The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 05, 1928, Image 1

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    ü . ul U. Library
B o o ti For M a d » -in -
Oregon P rod uett.
twenty - fifth year
Smition and Moore, Whose Eli­
gibility to Office is Question­
ed, Will Leave City's Services
Soon; Hearing Held Last
Monday Evening.
Chief of Police and fire Chief Jea*
ttmllson, who la under fire by petition­
ers who would disqualify him for the
office, will resign April 1« It waa an­
nounced today at the city hall. Herb­
ert Moore, traftll«- officer and fireman,
•ervlcee with the city will terminate on
May 1. It waa also announced. Action
on the reelanatlon of both officers waa
scheduled Io lie taken nt nest Mon­
el uy evening's meeting
Applications for both position* are
now being received by the city.
A hearing on n petition signed by 13
persons anklng that the cotyicll ac­
cept the realgnutlon of Chief of Police
and Fire Chief Jess Hmltsnn waa held
Monday evening by the police com­
mittee The committee after question­
ing a number of signers on the peti­
tion and hearing Chief Smltson announ­
ced a report would be made to the
council meeting nest Monday evening
Two reasons why the council should
accept the resignation of Mr. Hmltaon.
tabled at laat council tuoetlug. are
set fourth In the petition. One that
he uses the sheriffs office to make
arrests In Springfield and the other
that he was "reported! drunk" on Nov­
ember 11 and December 12.
Two on Liquor Charge
After an lllneaa of two y-ars, Mrs.
Henry William Chase, 70. died at
Lydia May Lepley, wife of Leonaru
the horns of his son, Kenneth Chus«
Lepley, puased away at her home Sun-
at 117 E street Wedneitony morning <kuy morning at the age of fifty-seven
nl nine o'clock. Mr. Chaae suffered a years. Funeral services were held at
paralytic atroke Hui unlay while xt 2:16 o’clock from the Christian church
work at his gravel plant here, from with burial at the Laurel Hill ceme­
which he regained consciousness only tery.
a few minutes Mrs. Chase was at the ■ Mrs. Lepley was born In Vernon
bedside of her mother at Newberg, county, Wisconsin, January 7, 1871,
Mr. Chase waa able io the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
r< cognize her after her return.
Drake Her early life Waa spent in
A memorial service will be held at and near Viola, Wisconsin, where she
the family home an 662 Mill street became a member of the church. In
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock . 189«, she married Leonard J. lepley.
Funeral services will he held Munday For four years they lived at West
aft'-rnoon at 2: So o'clock at the Holl­ Linn, Wisconsin, after which they
ingsworth chapel at Newberg. Burial noved to California, lived five years
wilt be ai the family lot at Newberg. 1 at Modesto. Twenty-one years ago
Mr. Chase waa horn at Wausau. Wis­ they moved to Sprlngjleld.
consin, March 21. 1858. When he w ta | The deceased is survived by her
a an« 11 boy, his family moved to : husband and three children, Earl
Minnesota, relocating In Wisconsin Lepley of Oakdale, California, Mrs.
when he was seventeen. On March Gladys Merrel of Eugene, and Richard
12, 1879, he married Mlsa Cornelia ! Lepley of Springfield. Gladys' twin
Johnson at Omro, Wisconsin. For I died In Infancy. Two sisters and a
many years Mr Chaae waa a sawmill , brother In Wisconsin and a sister,
engineer In northern Wisconsin. They ' Mrs Ellen Curtis of Halfway, Oregon,
cume to Oregon In 1893, settling near ! one grand daughter. June Merrel, and
Newberg, where Mr. Chaae owned anil Grandma Lepley, aged 91, who has
operated a sawmill, and later a sand made her home with Mr. and Mrs.
and gravel plant. Four and one half lx-pley since their marriage, also sur­
years ago the family came to Spring- vive.
field, where Mr Chase bought the j Honorary pallbearers were: Mrs. E.
Springfield Sand and Gravel company E. Morrison, Mrs. J. D. Beals. Mrs.
He took an active Interest In the do- , Alice la,rah, Mrs J A. Valentine, Mrs.
velopment of this city ami leaves J. H. Morelock. Mrs. Vena McPherson.
many friend* here to mourn hda toes. Active pallbearers were: Mrs. George
Besides his wife the deceased la Vailler, Mrs. Lynn Stone. Mrs. Bud
survived by three« sons. Donald L. of McPherson. Mrs. Cliff Abrams, Mrs.
Portland. Kenneth R., of Springfield, Fred William», and Mrs Cole. Rev.
and Chandlos of Jennings IxMlge. Ore­ 8 E. Childers conducted the services,
gon; a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Thomp­ which were In charge of the Spring-
son of Anawau, Wisconsin, a brother field chapel.
Charles Chase of Minneapolis, Minne­
sota, and five grandchildren. A daugh­ CHAMBER REPAYS VISIT
ter died at Newberg several year* ago.
Only two of the skoiera would make
•talementa In regard to drunkenness.
Herbert Moore, traffic officer, said that
be would "swear that Rmltson was BOARD WILL SELECT
drunk" on the dates mentlonedi Tony
Gravoa said that he would swear that
fhnltson had been drinking on Dec
Teachers for the Springfield schools
ember 12. but would not sr.y he was will be selected at the school hoard
meeting at the First National bank
Chief Denies Charges
April 10. Ten teachers for the high
Hmltaon called before the committee school and IJncoln school will be
denied the charge of drunkenness. selected, and seven Instructor* will be
Deputy Sheriffs Melvin Turnbull and chosen for the Brattaln school.
Jess Daniels said that they bad spent
At a recent hoard meeting, princi­
several hours In Springfield with ples for the three schools were re­
Hmltaon November 11 and that he was elected and their salaries Increased.
not drunk nor had he been drinking They are A. J. Morgan, principal of the
They also said that good cooperation high school, I«wrence Moffitt, of the
existed between Chief Hmltaon and Lincoln building and Mrs. Ora Read
the sheriffs office In the matter of law Hemenway, of (he Brattaln school.
Traffic officer Moore told the com­ DR. W IRT SPEAKS ON
mittee that sheriffs deputies were
used In making arrests here Instead if
himself and Night Patrolman Henson.
Dr. L. Lincoln Writ, secretary of the
From his testimony It la evident that Council for the Prevention of War
harmony does not exist between the addressed the high school assembly
traffic officer and Chief Smltson Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock on the sub
Moore does not live In Sprlngtleld and Ject of war and Its devastating effects.
he ««Id that Smltson had called the
Dr. Wirt has only recently returned
attention of the council to a state law front Europe, and gnve first hand illus­
which requires an officer of the city trations of the destructive effect of
to reside within Its limits and also be war on the nations of Europe, which
a qualified h-gwl voter. The police are suffering from debt, deceased
committee agreed with Mr Moore that population, decreased and unstable
his services as traffic officer should currency exchange, and lack of de­
terminate on May 1 without other ar­ velopment of natural resources.
rangements were made In the mean­
Other signers calk'd to explain their PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT
Teasons for being on the petition
were D. Morse, V. R. Jones and
A three-act play "Miss Janie, or a
William Vasby. Mayor Bushman re­
ported the attitude of several other Curtailed Courtship." will he present­
ed at the Camp Creek church Saturday
signers whom he had Interviewed.
evening hy the Epworth Ix-ague. Fol­
lowing tile play, a box social will be
Marriage Licenses Issued
During the past week marriage lic­ held.
enses have been Issued by the county
No admission will he charged: for
the play, and the proceeds from the
clerk'to the following:
I.uclnn Hall, Eugene, and Agnes M. box social are to be used to purchase
Clay. Medford; Lockwood Franklin, lights for the church.
fialem, and Ruby Moore, T^aburg;
Emmet Parts, Eugene, and Resslo
Wicks Is Pledged
Smith, Springfield.
Oregon State Agricultural College,
Corvallis, April 6—Waller Wicks of
Mill Motor Burna Out.
Wendllng, freshman In vocational edu­
A 1150 horsepower motor, operating cation, has pledged Theta No Phi, a
the fan of the planing mill at the local fraternity on the Oregon State
Booth Kelly mill burned out Monday campus.
afternoon about 4:30 o’clock. Several
men wrorked until (5 o'clock Tuesday
Returns to Springfield — Frank
morning to repair It, and the planer Wachter, who has made hla home
worked as usual Tuesday.
with his daughter In Portland: for the
past several months, has returned to
Lodge Has All-Fools Program
Springfield to make his permanent
April fool stunts featured the pro­ residence. Mr. Wachter said he knew
gram of the Rebekah lodge meeting so few people In Portland thnt he be­
at the I. O. O. F. hall Monday evening came lonesome for his friends In
Following the program, refreshments Springfield,
were served. Charles Poole, Car,
Girard and Dr. R. P. Mortensen were
Food Sale to Be Given—The loca­
the committee In charge.
tion of the food sale to he given by
the Civic club April 11 will be decided
Wind Blows Down Sign*—Several at a meeting of the club' next Tues­
roadside Hlgns In and near Springfield day at the chamber of commajlco
were blown down by the heavy winds rooms. Mrs. Carl Olson, Mrs. J. A.
of the past woek. Two signs on the Valentine, Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs.
store at the Seaver auto camp were W. C. Mcl^gan, and Mrs. Paul Brat­
blown off, and several telephone taln are the committee In charge of
wires near the bridge wore hlowm the sale. The proceeds will be given
to the library.
Gaslest Motor Inventor
Letter J. Henderehot of Pitts-
burgh who hat just invented a
"futile»»" motor, a free energy
fenerator which i» claimed to get
t'z running power from the air.
Because of the success of Its first
presentation at Walker last Friday,
the Walker high school play, "Nora
Whke Up-” will be preaented at the
Bell theatre tonight at 8 o'clock.
The cast of "Nora Wake Up!"
which la a three act Irish comedy
drama. Is as follow*:
Mrs. Callahan, an old fashioned
Irish woman _____ Aimed a Myers
Her daughter Nora, who 1» up-to-
date.......... .......... .... Audrey Walford
Johnnie Callahan, a college lad, _
..................................... Marlon Weltx
Dannie Mllllns. Johnnies' college
pal. In love with Nora, ..Murnard
Charlyle Coolredge. a tramp...........
_________________ _ Francis Horn
Mrs. Edmonston, a city ultra­
................. Vernell Koch
‘ Ed Edmonston, a city fourflu«her..„
........................._............... Alvin Earl
A male quartet, consisting of Nor­
ton Pengra, Wilfred Cook, Oscar Glad
dish and Arthur Pengra will present
several vocal selections. Arthur Pen­
gra of Springfield is principal of the
Walker school.
Four settings of barred rock eggs :
have been given to four Lincoln | LANE CHERRY GROWERS
school students by Arnold Collier, !
county club leader. The students are
Cherry pollination will be discussed
Elmer Fritz. Florence Peterson, Carol
Gates and Lewis Shipley. The eggs at the Eugene Chamber of Commerce
are donated by Ben Keeney, county , rooms Saturday at 1:30 o'clock. Prof­
assessor and noted poultry fancier, - essor C. E. Schuster and C. L. Long,
who has won numerous prizes with : extension horticulturists ot the Ore­
his chickens, indicating that the . gon Agricultural College will present
youngsters may be the possessors of the results of several years study
along this line.
some valuable fowls.
G C. Lawrence and George Dorris
will also discuss the seedling inset
Sunrise Prayar Meeting
and grafting methods of providing pol­
A sunrise prayer meeting and pic­ lination. The meeting is being pro­
nic will be held by the Christian En­ vided by the Lane County Horticul­
deavor society of the Christian church tural Society and the County Agri­
Sunday. Members will meet at the cultural Agent. All cherry growers are
church, and if the weather is nice,
Eight members of the SprlngflelJ will go somewhere in the woods, cordially invited to attend and Join
Chamber of Commerce attended the where the services will be held, and in the discussion.
luncheon of the Cottage Grove Cham­ an outdoor breakfast cooked.
ber of Commerce Tuesday noon to re­
pay a visit of a delegation here at the
last meeting of the local body. The EXTEND ROUTE TWO
trip was a mission ot good will be­
Members of the Methodist Brother­
tween the cities. A visit was made
hood and the men’s class of the Bap­
Springfield rural route 2 will be ex­ tist church will be guests of the men
to the Standard Bridge company’s
cold air seasoning plant, tne only In­ tended 1.3 miles after April 12. F. B. of the Christian church tomorrow
Hamlin, postmaster, has announced. evening at a banquet
dustry of Its kind In the world.
Those making the trip were W. C. The route now goes only as far as the
Rev. James of Eugene, and Charles
Wflght. John Ketela. L. F. Anderson. Upper Camp Creek school, but will Poole of Springfield will he speakers.
M. J. McKlin, E. R. Danner. Tony hereafter extend to the Wlllan mill. The banquet is to be at 8:30 o'clock,
Gravoa, Walter Gossler and H. E.
and will be at the Christian church.
Engaged at Collage
A program of music Is also being ar­
Oregon State Agricultural College. ranged.
Corvallis, April 6—The engagement
William Halsey of Springfield, sen­ American Forest Week Proclaimed
ior In forestry, to Grace Patterson of
A presidential proclamation setting
Celebrating the second birthday of Astoria, senior In commerce, has been aside April 22-28 as American Forest
the Springfield National Guard com­ announced here.
Week has been received by F. B.
pany, officers and men of the com­
Hamlin, postmaster. The proclama­
pany will enjoy a banquet this even­ A WORLD’S RECORD
tion recommends that special observ­
ing after the drill.
GOES UP IN SMOKE ance be made of the week In order
The feed, which Is scheduled for
that the importance of preserving our
nine o'clock. Is In charge of M. B.
Kansas City, Mo., April 5 (Auto- forests may be impressed on every­
Huntly, and will be held in the caster)—John G. Thudlum, probably one.
Chamber of Commerce rooms. First tne oldest cigar maker In Missouri, Is
Lieutenant C. A. Swurts and Second completing his sixty-fourth year in
Wards Entertain Dinner Party
Lieutenant Waller Gossler are officers that trade. He is 83 and says he has
Honoring Dr. and Mrs. S. Ralph
of the company, which Includes made seventeen million cigars hy
Dippel, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ward
twenty-five enlisted men.
entertained at dinner last Thursday
evening-. Guests were Dr. and Mrs.
Dean Sherrell to Speak
Dippel, Dr. and Mrs. Phetteplace, Mr.
be the topic of Elmer L. Sherrill, dean and Mrs. Stewart Hurd. Mr. and Mrs.
Hoquiam, Wash., April 6 (Auto­ of men and professor of political sci­ Levi Neet, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Chase,
caster)—A dogl with a broken leg ap­ ence at the University of Oregon, who and Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright. The
peared In front of a hospital here, will speak at the Lions club luncheon evening was spent with bridge.
hanging around as If he knew what Kriday.
Will Entertain Club
he wanted, and occasionally wailing
faintly. He was put on the operating
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Larimer and Mr.
Topeka, Kans., April 6 (Autocaster) and Mrs. Welby Stevens will enter­
table after being discovered, and his
—Little Mary Jane Laundon gave a tain the 60« club at the Larimer home
leg was set
He came back the next day of his party for her dog Curly on his anni­ tomorrow evening.
own accord to have It dressed in good versary. Her playmates brought their
pet dogs to the party, and preeents
hospital style.
Leavss to Visit Son—Mrs. Anna
were hamburger, blankets and bones. Kessey left Sunday for Seattle, where
Postal Receipts Raise
she will visit her son, Ray Kessey.
Club Will Enetrtain Husbands
A slight gain In postal receipts for
Mrs. Kessey has been visiting her
Husbands of members of the niece, Mrs. Mary Kessey, In Spring-
the first quarter of 1928 over the first
three months of 1927 has been noted Needlecraft club will he entertained field.
hy F. B. Hamlin, postmaster. From by the club members at the .home
January 1 to March 31, 1927, the re­ of Mrs. C. O. Wilson this evening.
Has Birthday Party—Little Flora
ceipts we’» 22110.31, while during Mrs. Will Wright, Mrs. William Daw­
the period January 1 to March 31 son and Mrs. Clifford Wilson will as­ Bertsch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Bertsch was hostess at a birth­
sist the hostess.
1928, they totalled 12130.61.
day party at her home Tuesday. She
Returns from California
was six years old.
Baseball Gama Called Off—A base­
C. O. Wilson, who has been In San-
ball game with Marcola high schcol
which was to be played on the local Francisco on business, returned to
New Operator Here—G. L. Proch-
diamond tomorrow haa been called Springfield this morning. Mr. Wilson now, recently of Glendale, has re­
off by the local high school because Is manager of the Carbollneum Wood placed F. E. Hall as day telegraph
the rain has given the team no time Products company.
operator at the depot here. Mr. Hall
to practice.
Is not yet sure where he will go.
8oeiety Has Meeting
A covered dish dinner followed- by
Club Metltng Postponed — Because
of the rush of Easter, the Klnslngton a program and business metting was
club has postponed Its meeting, which enjoyed by the Missionary society of
would have occurred tomorrow, to the Christian church last evening.
April 20. The meeting will be at the
April Fool Birth—Probably the first
home of Mrs. Mary Kessey.
baby born In the county to arrive on
Returns to Springfield— Robert April 1, 1928, was born to Mr. and
Hays, >ho left Springfield about a Mrs. Clyde Stafford at two minutes
year ago to live In Ashland, and later after twelve, Sunday morning. The
In California, has returned to Spring- new arrival, a boy, weighed ten
field to make his home.
“Ths People's Paper"
Snow at Wendllng—Fred Bauer of
Wendllng, who visited Springfield
Sunday, reported three Inches of
snow In the camps above Wendllng
Saturday evening.
Baptist Church to Give Cant!»
ta; Christian Bible School will
Present Pageant; Special Mu»
sic Arranged at Methodist
Cantatas. pageants a n d »pecISJ
Easter music will mark the obserr-
ance of Springfield churches Sunday.
Special sunrise services will he held
by the Epworth Leagues of the Me­
thodist and Christian churches.
An Easter cantata, "Darkness and
Dawn.” composed by Fred W. Peace,
will be given at the Baptist church
Sunday evening under the direction of
Wilfred Cook. Mrs. M. N. Pengra will
be pianist
At the morning services, "The
Vacant Tomb” will be the subject of
the sermon. Mrs. Arthur Pengra will
sing a solo, and Norton Pengra and
Wilfred Cook will sing a duet
The program for the cantata fol­
lows: Tenor solo by M. N. Pengra,
"And When They Were Come to the
Place”; this will be followed by a
chorus, "Thou '1 hat Destroyest the
Temple." Oscar Gladdlsh will give *
recitation and solo entitled "Now
From the Sixth Hour the Sun wae
Darkened,” followed by a tenor solo,
“At the Ninth Hour." The quartet
will sing "Thy Life was Given (of
Me," and Mrs. Arthur Pengra will give
a recitation and soprano solo. “When
the E’ en was Come.” Paul Frese will
sing “When It Began to Dawn," a*>
companied by the chorus, followed by
"He Is Not There.” by Mrs. ArthdP
Pehgra. The quartet and chorus '5>lll
then render, "Behold I Tell Yon S
Mystery” which will be followed hy
a bass solo by Paul Frese, "I a ll
Alpha and Omega.” The closing
chorus will be "And behold, I hate
the Keys.” Beginning last evening.
Rev. August Hunderup of Portland,
began a series of evangelistic meet­
ings at the church to which an Inti*
tation is extended to the public.
The revival meetings which hate
been conducted hy Rev. J. B C o ll
of Eugene at the Methodist church
will be concluded Sunday. Rev. Sykee
returned to Springfield Tuesday, from
Portland, where he has been ill fof
some time.
The Epworth League of the Me­
thodist church will commence the
Easter observances with a sunrlee
service at the church at 8:30 o'clocK.
This will Be followed by a breakfast
served at the church.
Special music Is being arranged fof
the Sunday school hour at 9: Iff
o’clock. The subject for the morning
sermon will be "The VlctorlOue
Christ.” and in the evening the them*
will be "The Glory of tne Gospel." A
large class will be received Into th*
church at the morning services.
Three hundred and fifty persons are
expected to attend Bible School at the
Christian church at 9:40 o'clocll
Easter morning. Close check will be
made of the attendance. As soon 1»
that number is complete, a specially
arranged clock will strike. The open­
ing selection of the program will be
"Easter Morn" by the orchestra. Thle
will be followed by a song by the coe*
gregation, andi a prayer.
The male quintet composed of L. F.
Moffitt, D. B. Murphy, E. E. Morrison,
W. E. Nealand, and J. E. Robertsol
will sing "Ready Our Master to Obey."
A pageant, “Life and Love Triumph*
ant” will be presented, with Glady
Houss, Frances Frlzell and Lena Frig-
ell taking the leading parts. Charle*
Cole will be the reader, and childrel
of the Bible school will make up the
chorus. Rev. S. E. Childers will speak
on “Decision Day,” and the choir will
sing “Christ Arose.” Mrs. M. IL
Adams and Mrs. W. P. Tyson have
charge of the Bible Study class.
The church services will begin at
11 o’clock. "The Miracle of Miracle«
will be the subject of Rev. Cbildere’
talk. The choir will sing "Resurrec­
In the evening, Rev. Childers will
preach the second of his series ot
sermons on "The History of th*
Church." Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae will
sing, “He Is Risen," accompanied by
Miss Wlnlfrld Tyson at the piano, and
Charles Nadvornik with the violin.
The orchestra will also give several
Returns to Dakota—Mrs. Grant Oh-
Takes Portland Position— Miss Ver-
land left Tuesday for her home In
Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, after a neta Morrison left Saturday for Port­
visit of about three month« with her land, where she will be employed by
the Pacific Fruit Growers Association,
father, C. Whltlea.