TOWN AND VICINITY T h u r s to n M sn In G e o rg « P la tt, Thurston ranchar, win» u bualncsN visitor In S|n Ingflald Monday. C h a rle s Here From W altervlll' • II nr Wölb' * III' . vi 'III i| In S p rin g i I'l Monday aftcrtl'MIll. Mi -, M r«. W ’ u b b tirn III u a h b u rn t. I» re m u I ■ 'I III A. her .m«* im Socon ' »• r* ' * M r« Nye In (' uni 1 ' i • k w i ft. 1.1 M' d a y , M i PAGE FIVE THE RÜR1NGPTELD NEW» THURSDAY. AI’HIL 25. 1929 Chaster Nye nf tailor 111 Spring A» Springfield Hotel Tell Ashley, I P r il lim i and lien Johnaon of ('amp 4P near W e n d lin g , were registered at Ilie Pprlllgfleld hotel lual week end Sacramento Men H e re E F"r guarnì and W II S tu n n er nf Hitcru- menin urn registered at the Elite lude! liila week At Larson Home Mr and Mra i Howard Freeland of Eugen» . visiti d S u n d a y a t H i e boni** of Mr and Mra .1 M L a rs o n U n d e rg o e s O p e ra tio n Tum Curry S a n d g s rtb R e p o rte d III Hugh S ind o f Mohuwk, underw nta major opera y . r l l i la reported In In a•rluiKlv III lion at ilie Pacifie Christian huspttal I;' III«’ I’m Iflo I 'lir ln t lu ll llo a p ltlll III Eugene. follow ing an “ I" • cllo n there la«t Tuesday afternoon. Weather Reports Now Phoned to Planes PAGEANT DISCUSSED AT M EETING OF CHAMBER HERE THURSDAY N IG H T Clans for a pageant com m em orating the work and the lives of the pio­ neers of this section of the country 1 were outlined before the regular m eeting of the I^ n e Connty cham ber 1 of com m erce held at Springfield last Thursday evening by Hugh R osson, professor o f law In the U niversity o f Oregon. The proposed pageant would be held at Eugene within th - ! next few months. The chamber w ent on r e c o r ’ as favoring a tariff on lumber and ' pol/ited a com m ittee to so memor aL ] ize congress Mr Bartell, proprietor of the Far- tell hotel at Cottage Grove oilt-llned I the plans of the state cham ber of com m erce to spend $40.000 In adver­ tisin g the attractions of Oregon I throughout the country during the com ing sum mer The Oregon cham ­ ber will open Information bureaus for tourists In Denver. Y ellow stone Park, and Ixis A ngeles. $25 000 o f the needed sum w ill he raised In Port­ land, and $15,000 throughout the re­ mainder o f the state. Will- - rtMMrU"""""' . ... A t E lite Hotel P W Porn, of Visit* at Roeeburg V ancouter. '.Vaahlngten. Mr and Mra The United States Department of Commerce is in readiness to operate the first radio tele­ «pent Sunday I» Host-bur,r visitin g at G e o r g « - jo i e s , o f Oregon City and S phony station on the Pacific Coast. This station w ill report hourly, by phone, the weather llin h o m e n f her purenls, Mr. and Mrw iS S en tili», of Portland, 'r e register­ conditions to planes in flight. A new Chevrolet Six, with N. W . Bliss, the manager of the C II. I.Ueo. ed ai III' Elite lintel thia week station, and Lt. Franklin Rose, is shown in the foreground. Dowson Better W illiam Ibiwson, Marcola Man at Hospital wlm llM 1» confined 1° ’he Pacific Nye In Town Ed Nye of Camp DESIGN RECEIVED FOR ("hrlatlan li»»l»ltul at Eugene f o r se Spicer of Marmla la confined In the Wrestles with Creek was a visitor In Springfield AIR GUIDE SIGN ON Pacific I'hrlatlan hospital at Eugeni v n ru l i I.’ i v h . la re p o rte d In l>«‘ Improv where he was taken Friday for ni'-tll W edneatday morning. BOOTH-KELLY MILL I i i k nicely. T J. Flippin, secreta ray o f the I al I rent meut. Thureton Woman In Mra John new airway con n ty chamber and also of the Eu- C a rs o n Ooe« F is h in g G e o rg e C a r T he design for the Edmlnaton of Thuralon waa a busi­ gene chamber, reported on the rail­ W a s h in g to n P eo p le H e r e M r . and son. local servlc« station proprietor, guide sign which w ill be painted on n ess visitor In town W ednesday. w ay rate hearing at Medford, which spent Monday on a fishing trip up Mra C F Brown, the publlahera of n the roof of one of the sheds of the h e attended recently. H e predicted newspaper al Stanwood. W ashington, Ilie M cKenzie. Booth-Kelly mill, has been received W altervllle Man In— Charles S yl­ a reduction of rates betw een In te r- visited In Sprllngfl'-ld for a short lim e vester. W altervllle rancher, waa a | from the Guggenheim foundation for V is itin g W it h H u n tly o W illia m ( ' Monday points on the S o uthern Mr and Mra Brawn were b usiness vlsl'or In S; rlngfteld on the promotion of Aviation, It was an- m ediate A Pohl of Astoria. la vlaltlng In returning from a trip to California. P acific. , nounced by F. B. Hamlin president of W ednesday. Springfield at tile house of Ilia dough Mayor George K now les of Cottage j the Chamber o f Commerce. As soon te r. M ra M B lliin ily . v is it a t N e w p o r t Harry Chase and Vida Folks V isit— Mr and Mrs. B. | as the approval of Major G. H. Ecker- Grove, chairman of a special com ­ family spent the week end visiting at F. Mlnney and Mr. and Mrs. J. F Ron is obtained as to the style of the m ittee to outline the activities of the Hal««ya Movt Mr and Mrs John Newport at the home of Mr. and Mra Mlnney of Vida spent Tuesday In I letters and the exact location of the chamber for the year, reported on H alsey have moved from the Brown A. i l . Pengra. Mra. Chase remained Springfield on business. sign, the work w ill be begun by A E. the road situation In I>ane County, field properly on O street between j The m em bers voted to support the fiovenlh and Eighth Io a house on E » w p w t where she will visit for Wood, local painter. Kennett at Roseburg—G N. Kennett early com pletion of the roads to etrest bctwcfiii Ninth mid Tenth. 11 ' *f T he sign w ill con sist of the word spent Saturday In Roseburg conduct­ Dolores Lee Dudley, g irl evangrlist F lorence and Oakridge. “Springfield” in letters sixteen feet Cut» A r m —J . W Fountain. W aller Undergo«« Operation — Mrs Roy ing a clearance sale for the Maraks from Ohio, at 15 believes the world T he ladles of the Christian church high. An arrow marked "N” and point­ is becoming as sinful as in the days vllle resident, cut his arm quite se- Pugh of Springfield, entered the Pact bury com pany there. served a dinner to the delegates who o f Noah. She has preached fo r s i* ing due north will he painted on the verely with a knife Monday Several He Christian hospital at Eugene Sun- years. sign, and another arrow pointing in attended the m eeting T he n ext stltrh es were taken to close the day and underwent a major operation Kafoury at Salem — Allen Kafoury an easterly direction and marked “1 m onthly m eetin g of the association morning She Is re­ Is «lan d in g this week visitin g with wound at the office of a local there Monday Lowell Men In Town—John and Mile" w ill Indicate the new Springfield . w ill be held at C ottage Grove May Id. ported to be getting along quite well relatives at Salem . H e went to the Joah Cane of W altervllle visited for physician. airport w hich w ill be com pleted soon. | capital city Sunday and w ill return a while In Springfield Monday. Linotype Man Leave« W rights to Portland— Mr and Mrs to Springfield Friday. The letterin g of the sign will be ! P la y e d at C o n v e n tio n - Miss Wlnl Mrs. Emery Back— Mrs. N. W. Emery' Painted chrom e yellow , which Is super fren Tyson returned Sunday evening » . C. Wright and Harry W right re Here From Medford— Dole Flowers returned Monday from Portland, lor In visib ility to w hite at a distance. I E. E. Pyne, who has been employe«. from Salem , where she played the turned to Springfield Monday from The cham ber of com m erce which ;« as a linotype operator on the Spring- piano at the annual dlatrlct conven P . r i i nd where they visited over the ' o f Medford, spent the week-end here where sh - spent the week-end with tlon of the ('hrlatlan Enilittvor held week-end v Ith Mr and Mrs W right's with his wife, who has been visitin g her sisters, t he M isses Emma and financing the cost of the sign, is co- , field N ew s for th e past th ree yearn, operating with the Guggenheim Foun- left Sunday with Mrs Pyne for SIL daughters, Mrs Elder and Mrs Price her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Abbie M assee. In the capital city last week end datjon for the Promotion of Aviation verton, where he has accepted a Dyer. Radabaught Here — Mr. and Mra V isitors W ednesday—Mr and Mrs in Installing the guide here. The position on the Silverton Appeal. H. Lunch Room Nearaly Done — The J. M. Harris, A. W. Fraxee. and his foundation is endeavoring to Lave 8. Taylor, of Portland, has arrived In work on the new lunch room which G lenn Iladal augh of Roseburg, vlsletd Ill W ith A p p e n d ic iti*— L eo n ard H u f Mr ford, Springfield boy. wns taken sud- daughter Mrs. Thomas B illings, all estab lish ed a guide to aviators In Springfield and taken the position George Caraon Is Installing at his Sprlnr.fl Id for a while Sunday w Rh a p p,,n(j lc|tl8 w h)Ie of W altervllle, wear business visitors every town of any size In the countrv. form erly held by Pyne. service station at the corner of Se. H idabii'tgh was form erly a reporter den ,y venth and Main streets. Is progressing for the »p iln g fleld N ew s, and Is now a ,.ron, panytng h|„ fathor. L. A. Huf- In Sprlngfielo W ednesday morning. mployed by the Roseburg N ew s fond, on a b u slress trip to Coquille rapidly. T he new building will be P. T . A. M eets T o m o rro w K .' I« w. last week end and waa operated on opened about May 1. The Springfield 1*. T. A. will m eet for appendicitis at a hospital there on Rpturday morning Mr. Hufford left tom orrow at 3 o'clock at the Lincoln Monday for Coquille to be with him. school for Its regular session A candy sale for the benefit of the May Fete T he boy la gettin g along quite well. to be held here May 10 will be held at the time. As a special feature of Auxiliary to Meet Tomorrow—The the evening, the room of the two American Legion Auxlllaray will hold schools wh'ch has the largest number Its rpgular m eeting Friday night In of parents or adult gu ests to its cre­ , the Chamber of Commerce rooms dit will he awarded a prize of a potted Mrs M It Ituntly, the president, asks that nil mem bers of either the Auxil­ p la n t b y the P . T . A. In te rn a tio n a l Sunday School Leaaon fo r A p ril 28 iary or of the Legion who have tickets FOR SALE—Organ in excellent con­ TH E SUFFERING SERVANT OF JEHOVAH or money from the benefit dinner dition. Price $25.00. See at 267 Is a ia h S3:1-12 held last Friday turn them In at once W set 12th Ave , Eugene, Oregon. Rev. Sam uel D. P rice. O.D. I (o her. y SchootLessotl Fulfillm ent of prophecy Is one of the stro n g e st evidences of th e a u th e n tic ity of S cripture. T he fact th at exact s ta te m e n ts of fu tu re events could he m ade hundreds of years in advance, and late r developm ents would be In perfect accord, a rg u e s m ightily for th e inspiration that lyelievers in th e W ord claim for it. in no in sta n c e is the problem of fulfillm ent m ade any g re a te r th an in th is lesson study, in which th ese varied M essianic s ta te m e n ts a re mad«*. Much discussion lias centered about th e im plications in rh e S ervant of Jeh o v ah ." which them e is found in repeated portions of Isaiah, such as 41:8-20; 42:1-7; 18-25; 43:5-10; 49:1-9: 50:4-10; 52:13-; 52:12. Many claim th at tin* "S uffering S e rv a n t” refers only to tin* Jew ish nation. T h e conservative in te rp re ta tio n is th a t, while it lias a direct im plication to tin* Chosen People, it re fe rs prlm araily to the prom ised Messiah and is a glorious des- scription of Je su s Christ in His divine office work. T h e re are m any o th e r prophecies concerning Him in tin* Old T estam en t. C om pare the record of th is Life as recorded in tin* Gospels and note how each each prediction w as perform ed, and then* will he both added and intense reverence for th e Holy Bible. Bead this p a rtic u la r lesson at least th re e tim es. todays prices unparalleled for value RADIO A w onderful P erson is being portrayed. M ultitudes still fail to believe th e m essage and lienee lose m uch in (heir lives. He is referred to as a m an, and so is His F a th e r Jehovah. We continue to objectify a spirit In term s of hum an form , such as “ tin* arm of th e L ord.” C o n stan tly th ro u g h th e years o i His public m inistry "H e was despised and rejected." Na an e can even know (lie e x te n t of Ilis sorrow s. He wns m ore sensitive th an any o th e r in all the histo ry of th e world. We know of ills agony and bloody sw eat in the G arden of G ethseinane. Only th e angels could appreciate His w orth ns they looked on in pity. Ills physical sufferings and h e a rt ach es wen* only incidents com pared w ith th e m ediatorial work He was perfecting. His a c ts were vicarious, as lie took the law place of th e sin n ers of the world. His bruises of heart as well as of body, to g e th e r w ith th e chastisem ent, of th e Pilate com m anded stripes, w ere for our healing. M an’s indifference to such love is w orse th an p athetic. T he pictu re is of sheep purposely going a s tra y while the shepherd Is ten d erly calling them to safety and fullest provision. T h ro u g h o u t His earth ly life lie was silent u n d er every form of ab u se and oppression. Pilate w as am azed a t His q u iet de­ m eanor. O thers under sim ilar circu m stan ces of injustice would rail at. th e ir accusers. T he lovers of th is M essiah rejoice th a t, a fte r He had been crucifld betw een tw o thieves, then* was a royal-like tom b for th a t body th rough the g raeio u sn ess of Joseph of A rlm athea. T his One su g g ests to all of us th a t grent souls do n o t peddle personal m iseries. Archbishop T ren ch , speaking of o u r debt of sin, said “ It was co ntracted In the c u rren cy of e a rth : H e paid It in th e c u rren cy of heaven.” Dynamic Speaker Complete With "r ubes $189.50 Cabinet of Modernistic Design The new low prices we are offering on Bosch all- electric radio presents a history-making money­ saving opportunity for the purchase of quality radio w hich is worthy of your careful investigar tion. T h e new prices represent the greatest value» ever achieved in Bosch Radio, and Bosch has always been outstanding for value. Here is “ T h e Best in Radio’’— the finest of cabinets and the most at­ tractive of prices. Come in and prove it for yourself. Wright & Sons