresh track» In Ihe »now.
It seem ed as If It w as going Io lie a
I am installing new m achinery in niv plant at 4th and
i ,-niparatlvely sim ple m ailer Io trail
C stre e ts and will continue to serve th e public as I have
done in th e past.
We changed our mind», how ever,
May I have your continued p a tro n a g e In all kinds of
w hen the track» led out of the com
first class Wood Work.
paratlve quiet of Ihe lim ber land to
a meadow
Mure they* ceased abrupt­
ly, There waa enough wind blowing
so that the »now was kept clear In
som e places and drifted In others. He
had evidently avoided the drifts.
We had only one lantern or wu
could have searched to better ad­
van tage and by spreading out might
have picked up the footprints without
much delay. As It w as we worked
»low ly and Ineffectively.
A com plete circle of the field gave
us no more clue. The snow was fall
Ing more rapidly now and even our
own tracks were filled In very soon
after we had made them . I waa an x­
The W est’s greatest pageant
ious to get started, too. while the
roads w ere not badly drifted.
A merica’s most unique paraae
"t think w e've done all wo can to-
A ll-N orthivcst r ir derby
nJrhf, 1 suggested to Colonel Stew-
art. "That fellow Is going to have a
Industrial Oregon in review
hard tim e traveling very far In thia
utorm and probably bo'll lay low
The greatest pioneer celebration
som ew here until It lets up. The
ever held in Oregon will arouse a
new admiration for the brave deeds
sh eriff can organlv-c a big posse and
of those who settled this great area.
pick him up nfter daylight ”
Tim pioneer pageaut. with a cast
The Colonel agreed, li e was anx­
of 1500 people will t h r i l l you as
ious to g et hla men tinder cover.
nothing ever has before. The pio­
"I only
<l jeu tlon .”
answ er
"Tea. he has a funny face.
course I laugh at him and all that,
but— W hat's that?
You're com ing
here? Oh' Is there a train yet com ­
ing this way? Good! That will be lots
of fun. Then we can go home to­
gether In the morning. I am so glad.
Good-by, d ear!”
Wright & Sons
Mrs. H em m lngway hung up the re­
ceiver and turned hack to our frantic,
ally silent company. 1 wished that I
eould »ay som ething to show that I
dow n
H. E. PITTS’ Cabinet Shop
All Eugene Invites You
JULY, 25, 26, 27
We took our prisoner hack to the
Home. There we found the lady
Greeks sitting around disconsolate
with their wraps on nmld a group of
negligee hut wide nwake old soldiers
having the time of their lives over
the extra attraction of a thief hunt.
There were no handcuff» In the In­
stitution, naturally, ao we bound our
prisoner to s chair pending the ar­
rival of the aherlff. lie looked dla-
conosolate enough. I was suddenly
sorry for him. Poor fellow, all hu
had done was to make a break for
liberty. It was only because we were
nil against him that hp was against
••Hard luck, old chsp,” I said to him
He looked up at me. "It’s all right.”
neer parade will be the most uni­
que and novel event ever held In
America. Every phase of Oregon
business and industry will be In
the Industrial p a r a d e . The air
derby will be the outstanding aero-
natlcal event of the year In the
Send In reservations for the Sun­
set Trail Pageant to Sunset Trail
headquarters, 948 Oak St., Eugene.
Seats on sate from 75« to $2.00.
free yourself
from your kitchen
Don’t let this opportunity pass. This
modern Hot point automatic electric range
will save your time for years to come, Its
automatic cooking frees you from the
kitchen, yet meals are even more delici­
ous. In a dozen ways this Hotpoint is
better, faster, more economical and
more convenient, and it is so
easy to own if you buy during
this special offer.
Westinghouse, too
If you prefer a Westinghouse
' electric range, we extend to you
these same remarkable terms.
Duding this safe only
During this sale only we include a
Corona Electric Portable Cooker. This
remarkable little cooker is actually a
portable oven, fireless cooker and an
added plate combined. It cooks with a
slow heat—it browns food—something
that a cooker of this type has
never done. It retains heat for
over six hours—you take it with
you on your picnics. Come in
today and take advantage of
this July bargain.
T h e Corona E le c tric P o rta b le C ooker
P la n now to join a ll Oregon
at Eugene
K Progressive Celebration in True Pioneer Spirit
Mountain States Power Company