The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 21, 1929, Image 1

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“TM People’s Paper"
= = E 3 =
W C. Ruegnltz of Portland, presi­
dent of the 4-L will apeak at the next
monthly meeting of the 41, to be held
Total of 112.000 Fish Will Bo In the Woodman Hall here next Mon­
Libor a tod Into Stream« Adjac­ day on the subject of "The 4-L as
Knlated to the Community."
ent to Springfield; 12 Deposit«
W. I’. Tyson, local 4-L president. In­
to Be Mad« in Vicinity When vites business men and everyone In
Truck is Available.
terested In community welfare to be
present "Mr lluegnltg has a message
A promt«» Of 112.000 rainbow troet to give that will tw of great Interest
to bo ilUtrlbulwl In streams sad river« to everyone In the community and
adjacent to Springfield »»« ulvon by
especially so to the business men,”
Ben Durria member of the atste «nine
commission. to a group of local men I Mr Tyson Mid.
A program will follow Mr Ruegnltz’
Interest««! In the matter at a m«wllng ‘
talk consisting of the following num
held In the chamber of commerce
hers: fniislcal selections by the high
n Th" fish wlll'b'e delivered. Mr Dor- , school orchestra. the male quartet, the
H. S. Teams To
Join in League
Springfield, Eugene, University
” And Cottage Grove Highs
i Newly Formed Willamette Val­
Senator Wires Reply to L. N. I
To Compete
ley Veneer Company Plan Ex­
Blowers Letter Relative to
A baseball league which will Include1
tensive Operations Here And
Willamette River Situation lbp Springfield. Eugene, University
Building to Start Immediately
Suggesting Help from River and Cottage Grove high school« la In
Fred J. Melndl. I. O. O. F. grand
Harbors Bill in Congress.
I <>»« o«teg according to Leonard May master, of Portland, was an official
coach Mr.
vlgltor at
at a a joint
)„|nt m
the Cres-
T.M, Springfield athletic
...---- --------
— visitor
eeuus of me
Tyxz.oUnn n t a l a r a a n l a n t n t
Henator Charles L. McNary. In a Mayfield has communicated with the wp„ Oakr|dgP> Marcola and Spring t
1 &
g P ,
recent telegram to Lawrence N three other schools and they have all
lodges held In the I. O. t). F hall ***<? Willamette Valley Veneer
Blowers of Cottage Grove, expressed signified their willingness to Join In hprp |ggt ntKy,t. other orand officers 1 company In Springfield is prac-
|„ ,.|ud„
the legls- the league and a meeting has been call pregpnt were. grand warden L. L. tJcally assured with the filing
Utlve river and harbor bill at the regu ed for next Saturday for the purpose jjBkpr of Eugene, and grand marshall today Of articles of incorpora-
,gr gpgg|„n ,,f the Congress next Dec- of making definite arrangements Ac- y arna|j of Salem.
. .
rn v n n n n v
Th e
<(|nbpr „ ,M.„¥|g|<)B „ulhorlzlng prelim cording to the present plans to games
Representatives from Portland. Eu-
com p any
m e
)nHry surveys on the Improvements of will be played between each of the Rpnp Grants Pass. Waltervllle, Elmira, i in c o r p o r a to r s a r e J. A. McPIier-
,hp ^nilsm etts river channel« The contesting teams, the first games to f^rvallls and Glendale lodges were SOD and W. C. Bailey Of Port-
m ix e d q u a r te t, an d th e o c te t. A read- (p,pgram was a reply to a letter writ-j start either during the first or second prPgpnt gt the meeting.
The Grand I land, who have selected a site
rla «aid, a« noon a« a truck la available
' m I som etim e between the Ing will also be given by Fay Persona. , pn by Mr Blowers asking for govern week of April
Manter gave an address to members Lo n y ,e ¡nduatrial tract adjoining
W i l l be
I W some,.me
n iir r m ii
_____ «
whlch will
K; , __________
rpgbmpn, g wt„ toUow I h o n program
men! help on the Willamette flood j g„ far 2f, men have come out for fn regular session and representatives |
east end Of the Booth-Kelly
flrat of May or thereabout and will "
j baseball practice Including many of from other lodges also gave a few I
be nnloaded st 12 different Places, nve | • »•
. - problem.
he nnioaa i
w illam *b« program will commence at 8
The telegram follows: "If It Is the jagt year'g letter men and Ml but two remarks. About 125 members and 1
tn the McKenzie.
McKetixl four In tne wiiwim ,
plans are for a first
desire to have the channel of the W1I- of last year’s Willamette valley cham visitors w-re present.
o clock.
ette and three In Fall Creek
immediately that
Willamette river deposits will be !
and Springfield, It will be necessary co#ch. the men are showing the pro- meeting was thrown open to everyone will employ about 50 men and to
made, at west H street In Eugene, at ,
to have Congress authorise a board of ppr enthusiasm and form for bringing and the following program was given:
expand with other units until It
the Ixsinard place soutbweet of here,
‘ army engineers to make preliminary home the laurels again thia year. Mr. piano and xylophone duet by Dorris
at Jesse Heavey's Hop Island ranch. j
MADE AT HEALTH MEET surveys During the regular session Mayfield expressed himself as being Girard and Ted I,enhart ; male quartet will employ 150 people.
and at a point on the rtver above
A main building 60x180 feet is to be
of congress commencing next Decern- ■ optimistic over the prospects, for. al Dallas Murphy. Lawrence Sunkler.
Natron. Uiads will be thrown Into
the I "
/ ' ,h "I me'‘l,nK
her there will likely be a legislative thoUgh
ypar-g battery with Albert Ijturence Moffitt. John Robertson; a erected and 2000 lineal feet of dry
the th#
”f u ?4e
. .s
h“rh,>r bUI anrt ,f “ *" your Harper as pitcher and A. McPherson dance by Mr and Mrs. Lawrence sheds 14 feet wide are to be built A
Meyers Park, the tall race and at henllh “""i” '‘ ’ ""J""J,.,
desire. I will be glad to have Included ag catcher Is gone, E Squires and J. Anderwon; ten minute talk by M. C. 12-acre tract Just south of the railroad
power plant, at Heavwv s ferry
the " bln
bill authorization
, __rb grg
. . . «hnwlnr
no well to fill the Bressler: piano duet by Lena and and on the west end of the Industrial
. . h -it W.v txtween I bom ......................
a™.i„.«Mid 10 ,h
»»’horlxatlon for such a , bynrb
showing up
potnl on the river
d .n t.l C .n.c for the Spr.ngfle,d
faTorab)e „ „
Francis Frlsoll; Introduction of Grand tract has been selected tor this loca­
7 “
- u ’ i m Jie 8' hW ,r .
. . . .7
^ J e c t «- adopted. then Congrea« ^ trbpr.„ TgrgIM.y
g « ™ , other
t h e -----------
Master by W F. Walker; Address by tion and surveys are now being made
Meyer’s Park. Deposit, will be made . #<)t yg(
mgdF, bu,
r|a, e thp nPreggarr money
for the street crossing and two rail­
runners-up show promise of giving the Grand Master.
tnU> Fell Creek at the Fall C * ~ ^ d<r wgy f„r
C„ B,C w
^ tobn, hed ,
dpyglt)p|Ilgnl Ol.d to have
road aldinga, one to bring In the loge
the older men a run for thetr money.
Refreshments were served by mem­
„ore. also at s point four m . s
and the other for the loading e f the
Seven of last year*« first team ont bers of the local Rebekah lodge with finished veneer.
the store at the Lowell bvidgw
of fl(w1 prgTPntlon
maaaa Bpth
»«»in Konhe,
ais«a Mlgg
xwa ann Bessie ■ «>
s-vw» w
w West
this year are: Jack Danner, first base; Ernest Black as the chslrman of the
w1U be
>000 ftRh
fish will
be lib-rated
liberated Into
n o aarh wtlltams, both of iJtne county health 3prlnrflgI(J pgopiP was brought to a
Sheet veneer from both hard and
Don Bettis, second hase: L. Roof. refreshment committee. Noble Grand
dlffernat place.
I association attended the meeting and ! paugp aboU{ g month ago when an
soft woods will be manufactures! In
short: Don Palmer, third base; Hugh |E E. Pyne Presided at the sessions.
The dumping of fish Into the*e P«’r Mlgg Konkel presided. Among other , pffort t(} <Bt , bp county to stand ex-
the first unit and later the plant will
Cowart, short stop and catcher: I a -
tlona of local «ueam s will
| thing« dtecu«ned were plan« for the I
of preliminary servers failed.
be extended Into more finished pro­
verne Lawson. Ralph Cole, and T. Mc- "PEARL OF ORIENT SEAS"
rather complete and extensive fi»h
bealfh program
The county court offered to conduct Murray, outfielders.
ducts. Large tracts of timber hare
liberating program which 1« to be car ,
wM gJgtled cbair. the survey provided the West Spring-
SUNDAY THEME AT LOCAL been cruised on the east side of the
Two games hare already been
rledi out through tht« district. Jo n j
Riganee committee.
field people put up a bond covering the
CHRISTIAN CHURCH , Willamette rtver In the vicinity of
Hcndersr, one of the leading men n^
Following me business meeting, tea expense, which has not been provided scheduled with T-ebnnnn. one being on
" -
| Coburg and purchased by the oom-
, prated In the movement. Men from was served and a «octal time wa» had
Since that time State Engineer R.
"Pearl of Orient Seas” will be the panv. Logging will be done on this land
Cottage Grove have Informed him. Mr. The a««oclatlon meet» every two Klein In a reply to a letter written to May 17 at Ix-hanon.
theme of the address to be given by , by the company. Other timber will be
Henderer said, that that city will
Mr. Inea. student of the Eugene Bible i bought delivered as logs to the mill
him by J H Bower of the West
eiirrtrC T C
direct the liberating of fish In the
Springfield district, asking for help U OF O. MAN SUGGESTS
at the Christian church by farmers and smalt timber land
Present at the meeting were: Me«-
streams , south
here, and
south of
of here,
ano the
tne hatch
w A HwneBWayi E E Fraed- (from the state highway department
next Sunday morning. Mr. Ines has owners.
,he Oakridge secton » 11
' uh L R ,^ <e Car, Olgol, „ x wM , he state htghwav department
ery InBL
BROTHERHOOD MEET preached for four years having spent
Deed to Be Sought
. — . . . ...uth
- MarJor)p
1 ^ ,4 ,e
Arthur could not stand th? preliminary sup
care of . the . streams
south and
a year In the Philippine Islands to a
Authorization for a lease of the IS-
• H I , ■»- M- k ™ « - ’“ ¡ ' “ T
W llm . .» a Ml«— - r - — «"I”
-«P -n — W
Professor Edgar E. DeCou. of the congregation of 150 members. He acre site to the Willamette Valley
Ì cause It would require too exten- mathematics department of the Uni- comes here reputed as a talanted and | Veneer company was made at the
x ™ ..,. . .
• « « .
slve a survey to estimate status of .
of Oregon, spoke on city beau- ! Interesting young man.
last m eeting of the Springfield city
night meeting to make this fish libera­
conditions on both sides of the river t|ficat|on at tbe meeting of the j Special music for the morning will council. A request was also made of
tion an annual affair. Other matters SEAVER BUYS LAND
Mr Blowers. In commenting on the Mp(hod|gt brf)therhood held In the 1 be a selection given by the mixed the Eugene city council that a deed
of interest to sportsmen were discuss
situation, pointed out the advantages Methodfgt cburch last Monday night quartet entitled "We’ve a Story to Tell for the particular tract be granted the
ed nt the m a tin g Including bird liber-
remarked of the notice to the Nation." Louisa McDowell. J new company, the land being the pro-
FROM LANE COUNTY In a large way In securing government j
backing of a channel widening be- 1 able Improvement he had observed In Dallas Murphy. John Robertson and perty of the city of Eugene, and held
M a n y F ish T o Be L ib e r a te d
W J. Seaver. West Springfield, this tween here and Salem
!,lUK’t5 ’ 7 the appearance of Springfield. He Mrs. Jennie Murphy compose the by Springfield on a 49-year lease.
During the season of 1929 more than K„ . k fcmgh, from I-nne county the old a narrower and deeper channel which ment(onwJ the lmproyBment ln the quartet.
I Location of the plant here has beea
1F,.(IO<I.OOO fish Will be liberated In 'he Klngswell property near the west fill , will be of sufflc.lei^ depth to carry
shruba. and com-
victor E. Hoven will conduct the through the efforts of the Springfield
reams <if Oregon and all of these will I of ,bp f»prlngfleld bridge which con ' «mall boats, thereby solving some of
appear- BVPnfng Rervlce and the choir will Industrial and Park committee. Cham­
JJ m o re than six Inches In length ac glgted a, th„ )mP of purchase by the the transportation ‘’»fic'titl.s along
8(.hof)1 an„
,<oh Iam |) o f God
ber of Commerce and Southern Pacl-
conllng to a report recently released (.„unty of „ppr„ ,t nlately three acres. , he nne as well as reducing the flood ,
sbnlbherv growing there a
fle railroad. Efforts to have it come
hv the Slate Game Commission. The Thw consideration was »2000.
here date back to last fall when sur­
spoke of a need of more shrubbery at ^RS. LATTIN DIES AT
n lin tln g s will I«- mini«' along the roast i A reservation was muile by the ,
veys of the timber were made in this
(h- Lincoln and hlgl» school. A com ¡
HOSPITAL IN EUGENE vicinity and plans for a plant were
—"I '
- - for a right-
■ " 'w . RENFRO
and western Oregon first
and Eastern
fbp present sale
« w m p a c * w i - r urn i mittee of the brotherhood consisting
Oregon streams will he left until late (|f wny Bn(, f(,r „ burrow area for dirt
on the Columbia river. Mr. McPher­
AT PLEASANT H l L L |of*p R Hamlin. L. May and Charles
Mrs. Olive Lattln. who has been ill
ln the spring before plantings will
grnvel for the fill.
son and Mr. Bailey were first intru­
Mevers were appointed to take the
t t
. . . . ,
st the home of her dauc • r in tin's dU(.p{j tQ s prjngfleid people at an is-
The funeral of William H enry.
made as the roads will not permit ’ M|. s ,.ny,,r )s having the old Kings
well house which Is In line of the ) Renfro. «2. who passed away at the nia,,er up * '
e s< ° °
. —
— ------
city . for
some time -
** ,, formal meeting here two weeks ago
travel from the hntcherlei
nd which was Included Eugene hospital last Thursday was
Pro essor
P . pn,| of thp ColleKe HIU Pac,flc cb r’s,,an bos'i wben H. E. Maxey, chairman of the
A crew of men from the hatchery ' rlght-of wav a
moved over toward hi* held nt Pleaaant Hill Saturday at IT •’ P an ing ma
town pital in Eugene ,llls morninp.
rs. lndu9trial committee, brought them
of the State Game Com In the sale.
M . with Rev E V Stivers officiating | Main street running easi*<mi o f t o
Egtt,n ^ as rpcently taken over there
a committpp of th<,
depnrtm ent
mission has been engaged during the camp grounds.
A large group of friends and relntivAs «and for the purpose suggested that a
Chamber of Commerce.
,„«1 tw o weeks In planting trout In ,
attended the funeral and gorgeous I garden club be formed similar tn one |
deceased was born in Bendon,
Mr. Bailey, who has had many year«
the streams of Clai kamas. Marion. THIEVES STEAL CLOTHES
floral offerings were given.
now in
ln Euffen«-
¡Michigan, In 18.9 and tuent> years expprlence jn tbe manufacturing o t
Linn and Lincoln countlea. The Mol
Mr. Renfro was born In Kentucky,
alia. Pudding. Milk Sllelx and trlhu
..^ ^ o f O p e r a t i o n s of the
May 18. 1868 and moved to Fall Creek Hated into the brotherhood at the j 1)v,ng )n Sprtng flpld and Eugene ever
larles. Santlam and tributaries and
■a s ,s _ survived
__ J lx«* Saaw
eons' sons:
An overcoat am!
lx and olh< r
yparg ago at which place he lived , meeting. Besides the talk of the ._ cp « gbp
by nA
. .
ssa a a
new plant. He plans to move here
stolen from < a ¡up
numerous small streams have already art|c,pg
of a value __
until within 2 years-of his death ¡evening, regular business was tran- Jacf>b Ralston of Eugene; M. H. Mur-
soon from Portland.
been planted.
I car belonging Wm Itodenbough of when he moved to Walton to live with «acted and the Initiatory music was
of g prinRflejd an(j Albert Ward of
A twenty mile trip on snowshoes j ,hp RMenbough Garage, while the car | h)f(
| rendered.
Junction Cltv: and one daughter. Mrs. The new firm asks no flnanacisl
confronts the men from the Oregon was parked on the Coburg roarl last | Mr Rpnfro wag „ mpmber of the W '
guarantee from Springfield except the
Mabie Gott of Springfield.
purchase of a oertaln tract of timber
State Game Commission to whom has WPPk.
j o w lodge at Jasper, and the Method. LEGION MEMBERSHIP
Funeral announcements
been assign««! the task of taking «*«»
Mr Rodenhough was in a farm
church at Fall Creek. He Is aur
which It will later buy from the com­
from Rainbow trout at tbe Diamond hollgp demonstartlng a radio and when , ^(vp<|
t< o glgterg Mrs. Walter
mittee. Efforts to purchase this tim­ station In Central Oregon Last bP b u r n e d to his car he found H»« | Lyong of Walton, and Mrs. Ollie Glas-
ber will be made soon. The buying
Efforts at increasing the member- ’ QEO. MASON WINNER IN
year the Diamond Lake station, which ■ windshield broken and evidence of an
of Wa„a WaiIa Washington, and
of tbe timber Is substantially a lo se
ship of the local legion are bringing
KETELS PLANE CONTEST to the company and hM been resdllF
Is one of the largest on tbe Pacific I attempt to break the locks of the o n e brother. George Renfro, o f
results according to J. M Larson, cap­
Coast, supplied almoat 17.000.000 eggs doora oj the car and the articles gone, Wagner. Montana. He Is also sur­
agreed to by the committee which has
tain of the victorious team In the re­
George Mason with his “101 Army promised this community’s aid.
to the department and this season It Is
vived by seven nephews and three cent drive. Tbe number has been
model miniature airplane won 1st
expected that tbe take will exceed LOCAL MEN MAY ATTEND
nieces. The Branstetter chapel of Eu­ brought up to a total of 60 members
prize in the boy scout airplane contest
that figure.
» COUNTY CHAMBER MEET gene was In charge of funeral arrange­ and prospects look good for reaching which has been sponsored by Ketels PARTY HONORS WOMAN'S
Very few streams were either open­
the quota of 80 members which is the Drug store. His award was a vest
ed or closed for fishing by tbe State
A delegation consisting of Messrs.
goal. Mr. lJtrson says.
pocket autographic kodak.
Game Commission at Its last meeting. W. A. Tsylor. Jesse Seavey. and W. K. CHRISTIAN CHURCH
A party was given to Mrs. Mary
Ralph Hughes with a smaller less
In order to give tbe fish of tbe Metol- Barnell are expected to Bttend the
Installs Cooling Plant
sturdy model, but made on trim lines Vincent by ladles of the Baptist
Ins river a better opportunity to spawn meeting and election of officers of the
R. O. Cline, who has recently moved won second prize which was a foun­ church in honor of her 79th birthday
A pageant cantata picturing the his dairying distributing operations In.
that stream was ordered closed be­ Ijine connly chamber of <<ommerce to
tain pen. and Robert Stark won third yesterday afternoon.
story of the resurrection of Christ en­ to tbe Swarts and Washbnrne Packing
tween its sources and the forestry ser­ be hsld in Cottagj Grove tonight.
Present at the party were: Mes­
prize which was a watch. All of the
vice ranger station. Mill Creek In
4. E. Bhetton. of Eugene Is presl- titled “The Dawn of Victory will be , p]nnt
___ bl,|](j|ng
______ _ last week Installed a winners were members of Troop No. dames Walker. Barnard, Spencer, La
Clackamas ronnty was opened and a dent. George O. Knowles, vlce-presl-! given by members at the Christian I ppo'1InR gyateii». The cooling system
11 of the local boy scouts. All of the Mar. Sidwell. Tobiaa, Stacy. McPher­
few other slight changes were made. deni snd T. J. Flippin Jr.. Is secretary- , church EaRter Sunday. The pageant j wh1ph 1n<.,uded butcher equipment
planes which have been on display son. Robertson, Frost. Cutsforth, Blom,
manager of tbe county chamber.
| will be carried out ln costume. Lawr ,
fcought froTn
Madison, of
In Ketels Drug store window show Lane and Vincent.
A program for the coming year will ence Sunkler and the choir of the Marco]a and consists of ammonia
evidence of work and skill.
Christian church are practicing for It freezing facilities.
BEING REMODELED also come up nt the Cottage Grove.
now. There will be speaking and
Mr. Cline has Just finished moving
alnging besides the choir. The cantata his household goods from Goshen to
Extensive repairs nnd remodeling SIX STUDENTS MAKE
will be given nt 9:45, the regular Bible the Cline Dairy ln the Chase Gardens
are being done to the local Chrlstlnn
Bueford. the sbtall son of Mr. and
H. S. HONOR ROLL school hour.
district owned hy hl« grandfather,
church platform by Dean Beals this
A crew of men started working this Mrs. Pratt Holverson was the host
Isaac Cline. Mr. Cline recently sold
week. A second door Is being put on
The following six students of the
week upon the widening of one mile to ten of hla little friends at a party
his frigldalre equipment to the Delight
given ln his honor at the home of
the platform and the back of the plat­ local high school made the honor roll ST. PATRICK DAY MOTIF
of right-of-way on the Southern Paci­
form la helng pannelled. Also the for the first six weeks of the present
FOR LOCAL CARD PARTY Valley Dairy at Saginaw.
fic track between the west end of the his parents yesterday. Games were
choir seats sirs being raov«<d to make term of school: Beulah Richardson.
played and a general social time was
Here to Attend Funeral—Miss Mary Industrial tract and Mohawk Junction. had by the children.
A much enjoyed «octal event of last
room for the piano In line with tbe Ruth Carlton. Nadlse McMurray,
Tbe right-of-way at the present time
Dorothy Withers, Margaret 8warts, week was a St. Patrick party given at Waechter of Portland, Robert Sielton
Present were: Jltnmle and Eugene
Is «0 feet wide and will bo widened
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence of Great Falls, Montana, arrived here
Phillips. Emerson and Kenenth Ables,
and Eather McPherson.
to 200 feet. When the tract was traded
Chase last week. !M. Patrick decora­ yesterday to attend the funeral of
Soott Wright. Dele Careon. Bobble
Cuts Fse«—The twp-year-old son of
to tbe city of Wugene the railroad com.
Twins Born—Twin hoys were born tions carried .mt the Erin motif.
Davis, Junior Endicott, Floyd Green,
Mr and Mrs. Frank Bainbridge fell
peny reserved enough land to provide
on a hottie the first of the week snd to Mr. and Mr«. F. P. Maxwell on Bridge w m the game of the evening in Eugene. Miss Waechter was Mr.
fer » M
MeDeraott's selce.
with «even tables playing.
Weet D
cat a peAnfnl gweh te Ms «se»
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