F ■nuKQrnBLD THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 TOWN AND VICINITY M otor« to M o u n ta in » — M r nml M r*. (' F E gglm ani) u io to rod to B lue lllvor Tuoitdny In From C attar F iata— J II Emil cult from tint Collar F ln ’i* co u n try wu« n Tuondqy vlnllor hero. Deputy S h eriff M a k e * T rip — Iloputy HherllT W. W Kilm laloti, ar<-<>mpuiiled by Iniwrom-i B uxlor, botti of 'Unirà- toll, Molli to I'n nt unii Miiri olii luHt Tuowlny. C ora to Longview — Mr nml Mrn J. II lllll of tlio IIIII h Crook L u m b a r company loft Tuonitty for lauigvhiw. Wunhlngtnn, whoro Mr lllll will nt toml u liiiulMiriiioii'a con ven tion . Snow Deep In Cnacadea— W (’. Me l.ngnti wiuloil III the d eep anoni hint Monday up In CroMi-eiit I-ako country, llo wont up nspenlally to ace the miihw nml to woe how deep It wun utid he reporta In the vicinity of 6 feet on the top of the mountain. Traffic Man Move»—Kenneth Olio, the new truffle, officer, hnn move«] from 6 IS K. afreet where he hun been living to 830