The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 05, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY JULY 5, 1928
!\pirtpaper Men of Oregon end C alifornia Enjoy Heautie» o f Crater Cake
Ù .’/ / A T « ' ' , » W ifi a W I
M u tt sn<l Jeff sarvice stgtlon on the
Visits Mother Haro— D r C. G. Van
Here for W eek— Henry Hlnnar, aa
corner of Second and M ain «treats. Valzah of Portland visited over the employe of the Western Lum ber com­
W orkm en were busy at the name time past week-end with his mother, Mrs. pany at W estfir 1» here to spend the
' complt ting (be Installation of an hy­ A. B. Van Valzah.
week with his fam ily.
draulic hoist for freaslng c a n .
Leaves for Portland— Mrs. Elma
Go to Portland— Bert Doane and son, Pin ley left Tuesday for Portland to
M ilton, left Monday evening for Port-i vlalt with relatives. She w ill he met
land for a few days vlalt w ith Mr. ’ at Jefferaon by her sister, Mrs. Guy '
Doane'» mother.
l>e«ter, who w ill take her on the Port-
Am ity Woman Guest— Mlaa Aladlno
Campliell of Am ity, Oregon, la a house '
Mrs. Korn Here— Mrs. June Korn,
i guest at the F. B. H a ne r y home this ' form er resident of Springfield, Is visit­
ing here with relative«. She has been
visiting her mother In Eugene for
j » Away on Vacation— Miss Lulu Me
Pberson of the local Mountain States 1 the past several days.
Power company office fa enjoying a !
Return from Washington— M r. and
Mrs Lester Bosserman and children
returned Saturday evening from Pros­
Hughes Hava Guests— Miss Ella Jay
ser, Washington, where they visited that house of your hearts desire you
of Ridgefield. Washington, was a house ;
for several days with relatives,
want to 'b e sure that the plumbing
| guest a t the borne of M r. and Mrs.
W illia m G. Hughes last week-end.
Morgans on T rip — A J Morgan, sup­ is of the finest tjtpe Stop in and see
You w ill find that
ervising principal of the high school, us about prices.
Haro for Fourth— Mr. and Mrs. Van
and his fam ily left last week-end on a they are reasonable and that there
. Orden of Longvlciw, W ashington, are
motor trip to points In the state of are many different types of fixtures
here for I he holidays. Mrs. Van Orden Washington. T hey w ill be gone for from which to choose.
wan form erly Mias Gladys Nystrom '
tom e time.
of thia city,
two 'weeks vacation.
Returns to Lakeview— B. M. Brat-
j tain haa returned to his home In Lake-
view a fte r visiting here w ith bis
brother, Paul llrattaln , for several
W illiam s Visits Here— Reuben W H-j
llama of the United Stated navy, w ill
spend hla furlough vlailing his mother.
Mrs. Nola M W illiam s here. His post
Is at Long Beach, California.
A b o v s V to w of Orator Lak«. in nsart of Oratot Latita Mattonai Park, ib is laka of doepsst lndlgo bino
la oas of tba wvndert o* ths Pacific (toast, Balow. tori R. W Sawyar. pnbllshsr of thè Band Bullattn and
w-aaldant of ths Croton M I tortai Aasoclatlon. wbo pretta ad at tfaa Oragoo roaaton; R W. Prlao. manager of
Orate» Laka lodge, wko waa boat lo thè aewspapermen. and rrlend W. Blchardaon, fermar governar of (ton­
fa n te . and preeldent of thè California Bdltortal Associatimi, wko led thè delagaUon from thè Golden Baste.
— IBpoelal)—la soethera Oragoa, M
I •
■M»s north of California, stands the
brakes ramaaat of a oaeo nighty
mooatala. la Ito saeleat crater howl
Uat ene of the world '• ereoie won
dere—a laka whose romnnhe eettlag
sad bewitch lag coloring are aadap-
lleated anywhere.
Thia brakes noun tain Itself Is
still lofty, Ite upper ersge roaring
7,000 to (,000 feet above the eea.
The lake Is over 1,000 feet below
their sumialte, aad la eao of the
deepest fresh water lakes on earth
The mouatala erags, the lake, end
the surrounding territory of most
talas, pi ns he lee end forests are sol
Jtstivsly hnowo as Crater Lake
National Park.
The story of Crater Lake and h o*
1» sams Into being was one of tha
moat fascinating features of two
state editorial association meetings
here during tbs week of June 25 to
July t. Daring tha early part of the
j t t k the California State Editorial
Associates, led by* Its president
Friend W. Hichardaoa, was welcomed
at this great resort, and immediately
following them, on Thursday, the
Oregon State Editorial asnoelatioa
convened for Its annual meeting. All
members of both organizations ware
guests of R. W. Pries, manager of
the Crater Lake Lodge.
With Robert W. S aw yv, publisher
sf ths Bend Bulletin and president
ef the Oregon State Editorial Atso
elation, presiding, the Orrgon dele-
gntloa held one of the meet inters«
log meetings in the history of the
»rgsnlzation. Members present heard
the report of the activities of the
tew field manager, Harris Eilrworth.
and llatened to n number of noted
Local and « t .te pr blenis
wero alno distanced duriag the moot-
Vinitlag aewspapermen from Ore­
gon aad California learned that
Crater Lake's dwelling piata, Mount
Massiva, Is about 100 miles north of
Mount Shasta, California *• great
a'oeplag fire mountain, and Is a trae
member e f that chain of satinet
voleaaoea that tarludee Rainier.
A<lama aad SL Helena in Washing
ton, and Hood, Jefferson aad the
Three Slaters la Oregon—all «sow-
rapped peaks today of raro tesale
loveltaoee—and Laeeea, the still
smouldering volcano of California.
Mount Mauamu's fires, however, art
utterly stilled. Ite day an a fire­
breathing mouatala hat been ever
for enlold eentprioo.
Its loftiest
rrtg Is now but 8,158 feet above tea
level. Yet there was a time when
this mountain was probably eqonl ta
Rainier and 8h««ta, perhaps over­
topping 15,000 fee t
Created by the voleaale forest that
east up Its neighbors, Mount Ma­
ttina, like them, grey cold. There
earns a day when great glaciers
gathered. Ruch glaciers may still be
seen upon Rainier, Adame, Hood,
8basts and other volcanic conce ef
the Pneifie Northwest
Yet Mount Mnsamn la only 7,000
to 8,000 feet high today. W b tt be­
came of the rest of It f Evidently
there was a vast cataclysm of na­
tura that carried the upper half of
Mount M as im t away, leaving a
yawning depression. Rut surround­
ing plains of Oregon do not show
debris of an esplotion. Yet seven
Uso cubie miles of rock and lava
have vanished from the earth. The
conclusion of geologic science is that
the entire upper h alf of Mount
Morsine fell In upon i t . e l f
H r
S ervice
S ta tio n
Up — A
Ham lins Purchase Car — M r. and
H e re fro m
P o rtla n d — Miss Lucy
Mra. F. B. H am lin have a nqw Dodge
8chw ering of Portland was here over
V icto ry six automobile which they pur­
the week-end to visit her parents, Mr.
chased last week.
Both the post­
and Mrs. E. R. Sc h we ring of W alter
m aster and bis wife are pleased with
the machine,
„ v » «'«<
Going to Nebraska— M r. and Mrs
James Rweeaey and daughter. Thelma,
left early this week for aa extended
trip through the mlddlewest.
w ill spend most of the tim e la Nebr­
aska, th e ir form er home.
Hetterbranda Leave— M r. ano Mrs.
I N. L. H elterbrand and daughters left
' last week-end for Toppenish. Wash-
: ington, where they w ill vlalt Mr.
Helterbrand's brothers. Ed and Jim,
1 form er residents of this city.
Visiting from South— M r. and Mrs.
Fred Hawke of Riverside, California,
arrived here this week to visit Mr.
Hawke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W al­
lace Hawke.
The visitors and the
local people w ill go to Portland to visit
relatives a .
Leave For Marshfield—Jdrs. W. W
W a lk e r and daughter, Mrs. L. G. Act»-
terms? and Miss Evelyn W a lk e r were
called to Marshfield last week-end on
account of the serious Illness of Mrs.
W a lk e r’s mother. Mrs. A. W . Skip-
8hopper Are In— Business visitors
here over the week-end w ere J. B.
E llio t t Cresw ell; Joe W illiam s, Rain­
bow; Mrs. Almee Roberts, Jasper;
Van Finch, Donna; Mrs. Grant Wartte,
W endllng; Mrs. Leonard Brewster,
N o tl; Frank Parrish. Veneta; Mrs. U
Demagoloskl. state game farm ; D. K.
Deadmon. Roy Brewer. F a ll Creek;
' H arvey Pitken, Seavey hop yeard;
Mrs. W. L. Rausch, W alterv llle; Mrs.
the Beaverton p la n t They were en­
W . B. Glaspev, Fall Creek; M r. and
route home from the meeting of the
Mrs. H. M ullen, Natron.
state editorial association at C rater
527 M A IN 8 T .
the Pacific highway is nearing com­
pletion. G. M. Plum mer Is building
the station which he w ill conduct him ­
Meetings Discontinued— Meetings -if
the Peter Pan coking club, of which
Mrs. W. W . W alke r is leader, have
been discontinued for the summer
months. T he club participated in the
Station Haa Holst— The M u tt and j Fourth of July parade in Eugene.
Jeff service station at the corner of
Here O ver Week-end— Mias Maud
Second and Main streets baa Just In-
Gorrie 'and Miss Betty Maclcln. both
| stalled an hydraulic hoist for use In
of Portland, spend the week-end here
greasing and oiling the under springs .
visiting w ith the former's mother, Mrs.
of automobiles.
C. I. Gorrie.
thin Is only half the story.
The resulting crater, or "«aiders,"
( miles long end 5 miles wide, hue
been healed end cooled by the fa ll­
ing rains tad snows of agon. This
precipitation, rising foot by foot,
hue covered over the great pit to a
depth of nearly 2,000 foot. The site
of the vanished summit Is thus
«orated by a vast glittering lake ef
deepest indigo.
Aad what a lake! la 1853 a party
of prospeetora wore ranging over
the Cascade Range In search of a
tost mine.
The mine waa never
found. But the mule of one rider
slopped suddenly, his forefeet pleat­
ed at tba brink of a mighty »rater.
I t was than that Crater Lake, bluest
of the bine lakes of aatara, was first
beheld by white men 'a eyes.
For yearn after f l i t great dlseev-
ary, Crater Lake remained accessible
oaly to travelers oa horsebaek. Bat
every party that ranched the epet
brought bach etoriee of the witchery
and mystery of this fresh water lake
without visible outlet
And so the varied wonders of
Crater Lake cam« to be known; its
blue waters and Its painted cliffs,
and the prospects that could be ob­
tained from those cliffs, Lino Rock,
the Watchman, the Cloud Cap, Gla­
cier peak, Garfihld Peak, Vidas Peak
sad others. It waa recognised that
here was one of th« molt interesting
scenic spots In the West» 80 It waa
made a National Park, and set aside
as a place of publle reerestloa for
all time.
Newspaper men of both states,
t»me of whom visited the lake for
the first time, wero enthusiastic ta
their praise for the area and the
lodge, and many are planning to ro-
•• rn (nr longer stays later.
new '
service station In West Springfield on I
Flanery s at Btacb— Mr. and_Mrs. F
B. Flanery and Mias Brna W eber of
Eugene drove to T a ft on the Oregon
coast Sunday. They encountered good
roads, driving 300 miles and spending
most of the day at the beach.
Troop Has H ik e —Troop 12 o f the
Springfield Boy Scouts took a hikp a
short way up the W illam ette Monday
evening. The boys enjoyed a welner
roast and games. W alter Goesler,
form er scoutmaster f the troop and
now troop committeeman, accompan­
ied the boys on the short jaunt.
(J y /i/fd e r
a ffò
C ra fr/ç s A a ^
O ur Equipment is the best in
the state and no factory has any
better method of doing this
class of work or better men to
operate them.
•-C Y L IN D E R
..................... »16.00
R E L IN E D ................... » 8.00
Pembrooke & Moritz
“ We Berve té Save"
82« Pearl St.
Phone S«3
During tire warm weather, it is
impossible to exercise too much
care in the choice of your
meats. We provide the choicest
cuts and keep them in perfect
condition. Make this your meat
headquarters and be safe.
4th and Main Sts.
t ’hone 63
Leaves on Visit— Tom Jackson and
Visiting Parent«— Russell Olson of
Back from Hospital— Penny C.vr la ! daughter, Jennie, left Tuesday for
Portland awlved here Bunday |o visit bark from the Eugene hospital afte r , Terrebone, Oregon, where they *111!
bln parent«, Mr. and Mr«. Carl Olson. receiving treatm ent.
visit the Samnhles fam ily who run a
in that district.
Vlalt In Albany— M r. and Mrs. N. A.
Home from Hospital— C. E. Lawton
Rowe visited Sunday In Albany with j returned to hla home from the Pacific
Visits W ith Sister — Mrs. Clara
th eir aotia, John, Pete and Francia Christian hospital Saturday evening
T aylo r spent the last week-end and
after receiving treatm eht there.
laim berty and th eir families.
the early part of this week visiting
Drive to Sslerr,— M r. and
Takes Over Grocery— A. E. Raver i f with her sister, Mrs. Sam Curdy of
W a lte r Laxton iyxl son drove to Salem Chico, California, has arrived here and Wend ling.
Tuesday to spend the day vlnltlng iwlth has taken over the grocery
which he owns si Jasper.
“ wAere saving» a re g r e a te s t’
942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon
Neon Sign Installed— A Neon elec- |
trie sign was installed Tuesday at the
Hero from Estacada— Mlaa Bernice
Back From Colorado— Mrs. W alter
Davidson of Estacada I h a visitor here Llpes has returned from Colorado
with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. after spending the past month visiting
relatives there.
V em D. Daniels.
Loyal Scott Move«— Mr. and Mrs.
Loyal Scott moved this week from
Rlxth end C street« to the Howard
Cotton residence on N inth street.
Drive to Oregon C ity— Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Pyne drove to Oregon City Sat­
urday evening to spend the week end
visiting with friends.
Ruth Spores to Wed— A m arriage
license waa Issued this week to Miss
Ruth Spores of thia city and Alex H.
Borsl, Crow Stage route.
Drive to Prineville— Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Kenyon, M r. and Mrs. M ark Peery
and Mr. und Mrs. W elby Stevens left
Tuesday afternoon f o r
where they attended the annual rodeo
and celebration on the Fourth.
V lalt Relative«— Mrs. J. M. Larson
and two sons spent Sunday In Junc­
Drive to Ashland —• Mrs. Dallas
tion City visiting Mra. latraon'a par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T o ftd a h l.. Murphy of this city, Mrs. 1. E. Murphy
of Eugene and Miss Dora Pederson
Here Over Bunday— Mlaa Ardls drove to Ashland last week to attend
Robertson of Goshen spent Sunday In tha wedding of a cousin. They return ­
Springfield aa a guest o f Miss Anna ed here Friday.
Beaverton E ditor Here — J, H.
Hers from Middleweat— M r and H u lett, publisher of the Beaverton
Mrs. Ed Carson and son, David, have Review, twaa a caller at the Springfield
arrived from the mlddlewest to visit News office Monday morning. He was
Mr. ¿'.arson's brother, George, of this accompanied by his fam ily, which, he
We Try A Little
Harder, That’s All!
If a child’s eyes are
imperfect o r o v e r -
strained, they have to
work harder on their
lessons.” Remove the
F ill your sprayer w itn
E lka y’s F ly-kil and go a f­
ter them.
First, close up the room;
then, spray the liquid up
into the a ir; It w ill k ill all
flies, mosquitoes, and sim­
ila r insects.
handicap with proper
says, composes most of hla "fores'* In :
Dr. Skerm an W. IUoody
LT k »’ST *
C V P S IC H T S P e C l  u t î
S U IT E S S I M IN K S OUMk. PH O N E 9 6 1
e a s t B r o a d w a y
e u c E N e -o n e .
M any customers ask how we can run our store
without "sales" or "special price” days. We* just
try a little harder, that’s all.
From office boy to executhe everyone in the
J. C. Penney Com pany makes an honest effort to
give our customers a better-than-usual-value every
day— to be just a bit more courteous and pains­
taking in serving.
M ost o f our customers seem to like-our "no sale"
policy, too. That encourages us to keep on trying.
Drug Store