The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 25, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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T h u r s to n
M sn
G e o rg «
P la tt,
Thurston ranchar, win» u bualncsN
visitor In S|n Ingflald Monday.
C h a rle s
Here From W altervlll' •
II nr Wölb' * III' . vi 'III i| In S p rin g
i I'l Monday aftcrtl'MIll.
Mi -,
M r«. W ’ u b b tirn III
u a h b u rn t. I» re m u I ■ 'I III
.m«* im Socon ' »• r* ' *
M r«
Nye In
(' uni 1 ' i • k w i
ft. 1.1 M' d a y ,
M i
Chaster Nye nf
tailor 111 Spring
A» Springfield Hotel Tell Ashley,
P r il lim i and lien Johnaon of ('amp
4P near W e n d lin g , were registered at
Ilie Pprlllgfleld hotel lual week end
Sacramento Men H e re
E F"r
guarnì and W II S tu n n er nf Hitcru-
menin urn registered at the Elite
lude! liila week
At Larson Home
Mr and Mra i
Howard Freeland of Eugen» . visiti d
S u n d a y a t H i e boni** of Mr and Mra
L a rs o n
U n d e rg o e s
O p e ra tio n
S a n d g s rtb R e p o rte d III Hugh S ind o f Mohuwk, underw nta major opera
y . r l l i la reported In In a•rluiKlv III lion at ilie Pacifie Christian huspttal
I;' III«’ I’m Iflo I 'lir ln t lu ll llo a p ltlll III
Eugene. follow ing an “ I" • cllo n there
la«t Tuesday afternoon.
Weather Reports Now Phoned to Planes
Clans for a pageant com m em orating
the work and the lives of the pio­
neers of this section of the country
1 were outlined before the regular
m eeting of the I^ n e Connty cham ber
1 of com m erce held at Springfield last
Thursday evening by Hugh R osson,
professor o f law In the U niversity o f
would be held at Eugene within th -
! next few months.
The chamber w ent on r e c o r ’ as
favoring a tariff on lumber and
' pol/ited a com m ittee to so memor aL
] ize congress
Mr Bartell, proprietor of the Far-
tell hotel at Cottage Grove oilt-llned
I the plans of the state cham ber of
com m erce to spend $40.000 In adver­
tisin g the attractions of Oregon
I throughout the country during the
com ing sum mer
The Oregon cham ­
ber will open Information bureaus for
tourists In Denver. Y ellow stone Park,
and Ixis A ngeles.
$25 000 o f the
needed sum w ill he raised In Port­
land, and $15,000 throughout the re­
mainder o f the state.
Will- - rtMMrU"""""'
. ...
A t E lite Hotel
P W Porn, of
Visit* at Roeeburg
V ancouter. '.Vaahlngten. Mr and Mra
The United States Department of Commerce is in readiness to operate the first radio tele­
«pent Sunday I» Host-bur,r visitin g at
G e o r g « - jo i e s , o f Oregon City and S
phony station on the Pacific Coast. This station w ill report hourly, by phone, the weather
llin h o m e n f her purenls, Mr. and Mrw
iS S en tili», of Portland, 'r e register­
conditions to planes in flight. A new Chevrolet Six, with N. W . Bliss, the manager of the
C II. I.Ueo.
ed ai III' Elite lintel thia week
station, and Lt. Franklin Rose, is shown in the foreground.
Dowson Better
W illiam Ibiwson,
Marcola Man at Hospital
wlm llM 1»
confined 1° ’he Pacific
Nye In Town Ed Nye of Camp
("hrlatlan li»»l»ltul at Eugene f o r se Spicer of Marmla la confined In the
Creek was a visitor In Springfield
v n ru l i I.’ i v h . la re p o rte d In l>«‘ Improv
where he was taken Friday for ni'-tll W edneatday morning.
I i i k nicely.
J. Flippin, secreta ray o f the
I al I rent meut.
Thureton Woman In Mra John
chamber and also of the Eu-
C a rs o n Ooe« F is h in g G e o rg e C a r
T he design for the
Edmlnaton of Thuralon waa a busi­
gene chamber, reported on the rail­
W a s h in g to n P eo p le H e r e
M r . and
son. local servlc« station proprietor,
n ess visitor In town W ednesday.
w ay rate hearing at Medford, which
spent Monday on a fishing trip up Mra C F Brown, the publlahera of n
the roof of one of the sheds of the
e attended recently. H e predicted
newspaper al Stanwood. W ashington,
Ilie M cKenzie.
Booth-Kelly mill, has been received
W altervllle Man In— Charles S yl­
a reduction of rates betw een In te r-
visited In Sprllngfl'-ld for a short lim e vester. W altervllle rancher, waa a
| from the Guggenheim foundation for
V is itin g W it h H u n tly o
W illia m ( ' Monday
points on the S o uthern
Mr and Mra Brawn were b usiness vlsl'or In S; rlngfteld on
the promotion of Aviation, It was an- m ediate
A Pohl of Astoria. la vlaltlng In returning from a trip to California.
, nounced by F. B. Hamlin president of
W ednesday.
Springfield at tile house of Ilia dough
Mayor George K now les of Cottage
j the Chamber o f Commerce. As soon
te r. M ra M B lliin ily .
v is it a t N e w p o r t
Harry Chase and
Vida Folks V isit— Mr and Mrs. B.
| as the approval of Major G. H. Ecker- Grove, chairman of a special com ­
family spent the week end visiting at F. Mlnney and Mr. and Mrs. J. F
Ron is obtained as to the style of the m ittee to outline the activities of the
Hal««ya Movt Mr and Mrs John
Newport at the home of Mr. and Mra Mlnney of Vida spent Tuesday In
letters and the exact location of the chamber for the year, reported on
H alsey have moved from the Brown
A. i l . Pengra. Mra. Chase remained Springfield on business.
sign, the work w ill be begun by A E. the road situation In I>ane County,
field properly on O street between j
The m em bers voted to support the
fiovenlh and Eighth Io a house on E
» w p w t where she will visit for
Wood, local painter.
Kennett at Roseburg—G N. Kennett
early com pletion of the roads to
etrest bctwcfiii Ninth mid Tenth.
11 ' *f
T he sign w ill con sist of the word
spent Saturday In Roseburg conduct­
Dolores Lee Dudley, g irl evangrlist
F lorence and Oakridge.
Cut» A r m —J . W Fountain. W aller
Undergo«« Operation — Mrs Roy ing a clearance sale for the Maraks
from Ohio, at 15 believes the world
T he ladles of the Christian church
high. An arrow marked "N” and point­
is becoming as sinful as in the days
vllle resident, cut his arm quite se- Pugh of Springfield, entered the Pact bury com pany there.
served a dinner to the delegates who
verely with a knife Monday Several He Christian hospital at Eugene Sun-
sign, and another arrow pointing in attended the m eeting
T he n ext
stltrh es were taken to close the day and underwent a major operation
Kafoury at Salem — Allen Kafoury
an easterly direction and marked “1 m onthly m eetin g of the association
Is «lan d in g this week visitin g with
wound at the office of a local there Monday
Lowell Men In Town—John and Mile" w ill Indicate the new Springfield . w ill be held at C ottage Grove May Id.
ported to be getting along quite well
relatives at Salem . H e went to the Joah Cane of W altervllle visited for
airport w hich w ill be com pleted soon. |
capital city Sunday and w ill return
a while In Springfield Monday.
Linotype Man Leave«
W rights to Portland— Mr and Mrs to Springfield Friday.
The letterin g of the sign will be !
P la y e d at C o n v e n tio n - Miss Wlnl
Mrs. Emery Back— Mrs. N. W. Emery' Painted chrom e yellow , which Is super
fren Tyson returned Sunday evening » . C. Wright and Harry W right re
Here From Medford— Dole Flowers returned
Portland, lor In visib ility to w hite at a distance. I E. E. Pyne, who has been employe«.
from Salem , where she played the turned to Springfield Monday from
The cham ber of com m erce which ;« as a linotype operator on the Spring-
piano at the annual dlatrlct conven P . r i i nd where they visited over the ' o f Medford, spent the week-end here where sh - spent the week-end with
tlon of the ('hrlatlan Enilittvor held week-end v Ith Mr and Mrs W right's with his wife, who has been visitin g her sisters, t he M isses Emma and financing the cost of the sign, is co- , field N ew s for th e past th ree yearn,
operating with the Guggenheim Foun- left Sunday with Mrs Pyne for SIL
daughters, Mrs Elder and Mrs Price her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Abbie M assee.
In the capital city last week end
datjon for the Promotion of Aviation verton, where he has accepted a
Radabaught Here — Mr. and Mra
V isitors W ednesday—Mr and Mrs in Installing the guide here.
The position on the Silverton Appeal. H.
Lunch Room Nearaly Done — The
J. M. Harris, A. W. Fraxee. and his foundation is endeavoring to Lave 8. Taylor, of Portland, has arrived In
work on the new lunch room which G lenn Iladal augh of Roseburg, vlsletd
Ill W ith A p p e n d ic iti*— L eo n ard H u f
Mr ford, Springfield boy. wns taken sud- daughter Mrs. Thomas B illings, all estab lish ed a guide to aviators In Springfield and taken the position
George Caraon Is Installing at his Sprlnr.fl Id for a while Sunday
w Rh
a p p,,n(j lc|tl8
w h)Ie of W altervllle, wear business visitors every town of any size In the countrv. form erly held by Pyne.
service station at the corner of Se. H idabii'tgh was form erly a reporter den ,y
venth and Main streets. Is progressing for the »p iln g fleld N ew s, and Is now a ,.ron, panytng h|„ fathor. L. A. Huf- In Sprlngfielo W ednesday morning.
mployed by the Roseburg N ew s fond, on a b u slress trip to Coquille
rapidly. T he new building will be
P. T . A. M eets T o m o rro w
.' I« w.
last week end and waa operated on
opened about May 1.
The Springfield 1*. T. A. will m eet
for appendicitis at a hospital there on
Rpturday morning
Mr. Hufford left tom orrow at 3 o'clock at the Lincoln
Monday for Coquille to be with him. school for Its regular session A candy
sale for the benefit of the May Fete
T he boy la gettin g along quite well.
to be held here May 10 will be held
at the time. As a special feature of
Auxiliary to Meet Tomorrow—The
the evening, the room of the two
American Legion Auxlllaray will hold
schools wh'ch has the largest number
Its rpgular m eeting Friday night In
of parents or adult gu ests to its cre­
, the Chamber of Commerce rooms
dit will he awarded a prize of a potted
Mrs M It Ituntly, the president, asks
that nil mem bers of either the Auxil­ p la n t b y the P . T . A.
In te rn a tio n a l Sunday School Leaaon fo r A p ril 28
iary or of the Legion who have tickets
FOR SALE—Organ in excellent con­
or money from the benefit dinner
dition. Price $25.00.
See at 267
Is a ia h S3:1-12
held last Friday turn them In at once
W set 12th Ave , Eugene, Oregon.
Rev. Sam uel D. P rice. O.D.
I (o her.
Fulfillm ent of prophecy Is one of the stro n g e st evidences of
th e a u th e n tic ity of S cripture. T he fact th at exact s ta te m e n ts of
fu tu re events could he m ade hundreds of years in advance, and
late r developm ents would be In perfect accord, a rg u e s m ightily
for th e inspiration that lyelievers in th e W ord claim for it. in no
in sta n c e is the problem of fulfillm ent m ade any g re a te r th an in
th is lesson study, in which th ese varied M essianic s ta te m e n ts
a re mad«*.
Much discussion lias centered about th e im plications in rh e
S ervant of Jeh o v ah ." which them e is found in repeated portions
of Isaiah, such as 41:8-20; 42:1-7; 18-25; 43:5-10; 49:1-9: 50:4-10;
52:13-; 52:12. Many claim th at tin* "S uffering S e rv a n t” refers
only to tin* Jew ish nation. T h e conservative in te rp re ta tio n is
th a t, while it lias a direct im plication to tin* Chosen People, it
re fe rs prlm araily to the prom ised Messiah and is a glorious des-
scription of Je su s Christ in His divine office work. T h e re are
m any o th e r prophecies concerning Him in tin* Old T estam en t.
C om pare the record of th is Life as recorded in tin* Gospels and
note how each each prediction w as perform ed, and then* will he
both added and intense reverence for th e Holy Bible. Bead this
p a rtic u la r lesson at least th re e tim es.
todays prices
for value
A w onderful P erson is being portrayed. M ultitudes still fail
to believe th e m essage and lienee lose m uch in (heir lives. He is
referred to as a m an, and so is His F a th e r Jehovah. We continue
to objectify a spirit In term s of hum an form , such as “ tin* arm
of th e L ord.”
C o n stan tly th ro u g h th e years o i His public m inistry "H e was
despised and rejected." Na an e can even know (lie e x te n t of Ilis
sorrow s. He wns m ore sensitive th an any o th e r in all the histo ry
of th e world. We know of ills agony and bloody sw eat in the
G arden of G ethseinane. Only th e angels could appreciate His
w orth ns they looked on in pity.
Ills physical sufferings and h e a rt ach es wen* only incidents
com pared w ith th e m ediatorial work He was perfecting. His
a c ts were vicarious, as lie took the law place of th e sin n ers of the
world. His bruises of heart as well as of body, to g e th e r w ith th e
chastisem ent, of th e Pilate com m anded stripes, w ere for our
M an’s indifference to such love is w orse th an p athetic. T he
pictu re is of sheep purposely going a s tra y while the shepherd Is
ten d erly calling them to safety and fullest provision.
T h ro u g h o u t His earth ly life lie was silent u n d er every form
of ab u se and oppression. Pilate w as am azed a t His q u iet de­
m eanor. O thers under sim ilar circu m stan ces of injustice would
rail at. th e ir accusers. T he lovers of th is M essiah rejoice th a t,
a fte r He had been crucifld betw een tw o thieves, then* was a
royal-like tom b for th a t body th rough the g raeio u sn ess of Joseph
of A rlm athea. T his One su g g ests to all of us th a t grent souls do
n o t peddle personal m iseries. Archbishop T ren ch , speaking of
o u r debt of sin, said “ It was co ntracted In the c u rren cy of e a rth :
H e paid It in th e c u rren cy of heaven.”
Dynamic Speaker
Complete With "r ubes
Cabinet of Modernistic Design
The new low prices we are offering on Bosch all-
electric radio presents a history-making money­
saving opportunity for the purchase of quality
radio w hich is worthy of your careful investigar
tion. T h e new prices represent the greatest value»
ever achieved in Bosch Radio, and Bosch has always
been outstanding for value. Here is “ T h e Best in
Radio’’— the finest of cabinets and the most at­
tractive of prices. Come in and prove it for yourself.
Wright & Sons