The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 09, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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You Can See Her 1,000 Miles A w ay •
Keesey a t M onm outh— D w ig h t Kes
Goes to Roseburg—George Perkin»
sey drove to Monmouth Sunday.
eras a Roseburg visitor Friday.
Visits at Sslera—Dr. S. R. Dippel
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Here from Corvalliu—Ida Cox was
here from Corvallis o ver the week-end
Here From Country—Mrs. Chester
Poole Back fro m P o rtla n d — Charles
Nye of Camp Creek was a Springfield Toole returned S aturday following a
business trip to ortland.
visitor Tuesday.
To Come From Portland — Maude
Miss Duryee Here— D eE tla Duryee
G orrie a ad Lucy Schw ering of P ort­ was a visitor with relatives here over
land are expected here this week-end. the week-end.
Miss Mellon at C o rv a llia — Mis
visiting Melba Mellon spent Saturday evening
a , Corvallis.
V is itin g F riends Here— M rs. H a rrie t
Ausnian oí Blue River is
friends in this district.
H e re fro m Salem — Mr. and Mrs
Here fo r Week-end—Mr. and Mrs
Roy Baker of W endling spent the Floyd K ester of Salem were Suqday
vlsitors at the Ed K ester hume hero.
week-end in Springfield.
Here From Junction City — Miss
Returns To Home — Mrs. Sarah
Adams of L ancaster returned to her G ertrude Howard of Junction City
was a visitor in Springfield Monday.
home Monday.
Marcóla PeoPle Here— Mr. and Mrs.
Here From T hurston—Mr and Mrs.
John T ravés were here from T hurston Fred W right of Marcóla were shoppers
in Springfield Monday.
H urts Hand at Mill— F. B. Bench
Dexter G irl Here— Miss Lucille Bed
injured his hand while working a t linger of D exter paid Springfield a
the Booth-Kelly lum ber mill Tuesday. visit Monday.
Marcóla Woman Here—Mrs. CIaud>
P o llard at C re e k ^ D r 'W . H.‘Pollard
P ra tt of Marcóla was a Springfield I m ade a pm fesslonal call on Camp
visitor yesterday.
Creek Monday.
M rs. Cook In Town— Mrs. W inifred
Cook of Chase Gardens was a visitor LAMBERTS CELEBRATE
here Wednesday.
By Arthur Brisbane
It Is M M * MkMMMrtul. Ih lrtn g lm « *
naaa hour» you are Juat a purt of I ho
ullle.e uiaeluunsy, an d the »»a»n»irf yoti
realise Ml* faut the happier yon will
Anil It’» rldleuloua to think that
nieii and wunieii who work together
uml nee each oth er every hour of the
dny miiHt wult until they are properly
introduced beforvi* they nollee e n 'll
oth er Tin y ^ e t to know each other
an men and women never ra n In
society, an you need have no lieulti
tlon in nenoptliK the young tuan'a a t­
tention If you have alaed him up and
I on ml hint all right.
Datea C orrected
T he American Legion auxiliary
h ereafter will meet on the flr*t and
third W ednesday» of each month. In-
stead of Thiirailaya, It waa announced
by mem bera of the group In correct
lug Item» appearing In tile paper» last
AN $110,000,000 IDEA
T h e I^everend D r. C a d n u n re­
m arks th a t “ T h is planet m ay exist
fo r n e arly a m illio n b illio n years
lo n g e r."
anxious C h ristia n
asks, “ D o yo u believe th a t the soul
sleeps in the grave w ith the body
a m illio n b illio n years, w a itin g to r
Du- ju d g m en t’
If I really be
lieved it, 1 th in k I should try to
have a p re tty good lim e w h ile s till
in the flesh "
T he R everend Dr. C a d m jn tells
the in q u irin g soul tha t when you
arc unconscious a m illio n b illio n
years seems no lo ng er than a mm
u'.e and a half, and ir lls the soul:
" I t i« b e tte r to awake fro m a Bin-
lo u re d to rp o r w ith clean recolier
t ons in you r conscious past than
as a m ora l id io t."
T he c h ild tea. "c a n ’t w a il a
week fo r C h ristm a s”
and the
C h ris tia n ''th a t can ’t wait a mil
lio n b illio n vears for the iu d , ;m c n t
t'av ' ar,
both in te re stin g , am
b o th c h ild re n m entally.
Texas w ants bank bandits, am
Baptist Church
* Photo shows broadcasting apparatus used to extend v i « i i
j osvible to see individuals and occurrences in distant places The tp) .it
in the above picture made the g irl actually visible to gro
■ uh
about receiving sets in Schcnectscly homes, in tests by the General E ret rie
Company ami the Radio C orperat'on o f Am erica
Chruch membemhlp reudlug and
iiiid v ln c gospel of John
Thetne Dundny niortiing. "God'a
i Tur[»i»e. Maihini and Equipment "
| Runday evenlng, an old fuahloned
I t houre Itlhle arhiMil at 10 n. m , II. Y.
' P. V at «:S0 p m
Anthem hv the cholr In the inerti
Ing an i »perlai elioni» In the evenlng
"So you bave a dauxtitcr. Olavit?"
“ Yva. a U tile prodlgy."
"In what way?”
Ifcudcr« licnnap a persoení rrpig eira a d i l r i u
Sí u t l'Io, i » core o / / A n n tw tp n p r r .
"Hhe la ten years old and doean’t
play the piano."
w a rts th em dead.
T ex as bant,
N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ___
Has Operation— Mrs. G ertrude How­
c a iry th .s sig n : "$5,000 fo r each
Is hereby given that the un
ard of Junction City underw ent an
<!i id bank ro b b e r— not one cent
derslgned has been appointed admin.
operation at the Pacific C hristian hos- tertained Friday evening at a family fo 100 live ones."
Islrntrlx of the estate of William J
lank» d o n 't want live robbers
pilai Tuesday.
j reunion dinner in honor of th e ir 3«<h
Van W agner. D eiea -ed
All person»
having claim s ag ain st the e sta te of
wedding anniversary and Mrs. Lam-
Conley Under Knife— H. M. Con­ b ert's 54th birthday. A fter dinner,
said deceased should file the sam e
Dear Mlsa Flo: —
to them I feel th at this is a slight
in the p e n ite n tia ry a fte r goim ;
duly verified with the undersigned at
ley had a m ajor operation at the they w ere pleasantly surprised when there.
1 have been going with a boy for
and It m akes It em barrassing for
the office of 8. D Allen. Hovey Build­
Pacific C hristian hospital Tuesday a group of friends dropped in for the
T is m ay discourage bank rob-
two yearn, and It has been under
me to work for some of these men.
ing Eugene, Oregon, within six
I t w ill im press on bank
stood th at we would m arry some
m onths from th is date
T here Is one young man who
evening of cards and music.
r i ' her» the fact tha t they must
Dated Fell 9th. I92R
day. W e quarreled recently and
L ater in the evening lunch was k ill firs t, o r be killed .
com es Into the office uttd who a l­
Visits Corvallis Home— Miss K ath­
ANNA BJERKE. A dm inistratrix.
didn't see each other for three
erine Tinkham . teacher in the high
F 9 14 3S: M 1-8:
Mr. Babe Ruth am azes “sp jrt-
mouths. We m ade it up, but now
T hose present were Mr. and Mrs.
He has asked me to nave lunch
school here, visited her home at Cor­
dom ” by saying, "nearing ad-
I know that I do not care for him.
Roy Baldwin and daughter. Shirley; vance^ age of thirty-four," that he
with him but since we have never
CALL AND 8KE Dr. N. W. Emery
vallis over the week-end.
Yet I hate to turn him down now,
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Baldw in; Mr. believes in all year round training
been Introduced I don't believe It
-ra nrtees on plates end ether work. tf.
for 1 know he will be terribly hurt.
Em erys E ntertain—Dr. and Mrs If. and Mrs W. J Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. and expects to be “just as good at
would be proper.
j . t,.
. . .
Please tell me If I am selfish In
W Em ery entertained Rev. W. H. Dave H aggard and daughter. Irm a; forty" as he is now.
»E E TH IS O N E —Ju s J taken. In on v
For such work as Babe Ruth
w anting to consider nry own hap­
M eyers of Eugene a t th e ir home Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coles; Miss Pearl 4 *1 hard hittinc: and running,
My dear, you certainly are making a
la rg e r car.
1927 B H IC K 8 P O R T
piness first.
m ountain out of a mole hill.
R ayburh; Miss M artha Scott, all of forty should be the best age, and
ROADSTER. ' E xcellent condition
• • •
Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hill and fitly about as good. It isn 't their
Business Isn't society, nor Is a busi­
P ractically new car; »3«0 down, bal­
Tigard Visits Uncle—George Tig­
too long to be a s­ ness house office a draw ing room It
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Casslll, of Glen­
ance easy. 1928 License.
ard, a student at Oregon S tate A gri­
sumed in a sp irit of pity, and you would no doubt be mure courteous for
wood; Mrs. C. W. M artin and Mrs. tlUlCS, ludi
F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO
...wU oio.
cultural college, was here last week
would do yourself an Injustice, and your em ployer to Introduce you to men
Roy W hite of P ortland; Mr. and Mrs.
end to visit his unci* *, Dr. W. H. Poll­
Long ago, near Batavia, N. Y , a the man as well, were you to m arry
whose work you are asked to do. bu :
Elm er Findley, Mr. and Mrs. E arl
Eugene, Oregon
boy was born and soon bad an him knowing th at you no longer love
Baldwin and sons. Gordon and Donald, idea.
He Once told this writer
Mrs. Neilson Recovering—Mrs. A. P and the host and hostess..
how he gave up sm oking "extrav­ him. N either of you would be happy
agant five-cent cigars,
saving —but of the two you undoubtedly
Neilson, who underw ent an operation
and would be the m ost unhappy.
in Bugiene last week, is reported re­
build bis first car.
For a m arried man has many out-
covering. Mr. Nelson, who had an worth when he died?”
Tw o men slept in the upper,
Dan: “No man is worth much when 1 two in the lower berth, for fifty sld Interests, and distraction, and
operation about the same time, has re­
cents apiece.
A braham Lincoln am usem ents, and com pensations—and
he is dead."
turned to his home.
Dennis: “I know, but w hat did he was one of his first passengers, If his m arriage does not turn out to
going from Chicago to Springfield,
Phetteplace at Portland—Dr. Car! leave?”
and was too long for the berth. be all th at he had hop»?d for, he has
The other man protested. The his business to fall back upon, his
P hetteplace was at Portland this week |
man selling the tickets beside the am bitions and his career to console
to appear as a witness in a damage
car was George M. Pullman, and him. Teherfore he Is never wholly
suit growing out of a tim ber accident
now the In terstate Commerce
in the Coos bay region when he was
Commission fixes the value of his dependent upon his wife for his hap­
practicing there.
Susanville, Cal., Feb. 5th, 1928 Pullm an com pany at $110,238,786, piness.
which is far below its real value.
But a woman stak es her all on h -r
Mr. H. E. Maxey,
Get a good idea, stick to it,
Mrs. Eggimann Injured—Mrs. C. F.
Springfield, Ore.
make sacrifices, and the idea will m arriage, and If she does not love
9 x 1 2 Certainteed Felt Base Rug
her husband. If she does not find hup-
Eggim ann wes the victim of a painful Dear g jr ;
take care of you, later.
plness In her home, she has nothing.
accident late last week when she cut
We haTe two kinds of peopie to
9 x 1O’/2 Certainteed Felt Base Rug
Mrs. Hickm an, m other of the
So in fairness to herself she m ust
one of her fingers on th e edge of a deaj »-jth in the business world. One j Los
Angeles kidnaper, will testify
Simmons Bed, 2" Post ................... ............. ...........
tin can. Blood poisoning resulted The j ^-jnd w ait a long tim e and»then come th at she was once insane and a t­ always consider her own happiness
injury is reported im proving nicely. ' up and pay th elr bllls
The other
tempted suicide, thus seeking to first when It com es to m arriage. Never
Simmons Link Springs .........
save her -on by a plea of hered­ m arry any man unless you are very
kind wait a long tim e and then forget
itary insanity.
Pollards M ake o rtlan d T rip — M r
th at they owe any bills. Enclose 1
Simmons Double Deck Coil Springs
I t is n o t conceivable th a t a n y­
and Mrs. N. L. Pollard made a trip you will find money order for another th in
man craves rom ance, and if she does­
g T -.uld save th a t m urderer
to Portland Saturday, takine in the year's subscriptnon to the NEWS It fro m the extrem e penalty.
n ’t get It at home she Is very apt to
Coil Springs
auto show there. They were impressed
e a lm ost as tre a t as his own
seek It elsew here.
is a very welcome caller to my desk. crim
was lig h tly l- c k in g th is young
40 lb. Cotton Mattress
by the beauty and variety of the ne*'
If is much b etter to break now than
, Each week brings reports of n»w and , c rim in a l up and lig h tly le ttin g him
automobile designs, as exhibited bv
later—and you both should thank your
out again on fo rm e r occasions.
perm anent additions to the business
virtually all the motor m anufacturing
lucky sta rs th a t you found out before
in terests of Springfield. It Is always
com panies at the Portland exhibition.
safe to follow the lead of a healthy
T he learned Dr. Stockard, pro­ m arriage th a t you a re not suited to
fessor of anatom y at Cornell Uni­ each other. It will hurt for awhile—■
growth nf business.
versity has experim ented with but he will get over it.
Frank Dowdy Improving — F rank
Springfield is rapidly coining to th e
alcohol on five thousand guinea
Dowdy, Coburg farm °r, who was front as a business center, its loca­
pigs during seventeen years. This
D ear Miss Flo: —
severely burned last wp»k when a Car­ tion is ideal. Abunoant k g te r for all
is his conclusion:
I am working In an offilce where
“Guinea pigs drunk with al-
oline can exploded in his hand, is re ­ purposes and of a superior quality. I
cohol are, if anything, a little
I m eet many business men, but
ported to be improving at a Eugene Shipping facilities good and, im p ro i-;
healthier than teetotal guinea
my em ployer never Introduces me
hospital. Dowdy'; life was probably ing every day. N atural drainage from ,
pi$s and live ju st as long. One
saved when his wife flung a blanket a jj p art s Of town. The McKenzie on
guinea rig
■; i made drunk
with alcohol six days every
about him as his clothes were eti the north, the W illam ette on the weHt,
week and his health was per­
veloped In flames.
insures a perm anent drain for the
finest tow nsite in the big valley.
But first, the guinea pig has
Rev. Sykes W rites—A le tte r was
nothing to do but eat, breath and
Some time ago it seemed as though
received today by Dr. N. W. Emery
digest. H e doesn’t need to use his
the r . R. co. were w orking a hardship
bra-n. Second, the kind college
from Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor of
on Springfield. Lately I notice th at
professor gave good alcohol to hi»
the local M ethodist church, who is in
drunken guinea pigs, not boot­
they are showing a disposition to
Portland taking health treatm ents.
legger alcohol.
g ran t to her w bat they know Is a Just
Rev. Sykes stated th a t he had not yet
claim. Little by little favors are be­
T here is excitem ent at Red
subm itted to an operation, and th a t
ing extended to her and In tim e the
Lodge, Mont. Mrs. A. Pollard,
he will take treatm ents for some time
Just claims of Springfield will he rea l­ opening the gizzard of her C hrist­
In an effort to avoid one.
mas turkey, raised in th at neigh­
ized in full. No one can realize the
borhood, found small gold nug­
advantages of a location sooner than gets. P rospectors are seeking des­
Baby Son Is Bom—A baby son was
a R. R. Co. When they show an in­ perately the spot where the tu r­
born February 4 to Mr. and Mrs.
te re st In a town It Is safe to Invest key picked up the nuggets. To
Jack Daley, who live east of here.
in It, A good healthy grow th is much the turkey those nuggets were
simply rough stones swallowed to
b etter than a boom. A boom is al­ help grind corn. »To "proud m an”
W ithin 11 years, second-growth tim ­ ways followed by a reaction.
those nuggets are the beginning
ber on Grand Island has grown suf­
As to d o sin g Second S tre et I think end the end of e irth ly ambition,
ficiently to m erit another logging off. it all wrong. People have built hom es kinety-nlne tim es out of a huu-
-ed. W ise turkey, foolish man.
The land was com pletely cleared in on th a t street with the very n atu ral
1916, since when the alder and fir supposition th a t a s tre e t was alw ays
have grown so th a t they are declared a street. 1 do not see w hat advantage
to be equal to the product of 50 years it would be to the town to close It
of normal growth. Logging operations i and I do see th a t It would place the DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN -Grxid rub­
ber. Well cared for. 1928 license.
will goon take place
people a t a g reat disadvantage to
Bumpers. Full equipment. Only
Nevius hall, the fine new commun­ have It closed.
$545. Easy term s.
Keep the glories of Springfield be­
ity house recently completed by the
F. W. P E T T Y J O H N CO
Episcopal church In Baker on the prop­ fore the people and so all may share
erty adjoining 8t. Stephen’s church
Eugene, Oregon
W ith best wishes for your future
on F irst street, Just north of Broad-
vay, waa dedicated with an in terest­
Blank Promissory notes naff r *
Very Respectfully,
ing service last week. Bishop Rem­
celpta printed and la stock at the
J. W. ORR,
ington delivered the dedicatory ser-
Susanville, Cal. Box 141. News el
The hall cost about 112.000
Pay D ay
$ 8 .9 5
$ 7 .9 5
$ 6 .9 5
$ 5 .4 0
$ 1 0 .9 5
$ 6 .9 5
$ 6 .9 0
We Maintain One
of the best Printing
Plants in Western
Oregon — S tric tly
to Serve You--
Willamette Press