The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 08, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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gain of .7 per oent over the aaina
month laet year when the figure waa
»140,(1I UH, according to announce­
ment of Poatmaater Jonaa.
Brief Resume of Happenings of I The population of Medford la ah«wo
to be about 11.000. according to tha
deonNg a |wrw.~oZ/.ptv
the Week Collected for
M m l'Io. to to rt o/ lh ‘t otwrpnprr.
annual canaua of tha Medford achool
dlatrlct. Just completed, which abowa
Our Readers.
117« persona In lha dlatrtct between
the agea of 4 and »0 year»
country will tell you that a hearty
Tha first »now of tha ••»•o n fell at
An expensive bet waa woo at Ore Osar Mina F le : _
breakfast, eaten In cheerful surround­
Uak<-r laat week.
I gon City receatly by B. J Harria. local
Do you think a wife ehould get up ings, haa a great deal to do with be­
J. R (ladda*. 77. on« of lha n o il mill worker, who wagered with friend»
and get her huaband'a breakfart for ginning the day right—and bortnnlng
wldoly known men In lh» Mill t-lty that ha could gat a billiard hell into
him 7 Wa hava baan married only alx the day right has a great dea) to do
•action, dl«-d »1 hl« horn» then» last hla mouth. Ha aucceedad. but the
month»— yat my huehand and I ara with a man's success in the bualneaa
services of a phyalelan warn Beaded to almost an tha reake ever the matter.
Eleven road districts In Coo a couety remove the hall, and tha M eanta won W a really lavo each athar, but I think world. Ftrat of alL a good breakfaat
puts a man In a cheerful, optimistic
last week voted »pedal taxes ranging by Harris will hardly meet tha bill
ha Is vary aalflah ta ax pert me te get mood— whareaa a breakfaat of coffee
(torn »to« to »74.000. Tha elacUon
Kay A Smith, ranchero of tha Co- up and pat hla hroakfaat— whan all and aoggy cruller» or greasy egga will
waa loat In four dlatrtda.
« •Ilia Valley aaaeotatlea. own lha two ha w ill aat anyway la • little hit of fill him with peaalmlam and will make
I Eight arrea on lha Chnrlaa It. Hpnld Jaraey oowa with high tesla ahown taart and aeffaa-
W hat do you him dyspeptic and Irritable to each an
ing farm near IM yloa yielded 047 aacka la tha aaaocletlou report Sled with think I ahould dot
extant that ha win quarrel with hla
of potato«« T har ara of the Burbank Harvey 8 Hale. Cooa eewaty agricul i
e e • •
boss or luault hla beat cualomer or
variety and am wall matured.
tural agent Tweuiy-aavaa hard» were , The other morning I happened to client. And U is quite poaatble that
Arrival of eight prlaoaera at fha on the teat during the peat mtmih. In­ hear a conversation betweeo two wera you to exert youroelf a little and
•ta le prlaon laat Wednesday ha a In- cluding I t * oowa with a tetal «■••» typical American husbands. They prepare a nice breakfaat of fruit,
-were stowing a<dy Indlgeatlble crul bacon, egga. roll«, coffffee, and then
creased the population of that Inatltu- production of 114.041 pound«
tlon to SSI. tha highest In Ila hlatory
Oevaraor Pattaraon haa »»landed for lore and drinking unappetltlng coffee seat yourself next to him In a becorn
Clarence Gilbert. Portland attorney,
waa appointed by Governor Palteraon
y a member of the atale child welfare
commlaalon, aucraedlng lha lata Kev.
J. O. Tate.
W hile celebrating Thankaglvlng at
the home of hla grandparent», near
Sandy. Lannla Henry Haaelwander. 1»
montha old. drank lya from a can and
died next day.
Work of rocking tha Sant lam high
way betweeo Shea hill and Caacadla
baa bean called off for tha winter.
The contract lacka about 11 day»' work
e f being completed.
J. J. Baumgardner. »1. plonaar black-
• w it h of lha Um atilla country, died at
Pendleton laat weak after a three
weeks' lllneaa Ha crossed the plain«
by o i train In 1M1.
Several of the logging campa In tha
vicinity of Aatorla have been ahnl
down aa lha result of damage ana
talced to camp equipment and m il
llnea In meant ito rm a
A 7 per cent Increaae In tha portal
receipts In Eugene during November.
M27. over lha receipt« daring tha cor-
reopondlng month of 1SSS waa an
Bounced by D ■ Yoran. poatmaater
Approximately 101 block» of pave­
ment warn laid In Salem during tha
prevent year by the municipal paving
plant, according to • report prepared
by W alter bow«. street commlaalooar.
"No reaaon why she ahould get up ao
darned early Juat because I have to."
•'Sure." the other agreed, “ao do I.
You have to humor 'em a little. Be-
aMea." he added, then ahe can't have
eo much to say If I atay in town once
in a while for a little game with the
And that, my dear, la about the
ceacnce of It.
Compromise— If you
want to be happy.
Almost everything In life can be
settled If both parties to a contro
veray will give way a little. If It
cornea to actnal facta, there are ao
many worse troubles In marriage than
getting breakfaat that It almost seem«
an Inconsequential trifle.
But Just the same trifles can assume
terrific proportion» when they are
magnified, and getting a man's break­
fast for him. and sharing It with him,
la very little to do to prove to flm
that you love him and want him to he
happy—and to keep your marriage
from going on the rock». If It Is as
serious as that you had better humour
leading phyalelan» throughout the
Old Time Dance
Every Saturday Night
A mdlo station. KNHS. haa been ee
C ryatal Watara Park
tabllahed In an Bngllah claaa at the
Newberg high achool. The announcer
(Under New Management)
Tha Open Season
and company am member» of Mra.
4 Hamilton'« aecond-term Kngllah alu
"W hat kind of girl la Alice?"
"Wfell. ahe can only be kissed on'
Gents 75c
Ladles Free
Salem'« bualneaa dlatrlot thia year
two occasiona."
w ill be dreaaad In holiday a ttlra *»
"Bo. And what are they?"
the revolt of action taken by the Sa­
"Whan It ratua and when It doesn't."
lem Ad club at a meeting laat week
F ir tree» and evergreen« will be uaed
The largeat mountain bobcat ever
•een In Oregon wee ahot recently by
Joe Sehurta. who live» noar Ontario
The animal attacked Sehurta while
he waa riding In hla car on tha Mor
ton laland road.
W illiam Lawrence Monroe. It. Jun
STA O liam en e Sf
Phono «20
lor In the Roaeburg senior high achool.
OM t h t n ç H - I à o il righi
and a alar player on the Roaeburg
foot bell team, dlad from blood polaon
Ing as a result of an Injury received In
a recant football game.
The Cherry City Baking company,
whose building» and equipment ware
deHlroyed at Bnlem recently, haa start­
ed construction of a new plant to coat
»1011,0110 The new buildings will bo
fireproof, while the equipment -will be
of the lateat and moat modern design.
Dr. Roijdl Q ick
A total of 18&.969 pupil» wore en­
rolled In tho schools of the »late In
the year 192«. according to a report
prepared by C. A. Howard, atale su­
perintendent of public Instruction. The
high achool enrollment waa 41.269.
while the elementary achool enroll­
ment was 144,701.
The Corvallla Waldport highway,
which haa been blocked because of a
elide on Alsea mountain, Is now open
to traffic, according to announcement
by the state highway commission. Tha
Rnoaevelt highway la open north of
Newport to the Bilatx rlvar. but la
blocked by a slide between tha latter
point and Taft.
Three hundred and forty-aeven miles
of road will be added to tha state's
ollad highway» next yaar. Thia action
was decided upon by tha highway aam-
■laaloa laat week. Thia will make
tha total mileage of oiled roads la
Dragon l t l l . I t w ill coat »740.09« for
thia work. Tha commission also voted
to spend »».»»8.000 for the mainten­
ance of tha state highway» next yaar.
Traffic accidents hava taken a toll
of one killed and 23 Injured among
Portland's »0,000 school children »Ince
school opened last September 4, ac­
cording to figures ralaaaad by Harry
P. Coffin. Portland manager of tha
National Safety council.
The aeaeaaed valuation of all prop­
erty In Oregon. Including public utlll-
tlea. for 1927 la »1.122.921.100. as com­
pared to »1.110.877.34I for 191«, an la-
crease of approximately »1»,»60,000,
according to figure» compiled by Earl
Plahsr, state tax oommlaetonar.
This CliriBtnias with a full line of toys and the quantity
of fancy Pottery, Silverware. Glassware and Electrical Ap­
pliances as well as many beautiful Dinnerware patterns in
our Housewares Department.
We ofTer you hundreds, yes
hundreds of items that make most acceptable gifts.
Coaster Wagons, disc wheels and rubber
tires J ............................................ $5.00 to »7.60
Doll C arriag es.................................. »2.40 to »13.00
Mama D o lls.......................................»1.00 to »10.25
42-Piece Dinner Set«, prettily decorated on
..... ........... ..................................... »5.26
42-Piece Bavarian Dinner Sets in
beautiful p attern s.................. »20.75 to »24.50
Electric Waffle Iro n s .................... »6.50 to »18.00
Waffle Irons for wood stoves............ — ..... $1.35
Flower Vases, large assortm ent..... 15c to »3.35
Fancy Cocoa Door Mate, ............................ »2.25
We have a beautiful, exclustva
line sold by no one elee In this com
Envelope« to match.
your selection» a t once ao yon may
mall thorn to friends at distant polnu.
Dumb Dora
Bba wonders If cowa really aat their
Call and Inspect our stock at tha browse, and If It Isn't hard on thalr
Springfield New» Office.
‘u ) h tn aavinga are g r e a te s t”
»42 Willamette St., Bug ene, Oregon.
There b sa sAr e< _
■boat fall tw *fa
"I let my wife sleep." remarked one. Ing. frilly negligee, hla appetite will
a period of one month the reprieve
leaned to Jamea Wllloa. who la under
death aealanra for tha pari ha played
In the slaying of two «uarda during a
break at lha atale penitentiary In Ba
lem la Auguat. IM S. The reprieve le­
aned to Wllloa will expire at midnight.
December SI.
T h * rural ■ehool d lttrlrO of »hurt
ton and Pavla, ten mllea eaat of Eu
gene, will be conaoltdated and tha chil­
dren living fartheat away from tae
conaoltdated achool will he traoaport
ed by motor bua. Tha peopta of both
dlatrtct» hava eaat favorabla vote« for
tha plan and a naw achool building la
expected to he erected at Theca ton
Pilot Butte, which served a aaefal
purpose In the eerty day» of Oregon
aa a landmark by which tha «wverod
wagoe could ataer Its coeroe te eroaa-
tag lha central Oregon ooeelry. ta tha
property of the atale amd »1» *«
maintained aa a park, dedleeled te tha
memory of Terrence H. Foley, prom­
inent raaldeat of Bend, who wue killed
In an automobile accident la 19»»
Naveaaber'a »«porta from lha Port
land dlatrtct were valued at »A17.407.
marking • »»*« e ™ »keen for tha
aama month last yaar. whaa tha tabu
latlona totaled »«». WhBa sol
up te tha »bowing for Oetehev. which
waa »11.9M.SS». K rogletero a high
■ a rk compared with corroepoodtng
period« and la another outstanding
month ao far to the 1117 »» aeneon
Improve enormoualy. Don’t expect a
man to be very enthualaatlc about hla
own burnt toaat and boiled coffffee
Of course If you worked hard during
the day— If you h»d children who dla
turbed your rest during the night—
If you are 111—or If you care nothing
whatsoever about your marriage be­
ing a aucceaa— then you are Justified.
But It lan't likely that a bride of
alx months Is overworked— you have­
n't a large family to take care of—
and tha laat two points you must de­
cide for yourself.
Personally, I am of the opinion that
you are being merely self Indulgent
and that a little aelf-dtaclpllne In the
matter of leaving your coxy bed In the
morning would be good for your mor­
ale. Try It— and notice the Improve­
ment In yonr huaband'a disposition.
fi n ie i t fag otyfas.
Fall Color«
htea •>«! red— black «JJ-
$4.98 to $11.90
Frock* for W<
Misses and Junior«
Velvet oft«« trtew vero ama
frock» for informal
we„ . Be awro W aee A ro a m
' will be on display
at our showroom
Monday, December 12th
3:30 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.
Come in and see for
yourself why this new
car has created such a
sensation throughout
entire country
Write telephone or call for
Illustrated Booklet
inches h ig h ........»1J5
Wax F low ers..................................... 75c and »1.15
Book Ends, per p a ir ........................ »1.00 to »2.25
Free delivery dally In Springfield
160 East Broadway,
Eugene, Oregon
'‘Authorixad Ford Dealer”
Comer 6th and A Sta.
Springfield, Oregon,