OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST gain of .7 per oent over the aaina month laet year when the figure waa »140,(1I UH, according to announce­ ment of Poatmaater Jonaa. Brief Resume of Happenings of I The population of Medford la ah«wo to be about 11.000. according to tha deonNg a |wrw.~oZ/.ptv the Week Collected for M m l'Io. to to rt o/ lh ‘t otwrpnprr. annual canaua of tha Medford achool dlatrlct. Just completed, which abowa Our Readers. 117« persona In lha dlatrtct between OCK— BUT DANGEROUS BREAKFAST— L IT T L E R the agea of 4 and »0 year» country will tell you that a hearty Tha first »now of tha ••»•o n fell at An expensive bet waa woo at Ore Osar Mina F le : _ breakfast, eaten In cheerful surround­ Uak<-r laat week. I gon City receatly by B. J Harria. local Do you think a wife ehould get up ings, haa a great deal to do with be­ J. R (ladda*. 77. on« of lha n o il mill worker, who wagered with friend» and get her huaband'a breakfart for ginning the day right—and bortnnlng wldoly known men In lh» Mill t-lty that ha could gat a billiard hell into him 7 Wa hava baan married only alx the day right has a great dea) to do •action, dl«-d »1 hl« horn» then» last hla mouth. Ha aucceedad. but the month»— yat my huehand and I ara with a man's success in the bualneaa week services of a phyalelan warn Beaded to almost an tha reake ever the matter. Eleven road districts In Coo a couety remove the hall, and tha M eanta won W a really lavo each athar, but I think world. Ftrat of alL a good breakfaat puts a man In a cheerful, optimistic last week voted »pedal taxes ranging by Harris will hardly meet tha bill ha Is vary aalflah ta ax pert me te get mood— whareaa a breakfaat of coffee (torn »to« to »74.000. Tha elacUon Kay A Smith, ranchero of tha Co- up and pat hla hroakfaat— whan all and aoggy cruller» or greasy egga will waa loat In four dlatrtda. « •Ilia Valley aaaeotatlea. own lha two ha w ill aat anyway la • little hit of fill him with peaalmlam and will make I Eight arrea on lha Chnrlaa It. Hpnld Jaraey oowa with high tesla ahown taart and aeffaa- W hat do you him dyspeptic and Irritable to each an ing farm near IM yloa yielded 047 aacka la tha aaaocletlou report Sled with think I ahould dot extant that ha win quarrel with hla of potato«« T har ara of the Burbank Harvey 8 Hale. Cooa eewaty agricul i e e • • boss or luault hla beat cualomer or variety and am wall matured. tural agent Tweuiy-aavaa hard» were , The other morning I happened to client. And U is quite poaatble that Arrival of eight prlaoaera at fha on the teat during the peat mtmih. In­ hear a conversation betweeo two wera you to exert youroelf a little and •ta le prlaon laat Wednesday ha a In- cluding I t * oowa with a tetal «■••» typical American husbands. They prepare a nice breakfaat of fruit, -were stowing a«! red— black «JJ- $4.98 to $11.90 Frock* for W< Misses and Junior« Velvet oft«« trtew vero ama frock» for informal we„ . Be awro W aee A ro a m oeaa. THE NEW FORD CAR ' will be on display at our showroom Monday, December 12th 3:30 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. Come in and see for yourself why this new car has created such a sensation throughout entire country Write telephone or call for Illustrated Booklet inches h ig h ........»1J5 Wax F low ers..................................... 75c and »1.15 Book Ends, per p a ir ........................ »1.00 to »2.25 QUACKENBUSH’S Free delivery dally In Springfield 160 East Broadway, - - Eugene, Oregon E. R. D A N N E R MOTOR CO. '‘Authorixad Ford Dealer” Comer 6th and A Sta. Springfield, Oregon,