The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 19, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    w— .« » Il
Prune Growers of This
District Meet Januaiy 24
Program for Ihe Hprlnrfleld fun
featlval, February 3. la being arranged
Awskt'iiml near midnight by a
ml by Mra Ora Read llen on w ay and
daughter. Dora May. Mr and Mrs J ! young man poslug aa the euboy of a
’ Held. (Joins l»ra»C. Voting's orchard on will lie ready for announeemenl lata
A apecial orchard meeting of prune
R. Fish and family. Mra Mitchell of pair of would b* newly-wwjs. Justice
> the east.)
next week
Much Interest la belug
Eugene and Mr. and Mra H. L. Chase of the Peace It. W. Smith put a crimp grower« of the Springfield territo ry
Wedneeday, January 2(1. » 30 A M
and family.
I In the proceeding« when he auggeated 1 will be held at the orchard of J B. L. N. Miller orchard nl hla prui” ' shown in the conimuiiUy event, ac­
T here waa a eery large attendance
Mra. Bill Lindley of Camp Creek i s ' that tt marriage license waa a rather j Johansen about one note north ot ill-let Just west of the Southern Pact cording lo Mra. Hemenwny.
gt the funeral of Mrs C. H. Bolin
spending the week with her parents. Important- in fact Indispensable patt J Springfield, at 2:00 P M. on Tticsdav fie ti-ruilnal anti «hope, Eugene. ¡. 00
which took Place at the Christian
of such mutters. And now the Justice January 24. under the auspices of the j’ M J. t). Ilolt'a uorth orchard,
Mr and Mra O. H Haugann.
chur.h of Pleasant Hill Sunday after
has a problem—
, Lana County Horticultural Society c.v ' nbout two miles noitli of Edgene
Boon at J:S0. Mra. Theresa Henrietta _
Did they change their minds?
'operating with the eouaty agricultural
Proper pruning la one of the most
Bolin died at her home in Creswell
Anyhow, the next day eauie and I agent.
At this meeting pruning effective tneuna of llic ie a .d u g tile «!*•
Thursday morning January 12. She ■ I
went without a returu of the couple I methods that will bring from prune and sugar contents of the Italian
w as 17 veara of'a g e and Is s u r v i v e d ------------------------------------------------- -
The young man came to Justice 'trees fruit of the larger sites and het
by her husband C. tt. Bolin, and two
Mrs. Taylor Needham gave a btrth Smith s house shout midnight Tile» ! ter quality will he demonatraled by C Prune, the production committee of
the Northwest Dried Prune Conven­
daughters. Mra. T. W. A rh of Kirk- day party at her home last Friday
day. and asked Mr Smith If he would I.. Lon«, extension hortlcnlturallst of tion declared In uiuklng Its report at
land. Washington and Mra. Wm A. i evening in honor of her nephew. Hugh
marry a couple. The Justice agreed. Ihe Oregon Agricultural College “ Ms the Corvallla meeting last June. The
Cruaan. Dexter. Oregon, and Three Doolittle.
and then asked If the m*lr had a lie | Is .me of a series of six meeting«
ion s J D. Bolin of Forest Grove. M
Misses lone Rhodes and ln e i Clern- ense. The young man said he did that will be held In Lane county dur- committee added that pruning mater
tally aids In reducing fluctuations ‘n
D and K. L. Bolin of Creswell. She ent were the delegates from Thurston
not know a license was necessarv. mg the first three days of next week, yields and variations In sites, as well
w as a member of the Christian church , high school who attended the Univer-
¡nor did he know whether the coupl« according to O. S Fletcher, county as In mulntalultig vigor of the trees
l e a s a n t Hill and lived at Enter- sity of Oregon last week-end.
agent. The schedule for the entire Other advantages claimed are easier
Of P 1 leasant
to n
------------------ --
wtth Mfg
h»«l onc
arise for 37 years moving only recent-
In « tvw »lit’rt ntonih« yt»u can
He went out to the car. where the series of meetings is as follows
control of brown rot and u decrease
f to Creswell. W. A. Elkins officiated Armltage at her home last Tuesday
b< filling • paying p*»»ilkm and
Monday. January 23. 9:30 A. M In the number of red pruuea ordinari­
brave young pair was waiting In the
on the road to nuccaa». You
gt the funeral The pall bearers were and made dress forms
dark Soon he returned, saying that Anton M Sorenson orchard, on- ly produced.
can go where you wan«, buy
Ed Swift. Andy Olson. W. Wooten,
Miss Maude Edmlston spent the
a license was absent, and that poa fourth mile east of Junction CP'
wlw»( you wane. HK whai you
Tavlor Circle N. E. Parks, and E. B. week-end In Eugeue as a guest of Miss
warn, when you combine tha
albly they would return later with the , creamery on the Pacific highway. 2 VO
Baby Son Born—A baby son was
l Orac* NeUo"-
abllify wirh the right training,
necessary document.
: P M James Wall orchard, one-fourth
Word comes from Swlsshome, Ore-; Several of the older folks gathered
tt ««• 1» Uy tw 1H11 st CCggBOaa
But the night and W ednesday came tulle south of Sards Clara and on ‘ lie born Tuesday m orning to Mr. an I
«!,.<. W« uIUU
liXX' po*BI»>n»
<on that Mra Gorge Lord has won at the home of Mra. O. A McMahon
Mr». C larence Cnudell of citase Gat ;
U m year.
and went, with no wedding so far as »eat side of the pacific highway
a partial scholarship in the Federal last Saturday evening and gave her
Ilchnkr. Walker
And he
Tuesday, Junuary 24. 9 SO A M
K hool of commercial art by submit- a surprise. The occasion
M r .^ t h ^ « 0 « »
busin i ss colleoi
hours waiting Mrs. W P. Cavlness orchard In Cres
: .. . d sn d
O »»»e
ting a questlonalre an
- ■
1 ■
Eirwene motored c<>ulJ have flavored love with dls- well. 2 Ot) P. M J 11 Johansen orch
CALL ANO SEE Dr. N. W. Emery
yeceivlng a grade of 91 per cent.
Jack Lewis from tu w en e motored
a-d about one mil > north of Byt mg e netm-s on platea end ether work. tf.
Mrs Lord is the daughter of Mrraj out to Thurston Monday
, ^ etio n . ____________________
Bose Beaver of Enterprise and h a s . Arthur Calvert and Miss Brown of |
made her home at Enterprise until Alpha visited at Ray B aughs home CIVIL WAR VETERAN
tw?- years ago when she moved to ! last Saturday.
By J. F. K o tth
ani' « r s . Taylor Needham drove t
A large slxed crowd gathered very . to Hadleyvllle last Sunady and visited
John v Cra„ ag„ , ss yeant. « |e!|
gnietlv at the foot of the hill below their daughter. Mra. Harvey Hadley. at the home of his half brother. 8. M
the Morningstar ranch last Saturday ! The Thurston high school hasket- stlers, at Lowell, on Monday morning
O .J .C .
A /O p e / /'M
night and took by surprise the newly- ball team was defeated In Eugene 'n ajk)Ut 10:30 o'clock, and in his death
A IA M E D P fA E IS (
weds who were strolling in the moon- a practice game with the Baptist another of the veterans of the Civil
A GOOD F R i e A J D l o R M A S H E D
light. A sound of a gun was the , team there last Monday evening, 13 War passed. A native of Indiana. Mr.
O F v o o a f a m il y / fiajoer oe -roe
THB l . O . P l M e
first intimation that Mr. and Mrs. Roy to 11.
Crall entered the northern army white
EH 9
John had that they were to have their 1 Ira Gray is building a new broodar ,,ar<lly more than a boy. serving as »
turn at being
given a charivari by house. He Is contemplating ordering pr)vate tn Company K of the seventh
loyal friends.
The young folks took several hundred baby
chicks this regiment, Illinois cavalry. He saw-
possession of the Morningstar home Spring.
severe service and was wounded.
and sang and played games till the
Herbert W eiss is doing some im-
In the early '60s he emigrated
wee hours of the morning. Candy, provement In the store building at across ghe plains to Oregon, settling
/A T S O N E O N
peanuts and cake were served during Thurston.
near Brownsville where they live!
kYOU j o e
the evening
! ^*r- ani^ Hrs. Boss Mathews and about tw^ years. Then they moved la
A cooking club was organised last fam,” r ° f I> I ,e r drove ° ver 10 Tbur»' I the Pleasant Hill section of Lane .
week at the Pleasant Hill p u b lic, ,o “ la8t Sunday.
school with Mrs. Sheridan as leader
Mr and Mrs A W U eaver and
Mr. Crall was a ran« her He was well
The name Pleasant Hill Boosters has fanlily »Pent last Sunday at Junction , Bowie in Indiana In the early '60s
been chosen for the club. The officers * lt r
' shortly after his return from the w-»r
Simple remedies needed in every home- they are
are president. Evelyn Monson: vice-
The I'a,lies Ald met with Mrs. Me «»he passed away about four years ago
pure and of standard streiiKtli. Prescription»
president. Lucetta Boughman: sec- Mahon last Thursday afternoon for a
Mr. Crall was a rancher ’ He well
till»*d with consumatc care. You’ll »ay till« 1» a
treas Lucille Jordan. Other mem-
Stiver tea and eJeeted officers for the known in this section and had a large
»tore of obliging consideration.
hers are Mildred Swift. Evelyn Phelps, j coming -v ear Mrs- Lizzie Gray was circle of acquaintances. He Is aur
Vera Linton. Nancy Barnum. Helen
ele<',e<, president; Flora Price, vice- rived by Mr. Stlers unit family, two
Settle and Florence Jordan.
president; Rena Edmiaton was re- adopted daughters. Mrs. Etta Wyland
. „ .
elected secretary;
Ppnrra a»d
and M
R d n « R v in
nf 1
T h e Pleasant H.ll basketball boys ,
n e it Mrs. Hill, correa-
' lrY
Rvan of
4 .
Portland. He was a member of the
f ; ss
[ s 1-
suffered their second defeat last Fri- < |th Mrg End,cott for a„ ()ay
day when they were defeated on their in|f |n tw<j w<?ekg
Funeral services were conducted
own floor by the Coburg team by a
Mr and Mrg Ray
yesterday at the Ieiwell church. Rev
score of 22 to .0
The h a m s were ^d for dinrjer |ast Sunday Rev. Hoven
Lester Gibson officiating, with th-
very evenly matched and both sides and Mj. and Mrg J<)hn Edm|gton
Poole chapel here In charge. Inter-
P«-yed a good
»¿’ son. James, the occasion being in ment wa.
P b-.san. Hill,
was ahead at the end of the first hooor of John
’ •-•'"‘■’oXr
W e Give Green
Discount Stamps
Leading Magazines and The
« m e s r»he P le a s a n t H ili’ g irls
d^featld ,
J.eM“P 'h® Pa,t‘’r 8‘ Erankl " JOINT
delivered the evening sermon here i
P P D F M n N I P ^ P A N D lJ C T F r )
the Coburg girls and the second string las{ Sun()ay eTen|ng M|sgef) Eubanks
of Pleasant Hill boys defeated the Co- pnd EU)on H, ud(.ntg
Eugene B|b,„
Modern Woodmen of America he’d
burg second string
This was th e Vnlvergity took part ¡„ , hp mug)c
Joint Installation of officers with th •
first tPre the Coburg second string I
Royal Neighbors last night at the W.
has been defeated. The return game
O. W. hall.
with Coburg will be played January DAIRY INSTITUTE TO BE
Oswald Olson installed the Modern
25 at Coburg.
I Woodmen officers. They are: counsel.
Austin Mathews and Darwin Baxter
A dairy institute will be held at the P. A. Wooley: advisor. Chas. Myers;
were official delegates from the Pleas­
of Commerce rooms in Eu- clerk, Orson Vaughn; banker. John P.
ant Hill high to the student confer-
e«ce held at the University of Oregon ' gen* on Thnr"day. January 26. accord­ Vaughn; trustees, R. W. Carlton, N
-O Nettleton. J. E Llnlsey; escort.
last week. Prof. Kelpatrick attended ing to O. S. Fletcher, county agent.
Van Peterson; Watchman, Charles r.
the principals division of the same who has arranged for the meeting.
The program for the institute is as Miller,
| Rose Curtin installed the R oyal 'I
10:00 A. M. “Forage Crops For Lane Neighbors officers. Ida Morelock be- I
County,’’ by O. S Fletcher, Lane ■ ,n oracle; Flora Stearmer. vi( • l|
County agent.
: oracle; Pearl McKinnon, past oracle; I
11:00 A. M. “Minerals For Dairy I Georgia Nettleton, chancellor; Ina
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckhardt and
Cattle,” by N. C. Jamison, exten­ Scrlvner, recorder; Ina Cline, re­
fam ily are leaving Thursday via Cal­
sion dairy specialist of the Ore­ ceiver; Emma Olson, outer sentinal;
ifornia by auto for Hastings, Neb­
Alice Peterson. Inner sentinel; Cora
gon Agricultural College.
raska. where they will reside. While 1:15 P. M 'Control of Infections Sowards, ceremonial marshall
here they lived on the old Eubank :
Abortion of Dairy Cattle," by Dr.
C. R. Donham. veterinarian of the HUGHES TO TAKE SEAT
Mrs. Waller and Mrs. Leonard Lar­
Oregon Agricultural College.
wood of Eugene were guests of Mr. 2.15 P. M. "Feeding Dairy Cattle,'
and Mrs. W. H. Anderson Tuesday.
by Mr. Jamison.
Wm. O. Hughes will be seated as
Alma Johns of Springfield spent ’
j The county agent states that the noble grand of the Springfield Odd
Friday night with Alma Fish.
T h e P T A e a v e a “T h r ift” nrn p rob lem a th a t wlH be
I Fellows lodge at regular Installation
m e t . I. A. gave a I hrirt pro- th)g lngtltute
of vital Importance I ceremonies next Wednesday.
yarn Friday evening. Mrs. Ander­ to Lane county are dairymen
and extends ! elective and 11 appointive officers
son. president, presided W H. Ander
an Invitation for all interested parties will be Installed.
»on gave a talk on how children might
E. O. Harwood of Irving, district
earn money outside of the home to
------------------------- —
! deputy, will be Installing officer. A
supplement their allowance and Mrs.
Marriage Licenses for Week
banquet will follow the ceremonies
Norton Pengra suggested the doing of ;
During the past week marriage lie- I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
chores and errands where by money
. i
could be earned at home. The Roll
A*’ ’
. .. ,
. . .
Clerk W B. Dillard to the following
Call waa in the form of a discussion I,, ,, D , t-
. . .
t .
Cecil Ray, Eugene, and Blanche
short program by the school chll-
v v
. . .
rhompson, Springfield; Jack Young
nren and musical numbers on the
. ,
, ..
. -,
Members of the state highway com
and Luella Halladay, both of Veneta;
Victrola and community singing with
ot. .
. . . ... .....
. . mission wHI be reminded at the Janu
i George Shafer and Ruth Miller, both
* short business meeting
. . . . . Olmsted.
. . Grange-
ary meeting next week of their pro­
a completed
vou f , j2,jge
n e . . EdwIn
the program. The next m eeting ln
mise to push through plans for the
ville, and Cora Cooper, Stayton.
February will be on Child Welfare.
new Springfield bridge as soon as the
In honor of Mrs. H. L. Chaae and J.
public service commission makes Its
R Fish whose birthdays were January GAS SPOILED SLEEP.
decision on the closing of the Second
11, their rriends surprised them at the
MADE HER DIZZY street crossing.
Chase home Wednesday evening. An
Edward Ostrander, chairman of the
For years I suffered from gas and public service body, upon visiting
•yater supper, Jello, cake and sand-
sricbes, and two birthday cakes constipation. Used to get headaches Lane county this week, assured Coun­
«raced the festive board The even- and dlxxy spells. The first dose of ty Judge C. P. Barnard that the com­
Adlerlka gave' me relief. Now I rest mission would be ready to act within
tag w*a spent playing Rook.
Those who enjoyed the event were: well.”—Mrs. B. Brinkley. Jast ONE a very short time on the crossing
J. W. Chase, Maude Chaae, Mr. and ' "P”<inful of Adlerlka relieve» «as and closing case The dectalon probably
Mrs Engene Chase, Mr. and Mrs. tbat bloated feeling so that you can will come shortly after the commla-
Everett Chaae and Pauline, Mr. and eat and *taep well. Acts on BOTH aloners return from a tour In behalf
Mr«. Marvin Chaae and family, Mr. ’ PP**»' «nd lower bowel and remove« of the Crane-Odell railroad extension.
and Mr». Homer Chaae and son, Mr.
waate matter you norer thought
and Mrs. Truman Cahse and family, waa there. No matter what you tried
Here From Vida— Mrs. Oeorge Fish
Mr. and Mra. Chester Chaae and fam- toT Tnnr atomach, Adlerlka will aur- of Vida was avlsltor here Tuesday.
lly, Mr. and Mr«. Lester Cyr and pr'M X0«- Elanery’a Dra« Store
Springfield News
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Wonderful Bargain Offer made by this Newspaper during the m onth of
You will want to »ubscribe for Home of these leading m ag a ­
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