Tha beat unbreakable waU'h crya- U«. Any ahape or alaa. lloyt'« Store Mr«. Field« Return« Hom«— Mr» Qo on Flahlng Trip— Merle and It Charlra Field« a n d d a u g h I « r, SU Main Street. Frank t'aateel and Levi Neet went U> Marcarrl, relum ed to their Knaaburg CALL AND BEE Dr. M. W. Emery Florence Bunday on a flahln« trip. hume Haturday aller »lallIn« fur «um« on price« on plate« and other work, tf »Ime with Mr and Mr« F II Hainlln Te Attend High School— Paul Fre«<- la altendln« the L'nlveralty High Bchool In Eugene thia year. 7/ C r i i n D is ( oun i Si AMPiJ The Temperature Test May Be The Means of Saving a Life EaJI la a season of changeable weather conditions and an a result children are subject to much ex­ posure. Slight cold» and other 111« may develop Into some­ thing serious If not watched. The best way to determine the true condition of children or adults who show sign« of fever, Is to take their temperature with a reliable F ever T h erm om eter We handle H-D Thermometers These Instruments have all been tested and are guaranteed to be correct. Every home should have one. They are especially valuable In homes where there are small children. Price—11.50 Ketels’ Drug Store • - • V - Woman Faints on Street— Mrs. M- Goes to Loo Angelo»—Mr«. C. A. Swart» has left for Loa Angelea to visit her slater, who la IIL Handarar End« Vacation — John Henderer haa returned to hl» work at the Mountain State« Power company plant following hl» vacation. Baby Son Born— A baby aun waa Goaalar to Return— Walter Ooaaler burn Friday. September 1«, to Mr. and will return to his duties at the po»t- Mr« W. A. Orout. office next Wednesday, ending hl» 16- Tonsils Are Removed— Mr«. Alberta day vacation. Thomas underwent a tonsil operation Choir R m u b m i Activity— Rehear at a local physician'« office laat Friday. sala of the Baptist church choir were Hera from Craawell— Mr». F K reaunu-d la«t evening, and will con i Roberta of Creawell paid Springfield tlnue weekly. a bualneas visit Monday. Leaves for San Francisco — Mrs 1 Hara From Doator—C. L. Glaapev Paul Scott, who haa been Halting of D elter apent a part of Saturday In with her mother, Mra. BartletL left Tuesday for San Francisco, where she Springfield . will make «her home. Marcola Man Hare— D. E. Dead m«>n