The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 24, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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M otor« to M o u n ta in » — M r
nml M r*.
(' F E gglm ani) u io to rod to B lue lllvor
In From C attar F iata— J II Emil
cult from tint Collar F ln ’i* co u n try
wu« n Tuondqy vlnllor hero.
Deputy S h eriff M a k e * T rip — Iloputy
HherllT W. W Kilm laloti, ar<-<>mpuiiled
by Iniwrom-i B uxlor, botti of 'Unirà-
toll, Molli to I'n nt unii Miiri olii luHt
C ora to Longview — Mr nml Mrn J.
II lllll of tlio IIIII h Crook L u m b a r
company loft Tuonitty for lauigvhiw.
Wunhlngtnn, whoro Mr lllll will nt
toml u liiiulMiriiioii'a con ven tion .
Snow Deep In Cnacadea— W (’. Me
l.ngnti wiuloil III the d eep anoni hint
Monday up In CroMi-eiit I-ako country,
llo wont up nspenlally to ace the miihw
nml to woe how deep It wun utid he
reporta In the vicinity of 6 feet on the
top of the mountain.
Traffic Man Move»—Kenneth Olio,
the new truffle, officer, hnn move«]
from 6 IS K. afreet where he hun been
living to 830 <i atroot. Mm. W alker
of the MoKenstn aectlon, hnn moved
to town and la m oving Into the house
Mr. title la vacating.
■ ■ ‘ -------------
Principal Evant* of ttia Week
Assembled for Information
It W Martin, anlea m anager for the
Booth-Kelly Lumber com pany, will
ictvo a talk on "Lumber After It
Louvea the Mill" nt the m eting of the
local No. 70 of the I L to he held In
tin W (* W H all next Monday night.
Monday night'« m eting will convene
ut 7:30 for a »hurt I iiih I iiimh m eeting,
then nt S o'clock the m eeting will he
thrown open to the public. Not only
m em b ers of the 4-L hut everybody la
urged to attend. An Intereating amt
Inaturetlve evening In promised nt
the end of which refresh m en ts will
be served.
A series of ahnilar m eetin gs during
the com ing m onths at w hich speakers
from the outside will talk upon topics
of constructive Interest to the com
tniinlty. Next month Mr Paninis, of
the 4-L headquarters In Portland, will
talk on the subject of "Thrift." An­
other speaker for the future Is N. F
Maoduff who has promised either to
ho present h im self of to send a rep­
resen tative to speak on the reforest-
ration problem. Other m atters to bo
taken up nt the future m eetin gs will
be taxation, Insurance and m atters
of Interest both to sm ployers nnd sm
ploy ees
of Our Readers.
Tha Dal Rio orchard!, two m iles be
low tiold lllll, ara planting 800 Eng
II h K walnut trees on a 400 acre pear
Fire, of undatarriilniul origin, coin-
phn-ly di Rtroyad the Sterna Furniture
Manufacturing company'« plant In
Oregon City.
A boat building factory la to bo «a-
tabllahi-d at Reedsport, a company
having recently been organized wltb
*30,000 capital.
Tho Dallas Backing corporation dur­
ing the past aaason handled approxi­
mately 8000 tone of apples, with 4 40
poraons on the payroll.
The city of W est Salem lead« all
Folk county town« In the amount ol
It« 1028 tax levy, to . I mill« Monmouth
la second with 69 9 mill«.
Resetda s reed dielrtet levy for 1920
baa ksea «anesled !a Iks iB isrssl ot
economy Intel year's levy was *2108
The Medford council, at the request
of the airport committee of the chem
ber Jf commerce, voted to cell e epe
clal election April 1 to submit to tb*
people the question of voting a 2120,
000 bond Issue for a new, modernly
equipped airp ort.
An order was Issu'd by the circuit
court at Baleni authorizing A. A.
Bib ram in, state superintendent ol
banks, to pay a fourth dividend to de
posltors In the defunct Oregon State
hank at Jefferson. The dividend Is
18 per cent, or *12,290 33.
The 192if eastern Oregon livestock
show will be held June 5. 6 and 7, at
Union. This was decided at the an
nual meeting of the stock show asso
ciatlon In the Uulon city ball. Blaus
were made tor a belter show than
ever before, in anticipation of state
A number of Umatilla county ranch
ere now have the benefit of electric
power on their places. A line out into
the Mission district east of Bendleton
and on in the Adams district have
been completed, giving several wheat
growers opportunity to electrify their
Regular services will be given at
the Baptist church next Bunday. Bible
school will m eet at 10 o’clock and at
11 o'clock Rev C. H. Blom will preach
on "The Blesed Man." The choir wll
sin g an anthem after the morning ser­
T he evan gelistic services have been
Returns from Portland— Mrs. K ate
discontinued due to the sick n ess of Brumette, who has been visitin g her
Itev. Ted tioodwln. who was forced to son. John, In Portland, returned here
i return to his hom e In Bellingham , Bunday.
942 W illam otto St.. Entrone. Oregon.
' s
Ilalnaa la aald to have the sm allest
Indabtadnaaa of any city In the atate.
Out of 11,865 cattle tested in Mult­
nomah county in 1928, only 252, or
A *1000 bond waa paid off recently,
leaving only 11850 agalnat the muni i 2.1 per cent, reacted to the tuber­
culin test, according to a report of
Dr. Thomas B. Carter, county herd
Fire damage daring ISIS amounted
Inspector, filed with the county com
to »10,487 to In l-akavlaw to property
valued at more than 171.000, Chief m issioners. A total of 1546 herds was
Arzner of the volunteer fire depart­ tested.
W. S. Nelson, executive manager of
ment reporte.
The Dalles-Wasco county chamber of
The house pasted the McNary bill
commerce, left recently for Washing
authorizing appropriation of 135.000
ton, D. C., where he will represent
I 7T
for cleaning, electric lights and other
W asco county cherry growers at the
Improvement« at the Oregon ravee In
hearing on tariff rates, as applied to
Josephine county.
fruit Imported in brine for maraschino
Eatabllaliment of aeveral new Indus­ purposes.
trie« at Mnrahfield, Including operation
Two new bridges and approximate
of the old pulp plant now owned by ly 10 m iles of resurfacing are Included
the Coos Hay Lumber company, la in the highway improvement program
expected In the near future.
to be considered by the state highway
Contracts for 3800 of tho 4500 acre«
improvement program to be consid­
of flax to he handled at the atute flax ered by the slate highway commission
faufocasitT ]
plant during 1929 have been signed, at its next meeting in Portland on
|-1 cd T im m « « . f. u t i'iK im o ir idol
Mrs fc'-tta M ay M ille t, o f Lana-
according to Henry Myers, superlu
January 29.
h . io IthW • -I te n c h i l d r e n ,
died m C a lifo rn ia a lt r i an operation
teudent of the state penitentiary.
The sm allest school In Jackson
lit * widow iv Frances M a ró s i, fa
(out o l w hom a r t living, #•« «en-
The Anderson A Middleton Lumber county. If not in the state, had a per
m i a i * M enano w rite r
Before enter
traced to hie im prisonm ent o e
mg ih r n u m e * h r wai an ordained
charge! oi veilin g liq u o r
company will build s sawm ill at a feet attendance record last month, ac
snipping station to be known as Fir cording to figures at the Jackson coun­
Crest, nesr Bedrock. I a i n « county, hav­ ty school superintendent's office at
Medford. It is located at Thompson
From Portland—Or. C. O. Van Val ing a capacity of 110.000 feet daily.
The largest crop of children ever creek in the Applegate district and
of Portland, «pent the week-end
reared la W allowa county belongs to has only one pupil.
Tho local Odd F ellow s and many In­ here with Mrs. A. B Van Vulzah
Mr. and Mrs C. P. Carper, the first
The Oregon State Motor association
vited friends were given a treat Iasi
soapls ever married la Promise. Thera
at its 12th annual meeting recently
night by slid es sh ow in g Hawaiian Is­
are 14 of them, raagtag from * years adopted a resolution opposing enact­
land scen es and by n lecture given by
to maturity.
ment of any automobile license or
tlaptuin C. H. Boyd of tho Salvation
gasoline tax that will reduce highway
Army of Eugene.
quest the United States department ot revenue, or any law diverting such
Captain Boyd spent tw o and a half
agriculture to make a soil survey ot fees to any other use than highway
years on the Islands during which tim e
county. The aurvey can be construction and m aintenance in the
he studied the people and custom s
the government at no cos:
taking most of the pictures from
to the county.
A "human chain.” composed of skat
which the slid es shown Inst night tw«-re
ers, rescued Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Da-
Three carloads of Douglas count}
cey of Bend from the Icy water of
turkeys shipped recently from Oak
The slid es look up the Industrial
Houston lake. Crook county, after the
land and Yoncalla will go Into cold
life of the Inhabitants show ing fnr-
fell through a weak place In
torles, plantations, contour of the
the Ice. Mr. and Mrs. Dacey were
season. The birds brought 23 to 82 H
Islands, nature of the work engaged In
pulled out of the lake only after the
cents a pound.
by the ilnwnllnns. Captain Boyd ex
skaters formed a chain which led tc ;
There is more snow In the moun
plained the slid es us they were Hashed
tains than at this tim e in any previous firm Ice.
upon the canvas.
|A U T *X A $ T t p |
Industries in all parts of Coos coun
year, according to Allen Willcoxon.
A program was given Including s e l­
Jack Yancey, 14 years old, left, is
proprietor of resorts at Elk and Odell ty report an unusual number of per
ection s from tw o orchestras. One a
assistant pastor of the Central Meth­
Mills, veneer |
lakes. Forty nine inches of snow If sons seeking work.
trio bended by Harry Fandrem played
odist Church, Picher. Mo. briber!
plants and allied industries all turn In
reported at (he lakes.
Hawallnn songs. Mr. Fandrem played
Oiostner, right, 13 years old, it an
reports saying many are being attract !
Ordained preacher ol the Missionary
the steel guitar nnd Ills two girl a c­
A report Just completed by forest
com panists played the ukolelea.
officials shows that at the close ol ed that way In the expectation of ob
1928 there were 10,860 deer In the taining employment, when, as a m attu
of fact, there is a surplus of working
Umatilla national forcat. an increas*
of 1000 over the year before. During men throughout the county.
Ashland’s first pipe organ was as
the season 700 were killed.
when subscriptions of morr
Erie Van Alstyn Hauser. 64, Port
than seven thousand dollars were
land capitalist and owner of the Mult
pledged to purchase an organ for the
nomah hotel, died In Portland last
Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. G
S. & W. brand of canned
week. Death resulted from compiles
tions arising In an attack of influenza, B. Butler, of that city, donated the
goods are always good. The
1 chimes for the organ, and the rest ol
suffered seven weeke ago.
choice of the season's crop,
the contributions came from business
Directors of the Union Fishermen's
men and members of the church.
picked when ripe and packed
Cooperative Packing company at As
The man found frozen to death re
toris have adopted a resolution asking
in sanitary kitchens, as care­
in the Blue mountains, 18 miles
the legislature to advance the date for
! from Pilot Rock, has been identified
fully as you would do the
the opening of the salmon fishing sea
I is Frank Shabram, of Akron. Ohio
work in your own home.
son from May 1 te April IS.
, Shabram worked in a sawm ill neat
"Not guilty" was the verdict return
Pilot Rock, besides running a tra[
ad by the Jury which tried Fred R. ! iine, and It was on Ills return from
Asher, former Enterprise town mar
his line that he became lost and died
shal, accused of second degree murdci
in the snow about three-quarters of s
for shooting W illiam Litch, early on
i mile from the mill.
, the morning of September 29
A growing market for blacktall Jack j I
Slating that he wee voted upon and
. abblt hides Is providing good salaries j
elected without his consent, Q. W
for a number of eastern Oregon hunt ,
Vanderwall refuses to qualify for the j ers and ranchers, according to Ira N |
position of mayor of Haines and j Oabrielsen. In charge of rodent con
Walter Heard will retain the office i trol for the United States biological j
until a new officer la elected.
Size No. 1 ..... 5c per dozen
I survey. Hundreds of farmers east ol ,
Size No. 2 ,..... 10c per dozen.
Robbers who entered the Athena The Dalles have killed thousands of
3 dozen for 25c
school building a few nights ago. the p ests in the last few months.
Size No. 3, ... 15c per dozen.
| breaking tho locks on all the doors and Large earnings are reported by some
2 dozen for 25c.
rummaging the desks, gained little for hunters, since buyers of the pelts pay
their trouble, only *2 and a few 90 cents a pound for the skins, aver
| postage stam ps being missing.
aging about 12 cents a hide.
H. Von Hovenburg. who Is said to
Work wag started on the construc­
With each order of 2 pack-
it is unnecessary for you | own the largest pear orchard In south- tion of the new »16.000 fire station at
ages of Pillsbury's C a k e to 8tep outBlde of your home ! ern Oregon, has purchased an addi Medford and the actual construction
tional 80-acre tract adjoining his pres
work on the new *10,000 community
Hour. Price $1.00
when you want, groceries of
ent holdings at Gold Hill and will house for the women's organization,
satisfying quality. Just «up
plant »000 naw pear trees la the the Greater Medford club, will be be­
gun soon.
See theso in our window.
to the phone and call 9.
T h e eaw m lll ot the Owen Oregon
A branded mallard duck shot by a
company plant at M edford, aftar a Pendleton man on McKay eraek ml
Phene 1 shut-down since ITecember I I , resumed grated there from Montana, according
I operations on a four-day basts, which to Information from the biological sur­
' will be increased to a five-dsy and vey. By means of thsas bands the
six-day basis as too« a« send It ion* survey is snabled to study migration
of wild fowl.
Special on
ju st phone
W ashington.
The evening serv ices w ill be de­
voted to an evan gelistic theme. Ser­
vices will start at 7:30. Naomi Carl­
ton and Haul F rese w ill sing a duet,
"In the Cross of Christ 1 Olory.’’ B.
Y. P. D. service will be a t 8:30.
Bible study service and a program
are given every Thrursday night at
that offer you the utmost in
fashion and in valuel
Styles chosen for their charm
— style» th a t zre found wherever the woman of
fashion goes— styles suitable for every sort of
In satins and silk c rc p o
black, browns, beige su d other im portant colors.
For Huuten :: Misses it J moots
m gjgggggaggHHgHBRHHM M nHM HHM M M l
^ i£ _ S c fe g £
r p w
T a lk s .
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all 75c Values
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