THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 1927 THE SPR1NGPIELD NEWS PAGE THREW __ black. The rain whispered companion ably among the Jackplnea. The twist­ ing track was Arm and free from standing water. He saw no person but a pair of Aery eyes stared upon him from a bend In the road, and a« the car rushed past, be could see the mild and shaggy bead of a beer, who was standing on hla hind leg.« Ic a patch of blackberries. When the last «■■■ some distance away. The thought ol the motor-tramp came to hie mind and he went forward cautiously to for hla Drat year's tales. which would reconnolter. Ho crept atoopingl/, enable him to pay. hut at the bank ha had hla mission been successful. He keeping out of range of the windows had trampled on bis pride and appeal­ also discovers that a check he gave until he could peer into one of them Healnisn for live dollara for a pig haa ed to every likely person for the loan from the corner. Two small pines the etown'« ears. AU favorable angles been raised to five hundred, complete­ had been broken out so that the un ly wiping him out. Then he tries to him. hidden guests might unloose the sash Home would have been willing to see 1‘atsy. but learns that she la not at bolts After a single glance be went advance the money. But they feared home. to the back door and thrust It open. ■ the bleak uisfavor of their neighbors. The three occupants of the cabin, I The barrens had been a sounding- CHAPTBR XXI. Jake, Culley and Oscar, looked up In I board, apparently, and outstanding Unwelooms Visitors surprise. They wore quite it their Kddle puttied resentfully as he Incidents of hts life there echoed in ease, as much so as In their own drove home As all of Hcottdale had, the town’s ears. All favorable angle« homes, or a stable. They had ea'en r Patay was condemning him without a had been eliminated. Scottdale heard bountiful meal from his provisions, as hearing, on circumstantial evidence. only the moat discouraging the disordered table showed. A plate Well. It couldn't be helped However, They knew of hla drinking-bouts nad been broken, and the pieces care­ the Impudent treepassing »n their pro­ But they didn't know that he had lessly kicked aside. Now Culley was perty and the purchase of the tax- conquered liquor. They had heard of chewing tobacco, as the b r o w n title rather absolved him from nbllga his enforced trip to Chicago. They ' srlotches where he had spa on the lion toward the man who had been I rolled under their tongues the dell- floor showed. The others were smok with him the night of the accident. i clous morsel that Patay had left him, Ing There was a blazing fire In. the He'd seen: perhaps he might tell i and assured thnt the separation was fireplace And a tall black bottle Patsy Jane, after all. : Anal. Hla Aght to oust the nintortramp partly full, stood In the center of the He Ailed In the suspenseful week in | and his thrashing of the other tres­ table. cutting fence-posts and restringing passer were described as drunken They had removed their outer cloth­ wire about the land He hurried to : quarrelsomeness Even his dismissal ing Capa and mackinaws were thrown the mail box each forenoon after the by had d|atorted Into on one of the bunks. Across them lay rural carrier rtw! rattled along the | something mysterious „„,« three belts to which were attached and criminal. trail In his little car But the gover i holsters, each holster contained a It was dark when he approached nor did not write. 1 Lmg Portage He was shivering vlo- “ r«'’ rallbre »«‘«malic. The eighth day he could stand It no lently from cold and rain Ha was - “»alio, kid!" greeted Culley. Jovi- longer. When th«1 carrier had failed Iv.-ry hungry But he felt he could “D^ B t ftnd you home' 80 w0 to stop st the box, Kddle drove Into not bear the haiks which would be , c“me *n- town and wire«! Governor Albright. He “So I gee,' returned Eddie. spent the afternoon In wandering turned