THURSDAY DECEMBER 29. 1927_ TH E SPRINGFIELD N 3W 8 PAGE sia pag e eight ULACKSHEEP! • Tx, M enxiith Nicholson J ..uldn’t have been able ... wound MloBU and « •« " < * » * world We re going to »land by them , n un. arm . of Hie hay- no m a tte r whore head g ets cracked you. ■ Ih. you see « ! » " • *>lur ol suin' •• •but you see he didn’t .lie Imm«’«,»- (TO BE C O N T IN U tO l out yonder in .h e open lake? 'll«»1 ' etely. bu. crawled off and breathe«! the A rthur B. G rover I took «»V v tttee till I die! If you »ay I ought to . Il a got a ' r ' „. Maine and surrender toyeeir III , J U j r ,-w GIRL EVANGELIST IS SPEAKER AT MISSION ,, t|, , # I Millan <’. I'owell. 1« year oi l »Io It. . a I kl » • 'evang. ll.l. ha» keen pr« aching for lUiwo-Mf'e -M oat certain ly not!" cried Archie j dear Archlv He refilled hl» pipe and « h eu h» some lim e at the Springfield mlaulon with mournful recollection of hie own had 11 going .1) hl» »»tl»f«ctl.»n W..V> I I I I Malu »treat, her m eeting» a la r tln t »pecula.ione on the ».m e point In tho lig h tly nt 7,44 o'clock The y o u th fu l, hour» when ho b e lle .«1 that he hint 1.1» arm tow ard Ih« ceu.p. ••There'» a uueer business going 1 '• cu a a ilc r. Who begau preaching al tlm If was responsible for llohy a death i' ‘ i ’n'niiiUai re»e a««, eugge led « w .lk I ov. r there l b .I «„«.,.» of l— wl ' „ .S h e n -hen, ........for. train .Hue. I. not . m yth at »11 . »d h « mav bo b u ll'd •’»•> th .r e «0110» •1 ihunk God I fell in with you. The cousin 1« laying himself out to he »aid «till feeling' "duel «»Ihlng annoy the camp 1» every way porelbl- S .S ^ O H T CMARLBS 9OCBNHR3 ^ N S - K flE A S tt T B T V - to you has helped me » whole lol." even going the length of Irving "• CHAPTER XIII. starve on» out T here» a »ta«* -------- - ~~~7 ► h , i ■ father tried all sort» of schem es of They breathe«! deep of the ton «' air Iipplle» at the Huddl.atoa .latlon changing to the clothing he L g Ucatlng m l whlmalcal notions, one of the North aa they left the train at introduction that they can't move." carded at C lev el,« d ! >ftw. lUll)„ ler. The result was 1 v. Huddleston Isabel Purry recommend» a lWe of ••TOP forget." cried Archie excitedly, UrUbb,h e ettotforn. passing Archie ' never got a look In anywhere, unfitted A, , hey Bpi roache«, the hotel a man "that there are laws even In the wild crime, ad-eeature, romance and excite of 're«.gn.Hon He i for everything After I married he e r e . red the «tree. Ar erneaal ment a» a cure for Archibald Ben “ C, T * , a All we've got to do 1» «» ln * „,(,( u ,ed , Q hold , h. rein „„ me. ch,e (.tantlfle,! him at o u .e as Red t lephone for the sheriff and !»»•! nett » nerve» Archie goe» to Bailey without a sign arm wnB .„pport.-d be ' waned to put me tno business I hated L,.ary. whom the Governor had <» • Harbor to investigate a house for hi» was suit whose left --------- t kap, nodding with my domestic ,lT(.rPa the stolen money a» W alker. him lu Jail.'' sl»ter *n«i »pend» tho night In the * _ ___ _ Grubb» took hasty leave and “I grant all that." saw the Oovumor. affairs. All this made me weak and fnrm Leary wude no »Ign of ever •'but the notoriety of the thing would empty houae He ta awakened by foot the two travelers were left alone Irresolute.'' having seen Archie before out picked steps during the night; the Intruder •A warm night. ' Congdon remarked. kill the camp. One* •• »«' "•*’ ll" ••W elt sir. 1 was about to offer my up the luggage and led the way 1« the fires at him and mis»*». Archie fire* "No red caps here. 1 suppose newspaper, every father and m.u'mr in return. He douant know whether who hat a child would «0 right up In ■ I fancy not." Archie replied. ' I ll ■elf aa exhibit A on a slab In the nearest morgue." Congdon continued. he has killed or only wounded the be glad to help you with your bags ax« of l i a« lAtdl- • allfotnla. her home. •Oh thank you! 1 have a g » m * : "when I met a young woman who man. but fearing the pablielty. plan» h»a b«>«n attracting considerable in to make hi» escape. Ih his flight b. „houMer nearly well now. but It g iv e . < , eemed tf> understand me. and right me a twinge ¿em" «here » -where I made the great. »1 trreat amoug h«r hearer» meets The Governor“ - « master tulml The girl evangelist'» brother I Nor­ A blast of the locomotive and a hum- j mistake of my life. She made » fool criminal who mistakes him for a fel­ man I'owell. «»wi S. accm panl»» h .f low crim inal Archie afraid to tell the m in i of the rails woke the station to of ma— that's the short of It I toon a» a singer The meetings «re spon­ Archie grabbed the larger «>f her Into dinner al the house of some truth, falls in with “The Governor. A life sored here by the Lighthouse Temple Congdon's bags and led the way to friends right here In Chicago—and series of events lead him to believe ,.r d a voice bawling. "Chicago sle e p -; she dlagno.s«>d my case with marvel- of Eugene he has »hot Putney Congdon—the w ’, 3 « s h o . i l h l. ticket for oll, penetration She said I faced life owner of the house. They precede to with the soul of a coward, and sttg- New York, where they are visited by lower three and climbed tn. M i n / Going On Outing -l-ve cot m e upper naif of the sec ge.te.1 that I go armed and a n v J u lia the Governor» sister. Archie She promises her he wilt stick with the . - . t a a r c h ie "but 1 premise not one who stepped on my to e . At l»«»t flfty people are e»pect«t he had b^ .n sleeping badly and ,o hidnap the children and he did In may l be able to serve her. gait Creek Falla. dance at Ruth's home, Archie m eets hated w to He sat erect and fac, kidnap my little daughter Isabel and they are reconciled Archie ' tr)ed t