T H U R S D A Y O C T O B B R »Tl ÎM T R e tu rn Free» Son Prenotase— Jarnoa Farm Ix*aa Mrs. Freae III— Mrs. Fred Frese was Angeles, driving south. They prob­ III with tnfluenia Friday and Saturday ably wlU remain there for some «¡me, of last week. while Mr Cross attempts to regain hts health. V isits In Salem— Mrs. Mary Kessev and Delbert MMeholl. who hove been for several months at Ran Fnsuele.x» •m l Oaklatid. returned here early Tuesday stornine and will remain w|th thalr gerenti ft» thia city They were employed In the bay district. and drove Io Oregon by motor car .cn: Lacoate, great French ten- is ace, has finally toppled our Big ¡¡ill Tilden from tbe throne he ruled so many year I y e a r— an the American title this month defeated T ild e n — th e to team taking the Dame 1- rance. To be sure we can’t all become billionaires, lint Industry, economy and careful m anage­ m ent will put any one on the road to a com­ petency, especially If the savings are kept In a good bank like ours, where they will be SECURE and subject to call when needed. children might be a good idea. Hut money left for benevolent pur­ poses— excepting science and edu­ cation— is usually wasted. Tbe work you do while you live counts; there’s no knowing what your money may do after you. Great Rritain intends to protect ignorant investors against get-rich- quick stock salesmen and other schemers. Peddling stocks from door to door is to be stopped, selling stocks through the mail re­ stricted and watched. The oil, real estate, and mining schemes that rob investors in this country would not be possible is Great Britain. < Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank S P R IN G F IE L D %