i* r > n r -" dur THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lana County, Oregon. by THE W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. B. MAXEY. Editor. tcred as second class matter, February 24, 1903 at the poetofllce, Springfield. Oregon M AIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE » year In Advance-------11.75 Months----------------------- 61.00 Three M onth»____ 76c Single C o p y ______be THURSDAY JULY 5, 1928 The w orst s tre tc h of road traveled over on o u r 517 miles trip to C ra te r Lake w as th a t portion of the McKenzie highw ay betw een the fish h atch ery and W altervtlle, T his is som ething to th ink about. Lane co u n ty a few y ears ago w as the leading co u n ty in th e s ta te in good roads but other counties have been in the gam e since then and road sta n d a rd s a re rapidly rising. Coos, Douglas. Jackson. K lam ath. D eschutes, and m any o th er counties have oiled m acadam ro ad s th a t a re even b e tte r for autom obile travel th a n th e Pacific highw ay, tf we a re going to keep step with the rest of th e s ta te we m ust n o t only get ou r sta te m acadam ro ad s built but oiled. e • e The »mall daughter of Mr. sad BONES ARE FRACTURED FARMERS REQUESTED Mr». Ixiula dinner fell from a wood IN TWO ACCIDENTS HERE pile last Friday afternoon and re T O IDENTIFY GRAIN All hall to Mexico’s own L indbergh! C aptain Emilio C arrai za h as show n th e stuff of which he reived a fractured arm Juat below (A AS TO ITS VARIETY fractured arm and dislocated wrlet is m ade! He successfully com pleted a flight elbow* from Mexico City to W ashington, w here he was Farmer» who haw flow« of wheat, i resulted last Friday when Mrs, F L. th e guest of President t oolidge. T his flight was hurley, or oata that are practically ( Tucker attempted to crank an auto­ PAINTING and Kalinoilnlug In all Its a touching expression of good will and friendship pure a« to variety are reque*tacl by O. mobile. The double Injury was pain branches. Reduced Prices. Roy from Mexico. It is said that Mexico is m ore stir- s. Fletcher, county agricultural agent, ful and difficult to treat but not seri­ Koch Cell 166-J. ous. her attending physician reported red over this accom plishm ent of peace th an It to apply to him for in«p. i i >. n \,i the new Springfield bridge. It w on’t be long now until we will be traveling it— onlv a few sh o rt d eath itself. T he ce rtain ty th a t they w ere to die Grove ivuvno'v** ."*1 ’’i“88' io l,a rin * ,i'-in’a" Hatton arudio in Eu escaped w ith th e nom ination. • • • .th ey th in k death is ce rtain is a testim ony to th » - ^ ’ "*’ malvcr 70,000 cities and towns througho ut the U nited States and many p o in t* in M exico, Canada and Europe. To the bounihtriei o f the nation a n d beyond—by telephone T ub PACIFIC TÉLÉPHO NÉ A n d TELEGRAPH CO M P A N Y Arrange All 1 ravel Details Here i r JJet e , you r local Southern Pacific LL*?* agent help you p la n your trip, 1 Avoid hurried choice and rushed buying. Buy your ticket, arrange all travel details, leisurely— in your own home town. Your local agent is a travel expert. Talk it over with him. He knows— H ow to g e t m ost f o r y o u r tr a v el fu n d s A W hite Gold E ngagem ent Ring, A W hite Gold Wed­ ding R ing and W hite Gold F ram es or M ountings for h e r glasses. Dr. Ella C, Meade O ptom etrist W ATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 « Ave. W est _____ E u e e re . Orepon How you can see and do more by selection of various routes. W liat trains carry through sleepers direct ro your destination. Money saved by buying roundtrip tickets The convenient baggage size and other details neces­ sary to enjoy travel. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent