The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 05, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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r > n r -" dur
Published Every Thursday at
Springfield. Lana County, Oregon. by
H. B. MAXEY. Editor.
tcred as second class matter, February 24, 1903 at the
poetofllce, Springfield. Oregon
» year In Advance-------11.75
Months----------------------- 61.00
Three M onth»____ 76c
Single C o p y ______be
The w orst s tre tc h of road traveled over on o u r
517 miles trip to C ra te r Lake w as th a t portion of
the McKenzie highw ay betw een the fish h atch ery
and W altervtlle, T his is som ething to th ink
about. Lane co u n ty a few y ears ago w as the
leading co u n ty in th e s ta te in good roads but
other counties have been in the gam e since then
and road sta n d a rd s a re rapidly rising. Coos,
Douglas. Jackson. K lam ath. D eschutes, and m any
o th er counties have oiled m acadam ro ad s th a t
a re even b e tte r for autom obile travel th a n th e
Pacific highw ay, tf we a re going to keep step
with the rest of th e s ta te we m ust n o t only get
ou r sta te m acadam ro ad s built but oiled.
e • e
The »mall daughter of Mr. sad
Mr». Ixiula dinner fell from a wood
IN TWO ACCIDENTS HERE pile last Friday afternoon and re
All hall to Mexico’s own L indbergh! C aptain
Emilio C arrai za h as show n th e stuff of which he
reived a fractured arm Juat below (A
fractured arm and dislocated wrlet
is m ade! He successfully com pleted a flight
from Mexico City to W ashington, w here he was
Farmer» who haw flow« of wheat, i resulted last Friday when Mrs, F L.
th e guest of President t oolidge. T his flight was hurley, or oata that are practically ( Tucker attempted to crank an auto­ PAINTING and Kalinoilnlug In all Its
a touching expression of good will and friendship pure a« to variety are reque*tacl by O. mobile. The double Injury was pain
Reduced Prices. Roy
from Mexico. It is said that Mexico is m ore stir- s. Fletcher, county agricultural agent, ful and difficult to treat but not seri­ Koch Cell 166-J.
red over this accom plishm ent of peace th an It to apply to him for in«p.<lion of the
has been over ¡my o th e r event in its history.
tielda for certlfl.atlon of »«ed. Varie
L indbergh's flight from W ashington stirred the tlea moat In demand in lam.- County
im agination of the M exicans, who longed to have «re a« follow«: wheat, Jenkins Club,
a flier of th eir own em ulate him ; and then Car- white winter. Rink. Zimmerman, Hue-
ran za applied to P resident Calles fo r perm ission ton; barley, o. a . c N o . 7. Hanm-hen;
to re tu rn th e good will tlight o f the lam e Eagle, oat«, may winter, victory. Fields to
Money for the tlight of C arranza w as raised h.v |.««« for certification must be ut least
public subscription, t a rra u z a s tlight was one of 99't pure aa to variety end contain no
2175 miles, accom plished in tw en ty hours.
noxious weed«
Application« for in
T he fea ts of C arran za in th e a ir have been apection «houM be made at once an
m any. Once, w hen he tlew from Mexico City to that the grain tnav be Inspected be
th e bonier, his engine c au g h t fire. He m anaged tore it 1« cut.
to put th e fire out by Side-Slipping and flying
The county agent states that grain
th ro u g h a rain-cloud which fo rtu n a te ly cam e his etaudardieatlon and seed improvement
way. His presence of mind In em ergencies Is t« one of the principal project» of hl»
rem arkable. He has handled m achines so ex- office and that he hopes that all farm-
pertly a s to arouse gasps of adm iration from ers who have pure seed win report
o th e r a ' iators.
It go that sources of goon seed may
C a rra n z a 's good will flight w as a m agnificent i«. located to that good seed mav be
achievem ent, bringing him rapidly to th e front as available to all interested farmers of
M exico’s forem ost flyer.
the county
» » e
A1 Sm ith has been nom inated by th e dem o crats
R esidents of P ittsb u rg h a re objecting to tin* MARKER FOR PIONEER TO
for president. While he is an avow ed w et th e re
fe perhajks little he can do to m ake th e co u n try use of th e word “B randyw ine” as th e nam e of a ; BE UNVEILED ON FRIDAY
any m ore moist o th e r th an being lax in p ro h ib i-' telephone exchange. We guess they don't care
tion law enforcem ent if he w ere elected. But lay- ab o u t aw akening painful m em ories,
A marker in memory of Susanab
Gobbert'Bristow. daughter of the Am­
tog all th is aside Sm ith appeals to th e w rong
» » »
erican Revolution, will be unveiled at
elem ent in th e country. This h as been exempli- '
fed in his own state. New York. T he ran k and j
a ceremony in the Pleasant Hill ceme­
tery Friday afternoon nt 2:30 orlork
fie su p porters of Sm ith are not th e people th a t :
The Oregon lx»wla and Clark chapter
this great co u n try can build its fu tu re on. R ath er ;
of the D. A. R. 1« sponsoring the cere­
they are for the m ost p art th e u n th in k in g class. '
the rabble, th e foreigners, th e radicals, the self-
The marker la to be unveiled at her
ish in te rests— a m otely crow d w ith only a few
grave by two of her great great grand­
• high class o u tsta n d in g m en here and th ere
children, William Wllahlre Brietow.
zimong them .
Jr. and Margaret Bristow.
P • •
“N ous som m es to u s condam nes.”
The complete program follow«: As­
W hether the ideals of Am erican dem orcatlc
sembly, Boy Scout bugler; flag salute.
We a re all condem ned crim inals.
governm ent shall trium ph o r th e com m unism of
, , . ,
. .,
. ..
led by Mr«. Arthur Quaekenbuah. re-
R ussia will be th e guiding spirit in th e fu tu re of
T h e lurid description of Mrs. Snyder and Mr. gent of the n. a r . chapter- tnvoc,
m w C hina is th e im p o rtan t question of th e day In G ra y s last hours before execution gave us all the tion. Rev w . a Elkin» address r 0»
the Orient, so we have been told by Dr. Lew, well shivers. T he new spaper re p o rte r seem s to have Mr. Elkina; unveiling of marker w ir
known Chinese lec tu re r and stu d en t. He says the sam e com plaint th a t som e p reach ers have Ham w. Bristow and Margaret h . i *
that th e Am ericanized C hinam en a re a t present who a t a funeral strive to dwell upon all th e ef- tow; presentation of marker Mr. j
• n top, several of th e new cabinet m em bers be- fective scenes concerning th e d e a th of the de- h stoflei; acceptance, m i . . Margaret
tog g rad u a tes from o u r best colleges. It is very parted in order to produce te a rs from th e audi- Brietow; placing of wreath Mr. w
■ecessary th a t th ey sta y on top if new C hina is tors. It is technically know n as boring for w ater. E. Miner; tap«. Boy Scout bugler '
to be a friendly co u n try to us instead of a d is­
T he m ore we th ink of it, how ever, we conclud“ * _
— — ---------------
to rtin g elem ent in the Pacific. He says also th a t th a t th ere was but one terrible th in g about this ELIZABETH HUGHES HAS
■ew C hina m u st also becom e free of entangling
concessions w ith o th er co untries in o rd er th a t execution. T h a t w as th e c e rta in ty of It.
«he shall have self d eterm ination in w orking out
We a re all condem ned to d eath, a s V ictor H ugo
Prospective University of Oregon
her problems.
says. We m ust all walk th e plank, sooner or »tud en u'¿f spring'n'eid ’ w i i i \ - ' ^ ’ 7»
la te r or face a firing squad o r die in battle or complete information on w h.t course,
It is evident th a t E ugene’s pow-er developm ent b rea th e our last in ou r beds. Dying is dying to take and other phase. ,,r ut.iven.ity
Ilfe by member, of the Greater o r ,
cn the McKenzie river is not going to add an y ­ w h atev er be its accom panim ent.
thing to th e scenic value of th e stream . We be­
And the a c t of d e a th is probably not so horrible B°n con,m,t,ee- • student organlu-
lieve she should reforest th e right of w ay once to th e a c to r as it is to th e sp ectato rs.
tlon whlch wl11
contacts with
the canal is com pleted. T his would likely not cost
Dying is sim ply lapsing into unconsciousness ercry part nt ,h* "ute during the
■ great sum and would com pensate som ew hat and th e w orst pains a re felt by those about the 8un,mer Ellaabeth Hughe, win dir
for the unsightly dam age done in clearing a rig h t- ¡victim who realize th a t they will never see him ect the work i“
while Don
sf-w ay so n e a r th e highw ay.
Campbell, of Eugene. I. general chair
• • •
T he victim him self probably realizes little or "la" o f ' ^ / ’letrlct composed of Lene.
— __
- .
, . .
n o th in » -
Very sa tisfa c to ry progress is being m ade on n o in ,n s-
1 - ,''lnn an<l n*'nton counties Ho will ‘ ;
Also the anticipation of death is w orse th an dlson, Eu
* ls,‘.ni« d > i i >. n \,i
the new Springfield bridge. It w on’t be long now
until we will be traveling it— onlv a few sh o rt d eath itself. T he ce rtain ty th a t they w ere to die Grove ivuvno'v** ."*1 ’’i“88' io l,a <s
m onths.
¡upon a given d a te was fiercer torm ent to the B r a ? 'j u i s T S . Fv
• • •
Of/ ! T e " ,™'na,8h th a n th * P*«Sage t i’rO’?K,‘
8— a m X
. j Z Z u CHy-
No wom an m ade a n om inating speech a t th e a 'few seco n d s'*
' aFg<? " C '
Ka^ r i "nistrom. i-ebanon
R epublican Convention, but th ree of them n ade
If we k n e w th a t we had to die upon the stroke'comm TtSe’ wm
° re ,°B
p o n d i n g speeches. Ju st like a w om an to w an t ¡of a certain hour we should die 100 d e a th s in
tL a " „ ? . * ' th s,,,d" " t8
the last w ord!
. . .
anticipation of it.
» » re eled . and it 1« planned to have
several meetings In ea< h district dur­
i fvhakespeare sa id :
ing the summer and early fall.
A New- York gjrl is to m arry a m an w hose auto- ’ “ C ow ards die m any tim es before th eir d e a th s;
mobile hit and injured her. Evidently a ‘‘h it-and- j T he valiant never ta s te of d e a th but once.
Of all the w onders th a t I yet have heard,
kiss” driver.
. . .
It seem s to m e m ost stra n g e th a t men should
------ -
! . .* ea8t 30 ih>rin * ,i'-i<i bebiee w< re 1
Evidently the R epublicans were anxious to bolt j Seeing th a t d eath, a necessary end,
| p Gi’*kraphea during the recant offer.
the convention door before any of the d a rk horses ; Will com e when it will com e.”
T h a t m en tu rn th e ir th o u g h ts to religion when / *’* T,">n’a" Hatton arudio in Eu
escaped w ith th e nom ination.
• • •
.th ey th in k death is ce rtain is a testim ony to th » - ^ ’ "*’
mal<e on,‘
picture ot
Now th at a stro n g prohibition plank has been j influence of d eath upon life and to the su p erio r 1 7 , , . aby "n,l' r a *’er‘«ln age brought
rdopted, th e th irst is yet to com e!
and im m ortal qualities of ou r spiritual n a tu re s
i .? he 8tud,° by 'be mother. More
----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ------------- ----- -
3«« children from all p,rH of
bane county were photographed, the
1 Arm reported.
1 The etudlo was only recently open­
’ d by the two Seattle men
plat, to Install equipment for making
niIniuturefl Boon.
Lodge Program Held— Fifty person«
attended the past master»' night pro
&ram of the Springfield lodge of
Masons last Thursday evening
lowing lodge work and conferring of
degrees, a banquet was served hv
members of the Ca«<-ade chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star.
E ssen tia ls for
The June Bride
T o sum up the outstanding advantages o f the
General Electric Refrigerator— it is unusually
quiet. It hasn’t a single belt, fan or drain-pipe.
I t never needs oil. It is extremely roomy, eco­
nomical and portable.
General Electric.
I t ia guaranteed by
Y o u should come in and
Study the many models Before you d m rta.
M ountain S tates power C o m pany
I N x D -t P E N D E N C
N 1876, one hundred years after the signing
o f the D eclaration o f Independence, the first
telephone c irc u it was installed o n th e Pacific
Coast. T h is marked the beginning o f a new free­
dom — freedom from the bonds o f distance.
For today,distance is not a barrier to the trans­
m is s io n of th o u g h t by speech. T h e last h a lf
century has seen the developm ent o f the tele­
phone from small beginnings to a vast netw ork
o f voice highways e x te n d in g th r o u g h o u t the
length and breadth o f the nation.
From yo u r ow n telephone you are w ith in
speaki ng distance o f < >vcr 70,000 cities and towns
througho ut the U nited States and many p o in t*
in M exico, Canada and Europe.
To the bounihtriei o f the nation
a n d beyond—by telephone
Arrange All 1 ravel
Details Here
i r JJet
e , you r local Southern Pacific
agent help you p la n your trip,
Avoid hurried choice and rushed buying. Buy your
ticket, arrange all travel details, leisurely— in your own
home town. Your local agent is a travel expert. Talk it
over with him. He knows—
H ow to g e t m ost f o r y o u r tr a v el fu n d s
A W hite Gold E ngagem ent
Ring, A W hite Gold Wed­
ding R ing and W hite Gold
F ram es or M ountings for
h e r glasses.
Dr. Ella C, Meade
O ptom etrist
No. 14 « Ave. W est
_____ E u e e re . Orepon
How you can see and do more by selection of various
routes. W liat trains carry through sleepers direct ro your
destination. Money saved by buying roundtrip tickets
The convenient baggage size and other details neces­
sary to enjoy travel.
Southern Pacific