The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 08, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    V*GK «)UR
Published Every Thursday at
Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
H. E. MAXEY, Editor.
K afou ry is T ea c h er
Again we are to celebrate Arm istice Day. Al-
A llen K afoury, local clo th in g m er­
c h an t, h a s been chosen te a c h e r of the
club m e e tin g to be h eld a t th e hom e of
Mrs. W right.
Mrs. W illiam D aw son and Mrs. F. B.
F lan ery w ere Joint h o ste sse s to mem-
I h ers of the N eed lecraft a t the fo rm er s
, ized la s t w eek follow ing a m eetin g of
j hom e a t th e la s t m eeting.
E n te re d as second class m a tte r, F eb ru ary 24, 1903 a t th e
Many are the persons the world over, however, the A rg eath ea w om en's class.
T hose p re s e n t w ere: M rs. A llen K a­
postofflce, Springfield, Oregon
who are still grieved bcause of the loss of their
_______ _______
nearest and dearest, a loss th a t no circum stance notice of final s e t t l e m e n t foury. Mrs. W. F. W alker, Mrs. W. H.
can m ake less tragic. It is those who live, whose notice is h er eby g iv en , T h at P ollard, Mrs. W illiam Long, Mrs. E.
One year in A dvance......... >1.75 Three M o n th s _____ 76c
loved ones laid down their lives for th eir coun- j the undersigned, th e duly appointed E. May, Mrs. R obert D rury, Mrs. S. D.
Kz M on th s------------------ ---- >1.00 Single C o p y ________ 6c tries, who are the sufferers. T heir sorrow shall 5Vjalifie<1 antl a c tin & a d m in is tra to r of j W ard, M rs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. Jo h n
last the length of their lives, and and on Armistice J esta? °fJCarl BoB8e™ an' deceased, H en d erer, M rs W illiam W rig h t, Mrs.
Day it is only fitting to give thought to them and ^ r ^ t h T s ^ e
Floyd W esterfield, Mrs. C arl Olson,
Men, be human; that is your first duty.
their noble sacrifices.
the C ounty of L ane, his final Account M rs. O. H. J a r r e tt, Mrs. W a lte r Scott.
T he symbol of the Unknown Soldier is beauti- antl1 th a t said C ourt by an o rd er duly M rs. C. O. W ilson, Mrs. H a rry S te w a rt,
ful, his grave a fit shrine for all who love America. and^.ippoint^^Saturd ^ tb ^ s H 38! flxe<! M rs C arl P h ettep lace, M rs. W a lte r
Arm istice Day should be m arked with the utm ost D ecem ber, 1928, a t the h o u r o f^ te n G ossler, Mrs. L arso n W rig h t and Mrs.
With a $127,000 bridge now com pleted we are j respects to those who perished in the con flict,! o’clock in the forenoon a t the C ounty j C lifford W ilson.
G uests p re s e n t w ere Mrs. H en ry
told th a t we m ust w ait until spring before ' identified and unidentified. But our respects m ust C ourt room in the C ourt house a t Eu-
fo i'A h T h e a rin g J flayK. ti.??e a n J A drian and Mrs. R alph K adderley.
highw ay approaches are built to it. T his to ou r also be paid to these known “soldiers” who are
eWr° " ne»’a ? :
haV<! ' ‘eal<!<1
m ind is uncalled for and show s gross incom pet­ our neighbors— the m other whose son gave all, said final account and the l e u lenient
ence in the highw ay engineering departm ent. Ap­ the fath e r who m ourns the loss of his boy, the thereof. All objections m ust be in
proaches to th is bridge m ight have been started widowed wives and fatherless children of Ameri­ w riting and filed with the C lerk of
said C ourt on or before said day and
tw o m onths ago. In terest on the investm ent in can soldiers.
tim e.
this bridge m ust be five o r six hundred dollars a
On Arm
A ruiesuce
estice Day,
uay, in
m addition
anaiuon to expressing our
L EST E R BOSSERM AN. A dm inls-
m onth and to let it stand idle several m onths a fte r boundless joy a t the present state of peace and tr a to r
i l l pletion
i n n is
ia a
u u
o n fn n n
a a f o rxF
i L o
n u k l i n ’r. i f am
l m ity
itv h
n f w o een
pn n
o f l n n c virrx
o t give
o-ivo «
in u r v k t
FRANK A. DePUE, A tto rn ey for th e |
we m
m n ust
a fV
w z anton
w r aste
of th
e public’s
m oney.
to these know n “soldiers,” and do w hat we can estate. N. 8-15-22-29: D. 6:
T he highw ay com m ission m ight as well realize to alleviate their pain and soften the sting of their
th a t as long as it tolerates this so rt of dilly-dally­ m em ories. They deserve not alone our sym ­ notice of final s e t t l e m e n t
ing in the engineering dep artm en t th a t th ey can pathy, but also our w hole-hearted respect and N OTICE IS H ER EBY GIVEN, T h a t
expect repeated m easures like th e D unne bills to love.
i th e undersigned, the duly appointed
• • »
I qualified and a c tin g a d m in is tra to r of
crop up and jeopardize the whole system . People
the e sta te of M ary M cK innis deceased,
o f the sta te are beginning to believe th ey are not
has ren d ered and filed w ith th e Coun-
gettin g their m oney’s w orth out of their high
T here are now m ore ways of telling c h aracter
o i ih,e s t a t e of O regon for
plate and gas tax. A few m onum ents of incom ­ th an
can he counted on the fingers of two hands, and that" sMd C o m ’ ¿ ^ " " o i - d e r ^ u i y
petence scattered around th e s ta te in half com ­
pleted projects will crystalize the sentim ent so hirst, we have the tim e-honored horoscopes in made and en te re d of record h as fixed
m any believe. W hether these be accurate 1 antl appointed S atu rd ay the 8th day of
th a t new spapers and o th e r good roads boosters which
of c h a ra c te r or not none can say w ith cer- J^oember, 1928, a t th e h o u r of ten
will not be able to keep them in line for high taxes tain tv —th
i e s s in
111 ’7 in forenoon
th e C a ounty
r u ere
e ie a are
t e too
to o m
m a anv
ny m
m v y s s t te e r rie
in t thi*$
m s C ourt ' room
th e C ourt a t house
t Eu- J
and slow results.
world of w onder—b ut m any ‘seers have been gene, O regon as the day, tim e and
• • •
hailed to court on the definite inform ation th at Place .for the h earin g of o bjections to j
th eir foresight and knowledge of c h a ra c te r cam e
fl? al acco u n t and the se ttle m e n t
Sw eeping the country in a huge Republican of m echanical ingenuity ra th e r than spiritual in- wriUng and fi?edje w‘u h 8 t h T c ie r k of
landslide H erbert Hoover has been elected presi- sight,
sight. P alm istry IS a n o th e r m eans of fortune said C ourt on or before said day and
dent by th e largest popular vote in the history of " telling and c h a ra c te r reading th a t has m any de- time-
I ^T H O M A S M cK IN NIS, A d riin istra -
o u r country. He com es to the presidency one of votes.
Now there has sprung up the handw righting "’ frank A D a P ttf
th e best equipped m en who has ever been elected
’ Att°‘n7 f°r the
to the position. He rep resen ts the type of mind expert, who claims to be able to tell all about you estaVe
this scintific and industrial age dem and and from a few lines of your norm al script. This
N. 8-15-22-29: D. 6-
system seem s to have m erits; a person’s i n d i - --------------------- / —
should perform a g rea t serivce to the country.
viduality m ust necessarily express itself in the
notice of final a / . count
While Governor Sm ith did not get m any elec- style of the letters and figures he fashions. One's
is heret?y given t i / u the u n d e r­
torial votes he did get a very large popular vote. handw riting doesn’t alw ays show flattering tr a its ,! e o u ^ a ^ a d S i s ^ t w / o ? t t e T u t e
Political leaders account for th is one way or a n ­
'o f j ohn V arney, a ls o /a n o w n as John
o th er but all m ust agree th a t S m ith’s stand on however.
arney, an d thai, th e c o u rt h as
T here are also ways of telling c h a ra c te r by th e W. V
prohibition was the dom inent factor. If some
°M°the^line of D ecem ber
changes in the prohibition law s are not m ade
„ — „„„
w hen a t th e
room s cf the county ’ co u rt in the C ourt
witiiin the next four years we can expect this to
House. E ugene, Oregon, said final ac­
again be the dom inent issue in the next cam paign. no one person know s them all. And to top every­ count
will be tak en up fo r exam ination
Even the m ost arden drys should give this pro­ thing, a m an has just come along who says the and allowance.
blem serious consideration because all m ust adm it
FRED A VARNEY, E xecutrix.
F, D. ALLEN, A ttorney fo r E sta te
th a t th ere is som e tru th in w hat Governor Sm ith and thickness will tell you all about a person,
claim s this individual, and already he is gaining
N. 8-15-22-29:
said in his cam paign about prohibition,
• • •
Everyone has his favorite m ethod of reading
C ongressm an W. C. Haw ley who was a visitor c h a ra c te r..
D ep artm en t of the In te rio r, U. S. Land
in Lane county last week predicts th a t in the near
Ours is perhaps the sim plest.
Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Novem
fu tu re the g re a te r portion of ou r lette r mail will
We ju st look the person in the eyes—try it!
ber 3, 1928.
N O TIC E is h ereb y given th a t V er­
be going via the air. He says th a t a com prehen­
Caldw ell, of Vida, O regon, who,
sive survey of the air is now being m ade by the
The largest am ount of travel in history w as re ­ non M F. arch
18, 1927, m ade H om estead
governm ent to find out the best routes. A plan ported over the McKenzie pass in October. This on
E n try , No. 016842, for L ots 3 & 4 &
has been worked o ut and a p p a ra tu s invented that is a good reason for keeping the pass open as long S E ti N W % , S ection 31, T ow nship 16
an airplane in fog or in the d ark can be flown over as possible this w inter. As m any as 70 cars are S„ R ange 3 E ast, W illam ette M eridian,
and along a high power wire and never stra y off reported to have gone over the pass on one S un­ has filed n otice of in ten tio n to m ake
th re e y ear Proof, to e sta b lish claim to
its course. T his with the beacon lights is going day evening in October.
th e land above describ ed , before the
to m ake mail flying regular and dependable, he
U. S. L and Office a t R oseburg, O regon,
11th day of D ecem ber, 1928.
Now th a t Gene T unney has been referred to in on C the
• • •
laim ant n am es as w itn e sse s:
the papers as Mr. Jam es Joseph T unney, we can
F red E. M eyers, A rth u r L. th o u g h .
W a lte r E. P ost, F ra n k J. M inney, all
out of the ring.
Mussolini says th e new spapers m ay not criticize believe he has stepped
• • •
of Vida. O regon.
his governm ent, b u t m ay say anything they w ant
H AM ILL A. CANADAY, R eg ister.
to about his violin playing. However, we doubt
After all both sides c a n ’t win. Som etim es the
N. 8-15-22-29: D. 6:
th a t th e Italian papers w ant to fiddle around with people do a candidate a favor by not electing him
to office.
• • •
A Russian scientist says he has inventel a fire­
Now th a t the election is over we should settle
proof coal. Many home ow ners know th a t is by
down to four years of peace and prosperity.
no m eans a new invention.
Well all the ballot scratching was not done by
the chickens.
Does anybody really know how the women
M ill'll.
“ F o r 3 y ears I a te only baby food,
e v e ry th in g else form ed gas. Now
th a n k s to A dlerika, I e a t ev e ry th in g
and enjoy life.”— Mrs. M. Gunn.
E ven th e first spoonful of A dler­
ika reliev es g as on th e sto m ach and
rem oves asto n ish in g am o u n ts of old
w aste m a tte r from th e sy stem . M akes
you enjoy your m eals and sleep b e tte r
No m a tte r w hat you hav e trie d for
your stom ach and bow els, A dlerika
w ill su rp ris e you.
F la n e ry ’s D rug
S tore.
5 and 7 c e n ts a y a rd
All W ork G u aran teed — L eave
O rders a t K afo u ry 's
533 D S tre e t
P hone 105-W
Why Inspection?
T he O ptom itrist is, literally,
an eye m easurer.
M rs. W. C. W rig h t an d Mrs. S idney
W ard w ill be h o ste sse s a t th e n ex t
the modern oil
beautiful Actress
. . . Countless Admirers
—The secret of her blasted life told for the first time
AGDA, the saintly,” her friends cut out his tongue rather than breathe
called her. For though this
a word against her character.
beautiful actress had countless ad­ Then Magda's play suddenly closed.
mirers, she steadfastly refused to let Crushed and in despair, she sought
the slightest suspicion o f love or ro­ out the man responsible for her
mance enter her life.
wrecked reputation, and threatened to
Then something happened. The expose him— to tell the world the
treacherous tongue o f scandal linked
her name in an ugly way with that o f
“I dare you to !” he snarled through
a man of great social prominence.
evil lips. And Magda knew her fight
For some strange reason Magda had just begun.
neither denied nor confirmed these
Until now, the sensational truth
rumors. The poison spread. One about the venomous scandal which
by one her friends
blasted her life has re-
deserted her. Even her
youthful protegee, a
in Magda’s aching, grief-
P artial Contents
torn heart. But now her
young man in the cast
can be told. It is en­
whom she had encour­
titled “Beyond the Pale,”
The Forgotten
aged and heiped with
complete in
D ecem b er True Story
all her strength, pub­
The W ife Who
licly denounced her as
Forgot About Love
First in a Woman's Life
unfit for decent people
T un e in on the T ru e Story
My Husband's
H our broadcast every Friday
to associate with.
Strange Secret
night over W O R a n d the C o
Had he known the
What I Can Never Forget
lurnM’« chain. C on su lt Y our
truth he would have
Paper foe E xact T im e .
— a n d nine
other stories
Out N o w !
True Story*
___ A t A ll N e w ssta n d s—o n ly 2 5 c
A Landslide—!
A popular vote on E g gim ann’s candies would be a land­
slide in th eir favor. W et or dry, dem ocrat, o r republican or
w hat n o t they all like o u r candies and soft drinks.
T h a t’s why we w ere not w orried a b o u t th e election.
W e’re alw ays doing business a t the old stan d no m atte r
w ho’s elected. Y ears of service in m aking good candies
have g o tte n the public w ith us.
For all of which we th a n k you.
™ 4 “W here th e S ervice is D ifferent”
T here’s a
“S ilv e r G r a y
to Eugene every
30 minutes
from 5th and E Sts. commencing 6:30 a.m. (Sun­
days 7:30 a.m.) and every 30 minutes thereafter
until midnight throughout the day.
Returning they leave the Southern Pacific sta­
tion Eugene every 30 minutes between 6:00 a.m.
and i 1:30 p.m. (Sundays 7:00 a.m.)
100 Tickets (scholars) . . . .
50 Tickets (commutation)
. .
One way f a r e ................................. q .14
Connections at Eugene
B ut are also skilled in Me­
chanical Optics, w hich e n ­
ables him to supervise th e
construction of proper glas­
ses w hen required.
We use B ausch and Lomb
Lenses w hich give satisfac­
tion to us and our patients
Dr. Ella C. Meade
O p to m e tris t
No. 14 ® Ave. West
Ungere, Oregon
Convenient connections are made by thebus with
trains and motor coach to the north and south.
Note these frequent schedules from Eugene.
P o rtla n d via C orvallis and A lbany— 18:00,
9:35, $11:50 a m .; 2:35,4:35 p.m.
The ’ Limited” extra equipped, leaves 11:50
<J.w. arrives Portland 4:15 p.m. \V ta Harrisburg.
R oseburg— 1:55,6:35 p.m.
M arshfield via R o se b u rg — 1:55 p.m.
G rants Pass, M edford, A shland— 1:55 p.m.
Wherever you are going buy your ticket at
Springfield—it will be honored on train or bus
to Eugene.
Southern Pacific
C. OLSON, Agent