V*GK «)UR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRE8S H. E. MAXEY, Editor. KNOWN AND UNKNOWN SOLDIERS K afou ry is T ea c h er Again we are to celebrate Arm istice Day. Al- A llen K afoury, local clo th in g m er­ c h an t, h a s been chosen te a c h e r of the MRS. DAWSON AND MRS. FLANERY ARE HOSTESSES club m e e tin g to be h eld a t th e hom e of Mrs. W right. Mrs. W illiam D aw son and Mrs. F. B. F lan ery w ere Joint h o ste sse s to mem- I h ers of the N eed lecraft a t the fo rm er s .. ’ , ized la s t w eek follow ing a m eetin g of j hom e a t th e la s t m eeting. E n te re d as second class m a tte r, F eb ru ary 24, 1903 a t th e Many are the persons the world over, however, the A rg eath ea w om en's class. T hose p re s e n t w ere: M rs. A llen K a­ postofflce, Springfield, Oregon who are still grieved bcause of the loss of their _______ _______ nearest and dearest, a loss th a t no circum stance notice of final s e t t l e m e n t foury. Mrs. W. F. W alker, Mrs. W. H. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE can m ake less tragic. It is those who live, whose notice is h er eby g iv en , T h at P ollard, Mrs. W illiam Long, Mrs. E. One year in A dvance......... >1.75 Three M o n th s _____ 76c loved ones laid down their lives for th eir coun- j the undersigned, th e duly appointed E. May, Mrs. R obert D rury, Mrs. S. D. Kz M on th s------------------ ---- >1.00 Single C o p y ________ 6c tries, who are the sufferers. T heir sorrow shall 5Vjalifie<1 antl a c tin & a d m in is tra to r of j W ard, M rs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. Jo h n last the length of their lives, and and on Armistice J esta? °fJCarl BoB8e™ an' deceased, H en d erer, M rs W illiam W rig h t, Mrs. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Day it is only fitting to give thought to them and ^ r ^ t h T s ^ e Floyd W esterfield, Mrs. C arl Olson, Men, be human; that is your first duty. their noble sacrifices. the C ounty of L ane, his final Account M rs. O. H. J a r r e tt, Mrs. W a lte r Scott. — ROUSSEAU. T he symbol of the Unknown Soldier is beauti- antl1 th a t said C ourt by an o rd er duly M rs. C. O. W ilson, Mrs. H a rry S te w a rt, ful, his grave a fit shrine for all who love America. and^.ippoint^^Saturd ^ tb ^ s H 38! flxe