THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Try the H om t Print Shop Firtt “TM People’s Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN = = E 3 = SPRINGFIELD, I .A NE COUNTY. ORDOON. THURSDAY, MARCH 21. 1»29 FOUR-L PRESIDENT TO SPEAK AT MEETING NEXT MONDAY NIGHT BE PLANTED HERE W C. Ruegnltz of Portland, presi­ dent of the 4-L will apeak at the next monthly meeting of the 41, to be held Total of 112.000 Fish Will Bo In the Woodman Hall here next Mon­ Libor a tod Into Stream« Adjac­ day on the subject of "The 4-L as Knlated to the Community." ent to Springfield; 12 Deposit« W. I’. Tyson, local 4-L president. In­ to Be Mad« in Vicinity When vites business men and everyone In Truck is Available. terested In community welfare to be present "Mr lluegnltg has a message A promt«» Of 112.000 rainbow troet to give that will tw of great Interest to bo ilUtrlbulwl In streams sad river« to everyone In the community and adjacent to Springfield »»« ulvon by especially so to the business men,” Ben Durria member of the atste «nine commission. to a group of local men I Mr Tyson Mid. A program will follow Mr Ruegnltz’ Interest««! In the matter at a m«wllng ‘ talk consisting of the following num held In the chamber of commerce hers: fniislcal selections by the high n Th" fish wlll'b'e delivered. Mr Dor- , school orchestra. the male quartet, the M'HART DEFERS AID 10 FLOOD PROBLEM H. S. Teams To Join in League NUMBER 11 BIG VENEER PLANT TO LOCA TE IN CITY Springfield, Eugene, University ” And Cottage Grove Highs GRAND MASTER VISITS i Newly Formed Willamette Val­ Senator Wires Reply to L. N. I To Compete ODD FELLOW LODGES AT ley Veneer Company Plan Ex­ Blowers Letter Relative to A baseball league which will Include1 tensive Operations Here And MEETING LAST NIGHT Willamette River Situation lbp Springfield. Eugene, University Building to Start Immediately Suggesting Help from River and Cottage Grove high school« la In Fred J. Melndl. I. O. O. F. grand On Factory. Harbors Bill in Congress. I <>»« o«teg according to Leonard May master, of Portland, was an official Í I.T field, coach Mr. vlgltor at at a a joint )„|nt m meetlng the Cres- -------- T.M, Springfield athletic ...---- -------- — visitor eeuus of me Tyxz.oUnn n t a l a r a a n l a n t n t Henator Charles L. McNary. In a Mayfield has communicated with the wp„ Oakr|dgP> Marcola and Spring t 1 & g P , ™ recent telegram to Lawrence N three other schools and they have all lodges held In the I. O. t). F hall ***r bUI anrt ,f “ *" your Harper as pitcher and A. McPherson dance by Mr and Mrs. Lawrence sheds 14 feet wide are to be built A Meyers Park, the tall race and at henllh “""i” '‘ ’ ""J""J,., desire. I will be glad to have Included ag catcher Is gone, E Squires and J. Anderwon; ten minute talk by M. C. 12-acre tract Just south of the railroad power plant, at Heavwv s ferry the " bln bill authorization , __rb grg . . . «hnwlnr no well to fill the Bressler: piano duet by Lena and and on the west end of the Industrial . . . h -it W.v txtween I bom ...................... a™.i„.«Mid 10 ,h »»’horlxatlon for such a , bynrb showing up potnl on the river d .n t.l C .n.c for the Spr.ngfle,d faTorab)e „ „ Francis Frlsoll; Introduction of Grand tract has been selected tor this loca­ 7 “ - u ’ i m Jie 8' hW ,r . . . . .7 ^ J e c t «- adopted. then Congrea« ^ trbpr.„ TgrgIM.y g « ™ , other t h e ----------- Master by W F. Walker; Address by tion and surveys are now being made Meyer’s Park. Deposit, will be made . #<)t yg( mgdF, bu, un- r|a, e thp nPreggarr money for the street crossing and two rail­ runners-up show promise of giving the Grand Master. tnU> Fell Creek at the Fall C * ~ ^ d * s-vw» w w West . this year are: Jack Danner, first base; Ernest Black as the chslrman of the w1U be >000 ftRh fish will be lib-rated liberated Into n o aarh wtlltams, both of iJtne county health 3prlnrflgI(J pgopiP was brought to a Sheet veneer from both hard and Don Bettis, second hase: L. Roof. refreshment committee. Noble Grand dlffernat place. I association attended the meeting and ! paugp aboU{ g month ago when an soft woods will be manufactures! In short: Don Palmer, third base; Hugh |E E. Pyne Presided at the sessions. The dumping of fish Into the*e P«’r Mlgg Konkel presided. Among other , pffort t(} years expprlence jn tbe manufacturing o t Linn and Lincoln countlea. The Mol FROM LOCAI MAN’S CAR One new member. J. Nehr, was ini p t0 thig gpctlon and has b e e n . Mr. Renfro was born In Kentucky, alia. Pudding. Milk Sllelx and trlhu ..^ ^ o f O p e r a t i o n s of the May 18. 1868 and moved to Fall Creek Hated into the brotherhood at the j 1)v,ng )n Sprtng flpld and Eugene ever larles. Santlam and tributaries and ■a s ,s _ survived __ J lx«* Saaw eons' sons: An overcoat am! lx and olh< r yparg ago at which place he lived , meeting. Besides the talk of the ._ cp « gbp by nA three . . 1 * 1 _ * _ ssa a a • new plant. He plans to move here stolen from < a ¡up numerous small streams have already art|c,pg of a value __ w until within 2 years-of his death ¡evening, regular business was tran- Jacf>b Ralston of Eugene; M. H. Mur- soon from Portland. been planted. I car belonging Wm Itodenbough of when he moved to Walton to live with «acted and the Initiatory music was of g prinRflejd an(j Albert Ward of A twenty mile trip on snowshoes j ,hp RMenbough Garage, while the car | h)f( | rendered. Junction Cltv: and one daughter. Mrs. The new firm asks no flnanacisl confronts the men from the Oregon was parked on the Coburg roarl last | Mr Rpnfro wag „ mpmber of the W ' guarantee from Springfield except the Mabie Gott of Springfield. purchase of a oertaln tract of timber State Game Commission to whom has WPPk. j o w lodge at Jasper, and the Method. LEGION MEMBERSHIP will be Funeral announcements been assign««! the task of taking «*«» Mr Rodenhough was in a farm church at Fall Creek. He Is aur which It will later buy from the com­ APPROACHING QUOTA made later from Rainbow trout at tbe Diamond hollgp demonstartlng a radio and when , ^(vp<| t< o glgterg Mrs. Walter mittee. Efforts to purchase this tim­ station In Central Oregon Last bP b u r n e d to his car he found H»« | Lyong of Walton, and Mrs. Ollie Glas- ber will be made soon. The buying Efforts at increasing the member- ’ QEO. MASON WINNER IN year the Diamond Lake station, which ■ windshield broken and evidence of an of Wa„a WaiIa Washington, and of tbe timber Is substantially a lo se ship of the local legion are bringing KETELS PLANE CONTEST to the company and hM been resdllF Is one of the largest on tbe Pacific I attempt to break the locks of the o n e brother. George Renfro, o f results according to J. M Larson, cap­ Coast, supplied almoat 17.000.000 eggs doora oj the car and the articles gone, Wagner. Montana. He Is also sur­ agreed to by the committee which has tain of the victorious team In the re­ George Mason with his “101 Army promised this community’s aid. to the department and this season It Is vived by seven nephews and three cent drive. Tbe number has been model miniature airplane won 1st expected that tbe take will exceed LOCAL MEN MAY ATTEND nieces. The Branstetter chapel of Eu­ brought up to a total of 60 members prize in the boy scout airplane contest that figure. » COUNTY CHAMBER MEET gene was In charge of funeral arrange­ and prospects look good for reaching which has been sponsored by Ketels PARTY HONORS WOMAN'S Very few streams were either open­ ments. the quota of 80 members which is the Drug store. His award was a vest BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY ed or closed for fishing by tbe State A delegation consisting of Messrs. goal. Mr. lJtrson says. pocket autographic kodak. Game Commission at Its last meeting. W. A. Tsylor. Jesse Seavey. and W. K. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A party was given to Mrs. Mary Ralph Hughes with a smaller less In order to give tbe fish of tbe Metol- Barnell are expected to Bttend the TO HAVE CANTATA Installs Cooling Plant sturdy model, but made on trim lines Vincent by ladles of the Baptist Ins river a better opportunity to spawn meeting and election of officers of the R. O. Cline, who has recently moved won second prize which was a foun­ church in honor of her 79th birthday A pageant cantata picturing the his dairying distributing operations In. that stream was ordered closed be­ Ijine connly chamber of <