The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 22, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tha beat unbreakable waU'h crya-
U«. Any ahape or alaa. lloyt'« Store
Mr«. Field« Return« Hom«— Mr»
Qo on Flahlng Trip— Merle and
Charlra Field« a n d d a u g h I « r, SU Main Street.
Frank t'aateel and Levi Neet went U>
Marcarrl, relum ed to their Knaaburg
CALL AND BEE Dr. M. W. Emery Florence Bunday on a flahln« trip.
hume Haturday aller »lallIn« fur «um«
price« on plate« and other work, tf
»Ime with Mr and Mr« F II Hainlln
Te Attend High School— Paul Fre«<-
la altendln« the L'nlveralty High
Bchool In Eugene thia year.
7/ C r i
i n
D is ( oun i Si AMPiJ
The Temperature Test May Be The
Means of Saving a Life
EaJI la a season of changeable weather conditions
and an a result children are subject to much ex­
Slight cold» and other 111« may develop Into some­
thing serious If not watched.
The best way to determine the true condition of
children or adults who show sign« of fever, Is to
take their temperature with a reliable
F ever T h erm om eter
We handle H-D Thermometers
These Instruments have all been tested and are
guaranteed to be correct. Every home should
have one. They are especially valuable In homes
where there are small children.
Ketels’ Drug Store
• - • V
Woman Faints on Street— Mrs. M-
Goes to Loo Angelo»—Mr«. C. A.
Swart» has left for Loa Angelea to
visit her slater, who la IIL
Handarar End« Vacation — John
Henderer haa returned to hl» work at
the Mountain State« Power company
plant following hl» vacation.
Baby Son Born— A baby aun waa
Goaalar to Return— Walter Ooaaler
burn Friday. September 1«, to Mr. and
will return to his duties at the po»t-
Mr« W. A. Orout.
office next Wednesday, ending hl» 16-
Tonsils Are Removed— Mr«. Alberta day vacation.
Thomas underwent a tonsil operation
Choir R m u b m i Activity— Rehear
at a local physician'« office laat Friday.
sala of the Baptist church choir were
Hera from Craawell— Mr». F K reaunu-d la«t evening, and will con i
Roberta of Creawell paid Springfield tlnue weekly.
a bualneas visit Monday.
Leaves for San Francisco — Mrs 1
Hara From Doator—C. L. Glaapev Paul Scott, who haa been Halting
of D elter apent a part of Saturday In with her mother, Mra. BartletL left
Tuesday for San Francisco, where she
will make «her home.
Marcola Man Hare— D. E. Dead
m«>n<l of Marcola waa a bualnaaa visi­
Wilsons Visit Ralnnock— Mr. and
Mra. C. C. Wilson drove to Ralnrock
tor here Saturday.
Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Wilson are
Jasper Man In— Paul O Edward«
now living In Springfield with her j
of Jasper waa a Springfield visitor
father, R W. Smith, school clerk.
Blnnara Hava Vlaltora— Mr. and Mm
Varn Lawaon Sick—Vern Lawson J. H. Slnnar and son. Donald, are
was reported on the sick list early spending their vacation with Mr. and
thia week.
Mrs. Henry Slnnar of thia place. They
Hart From Lorane— John Bailey of have been visiting for the past two
Lorane waa a Springfield visitor Sat­ weeks with relatives In Chicago,
Cool Days Are Coat Days
And Our Stock Is Ready
For Your Inspection
Already there are hint! of
cooler weather— and evenings
are chilly enough for a cozy
coat-—right now is the time
to tee the splendid values we
have to offer I
Woman, Miaow and Juniors
A aslsction of coat« for all occailon«
— swagger «port aoveltie«
drasi coat«, both collared
and rich
with fur.
Brown and taa «hade«, blae, green and
wiaa are ahowa.
T o th e
Are you taking full advantage of the service«
that this bank eun render? If yon are having
financial difficulties, perhaps we can assist
you in finding a way to overcome them.
Come in and talk it over—you will find us
friendly in spirit, as eusy as possible in our
requirem ents, and strictly confidential in re­
gard to all of your m atters.
Our out-of-town collection service, real
estate appraisals, tru st and other services
are helpful to your business. We can also
assist you with your tax problems. Your
Inquiries are always welcome.
Commercial State Bank
New Fashions, and Materials are now in readiness for
the Fall season.
Also a special department for remodeling. Where your
past seasons garments are conformed Into new fashions.
To Keep Them Clean
Dental Creme
Thia dentiflee. anowwhlte,
creamy and Inviting makes
the teeth clean, scrupu­
lously so—gives them the
white lustrous look th it
distinguishes b e a u t i f u l
teeth — protect« and safe­
guards them.
Big Apples on Oiaplay— John C.
Parker, who live» at Fifth and C
streets, has two huge Spokane Beauty
apples on display at the Commercial
State bank.
Hog-Bitten Boy Recover« — The
small eon of Mr. and Mra. N. Job
Veneta, la reported recovered from In­
jurie« received when he waa attacked
by a hog acme time ago
With hi«
parents, the boy was brought to
Springfield for an examination by hla
physician this week.
Large Size Tube
Clarke Have Baby Grandson— Mr.
and Mra. Will Clark are the proud
parents of a baby grandson. The little
i one waa born September 16 at the I
I Pacific Christian hospital to Mr. and '
Mr». D. M Cornelius Mr». Cornelius |
[ I» the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
Eye strain means nerve strain
—correct glassos Improve vision
and nervus. Our methods as­
sure accurate examinations.
The Science of Optometry
Skill and experience In the
profession of optometry cannot
bo acquired In a month or a
year. Modem optometry is tho
result of long and exhaustive
study. Such experience Is our
bid for your patronage and good
4th and Main Sts.
Phone 63 for Delivery
Coming to
Dr. Mellenthin
In Internal Medicine for the
Visita Mra. F. B. Hamlin— Mrs.
past fifteen years.
Naomi Montgomery, who has been
staying tor some time In the Eugene
district, came to Springfield Sunday to
visit an old school chum. Mr». Frank
. B. Hamlin. Mr». Montgomery's home
Will be at
I» at Medford, and the two attended
school together In Southern Oregon. Osborne Hotel, Saturday October 1st.
Office Hour«: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Successor to the
W atta Optical Co.
nt No. 14 8th Ave. West,
Eugene, Oregon.
Some of the finest meat one ever tasted is offered this week
at our market Fresh, tender, juicy, delicious baby beef
that would tempt the palate of a king. But, there’s nothing
too good for our customers. Come in and get yours.
We have enlarged our quarters by building a new'
sausage kitchen and have installed a new electric slicing
F lanery’s
D rug Store
S t e s s i ■ßw»
Four on Motor Trip—Mra. H. A.
Anderson of Chase Garden» took » e/
eral friend» on a motor trip to Curtin,
beyond Cottage Grove, Sunday. Those
In the party Included Mr». Aim a
Cowden. Mr». Violet Bidder, and Mra.
Marie Braxael.
Dr. Ella G. Meade
Eugene, Ore.
Established 190#
Returns to Santa Clara — Eras
Weber, who haa been working at the
F B Flanery home, haa returned to
her home at Santa Clara.
Eye Strain-Nerve Strain
tinguished cllentle.
Phone 250
Whon you nro In that city and
In need of Optical Work «he will
he glad to serve you.
P rotected by Electric Burglarly A larm System
every detail. It has ever been our privilege to serve a dis­
Haa Operation — M l a s M e l b a
Muster* of Springfield underwent a
major operation at the Pacific Chris­
tian hospital In Eugene Sunday.
Vlelt Camp Craak Oiatrlct—Mr. and
Mra. M B. Huntty motored up the
Camp Creek road Sunday, visiting
points of Interest.
25th Anniversary
are tailors for those desirous of being correctly groom ad in
36 - 8th Ave. West.
Vialt At Blue Rlvar—Mr and Mr»
Tom Rathbun viaited Sunday at Blue
Rlvar with their daughter. Mrs
Charlea Orummlng. and family.
»42 Willamette 8t„ Eug ene. Oregon.
Moore & Moore
Hara From Santa Clara— Mr and
Mrs. Carl Weber of Santa Clara were
Springfield visitor» Sunday at the
home of Mr and Mm. Fred Frese.
■ •;/
Nowan, a »tranger here, fainted on
Back to the school-books
■with music in their ears
No Charge for Consultation
S C H O O L -D A Y S and small frowning faces are here
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and 1» lic­
ensed by the state of Oregon. He does
not operate for chronic appendicitis,
gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils
or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re­
sults In diseses of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nevres, heart, kid­
ney. bladder, bed wetting, catarrh,
weak lungs rheumatism sciatica, leg
ulcers, and rectal ailments.
Below are the names of a few of his
many satisfied patients in Oregon who
have been treated for one of the above
named causes:
again. A d d music to your children’s training— in a
course that requires no books. T h e new Ortho-
phonic Victrola will bring them the best music o f
all the world, reproduced with absolute fidelity to
tone and volume.
It offers you an easy way to
familiarize them with the world’s great musician«
Come in and hear our special
children’s records— todayl
Elmer Booker, Condon Chas. Beach.
Portland. D. G. Horn. Bonanza. Fred
Stelnon. Allegany. R E. Neal, Central
Point. Joe Bheoshlps. Gibbon.
Remember above date, that consul
tatlon on this trip will be free and that
' his treatment, is different.
Married women must be accom­
panied by their husbands.
| Address: 211 Bradbury Bide., Los
Angeles, Californio.