ü . ul U. Library B o o ti For M a d » -in - Oregon P rod uett. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twenty - fifth year CHIEF AHD TRAFFIC OFFICER WILF QUIT « Smition and Moore, Whose Eli­ gibility to Office is Question­ ed, Will Leave City's Services Soon; Hearing Held Last Monday Evening. Chief of Police and fire Chief Jea* ttmllson, who la under fire by petition­ ers who would disqualify him for the office, will resign April 1« It waa an­ nounced today at the city hall. Herb­ ert Moore, traftll«- officer and fireman, •ervlcee with the city will terminate on May 1. It waa also announced. Action on the reelanatlon of both officers waa scheduled Io lie taken nt nest Mon­ el uy evening's meeting Applications for both position* are now being received by the city. A hearing on n petition signed by 13 persons anklng that the cotyicll ac­ cept the realgnutlon of Chief of Police and Fire Chief Jess Hmltsnn waa held Monday evening by the police com­ mittee The committee after question­ ing a number of signers on the peti­ tion and hearing Chief Smltson announ­ ced a report would be made to the council meeting nest Monday evening Two reasons why the council should accept the resignation of Mr. Hmltaon. tabled at laat council tuoetlug. are set fourth In the petition. One that he uses the sheriffs office to make arrests In Springfield and the other that he was "reported! drunk" on Nov­ ember 11 and December 12. Two on Liquor Charge 4 a 4 < After an lllneaa of two y-ars, Mrs. Henry William Chase, 70. died at Lydia May Lepley, wife of Leonaru the horns of his son, Kenneth Chus« Lepley, puased away at her home Sun- at 117 E street Wedneitony morning ho left Springfield about a Mrs. Clyde Stafford at two minutes year ago to live In Ashland, and later after twelve, Sunday morning. The In California, has returned to Spring- new arrival, a boy, weighed ten pounds. , . field to make his home. “Ths People's Paper" NUMBER 1J RPRINOFIELD, IJKNE COUNTY, OREOON, THURSDAY A P R IL S , 1928 MRS. LEPLEY, LONG A HENRY CHASE DIES SPRINGFIELD RESIDENT AFTER PARALYTIC DIES SUNDAY MORNING STROKE SATURDAY X Snow at Wendllng—Fred Bauer of Wendllng, who visited Springfield Sunday, reported three Inches of snow In the camps above Wendllng Saturday evening. Baptist Church to Give Cant!» ta; Christian Bible School will Present Pageant; Special Mu» sic Arranged at Methodist Church. Cantatas. pageants a n d »pecISJ Easter music will mark the obserr- ance of Springfield churches Sunday. Special sunrise services will he held by the Epworth Leagues of the Me­ thodist and Christian churches. An Easter cantata, "Darkness and Dawn.” composed by Fred W. Peace, will be given at the Baptist church Sunday evening under the direction of Wilfred Cook. Mrs. M. N. Pengra will be pianist At the morning services, "The Vacant Tomb” will be the subject of the sermon. Mrs. Arthur Pengra will sing a solo, and Norton Pengra and Wilfred Cook will sing a duet The program for the cantata fol­ lows: Tenor solo by M. N. Pengra, "And When They Were Come to the Place”; this will be followed by a chorus, "Thou '1 hat Destroyest the Temple." Oscar Gladdlsh will give * recitation and solo entitled "Now From the Sixth Hour the Sun wae Darkened,” followed by a tenor solo, “At the Ninth Hour." The quartet will sing "Thy Life was Given (of Me," and Mrs. Arthur Pengra will give a recitation and soprano solo. “When the E’ en was Come.” Paul Frese will sing “When It Began to Dawn," a*> companied by the chorus, followed by "He Is Not There.” by Mrs. ArthdP Pehgra. The quartet and chorus '5>lll then render, "Behold I Tell Yon S Mystery” which will be followed hy a bass solo by Paul Frese, "I a ll Alpha and Omega.” The closing chorus will be "And behold, I hate the Keys.” Beginning last evening. Rev. August Hunderup of Portland, began a series of evangelistic meet­ ings at the church to which an Inti* tation is extended to the public. The revival meetings which hate been conducted hy Rev. J. B C o ll of Eugene at the Methodist church will be concluded Sunday. Rev. Sykee returned to Springfield Tuesday, from Portland, where he has been ill fof some time. The Epworth League of the Me­ thodist church will commence the Easter observances with a sunrlee service at the church at 8:30 o'clocK. This will Be followed by a breakfast served at the church. Special music Is being arranged fof the Sunday school hour at 9: Iff o’clock. The subject for the morning sermon will be "The VlctorlOue Christ.” and in the evening the them* will be "The Glory of tne Gospel." A large class will be received Into th* church at the morning services. EASTER PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED BY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Three hundred and fifty persons are expected to attend Bible School at the Christian church at 9:40 o'clocll Easter morning. Close check will be made of the attendance. As soon 1» that number is complete, a specially arranged clock will strike. The open­ ing selection of the program will be "Easter Morn" by the orchestra. Thle will be followed by a song by the coe* gregation, andi a prayer. The male quintet composed of L. F. Moffitt, D. B. Murphy, E. E. Morrison, W. E. Nealand, and J. E. Robertsol will sing "Ready Our Master to Obey." A pageant, “Life and Love Triumph* ant” will be presented, with Glady Houss, Frances Frlzell and Lena Frig- ell taking the leading parts. Charle* Cole will be the reader, and childrel of the Bible school will make up the chorus. Rev. S. E. Childers will speak on “Decision Day,” and the choir will sing “Christ Arose.” Mrs. M. IL Adams and Mrs. W. P. Tyson have charge of the Bible Study class. The church services will begin at 11 o’clock. "The Miracle of Miracle« will be the subject of Rev. Cbildere’ talk. The choir will sing "Resurrec­ tion." In the evening, Rev. Childers will preach the second of his series ot sermons on "The History of th* Church." Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae will sing, “He Is Risen," accompanied by Miss Wlnlfrld Tyson at the piano, and Charles Nadvornik with the violin. The orchestra will also give several selections. Returns to Dakota—Mrs. Grant Oh- Takes Portland Position— Miss Ver- land left Tuesday for her home In Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, after a neta Morrison left Saturday for Port­ visit of about three month« with her land, where she will be employed by the Pacific Fruit Growers Association, father, C. Whltlea.