i PAGE TITRES T H E SPRIN G FIELD NEWS THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1929 was alive, but my throat choked I have to go home." EXCURSION TO ODELL "How? ' Som ething In my face must have LAKE TO BE SPONSORED "I don’t know, lint you must think shown, however, because Mr». Hem up some way." m lngway looked at me and exclaim ed Another excursion into the Cas­ "Nonsense," I exclaim ed. "It can't In dism ay: cades Is announced by the Southern lie done tonight. T here’s no train "Did you bear what I said. Tom?" Pacific company for Sunday. July 28. until morning You can tell your "Well, part of It," I admitted. A special train will leave Eugene at husband and explain It to him." "You m ustn’t think I m eant It." "Oh, Is there a telephone?” 7 o'clock Sunday morning for Odell She tried h astily to repair the harm terrifying thumping which could he •’Sure. There rnitat be,” said Jim she had done. Lake, located almost on the very heard above the explosion of the Cooper. "You talk to John and tell ; "I sim ply had to make John think summit of the mountains. The ex­ motor. him It's all for the best." It was all right." cursion Is being sponsored by the “Cut her off!" I yelled. "I'll try." Mrs Hem m lngway said i A loud “W hoa!" outside distracted summer school of the University of When Grandmother Page had sub­ cheerfully. our attention from the conversational sided Jim Cooper asked solicitou sly; The telephone was con ven ien tly j Oregon and the Eugene Obsidian tangle Into which we had fallen "W hat's the matter?" located In the living room so that j club. Marlon McClain, West Sprtng- "DMn't you hear the racket she all private conversations were dl« ' “The sheriff!" exclaim ed Colonel , field man and manager of the Uni­ Stew art, going to the door. whs making?" I asked sarcastically. tlnctly audible to any one In the ! A fur-wrapped figure came In, versity Co-op at Eugene, will act as "I didn't hear nnythlng special." building the conductor for the trip. sheddlnig »now. Jim observed, which remark put him After considerable delay In getting Special attractions at the lake "Evening. sheriff." the colonel by unanim ous vote Into the I-oyal a long distance connection. Mrs. Hem will Include fishing, boating and greeted. Order o f H enw hethers I’llk hod no­ m lngway managed to get the ear of Riding horses will be The sheriff unwrapped a muffler dancing. thing on him for saying the wrong her husband, who fortunately had not available for those who desire them. which had been over his mouth be­ thing left the office Round trip tickets to the lake will In silent exasperation I lifted the i "Is thst you. John?” »he asked In fore he responded sell for J1.75 and may be obtained "Evening. C olonel.” hood and with tin* aid of the Inntern j the telephone at the local Southern Pacific depot. exam ined Grandmother's gizzard TO BE CONTINUED Apparently It was. Carl Olson urge» those who are In­ One look was enough I closed the ''Well, llstter. John dear. I can’t tending to go purchase their ticket» hood once more and stood silent, com- get home tonight I'm going to stay Perkins at W aldport—George Per­ early so that plenty of room will be mnunlng with nature. nil night at the lid Soldier's Hom e.” kins, local contractor, spent Sunday provided. S o m e th in g In my manner must have The rest of us tried to talk about on a trip to W aldport. Oregon. penetrated Jim Cooper's conscious som ething else so a» not to appear to neas. he listening, hut we couldn't help It. "Is anything the matter." he asked ind a sudden silence fell at her next "There 1» The pump froze while remark we were hunting for the escap ed con­ “Yes, of course Tom Bllbeck 1» here victs, and a« soon as I started the . It's all for the best." engine she stripped her gear She T he receiver hummed for a mo­ won't run again until I get som e new ment. Even we knew that he had parts from the factory " raised his voire. I turned out the lights and started "Silly; of course I'd come home If for the Home Jim Cooper followed I could Hut Tom broke his auto.” silently. H alfw ay to the home he said NEW STYLES APPROVED BY THE "No, no he didn't break it on brightly: "It's all for the best. Tom purpose." POSTMASTER GENERAL Think how glad the autom obile repair man will be." •‘L isten, dear, you must not say such When we entered the ladles stood things over the telephone. Some one up ready to go I "J didn't hear you come," »aid m ight be listening B esid es, you are Muryulla. "The car Is awfully quiet entirely m istaken. How eould I fall In love with a man like Tom Bllbuck?" tonight, Isn't It?” Impossible. Bells - By - Frank R. Adams lie said "I don't mind a bit. I'm WHAT HAPPENED HU FAR Turn Itlllwi k I n tbu uurrutor. Hu I n u glad Io slay hero overnight, where It's fat uuwNiHtpur wr.lur who drlvus u warm I'm kind of worried over tumliludowu car he «alls Oruudmotlmr I’agu Hu I n In loro with M»ry«lls. hl» Julius, though, out there In the snow rival bulna Jliu Coopur. Thu tliruu aru I wish you'd got him, too. He's deli­ nw