TIIUltShAY FEBRUARY I». I!»28 THE SPRINOPIKI.n N2WS PAOE EIGHT You Can See Her 1,000 Miles A w ay • Keesey a t M onm outh— D w ig h t Kes Goes to Roseburg—George Perkin» sey drove to Monmouth Sunday. eras a Roseburg visitor Friday. Visits at Sslera—Dr. S. R. Dippel was a Salem visitor yesterday. Here from Corvalliu—Ida Cox was here from Corvallis o ver the week-end Here From Country—Mrs. Chester Poole Back fro m P o rtla n d — Charles Nye of Camp Creek was a Springfield Toole returned S aturday following a business trip to ortland. visitor Tuesday. To Come From Portland — Maude Miss Duryee Here— D eE tla Duryee G orrie a ad Lucy Schw ering of P ort­ was a visitor with relatives here over land are expected here this week-end. the week-end. Miss Mellon at C o rv a llia — Mis visiting Melba Mellon spent Saturday evening a , Corvallis. V is itin g F riends Here— M rs. H a rrie t Ausnian oí Blue River is friends in this district. H e re fro m Salem — Mr. and Mrs Here fo r Week-end—Mr. and Mrs Roy Baker of W endling spent the Floyd K ester of Salem were Suqday vlsitors at the Ed K ester hume hero. week-end in Springfield. Here From Junction City — Miss Returns To Home — Mrs. Sarah Adams of L ancaster returned to her G ertrude Howard of Junction City was a visitor in Springfield Monday. home Monday. Marcóla PeoPle Here— Mr. and Mrs. Here From T hurston—Mr and Mrs. John T ravés were here from T hurston Fred W right of Marcóla were shoppers in Springfield Monday. yesterday. H urts Hand at Mill— F. B. Bench Dexter G irl Here— Miss Lucille Bed injured his hand while working a t linger of D exter paid Springfield a the Booth-Kelly lum ber mill Tuesday. visit Monday. Marcóla Woman Here—Mrs. CIaud> P o llard at C re e k ^ D r 'W . H.‘Pollard P ra tt of Marcóla was a Springfield I m ade a pm fesslonal call on Camp visitor yesterday. Creek Monday. M rs. Cook In Town— Mrs. W inifred Cook of Chase Gardens was a visitor LAMBERTS CELEBRATE here Wednesday. 36th By Arthur Brisbane A MILLION BILLION YEARS It Is M M * MkMMMrtul. Ih lrtn g lm « * naaa hour» you are Juat a purt of I ho ullle.e uiaeluunsy, an d the »»a»n»irf yoti realise Ml* faut the happier yon will lie Anil It’» rldleuloua to think that nieii and wunieii who work together uml nee each oth er every hour of the dny miiHt wult until they are properly introduced beforvi* they nollee e n 'll oth er Tin y ^ e t to know each other an men and women never ra n In society, an you need have no lieulti tlon in nenoptliK the young tuan'a a t­ tention If you have alaed him up and I on ml hint all right. DEAD BANK BANDITS Datea C orrected T he American Legion auxiliary h ereafter will meet on the flr*t and third W ednesday» of each month. In- stead of Thiirailaya, It waa announced by mem bera of the group In correct lug Item» appearing In tile paper» last week AT THE AGE OF FORTY AN $110,000,000 IDEA T h e I^everend D r. C a d n u n re­ m arks th a t “ T h is planet m ay exist fo r n e arly a m illio n b illio n years lo n g e r." An anxious C h ristia n asks, “ D o yo u believe th a t the soul sleeps in the grave w ith the body a m illio n b illio n years, w a itin g to r Du- ju d g m en t’ If I really be lieved it, 1 th in k I should try to have a p re tty good lim e w h ile s till in the flesh " T he R everend Dr. C a d m jn tells the in q u irin g soul tha t when you arc unconscious a m illio n b illio n years seems no lo ng er than a mm u'.e and a half, and ir lls the soul: " I t i« b e tte r to awake fro m a Bin- lo u re d to rp o r w ith clean recolier t ons in you r conscious past than as a m ora l id io t." T he c h ild tea. "c a n ’t w a il a week fo r C h ristm a s” and the C h ris tia n ''th a t can ’t wait a mil lio n b illio n vears for the iu d , ;m c n t t'av ' ar, both in te re stin g , am b o th c h ild re n m entally. ANNIVERSARY Texas w ants bank bandits, am Baptist Church * Photo shows broadcasting apparatus used to extend v i « i i j osvible to see individuals and occurrences in distant places The tp) .it in the above picture made the g irl actually visible to gro ■ uh about receiving sets in Schcnectscly homes, in tests by the General E ret rie Company ami the Radio C orperat'on o f Am erica > Chruch membemhlp reudlug and iiiid v ln c gospel of John Thetne Dundny niortiing. "God'a i Tur[»i»e. Maihini and Equipment " | Runday evenlng, an old fuahloned I t houre Itlhle arhiMil at 10 n. m , II. Y. ' P. V at «:S0 p m Anthem hv the cholr In the inerti Ing an i »perlai elioni» In the evenlng "So you bave a dauxtitcr. Olavit?" “ Yva. a U tile prodlgy." "In what way?” Ifcudcr« licnnap a persoení rrpig eira a d i l r i u Sí u t l'Io, i » core o / / A n n tw tp n p r r . "Hhe la ten years old and doean’t play the piano." w a rts th em dead. T ex as bant, N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ___ Has Operation— Mrs. G ertrude How­ c a iry th .s sig n : "$5,000 fo r each Notice Is hereby given that the un Mr. and Mrs. W. A. L am bert en- ard of Junction City underw ent an