The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 27, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    T H U R S D A Y O C T O B B R »Tl ÎM T
R e tu rn Free» Son Prenotase— Jarnoa
Farm Ix*a<h*ra
Hara From Jaapae—Grant Martel ot
Jaep«-r waa a Springfield rial tor Sun
H a ra
F ro m
P o rtla n d — A to ne
I* r t-
Hare From Croak— Roy Brewer of*
Haro From Portland — Charles
r a il Creek paid Springfield a bualnea»
Jordan and Chris Modln of Portland
rlalt Saturday.
spent Monday and Tuesday »tailing
In From Marcóla— Mm Iran Miller at the E. E. Pyno home here.
e ( Marcóla waa a visitor here Satur­
Returns to Corvallis—Mrs. H. F.
Flanery returned to her Corvallis
Haa Operation—C , A. Uxiper of home Sunday after visiting her son.
Wendling underwent an operation at F. B. Flanery, of this city.
the Pacific Christian hospital Friday
Go To Salam— Mrs. William Hawk
rlslted Mr and Mrs. Ernest Richards
Visiting at Portland — Mr». Elsie
of Salem this week
She and the j
Lambert and Mrs lajcllle Cole left
Richards were friends In Iowa.
Sunday for Portland with Mr. and
Mrs. Olaon In Portland— Mrs. Carl Mrs. Roy White and Mrs. William
Olson left for Portland Sunday where Martin. Portlwnd. They will reoteln
»he planned to remain a few days • there visiting for the remainder of the
with her son, Russell.
Each year Harold C. Stlmson.
owner of the famous Hollywood
Farm of Washington, present» a
splendid Holstein heifer tor the
beat work. In Livestock actlvlttoa.
done by Club boys and girls In (he
Northwest Carmen Oaniel of Cove.
Oregon, outstanding Club girl In
Holstein activities In the Cnlted
States for 152« waa the winner of
last year's award
Over 11.00# boys and girls are do­
ing Club work In Oregon, an equal
ly large number in Washington, and
By Arthur Brisbane
for 40c
We have
Now is the time to pick your
candidate, with President Coolidye
“not choosing,“ which means that
he does not intend to be a candi­
Hoover, Mellon, Hughes, L ow ­
den or a dark horse, who will it
Charles Evans Hughes is back
from Europe, with "nothing tto say
to reporters," a dangerous sign
with a national convention near.
Mr. Hughes never said. "1 am
too old to be President," that
would be preposterous, from one
the most hard working men in
public life
He did say, " I am
too old TO RUN for President "
Secretary Mellon is back from
Europe, also "with nothing to say
to reporters."
Secretary Mellon waa walking
up Park avenue in New Yori. City
last weeks, looking about half hia
age and going at a rate that would
have taken him from his desk in
the Treasury building to the front
door of the W hite House In con­
siderably less than a minute and a
The Smithsonian Institution w ill
have a weather station in south­
west Africa. There, high up in the
air, in the dry, clear atmosphere,
science will study the sun, calculate
solar radiation, and, if hopes are
realised, predict weather as much
as a week or a month, and even
one year, in advance.
I t has taken men a long while
to find out that what they have
and what happtgis to them depends
largely on the big star that lights
their short lives.
Wool Show. Industrial Exposition,
and the world's greatest Uorte
That the Pacific International la
one of the great »»seta of Agricul­
ture and Livestock Interest» In thia
western country Is now conceded
without question. ISO.### people
from ail parts of the nation are ex
parted to attend this year Special
fare-and one third rales to Portland
during the Exposition are to be In
effect on all the leading railroad#
of the Northwest.
Prices on these Heaters range from $18.00 to $30.00.
M ontag All - Cast
$98.50 cash.
C irculator
H eater,
Sheet Iron Boaters, $2.50 to $5.00.
A full stock of Andirons, Fire Sets and Screens.
Methodist ministers, to get the
$75,000 brewery stock, must draw
the dividends and vote on the com­
pany's management “to tee wheth­
er their avarice for money w-aa
greater than their principles."
The ministers, of course, will do
what ia necessary to collect the
money, and use It for prohibition
propaganda, thus thwarting Satan.
Leaving your money to the big­
gest family ia dull
The mouse
would beat any human being, the
shad would beat a mouse, and the
female oyster, with her millions of
youngsters each year would make
the shad look like birth control.
Leaving money to poor parents
tli* i Ul.c thv ! "st care cf ¿¿.elr
---------------------- -
A few oddly shaped fragments of
' toad ami »to«'I form the hosts of an
Investigation being conducted by the
sheriff's olfice and district attorney In
connection with the fatal shooting if
Karl Pierce, 13, In the Swlsshomc dla
I trlct late laat week
The fragments, parts of a bullet,
were taken from the boy's body at a
pari bit autopay ie a le g is y
I Taylor took them to Portland, where a 1
bullet was to be re<-onstrut ted In order
to determine whether or not II came
from the shell found In the Pt««rca
boy'a gun.
If this la proved. Ihe Investigation
probably will be dropped If not. Ihe
theory Is that the boy was shot by a
bullet from the gun of a deer hunt«*,
and the county’s officer will make s
thorough probe of the entire affair
before dropping Ihe matter.
Oldham, 6* c-<,hantoïs
jzem tsuiers
C om fort a n d
S a tis fa c tio n
Are your glasses giving
(he comfort hb <I Hui Inflic­
tion they formerly did? If
not, your eyes «houlil be
examined and g 1 a « « e «
made according to the new
Our com plete examlna
tlon will reveal whether
your old glaaae# are «till
suited to your eye#. Yorn
eyesight Is priceless -Lie-
lays are dangerous. Have
your eyes examined today.
Dr. Ella C. Meade
O p to m e tritt
No. 14 8 Ave. West
Eugene, Oregon
Moore & Moore
are tailor« for those desir­
ous of being correctly
groomed In every detail. It
ha« ever been our privilege
to serve u dl«tlngul«hed
AI bo , a special depart­
m ent for r e m o d e l i n g
W here your past seasons
garm ents are conformed
Into new fa«hions.
Established 1909
V swffitsirs
36 - 8th Ave. WeBt.
Eugene. Ore.
- ■
Came Right Back
Dad wild: “ My son, when Henry Ford wa«
your age he wa« earning hlH own living. ’
The young hopeful replied: “Ye«, dad, und
before he was YOUR age he wa« worth a
billion dollar«.”
C. V. M iller, of Toronto, left
brewery stock to seven Methodist
ministers and Ontario Jockey Club
shares to opponents of race track
At the end of nine years, the
proceeds of his estate go to the
parents of the largest family born
in the province during that time.
Ruth Lae Taylor. 20 year» old.
of Portland. Ore., i t onr of the
lew «xcaptiona who finds sudden
fame in tha movies
Because aha
ia young, — and peelly — and
B L O N D E —«ha ««•» ft01" com ’
eJy filler to lead for Task» in
"Gentleman Prefer Blonde*.
Phone 250
N o great thing is achieved w ith­
out sacrifice. Those distressed by
lots of life in flying may remem­
ber that the total number of
deaths in trans-Atiantic flying is
smaller than the number killed
automobiling on any fine Sunday.
The thing is to keep on and con­
Visiters Hara from Montana— Mr
and Mrs. W It Pirtle and aon and
daughter of Loma, Montana, have ar­
rived and will spend the winter wfth
Mrs Pirtle's mother, Mrs F F. Bar­
The American who visit» Spain to
day Is greeted with the warmest of
Spanish hospitality and cordiality, ac-
' cording to John N Hamlin, third sec
ivTarv of the American embassy at
Madrid, who la here vlalllng his par
enla. Mr and Mrs F B Hamlin
In former times, he said, the Spanish
1 were more reserved In their welcome
'io Am« rican tourists, but the growth
of a better understanding beiwe. n
ateended the state university two
«•Hi .n ated much of this conservatism
nnd It has been replaced by a warm
friendliness. said Mr. Hamlin.
Ai the same time. Spain has been
in.proving Its attractions to tourists,
jc nstructlng new hotels and better
roads, and the country gives the visit
Ing American many places of Interest
to vlalt.
in Ibis connection Mr Hamlin said
that there la to be a great Interna-
tlonal • xpoattlon at Seville In October
192«, In which Spain. Pnrtugnk the
I United State», and nearly a*’ fh " ' "
American countries are to participate
! The Cnlted Slates government ha <
appropriated «790,000 for exhibits a* J
this extosl'lon. and n •'««' of '
' on which to locate them has been
. lease I In the Srrlnr of 1929. anolh r
International exposition Is to be con
ducted nt Barcelona, and many of th<
t’nlted States exhibits will be taken io
this fair.
Mr. lla m ln Is home on a furlough
. -)nd will t-e hern about HO dnvs He
went to Europe first as secretary of
the American legation at Tirana. Al
tnn'a. later being transferred to
j Mr 'rid He arrived here Sunday, ami
j has been spending part of his lim e on j
(he University of Oregon campus Hi
attended the state university two
I years before going to Harvard.
“ Curls are coming back," says
a professor of physiology, even
“puff girls” and the "shingle" will
pass. Common sense is with the
Romance with the puffed
You could not imagine
Martha Washington with a boh.
Olaon I a T r a n s fe rr e d — O sw ald
Olson, formerly connected with the
locttl office of the Southern Pacific,
haa been Iranaferred to thia point
He served aevtSral tuonlha at the
tei minala In Eugene
H a ro ld C. S tlm ao n . D onor A n n u a lly , Products The Exposition com bines
o f a F in« H a if a r . C lub G irl. C arm a n great Livestock Show, hairy Prod­
D en ial — 192« W in n e r — A nd H e r ucts Show. Land and Menutactur-
P rig».
era' Show. Northwest Fog Show.
We are not unmindful that we deal in a life essential,
therefore it behooves us to offer only quality foodstuffs,
fresh groceries which bring us new custom ers every day.
Also please our regulars who would not think of having
only the best. We buy in volume and are able to give
quality a t lowest prices. All of the seasonable dainties
always in stock.
One* in d ii/d fim «
the M aking
over «00.000 In the Vnlted States
at large
Boys' nnd O lrlf Club Work Is
found at Ha heeCet Camp Plummet
during the week ef the Annual l ‘e-
clftcHntcrnallonal Livestock K x po­
sition at Portland, to be held title
year October 2» to November i. In
elusive Here the Northwest's fu­
ture agricultural and livestock lead­
er» obtain one week'» practical In-
s tru rito n In the science of farming
Boyeaand girls come from all parts
of the Northwest to participate to
the inspiring etorclaea held anno-
ally at the Camp.
Over «too### to premiums oro
given each year at the Pacific In­
ternational lor axhlblta of I'ure
Bred Livestock and Agricultural
mar. Maude Oorrle and bucy Schwor-
Ing. all of Portland, were here for
the week wad Halting their relatives.
Co to Waldport—Mr. and Mrs. J. S. went to Salem Sunday to visit her
Roush of Waltervtlle went to Wald-; daughter, who was hurt last week In
an automobile aceldent. Wayne Hawk
port thia week.
spent the week-end. hen*, and ac­
Vlalt MeKenxIa Ranch— Mr. and companied Mrs. Hawk to Salem.
Mrs Clark Wheaton rlaited thelr^
Leaves for Loa Angeles— Mr and
yanch on the McKenaie rlrer Sunday.
Mrs. Jess Cross left Saturday for lx>a
Mrs. Freae III— Mrs. Fred Frese was Angeles, driving south. They prob­
III with tnfluenia Friday and Saturday ably wlU remain there for some «¡me,
of last week.
while Mr Cross attempts to regain
V isits In Salem— Mrs. Mary Kessev
and Delbert MMeholl. who hove been
for several months at Ran Fnsuele.x»
•m l Oaklatid. returned here early
Tuesday stornine and will remain
w|th thalr gerenti ft» thia city They
were employed In the bay district. and
drove Io Oregon by motor car
.cn: Lacoate, great French ten-
is ace, has finally toppled our Big
¡¡ill Tilden from tbe throne he
ruled so many year
I y e a r— an
the American title
this month defeated T ild e n — th e
team taking the Dame
1- rance.
To be sure we can’t all become billionaires,
lint Industry, economy and careful m anage­
m ent will put any one on the road to a com­
petency, especially If the savings are kept In
a good bank like ours, where they will be
SECURE and subject to call when needed.
children might be a good idea.
Hut money left for benevolent pur­
poses— excepting science and edu­
cation— is usually wasted.
work you do while you live counts;
there’s no knowing what your
money may do after you.
Great Rritain intends to protect
ignorant investors against get-rich-
quick stock salesmen and other
Peddling stocks from
door to door is to be stopped,
selling stocks through the mail re­
stricted and watched. The oil, real
estate, and mining schemes that
rob investors in this country
would not be possible is Great
Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System
Commercial State Bank