w— .« » Il «AOK TWO T I1URSDAY JANUARY 1». 192» T1«B SPRINOFORD NHJWS JUSTICE WONDERS IF WOULD-BE NEWLYWEDS CHANGED THEIR MIND Prune Growers of This District Meet Januaiy 24 FUN FESTIVAL PROGRAM FEBRUARY 3 IS SHAPING Program for Ihe Hprlnrfleld fun featlval, February 3. la being arranged Awskt'iiml near midnight by a ml by Mra Ora Read llen on w ay and daughter. Dora May. Mr and Mrs J ! young man poslug aa the euboy of a ’ Held. (Joins l»ra»C. Voting's orchard on will lie ready for announeemenl lata A apecial orchard meeting of prune R. Fish and family. Mra Mitchell of pair of would b* newly-wwjs. Justice > the east.) | UPPER WILLAMETTE next week Much Interest la belug Eugene and Mr. and Mra H. L. Chase of the Peace It. W. Smith put a crimp grower« of the Springfield territo ry Wedneeday, January 2(1. » 30 A M and family. I In the proceeding« when he auggeated 1 will be held at the orchard of J B. L. N. Miller orchard nl hla prui” ' shown in the conimuiiUy event, ac­ T here waa a eery large attendance Mra. Bill Lindley of Camp Creek i s ' that tt marriage license waa a rather j Johansen about one note north ot ill-let Just west of the Southern Pact cording lo Mra. Hemenwny. gt the funeral of Mrs C. H. Bolin spending the week with her parents. Important- in fact Indispensable patt J Springfield, at 2:00 P M. on Tticsdav fie ti-ruilnal anti «hope, Eugene. ¡. 00 which took Place at the Christian of such mutters. And now the Justice January 24. under the auspices of the j’ M J. t). Ilolt'a uorth orchard, Mr and Mra O. H Haugann. chur.h of Pleasant Hill Sunday after has a problem— , Lana County Horticultural Society c.v ' nbout two miles noitli of Edgene Boon at J:S0. Mra. Theresa Henrietta _ Did they change their minds? 'operating with the eouaty agricultural Proper pruning la one of the most Bolin died at her home in Creswell Anyhow, the next day eauie and I agent. At this meeting pruning effective tneuna of llic ie a .d u g tile «!*• THURSTON Thursday morning January 12. She ■ I went without a returu of the couple I methods that will bring from prune and sugar contents of the Italian w as 17 veara of'a g e and Is s u r v i v e d ------------------------------------------------- - The young man came to Justice 'trees fruit of the larger sites and het by her husband C. tt. Bolin, and two Mrs. Taylor Needham gave a btrth Smith s house shout midnight Tile» ! ter quality will he demonatraled by C Prune, the production committee of the Northwest Dried Prune Conven­ daughters. Mra. T. W. A rh of Kirk- day party at her home last Friday day. and asked Mr Smith If he would I.. Lon«, extension hortlcnlturallst of tion declared In uiuklng Its report at land. Washington and Mra. Wm A. i evening in honor of her nephew. Hugh marry a couple. The Justice agreed. Ihe Oregon Agricultural College “ Ms the Corvallla meeting last June. The Cruaan. Dexter. Oregon, and Three Doolittle. and then asked If the m*lr had a lie | Is .me of a series of six meeting« ion s J D. Bolin of Forest Grove. M Misses lone Rhodes and ln e i Clern- ense. The young man said he did that will be held In Lane county dur- committee added that pruning mater tally aids In reducing fluctuations ‘n D and K. L. Bolin of Creswell. She ent were the delegates from Thurston not know a license was necessarv. mg the first three days of next week, yields and variations In sites, as well w as a member of the Christian church , high school who attended the Univer- ¡nor did he know whether the coupl« according to O. S Fletcher, county as In mulntalultig vigor of the trees l e a s a n t Hill and lived at Enter- sity of Oregon last week-end. agent. The schedule for the entire Other advantages claimed are easier Of P 1 leasant to n ------------------ -- wtth Mfg h»«l onc START N O W arise for 37 years moving only recent- In « tvw »lit’rt ntonih« yt»u can He went out to the car. where the series of meetings is as follows control of brown rot and u decrease f to Creswell. W. A. Elkins officiated Armltage at her home last Tuesday b< filling • paying p*»»ilkm and Monday. January 23. 9:30 A. M In the number of red pruuea ordinari­ brave young pair was waiting In the on the road to nuccaa». You gt the funeral The pall bearers were and made dress forms dark Soon he returned, saying that Anton M Sorenson orchard, on- ly produced. can go where you wan«, buy Ed Swift. Andy Olson. W. Wooten, Miss Maude Edmlston spent the a license was absent, and that poa fourth mile east of Junction CP' wlw»( you wane. HK whai you Tavlor Circle N. E. Parks, and E. B. week-end In Eugeue as a guest of Miss warn, when you combine tha albly they would return later with the , creamery on the Pacific highway. 2 VO Baby Son Born—A baby son was Tinker l Orac* NeUo"- abllify wirh the right training, necessary document. : P M James Wall orchard, one-fourth Word comes from Swlsshome, Ore-; Several of the older folks gathered tt ««• 1» Uy tw 1H11 st CCggBOaa But the night and W ednesday came tulle south of Sards Clara and on ‘ lie born Tuesday m orning to Mr. an I «!,.<. W« uIUU liXX' po*BI»>n» ulJ have flavored love with dls- well. 2 Ot) P. M J 11 Johansen orch CALL ANO SEE Dr. N. W. Emery yeceivlng a grade of 91 per cent. Jack Lewis from tu w en e motored a-d about one mil > north of Byt mg e netm-s on platea end ether work. tf. Mrs Lord is the daughter of Mrraj out to Thurston Monday , ^ etio n . ____________________ Bose Beaver of Enterprise and h a s . Arthur Calvert and Miss Brown of | made her home at Enterprise until Alpha visited at Ray B aughs home CIVIL WAR VETERAN tw?- years ago when she moved to ! last Saturday. D,ES AT LOWELL HOME By J. F. K o tth SPRINGFIELD FOLKS Bwisshome ' ani' « r s . Taylor Needham drove t ______ A large slxed crowd gathered very . to Hadleyvllle last Sunady and visited John v Cra„ ag„ , ss yeant. « |e!| gnietlv at the foot of the hill below their daughter. Mra. Harvey Hadley. at the home of his half brother. 8. M SAY A MAN ) &JRE tsTwHcM the Morningstar ranch last Saturday ! The Thurston high school hasket- stlers, at Lowell, on Monday morning O .J .C . A /O p e / /'M night and took by surprise the newly- ball team was defeated In Eugene 'n ajk)Ut 10:30 o'clock, and in his death A IA M E D P fA E IS ( d E T A CUT DOCTOR. weds who were strolling in the moon- a practice game with the Baptist another of the veterans of the Civil TALKIAA6 A B O V A GOOD F R i e A J D l o R M A S H E D FRI EMO light. A sound of a gun was the , team there last Monday evening, 13 War passed. A native of Indiana. Mr. O F v o o a f a m il y / fiajoer oe -roe THB l . O . P l M e OF YOURS first intimation that Mr. and Mrs. Roy to 11. Crall entered the northern army white H E ’S O N THE EH 9 John had that they were to have their 1 Ira Gray is building a new broodar ,,ar I ,e r drove ° ver 10 Tbur»' I the Pleasant Hill section of Lane . week at the Pleasant Hill p u b lic, ,o “ la8t Sunday. .county. school with Mrs. Sheridan as leader Mr and Mrs A W U eaver and Mr. Crall was a ran« her He was well The name Pleasant Hill Boosters has fanlily »Pent last Sunday at Junction , Bowie in Indiana In the early '60s been chosen for the club. The officers * lt r ' shortly after his return from the w-»r Simple remedies needed in every home- they are are president. Evelyn Monson: vice- The I'a,lies Ald met with Mrs. Me «»he passed away about four years ago pure and of standard streiiKtli. Prescription» president. Lucetta Boughman: sec- Mahon last Thursday afternoon for a Mr. Crall was a rancher ’ He well till»*d with consumatc care. You’ll »ay till« 1» a treas Lucille Jordan. Other mem- Stiver tea and eJeeted officers for the known in this section and had a large »tore of obliging consideration. hers are Mildred Swift. Evelyn Phelps, j coming -v ear Mrs- Lizzie Gray was circle of acquaintances. He Is aur Vera Linton. Nancy Barnum. Helen ele<',e<, president; Flora Price, vice- rived by Mr. Stlers unit family, two Settle and Florence Jordan. president; Rena Edmiaton was re- adopted daughters. Mrs. Etta Wyland . „ . elected secretary; Ppnrra a»d and M r« R d n « R v in nf 1 T h e Pleasant H.ll basketball boys , n e it Mrs. Hill, correa- ' lrY Edna Rvan of 4 . Portland. He was a member of the f ; ss [ s 1- suffered their second defeat last Fri- < |th Mrg End,cott for a„ ()ay church at Lowell. day when they were defeated on their in|f |n tw