The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 20, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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black. The rain whispered companion
ably among the Jackplnea. The twist­
ing track was Arm and free from
standing water. He saw no person
but a pair of Aery eyes stared upon
him from a bend In the road, and a«
the car rushed past, be could see the
mild and shaggy bead of a beer, who
was standing on hla hind leg.« Ic a
patch of blackberries.
When the last <tdgw had been sur­
M ic h a e l
P h illip .
mounted he gave a start of surprise.
A light was shining from the win­
Illix a V i-w k lo a u k y H a i u y J
dows of hla cabin. He ahut off the
OapyHAba M u k
power and brought the car to a a op
■ t u n t thru Y I Ml *>«■■■
some distance away. The thought ol
the motor-tramp came to hie mind
and he went forward cautiously to
for hla Drat year's tales. which would
Ho crept atoopingl/,
enable him to pay. hut at the bank ha had hla mission been successful. He keeping out of range of the windows
also discovers that a check he gave
until he could peer into one of them
Healnisn for live dollara for a pig haa ed to every likely person for the loan from the corner. Two small pines
been raised to five hundred, complete­
had been broken out so that the un
ly wiping him out. Then he tries to him.
hidden guests might unloose the sash
see 1‘atsy. but learns that she la not at
bolts After a single glance be went
advance the money. But they feared
to the back door and thrust It open.
■ the bleak uisfavor of their neighbors.
The three occupants of the cabin,
I The barrens had been a sounding-
Jake, Culley and Oscar, looked up In
I board, apparently, and outstanding
Unwelooms Visitors
surprise. They wore quite it their
Kddle puttied resentfully as he Incidents of hts life there echoed in ease, as much so as In their own
drove home As all of Hcottdale had, the town’s ears. All favorable angle« homes, or a stable. They had ea'en r
Patay was condemning him without a had been eliminated. Scottdale heard bountiful meal from his provisions, as
hearing, on circumstantial evidence. only the moat discouraging
the disordered table showed. A plate
Well. It couldn't be helped However,
They knew of hla drinking-bouts nad been broken, and the pieces care­
the Impudent treepassing »n their pro­ But they didn't know that he had lessly kicked aside. Now Culley was
perty and the purchase of the tax- conquered liquor. They had heard of chewing tobacco, as the b r o w n
title rather absolved him from nbllga his enforced trip to Chicago. They ' srlotches where he had spa on the
lion toward the man who had been I rolled under their tongues the dell- floor showed. The others were smok
with him the night of the accident. i clous morsel that Patay had left him, Ing There was a blazing fire In. the
He'd seen: perhaps he might tell i and assured thnt the separation was fireplace
And a tall black bottle
Patsy Jane, after all.
: Anal. Hla Aght to oust the nintortramp partly full, stood In the center of the
He Ailed In the suspenseful week in | and his thrashing of the other tres­ table.
cutting fence-posts and restringing passer were described as drunken
They had removed their outer cloth­
wire about the land He hurried to : quarrelsomeness Even his dismissal ing Capa and mackinaws were thrown
the mail box each forenoon after the by
d|atorted Into on one of the bunks. Across them lay
rural carrier rtw! rattled along the | something mysterious „„,«
three belts to which were attached
and criminal.
trail In his little car But the gover i
each holster contained a
It was dark when he approached
nor did not write.
1 Lmg Portage He was shivering vlo- “ r«'’ rallbre »«‘«malic.
The eighth day he could stand It no lently from cold and rain Ha was - “»alio, kid!" greeted Culley. Jovi-
longer. When th«1 carrier had failed Iv.-ry hungry But he felt he could
“D^ B t ftnd you home' 80 w0
to stop st the box, Kddle drove Into not bear the haiks which would be , c“me *n-
town and wire«! Governor Albright. He
“So I gee,' returned Eddie.
spent the afternoon In wandering turned <m him In either of the town's j "Thia rain'll hold up the ship may­
shout town, returning at half-hourly
be till noon tomorrow,” volunteered
Intervals to Inquire for a message to the governor for funds and the re-, Oscar, "so we thought we'd eat under
ply w it «- public property by now !
Finally, at Ave o'clock. It came:
There were too many lounging In anJ | cover. Good grub you got here." He
"Horry, but Governor ts In Europe
nut of the railroad office who could began Indolently to roll a cigarette.
until Christmas. Duff, secretary."
Eddie's self-control wag suddenly
He summoned u smile to his fare see the me««age on the open Ale. broken. He snatched a shotgun from
and drove to the gw rage. "They sav
Its pegs over the door. The barrels
n man may be down, but he'a never creet—which he was not.
Ixing Portage knew his attempts to were loaded only with birdshot. It is
out?' he thought. "Well, here's where J
true. But birdshot will serve admir­
I test the theory." To the garage at | get money there had failed. It would ably at three feet.
read In his face that hts Journey to
tendant he said briefly: "Fill her up."
"You hogs!" he growled. "You laxv
the south had been a failure, also.
He had resolved to attempt borrow­
Althy crooks! Get, out of here—
ing the money at Scottdale He could
the uneven main street and left the quick-"
have appealed to Nance Encell, but
Men who live by violence are use­
that was Impossible Patay Jane would yellow lights In the store building
fully educated. They know when an
have to know where the money came behind.
Somehow. It seemed friendly out Inadversary ts bluffing and when he Is
from She would never accept her
barrens, though the night wasdangerous. They have the courage of
home at Nance’s hands Further more,
Cdlaon Forbas, a young rvaMant of
Miottdala with an Inherent craving
for liquor, la held for the death of a
wutuan who haa barn killed by a boot
lecglng truck.
vlrcnmatuntlal ovl-
«trace point« to Forbva and rather
than tall the truth of the episode
which would dear him but caat an­
other friend In a bad light, ha atanda
trial and la aentanced to a Inna term
In prlaon. The governor of tha elate,
a- old friend of Kddh-'e father, be-
llevaa him Innocent and pardona him
aborlljr after hla arrival at the Jail.
Scoots Llbbay, a worthless charac­
ter, who haa amaahed hla trachlne In­
to another car, killing Ita lone oe-u-
join I. a woman. Forbes' compani n
and Llbbey quit the scene hurrWl,
leaving the former alone to face a
cvnatable who raaaona that Kddle
with the acent of whlakey about him
itiiiat be connected In some way with
tha accident. Accordingly. Furbee la
Patty Jana, Kddle'« pretty wife,
agyeea tbiat public aentlment runa too
high agatnjt him. Accordingly they
migrate up ncrth to aome land that
baa been In the family for yearn.
Settled In their log caliln
laalh Saalman, a ahlfty neighbor who
la anxloun to buy their land. Hddle
leama that the bock tax«-« total over
e gbt hunure.l dollar« and must It
paid In Itve months to avert forfeiture.
Henlman mukea a generous offer
which la refused Kddle thinking the
land must have some value unknown
to him to warrant hla neighbor's In­
terest. Things do not go well. Kddle
falls Io get work and siieeumlis to hla
old yearning by falling In with a
bootlegger's gang, getting drunk and
being shanghaied to Chicago. Upon
bit return he discovers that Pat has
left him and will not return until ho
baa quit drinking Thia he determines
to do. He secures work on a nearby
ranch, run by Uarenant, and after
many temptations at last heats his
enemy, John Barleycorn. All this
time he la slowly earning money but
realltea that when the lax Is due no
can’ t possibly have enough
man renews Ills offer and Is again re­
futed. One day
Nance Encelf, his former sweetheart
calls, finds him alone, offers to pa/
the deficit but Is rebuffed. Then Nanee
klsaea him—and Is seen by Patsy who
bad called to attempt a reconciliation
with her husband. Pat leaves without
listening to hts explanation. Broken­
hearted. Kddle tried harder than ever
to earn the money and one morning
early while berry picking, notices
fresh tire marks on his property.
Kddle discovers that two men. one
of them the youth who deserted him
the night of the truck accident are
carting away the soil from a mound.
He stops them, whips the young cow
nrd and gets the address on a hag
they hare used At Ixmg Portage ho
learns there Is only three hundred and
fifty dollar! Instead of eight hundred
Ladles’ and
Wool Hose
to borrow from Nance would conArm
«■very mean suspicion. N
or lose without that
He bought fod and head«*d south
It was his Intention to drive all night
and as much of the next day as might
be necessary to reach Scottdale. For
the time was getting preciously short
The Arst of September was but Just
around the corner.
It had begun to rain at noon of the
Slat day of August. Autumn comes
early In northern Michigan. and there ‘
was the chill of leafless, desolate land­
scapes over which the wind may prowl
untrammeled, In the saturated air.
The top of Eddie's car was In had con- ,
dltlon. The spears of rain found the
weak places unerringly. I.lttle streams
played utem him and soakeu through '
his clothing
His hands were stiff |
with cold. An endless succession of ,
chuckholes d«*veloped, through which ,
the car Jolted uncomfortably.
Perhaps he would have been so
responsive to the miserable weather
The single dial control that ha«
been developed for Sparton
Radio is a marvel even to sea­
soned radio fans. Keen as a
razor’s edge, it cuts through
local stations, mechanical in­
terference, neighboring sets—
everything—catching your sta­
tion and nothing m art. But the
real thrill is not in selection
alone. It is in the truly marvel­
ous fullness o f tone with which
even distant stations are
"brought in”. Hear Sparton,
and have a new Radio
Of Men’s and Boy's Hats Price
Cotton Blankets ;......$2.85
Wool Blankets, $3.95, $4.39
Cotton Sheet Blankets 1.85
Specializing in Toneile
Over Penney’s 8tore
Phone 355
Moore & Moore
are tailors for those desir­
ous of being correctly
groomed in every detail. It
has ever been our privilege
to serve a distinguished
Also, a special depart­
ment for r e m o d e l i n g .
Where your past seasons
garments are conformed
into new fashions.
At the Office
Eight trucks, bull-nosed and in.
mensely powerful, stood humped un­
der their tarpaulins, like strange pre­
historic animals. Their guards and
drivers walked restlessly up and
down or huddled under protecting can­
vas aprons. Three skiffs floated by the
dock In the bootleggers' cove. There
was an attitude of expectancy and
Impatient waiting over the score of
men making up the expedition.
It was well past noon of the first
of September. Yesterday's rain per­
sisted. although the large drops had
now dissolved Into many smaller ones,
and a thick white mist threw a blanket
Suite S31 Miner Bldg.
W e G ive
Established 1909
36 - 8th Ave. West.
Eugene, Ore.
Phone 250
Eugene, Oregon,
Telephone 362
G r e e n D iscount S tamps
Nip That Cold Now
"Tht 'Pathfinder cf tht Air"
Its Neglect May Cause Serious Complications
Don’t take chances with a cold. You cannot figure
on the outcome of a cold if it is permitted to run
Its course. But you can count on prompt results
if you use
A m b e r-o -la tu m
MEN’S Winter Weight Cotton Union Suits
Art Ticking, per yd.
Pillow Tubing
Boys’ Wool Hose ....... 39c
Q t SfurmanW Bloody
$1.48, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95
9 8 Cs 1.29
MEN’S Heavy Ribbed Part Wool Union S u its...... $ 1 .9 8
BOYS' Cotton Fleece-Lined Union S u its......
BOYS Heavy Ribbed Cotton Union Suits .............. 79c
BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS, Largo Assortment. 7 9 c , 1.19
BOY’ SUITS. All Colors, All Sizes. $ 8 .9 5 to $ 1 4 .5 0
BOYS’ SCHOOL SHOES, Black and Brow n...... $ 2 .3 9
GIRLS’ PLAID SPORT HOSE............................
GIRLS’ SILK HOSE, Light Colors........... ......... -.... 49c
GIRLS’ SCHOOL OXFORDS, Black, Tan 2 .98 tn 4 .5 0
GIRLS’ and CHILDREN'S Hi-Top School Shoes, $2.3 9
Dr. Geo.
Why suffer from eye strain when our
glasses will make you happy.
Ut tie
Jack Ilorner
Shoes for
$2.45, $2.98,
- a a
over them It was Impossible to see
farther than a short distance. Bad
weather, fog and a high sea had de­
layed the Canadian rum-runner. She
was hours overdue.
As the men stamped their feet and
(Continued on Page. H)
609 Willamette
Eugene, Ore.
their careers, and tt«j will take ruth
less steps against the bluffer. But
they bow to the dangerous man. Ho
the trio rose. Here was danger per­
sonified A false move would mean
the dlsttfiarge of the shotgun, and two
dead men. They had no desire tr
speculate as to who might be spared.
Keeping them covered, Kddle step­
ped hack until he secured the belts.
He removfttt the pistols with one hand
and threw the belts on the Aoor.
Backing again, he pulled open tin
front door. They saw hla Intention.
"Aw. say, kid," remonstrated Culley,
hla voice between a whine and a snarl,
don’t throw them gats away."
His answer was to hurl the pistols,
one by one, oct Into the darkness, anJ
Culley spoke again: "What’s the big
Idea, anyway? You claim to be a
The bulky guard happened to be
nearest. Kddle thrust the gun against
his flabby stomach so that the twin
muzzel dented deeply the soft tissue.
'Shut up and get out!" he commanded.
Culley obeyed, carrying his coat and
belt with hitn. Kddle shepherded
them along the path. He kept his
flashlight spraying on the trto to pre­
vent a surprise attack. The booze-
truck, headed north, gtood by the side
of the road. They clambered Into the
seat, after Oscar had kindled the
lights, and thundered away. They
hurled back curses and threats from
a safe distance. Eddie smiled Into the
darkness after them before turning
back to the house.
"I wanted them to think I was a
simp and an easy mark till something
fell on them," he mused. "But I guess
the shock of Anding out wasn’t less
unkind tonight than it wculd have
been later. Now for a bite to eat.
And then It's a case of back to town
Theres new convenience
and. positive b a k ^ q results
in the use o f C fiscen t-
the Double A c t into
Bakjnq Powder
when a cold starts.
-, This remedy will promptly eliminate the cold from
your system.
A jar of this valuable Cold Cure should have a
place in every home. Its prompt use may save
you from lung congestion or other serious compli­
cations that commonly result from neglected
colds. It is equally good for children and adults.
Ketels’ Drug Store
’¿ A