The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 29, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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PAGE sia
pag e eight
Tx, M enxiith Nicholson
..uldn’t have been able ... wound MloBU and
« •« " < * » *
world We re going to »land by them ,
n un. arm . of Hie hay-
no m a tte r whore head g ets cracked
■ Ih. you see « ! » " • *>lur ol suin' ••
•but you see he didn’t .lie Imm«’«,»-
(TO BE C O N T IN U tO l
out yonder in .h e open lake? 'll«»1 '
etely. bu. crawled off and breathe«!
the A rthur B. G rover I took «»V v
tttee till I die! If you »ay I ought to . Il a got a ' r '
„. Maine and surrender toyeeir III , J U j r ,-w
,, t|, ,
I Millan <’. I'owell. 1« year oi l
'evang. ll.l. ha» keen pr« aching for
-M oat certain ly not!" cried Archie j dear Archlv
He refilled hl» pipe and « h eu h» some lim e at the Springfield mlaulon
with mournful recollection of hie own
had 11 going .1) hl» »»tl»f«ctl.»n W..V> I I I I Malu »treat, her m eeting» a la r tln t
»pecula.ione on the ».m e point In tho
lig h tly nt 7,44 o'clock The y o u th fu l,
hour» when ho b e lle .«1 that he hint 1.1» arm tow ard Ih« ceu.p.
••There'» a uueer business going 1 '• cu a a ilc r. Who begau preaching al tlm
i ’n'niiiUai re»e a««, eugge led « w .lk I ov. r there
l b .I «„«.,.» of l— wl '
„ .S h e n -hen, ........for. train .Hue. I. not . m yth at »11 . »d h
mav bo b u ll'd •’»•> th .r e «0110»
•1 ihunk God I fell in with you.
The cousin 1« laying himself out to
he »aid «till feeling' "duel «»Ihlng
annoy the camp 1» every way porelbl-
S .S ^ O H T
to you has helped me » whole lol."
even going the length of Irving "•
starve on» out
T here» a »ta«*
-------- -
~~~7 ► h , i ■ father tried all sort» of schem es of They breathe«! deep of the ton «' air Iipplle» at the Huddl.atoa .latlon
changing to the clothing he
L g Ucatlng m l whlmalcal notions, one of the North aa they left the train at
that they can't move."
carded at C lev el,« d
! >ftw. lUll)„ ler. The result was 1 v. Huddleston
Isabel Purry recommend» a lWe of
••TOP forget." cried Archie excitedly,
UrUbb,h e ettotforn. passing Archie ' never got a look In anywhere, unfitted
A, , hey Bpi roache«,
the hotel a man "that there are laws even In the wild
crime, ad-eeature, romance and excite
of 're«.gn.Hon
He i for everything
After I married he
e r e . red the «tree. Ar erneaal
ment a» a cure for Archibald Ben “ C, T * , a
All we've got to do 1» «»
ln *
„,(,( u ,ed , Q hold , h. rein „„ me. ch,e (.tantlfle,! him at o u .e as Red t lephone for the sheriff and !»»•!
nett » nerve» Archie goe» to Bailey without a sign
arm wnB .„pport.-d be ' waned to put me tno business I hated L,.ary.
whom the Governor had <» •
Harbor to investigate a house for hi» was
suit whose left
--------- t
kap, nodding with my domestic ,lT(.rPa the stolen money a» W alker. him lu Jail.''
sl»ter *n«i »pend» tho night In the * _ ___ _ Grubb» took hasty leave and
“I grant all that." saw the Oovumor.
affairs. All this made me weak and fnrm
Leary wude no »Ign of ever •'but the notoriety of the thing would
empty houae He ta awakened by foot the two travelers were left alone
steps during the night; the Intruder
•A warm night. ' Congdon remarked.
kill the camp. One* •• »«' "•*’ ll"
••W elt sir. 1 was about to offer my up the luggage and led the way 1« the
fires at him and mis»*». Archie fire* "No red caps here. 1 suppose
newspaper, every father and m.u'mr
in return. He douant know whether
who hat a child would «0 right up In
■ I fancy not." Archie replied. ' I ll ■elf aa exhibit A on a slab In the
nearest morgue." Congdon continued.
he has killed or only wounded the be glad to help you with your bags
ax« of l i a« lAtdl- • allfotnla. her home.
•Oh thank you! 1 have a g » m * : "when I met a young woman who
man. but fearing the pablielty. plan»
h»a b«>«n attracting considerable in
to make hi» escape. Ih his flight b. „houMer nearly well now. but It g iv e . < , eemed tf> understand me. and right
me a twinge ¿em"
«here » -where I made the great. »1
trreat amoug h«r hearer»
meets The Governor“ - « master tulml
The girl evangelist'» brother I Nor­
A blast of the locomotive and a hum- j mistake of my life. She made » fool
criminal who mistakes him for a fel­
man I'owell. «»wi S. accm panl»» h .f
low crim inal Archie afraid to tell the m in i of the rails woke the station to of ma— that's the short of It I toon
a» a singer The meetings «re spon­
Archie grabbed the larger «>f her Into dinner al the house of some
truth, falls in with “The Governor. A life
sored here by the Lighthouse Temple
series of events lead him to believe
,.r d a voice bawling. "Chicago sle e p -; she dlagno.s«>d my case with marvel-
of Eugene
he has »hot Putney Congdon—the w
s h o . i l h l. ticket for oll, penetration She said I faced life
owner of the house. They precede to
with the soul of a coward, and sttg-
New York, where they are visited by lower three and climbed tn.
M i n / Going On Outing
-l-ve cot m e upper naif of the sec ge.te.1 that I go armed and a n v
J u lia the Governor» sister. Archie
promises her he wilt stick with the . - . t a a r c h ie "but 1 premise not one who stepped on my to e .
At l»«»t flfty people are e»pect«<l
recited a piece of verse to the et-
Governor through the strange phase tlon.
to be present on the outdoor club
she claims he Is passing througn.
oultng »t McKen»le bridge over th«
While strolling In the park. Archie
new year. The club, organised several
sees Mrs. Congdon with her two chil­ chle's soul. Congdon bore his affl1«-- test.
aeeka ago. have already held two suc­
dren. and is »rttness to the kidnapping tlon manfully. As he played nervous-,
cessful outings
The hotel at Me
was <ool enouEh o believe It. 1
Kensle bridge has been chartered «ml
of the little girl. Bdith. He learns ly with his watch chain, he Inspected trled
f0now her advice, tt ended
bus transportation arranged for by
from the Governor that the father-in- Archie with quick, furtive glances
I in my having a row with my father
••I'm all banged up—nerves shot to ] lhBt
g jj the other rows I ever
law of Mrs Congdon—a very wealthy
tbs outing romraltlee
p ..» — i» engwwd In the circulation of pieces." he said abruptly, turntng his h<d wllh him und he turned against
The club will «gain »1st« McKeosle
counterfeit twenty-dollar gold pieces. gate Intently upon Archie.
my wife—»aid she was trying lo es-
bridge country on Janaary IB and
The go to Rochester, where the Gov­
••That's rough Vsed to be troubled tran<e ua. And when 1 ran away to
Creek ranch on January SB On F eb­
ernor receives a letter from Ruth, the a good deal m yself "
1 escape from the nasty mess he sent
ruary IS a »HP will be made lo Horae
Congdon drew out his watch, said I her telegrams In my name threatening
girl he loves, in which she tells him
paatura mountain and February SB to
he ¡M
ner. At a i a « th>t he had b^ .n sleeping badly and ,o hidnap the children and he did In
may l be able to serve her.
gait Creek Falla.
dance at Ruth's home, Archie m eets hated w
He sat erect and fac, kidnap my little
Isabel and they are reconciled Archie ' tr)ed t<J reach his coat pocket.
H is Snatched her away from her mother
and the Oovernor promise to find I
twlched with the pain of
the and carried he out to one of his farms
Edith Congdon and wtolak her away 1 effort
In Ohio. But my wife played a clever
..J had a ^ t t le of dope I m supptaed trJck on , he old gentleman and got
to -------------------
Isabel's camp T-K„„
They secure »mric
on Ellpimlet Congdon's farm, where ! to take to help me sleep, must have the chud back again and I'm damned
Will you poke K,ad of n . 1 got a m essage that the
Edith has been taken. They learn i left It in my bag
1 little girl Is up In Michigan, so that's
tJtat Ibitney Congdon— the man Archie the button, please?"
shot—is also there While Archie 1» ; "Can't I get tt for y o u r Archie really where I'm headed for.”
teaching BtfSth to ride the Governor asked
Archie had suffered s blow but *Te WMk One other gent a registered ’ the sir. It would make a great Aral
kidnaps her.
“You are very kind. It's the small
was meeting It bravely. Having be He placed h l. finger on 'Reginald K page
u rtad ‘measure—
------ w
, satchel— a bottle about as long as
for hidden gold centered about a girl»
At the same moment Edith Jumped , your hand "
Heber Saulabury
camp—the haughty southerner plant
'By the way," Congdon asked Learv,
two m»"
men | opening the bag In Congdon's berth same advice quite spontaneously. It
— the Governor'» car. »—
Are hie'»"h a
¿ p o ^ a ^ h Z lo ^ a p h was with a shock that he realised that
; ' ha„ n.t 'f9 , a
thing of a little Ing his money in safe territo ry -a ll
sprang out of the second car and rush­
u j on top.
face swam b ~ ' -he had offered It In ..« H at' t . r « a «
ba„ yoo__a child of that Is frultystuff for our special cor
ed at Archie. One of them flung a
respoadent on the spot No. Archie
. w
fnrward ' Congdon. There was no question i s ■
earriage-robe over his head and tw ist­ fore
h l. e y e . and k’ Pluhed o rw .r
<lrl_ who ha„ eleven
ladles like our Ruth and Isabel must
it around His
his tnroal—tnen
throat—then gathered
ed It
gainereu in . his
f agitation, bumping nis
h l. neau
___ '
••Not one of 'em but a whole passel." be protected from vulgar publicity
him up. head and heels, and tossed *” ¿ ¿ „ y .g a in st the window. It was hidden Congdon plant h l. back to the
p _v He
There a a ramp
It's up to us to smooth out their Iron
.H .
T h . t w o c . r s ! TlCl0.’1’
He wall
wall and
and defy
defy the
the world;
world; no
no one
one but
but replied Lgary.
him over the fence. The two cars a photograph of Isabel Perry. He
. . . . ha. . done that.
' city girl» across the bay.
hies without resorting lo bothersome
’ up there In
'Well. I suppose that's t h . trick.” legal apparntu*
were enveloped in a cloud of dust groped for the hottie and crept hack
The camp ha» no I
when Archie, leearing the blanket to the smoking com partm ent
said Archie. “It’s wholly said Congdon as Leary atarted up telephone; the road round to that
ir itr tn tt t
from his head rose to confront the
Congdon. the custodian of a P“ ot6-
yQur <lfe g(,nt yQU
atalr, wlth ,belr bag.
Edith has peninsula Is all but Inaccessible Thov
screaming woman. She berated him graph of Isabel Perry, demanded a
„ reconcl|ia. been put In a camp Not a bad Ides have a launch they're in the habit of
roughly for his stupidity while he more careful Inspection, and Archie .
want to be sure of Is that the using to carry stuff across from Hud­
attempted to explain
Ö1VU yp«a
studied him with renewed i n t e r w t .
th , 141 , „ B I H „ d — hands
— —
dleston. but Mr. Richard Carey block 1
Dinner will be nt twelve," said the way. He Is camped al the land
an Isabel
was hardly a girl to bestow
uora. .
“I had better run to the
tne house
nouse ana
Iaab^i waB
— . ------
.elepnoue the Tiffin police." he sug- hpr
.t h ” - » c t m -----*
^ ry.
entrance, with an army of lumber­
as-o. ___ a ph„t0KT,
« ■»*»
----- KtiminPHR
w ph
- upo W n ith a married
telogr imfl f tamer
tn© »1th
Fw r-IB he tv» in .
had no business
an(, gh(J h„ ri(fh,
At mealtim e. Mrs Leary entered jacks lo help him maintain a block
To his Infinite surprise she declared photograph and Archie bitter y re
Don't think she’s coax- the dining-room briskly. " Jes'h elp yer- ade."
in » U n s that this must not be done; , , nted Its presence in the man s lug
^ lrel| Renta/.
“Then It's our duty to relieve the
she would go herself and tell the
.. „ (here m
. . . . . ejaculated
..._ »
. the
------- beleagued garrison?"
m e gage Ho
He Jumped
jumpeo when
» a ™ Congdon
« , - » . - an-
„ „ „ „ g p , g .........
>, out
child’s father what had occurred and pounced that he was ready to turn n.
caased me to Jump for tho pausing dramatically In the door and
"W ell." the Governor rem arked.
let him deal with the m atter.
followed him to the berth, and helpe ^ [
eyeing the newly arrived guest» as
"It's far more of a mess than 1 ex-
“Don’t talk about this—do you h ;m to undress.
r ‘‘lp
d„ rw, fr()n, hls pock-t a though their presence filled him with
But this Is no time for vaak-
understand? You re not to say a
-w h is tle If you need anyth ng in
,.y oor „.tonlshm ent In a moment more he peeled.
Gver there. Archie,"—he
word about it! I ll fix the foreman; the n,ght.” said Archly and ,H„wed
tntrodu„ d htaM)(.lf to Archie and -n
pointed toward Heart O' Dreams
all you've got to do is to keep your the
m e p o n e . «0
- - - - --
Michigan Proceed to that point Congdon
mouth shut."
per berth— the first he had ever
contemp)ate , he
-R ather odd my being here, ne
Three days in the harvest field eap<ed.
tranquil spirit."
ripped on; "and I need hsrldy say |
brought Archie to a n. w re --ect for
w hen they were arrouaed by
Governor's l hal ,t'" 8 P1,'""or‘' ,o “ eet on ,h l"
his dally bread He found Joy n the porter he helped Congdon Into h n
|( d .m(.ul, , 0 bleak shore two gentlem en of your
discovery that he had strength to clothes, chose a clean shirt for him work that A
caliber. I old a friend of mine that I'
throw Into the scale against man's an(] laughingly offered to sha’ e him.
refrain from laug ng.
enormously fed up with cities 1
X a l t . e s . He was taking ■ holiday
-You'r- a mighty good fellow! It s
“You may think It queer that I set
pr(.RHurp „„ ,
from life Itself, and he was content about time I was Introducing rays« . o .
onp o
!„ hide hls time untl. the vacation My name 1. Congdon. I live In New strength of a m - 8<e "ke tha,.
ended. He was passing through an York; Just taking a little trip for my ever sin. e t h a .g l r l
ordeal and If he emerged alive he health. Going up Into the la es.
j to e» '•> « w '“n
‘J ‘f|
(f) ft(.t on
would be a wiser and bett»r mail.
"Comly's my name. No partem a. , 1 can 1 re"1" ' " y .
, ,,, a foo|
Gossip from the farm house reached plan, myself. Just knocking about a . ,h e sp-.r of he mominL
him at the back door and he was alert
for any sign that Putney Congdon toilet they i»ore running Into the
meditated leaving. Ellphalet had not Chicago station.
returned—(his he got direct from
Suppose we have breakfast In th-.
And see here
»'•B; ...
-« ,
wanted to go to the most God -forsake»
out , m o raen ll, hesitatio n that Hud-
dieston. Michigan, would satisfy my
loftiest Ideal of godforsnkenness He’. ,
probaWy ,au(rhlnK h.m se.f to deeth
’l l ’’ W lHam ^te St., Eumene. Oregon.
».«. -
' There s always the chan'^
Whun ConK„on pleaded weariness,
xlrl had sized you up right and gave
dlnner Archle put him to bed
you sound advice. Don' ,,nH* ' r .
d thPn Ma„nter«<l away following a
you don't wnnt to. but have you really «n- hen
. . . . j»
■■ ■ -
Governor lying vlth hls back
“I <et It thronen m e micueu
— —
. , . . vnll fl
the old m an's son is goln' to d e a r out - P ' t *»ore yo“ too m h » s h r o u d
a tree.
Congdon’s free hand worked con­
tonight. Orders was sent to have a j let me tag you till my train leaves
“Well, you landed him h ere!” he
vulsively; he bent closer to Archie
ma< hine ready to take him to town tonight. I hate to be alone,
remarked, seating him self on a log
at eleven o'clock
Telegram phoned
They not only breakfasted together and w hispered:
and producing hls pipe. "Or did he
"I've killed a m an!”
but after motoring through he parks
bring you? One would think you
out this evenin' made ‘lm Jump out o’
they spent an hour at an art institute
were old chums to see you together
bed. they say, and he’s off to some­
and then Archie acted as host to ” 5 S . w e e . . b . . . » - r —
where tonight.”
luncheon. By this time Archie was
Archie cautiously changed the sub­ fully committed to the further Journey , fellow! K * 88 up
1 ch)p. - btlt m tell you the whole
ject. but he was already planning hls Into Michigan. On a bench in Grant , he Main* shore
After father had chle
departure The Governor had bidden Park Congdon swung him self Into a driven my wife away I went there to atone
him follow Congdon and here were
of h my
I was I t.r The
his marching orders. The only thing , < onfldentlal attitude.
, ‘ ^
„ t a at g the
\^ r e ruins
u7h ^
^ h o home.
. i T when
ru p tln lov.
g only
y£ * 8t
A .n n .ik fl h
i m to
to the
th e unattractive
u n attractiv e !
Life s the devil s >
- a . - i .,.(
hat Congdon
ran Into a burglar. The ___
ed w
Congdon had
had said
said of
of Isabel.
Isabel _
that . reconciled
said with a sigh. I've got to a place h " gone to bed In the guest room.
"A wonderful girl!” he e aculated
task was the assurance that Congdon
where 1 don’t care what happen»—
would set out at once for H eart O’
I was scared to death when 1 opened "Makes It her business o
everything's black anywhere I look.
Dreams Camp, where Isabel presum­
the door and spotted him but I thought world along. But now o ge
I was happily married; two beautiful 0 , hat girl’s advice and pulled my to brass tacks. What you learned of
ably was now established. At the first
children; none finer—but I’ll shorten gLn and ^hot him. As I ran down, the old Congdon's medd es.,me-
opportunity he left Grubbs, and start­
up the story ao you can see sh a t a stairway he took a shot at me; that’s ness Jibes exactly with what I kno
ed for town.
monkey fate has made of me. My what’» the matter with my shoulder.” of hls character Let me show you
Reaching town with an hour to
oa* from
iruiu the
apare, 1» got hls bag
station o th e r ’s a crank, a genius In hls way
“Well, I’d say you’re out of It easy, something, Archie.
tick et He .p en t half but decidedly eccentric. My mother Of course you didn't kill him or he
He walked out upon the gravelly
and bought a
died whan I was a youngster, and
an hour a t a hotel cleaning up and
“ luhere aavmfia a re g re a te s t"
W hen J uniors Go Shopping
Their Search For Chic Ends Here
The very newest frocks
Interpret advance spring
modes for juniors — they
have just arrived and are
truly delightful I
$9.90 to
Real .unior Size*
Designed to fit and to be­
come the Jmior figure, these
fro cki are entirely plraiing.
Sis«« t l ,
47 and IV fit )u-
nlora and imali women per­