THURSDAY JULY 5, 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS !\pirtpaper Men of Oregon end C alifornia Enjoy Heautie» o f Crater Cake rtwRI ■e»** Ù .’/ / A T « ' ' , » W ifi a W I ?.. PAGE P IV I M u tt sne«ter, who w ill take her on the Port- lapd. Am ity Woman Guest— Mlaa Aladlno Campliell of Am ity, Oregon, la a house ' Mrs. Korn Here— Mrs. June Korn, i guest at the F. B. H a ne r y home this ' form er resident of Springfield, Is visit­ week. ing here with relative«. She has been visiting her mother In Eugene for j » Away on Vacation— Miss Lulu Me Pberson of the local Mountain States 1 the past several days. Power company office fa enjoying a ! Return from Washington— M r. and Mrs Lester Bosserman and children returned Saturday evening from Pros­ W H E N YOU B U IL D Hughes Hava Guests— Miss Ella Jay ser, Washington, where they visited that house of your hearts desire you of Ridgefield. Washington, was a house ; for several days with relatives, want to 'b e sure that the plumbing | guest a t the borne of M r. and Mrs. I W illia m G. Hughes last week-end. Morgans on T rip — A J Morgan, sup­ is of the finest tjtpe Stop in and see You w ill find that | ervising principal of the high school, us about prices. Haro for Fourth— Mr. and Mrs. Van and his fam ily left last week-end on a they are reasonable and that there . Orden of Longvlciw, W ashington, are motor trip to points In the state of are many different types of fixtures here for I he holidays. Mrs. Van Orden Washington. T hey w ill be gone for from which to choose. wan form erly Mias Gladys Nystrom ' tom e time. of thia city, two 'weeks vacation. I Returns to Lakeview— B. M. Brat- j tain haa returned to his home In Lake- view a fte r visiting here w ith bis brother, Paul llrattaln , for several days. I W illiam s Visits Here— Reuben W H-j llama of the United Stated navy, w ill spend hla furlough vlailing his mother. Mrs. Nola M W illiam s here. His post Is at Long Beach, California. A b o v s V to w of Orator Lak«. in nsart of Oratot Latita Mattonai Park, ib is laka of doepsst lndlgo bino la oas of tba wvndert o* ths Pacific (toast, Balow. tori R. W Sawyar. pnbllshsr of thè Band Bullattn and w-aaldant of ths Croton M I tortai Aasoclatlon. wbo pretta ad at tfaa Oragoo roaaton; R W. Prlao. manager of Orate» Laka lodge, wko waa boat lo thè aewspapermen. and rrlend W. Blchardaon, fermar governar of (ton­ fa n te . and preeldent of thè California Bdltortal Associatimi, wko led thè delagaUon from thè Golden Baste. CRATRR L A K B LODGE, Oregon. — IBpoelal)—la soethera Oragoa, M I • ■M»s north of California, stands the brakes ramaaat of a oaeo nighty mooatala. la Ito saeleat crater howl Uat ene of the world '• ereoie won dere—a laka whose romnnhe eettlag sad bewitch lag coloring are aadap- lleated anywhere. Thia brakes noun tain Itself Is still lofty, Ite upper ersge roaring 7,000 to (,000 feet above the eea. The lake Is over 1,000 feet below their sumialte, aad la eao of the deepest fresh water lakes on earth The mouatala erags, the lake, end the surrounding territory of most talas, pi ns he lee end forests are sol Jtstivsly hnowo as Crater Lake National Park. The story of Crater Lake and h o* 1» sams Into being was one of tha moat fascinating features of two state editorial association meetings here during tbs week of June 25 to July t. Daring tha early part of the j t t k the California State Editorial Associates, led by* Its president Friend W. Hichardaoa, was welcomed at this great resort, and immediately following them, on Thursday, the Oregon State Editorial asnoelatioa convened for Its annual meeting. All members of both organizations ware guests of R. W. Pries, manager of the Crater Lake Lodge. With Robert W. S aw yv, publisher sf ths Bend Bulletin and president ef the Oregon State Editorial Atso elation, presiding, the Orrgon dele- gntloa held one of the meet inters« log meetings in the history of the »rgsnlzation. Members present heard the report of the activities of the tew field manager, Harris Eilrworth. and llatened to n number of noted ipenkera. Local and « t .te pr blenis wero alno distanced duriag the moot- iaga. Vinitlag aewspapermen from Ore­ gon aad California learned that Crater Lake's dwelling piata, Mount Massiva, Is about 100 miles north of Mount Shasta, California *• great a'oeplag fire mountain, and Is a trae member e f that chain of satinet voleaaoea that tarludee Rainier. A