The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 11, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    T lllt lt tj tlA Y AtlOUWT II. 1ICT
Many Paople W ad
M arriage Ucettaaa hay» been tanned
durtug the la»» «rank by the county
Clark to the follow ing
A lfred llobart
•o n and Helen W itte r, both ot Ku
gene; »’la ir P. W illiam » and Itulh
1’toud. both of Kugene; lra Nice.
C h ristie.
» .•.u h . W a lle r PaUaway and M a il»
W h itley, both of Eugene; lla rr y H a r­
rington and Jenueaa Mayer, both -if
a n «1 I
Ourothy Aaderaon. both of Spring i
Sold; Chester M axw ell amt Lola H.
Line. Ix-th of A u lau f, A rth u r C u llaw at
anil M ildred Hoaolton. both ot Kit
gvua; lloyal tJvtty. Kugene and Kather
Dowdy, » « t .iis ; Halph Howdy and j
tt.a ti tee Sb-mae. both of Coburg.
factored in Oregon are m arketed in other states.
Development of these distant m arkets, in com ­
petition with woolen nulls close to them, reflects
’.'Ubh»hed Kvery Tharaday at
struggle, daring, enterprise and also skill In
Sprin«fleld. Lane County. Ora»»«. by
m anufacturing.
A recent example of enterprise was made pos­
H K MAXEY. Bittor
sible through co-operation of Portland s police de­
K r te red s» se c eM cU«« m atter. Kebrugry S4. tW .I a t the partm ent, which perm itted a traffic officer to rush
his motorcycle down the Columbia highway to
poBtofltoe. Sprlncflekl. Ore«««
Astoria to catch an outbound ship with samples
and a bid asked for by cable Just after the ship
„ ..7 5 c
»1.75 T hree Months
left Portland. By quick action of the nianuiac-
One year in Advance
Single Copy
J turer and the patriotic attitude of the departm ent
Six Month»
I the samples and bid reached Manila Just In time
TH U R SD A Y AUGUST It. l» i“
to land a fine order from the Philippines.
Oregon woolen mills are owned In Oregon.
' mainly by the men w ho are m anaging them, al­
Twenty-seven hundred cars a day are said to though tiie public has dem onstrated its interest
have pawed over the old Springfield bridge this in the industry by abeorbtng securities ot some
summer. That should be suffleient reason T h l I of the mills. These securities have proven to be
hurrving the construction of the new bridge I he a good investm ent, th anks to the competence of
decking of the old bridge shows the effect the officers and directors of the mill corporations.
of this travel during the last few months.
Not only do Oregon woolen mills provid«’ a con­
• • •
siderable pay roll, representing a distribution of
We hate to mention it—but we are of the opin­ wages to more than a thousand operative«, but it
ion the Prince of Wales is a trifle jealous of Presi­ also provides a home m arket for Oregon-grown
dent Coolidge -judging from the different cos­ wool Owners of residence property who sell or
tum es he has alread been photographer in since rent, m erchants, professional people movie
¡houses, newspaper publishers—these and all the
landing in Quebec.
• • •
rest of us who live in Oregon derive benefit from
New York girl pawns her papa s pants to buy success of enterprising men who have developed
drinks for her boy friend—which means, we sup­ the woolen mill industry in our state.
pose. th at there's nothing left for father to do but
to try out for the track team.
Now th at flying from ship board to
proven practical, there will be a lot of seasu k
passengers trying to mail them selves h o m e -
special delivery.
• • •
The m an with real values in the m erchandise
he is selling does not have to stick his foot be­
tween the partly opened .door and the Jamb.
R ats are used as the medium of exchange in
the Island of Hao in th e Mid-Pacific If a man
has sufficient of them he can buy a wife.
• • •
So manv thread-bare overcoats would not be
seen in the fall if more people decided to spend
their vacations "Just inside their incomes.
• • •
Well__everything has been said and done at
Geneva. We mean sa id . .
Well at least—C hicago is turning from machine
guns to boxing gloves. Civilization advances.
Does $50 “top price” for a prize fight mean that
something iq wrong with the ticket holder’s head?
• • •
There is one thing about dying—you never
have to do it but once.
• • •
The man who has no faith in hum an nature is
not to be trusted.
• • •
Criticize yourself today and others tomorrow.
(Oregon Voter)
Oregon is the only far western state as to which
m anufacture of woolen goods is segregated in the
U S Census of M anufactures. The prouuction
credited to Oregon for 1923. the year of the cen­
sus. is $5,107,730. This total does not include
production of worsted goods or knit goods, in
both of which lines Oregon has factories.
While Oregon has a favorable climate for pro­
duction of woolen goods, so has W ashlngton and
go have several other states. The fact th a t pro­
duction in this line has attained such notable pro­
portions in Oregon m ust be credited to the enter­
prise of the men who engaged in the woolen mill
business, both the pioneers of the industry and
those who have carried on, sustaining and ex­
panding it.
The great proportion of woolen goods manu-
A n O rd in an c e to A dopt the S ta te
E le c tric a l Coda
by th e T o w n
S p rin g field , to p ro v id e fo r an E le c trl- |
cal W ir in g In sp e cto r, to P ro v id e to r
P e rm its fo r W ir in g and D e c la rin g an
E m e rg en c y.
,5} -H asn ' t
I. M
for Vacation Trips
S um m er outing» — » d»y. »
week-end. a fo rtn ig h t to play
an d re»f a n d re c re a te . N ew
scene», your fa vo rite o u td o o r
■port. T h i* »um m er yo u can
enjoy your finest vacation at
s u r p r is in g ly lo w cost. Y o u r
v a c a tio n « t a r t a w h e n you
leave your hiune i f you go by
O cean Beaches
w -H a t
D e lig h tfu l day» a n d nlghta
a io n g th e P a c ific . J o in th e
th o u s a n d s a t fa m e d T i l l a ­
m ook, N e w p o r t , C o o s B ay
h e ach e«. S w im , « a il,’h ik e ,
dance, play p o lf o r Ju»t rest.
8ee San F ra n c is c o , e n io y
to n ie b ay b reete sin th i»co lo r-
f u l m etrop olis. T h e n o n t o
LosAngcle»-, visit the heache»
there. H o lly w o o d m ovie cen­
ter) Y osem ite. M o n te re y pen-
i n iu la . Jew eled Lake T a h o e
hig h In th e Sierra.
A rk or rend todriy /or new
illu s tra te d booklet» for
vacation rugge»tfonr.
S outhern
- p
- ,
A geu
Autocartar Eitvlca
T h e Regular F all T erm at the Kugene Business College w ill begin
Tuesday Septmobcr S tith T h e re a fte r each Monday w ill be enrollm ent
Our up-to-date equipment, efficient Instruction, and reasonable
trainin g lh a t w ill Ot you for a responsible position.
A E R O B E R T S . Urealdent
9»3 W illa m e tte 81.
Kugene. Oregon
Hundreds of gallons of Kggintattn s »«•«» rreant have
been eaten this numnter. People Ilk«- it mid com« back tor
more day after day. It'a good because we into fresh, pure,
best qualify Ingredient«.
Ice cream cools you off and m akes one feel lie f ter this
hot w eather and at the sam e time It Is a wholesome,
nourishing food.
Ice cream is a food you tig tutd old can oat and enjoy.
G wkhN D is u h j n i S i a m p s '
<3 W e do not offer our own
remedies as a substitute for a
physician’s services.
If your ailm ent Is serious, consult a physician at
But for minor ills our rem edies can he relied ujatn
fo give relief.
These preparations are all prepared upon honor.
Our reputation is at stake ami you may rest a s­
sured that we m ake each remedy as good as skill
ami high-grade m aterial will produce. They are
put up In our own laboratory and sold under our
label. This label is your guarantee.
In any ease where one of our remedies does not
give entire satisfaction, we will cheerfully refund
the money.
T h ia coupon and 2 Sc en title the undersign«t
to one .’,5c can o f Acme Q u ality Enauiei K ote,
any color, and a special aue P ain t Brush.
O d e ll L a k e
G o ,fo r exam ple,over S ou th­
ern P oiific’» n e w C atc ad e tine
in to th e v ir g in C a s c a d e re­
gion. Plctur-- ,ue O d e ll Lake,
Crescent L<~ and a «core o f
o t h e r « ; q u a i n t m o u n ta in
ca m p « , c o m f o r ta b le re « o rt
C ra te r U -k e
T o i?
I DO IT ltK iHT*
Ketels’ Drug Store
Strange ■ • • o f sapphire blue
d e e p in the heart o f ¡in ex tin c t
volcano. (»• »»n w a y v ia C a « *
cade L in e ,r e to m via M v H o rd
and Siskiyou lin e i f you wish.
A s k about all-expense tours.
ttiet'«' t t \ i T*'fh*n WUT
!}, -T o n e . ^ E - r o 'T v ’a
Í Á Í .L T ? l6 tlT ?
h t 1 ? E '6 t M e _
Eugene, Or«.
WlH-.IlB.tS. »uch an Inspection 1»
Who attain s them or how they are attained is a
m atter of Indifference so long as it is done
I rem em ber once that a presiding elder in the
Methodi3t church gave as his reason for sending
a man to a certain place the following:
“ If I send th a t m an it will kill the place and if
I don’t send him it will kill him. so between the
two I will send him and save the m an.”
This is a good example of care for the individual
ranking above care for his work
Every man
m ust be Judged by the kind of work he does and
not by whether he is deserving of the Job or not
The other side of civil service is to select men
com petent for the position, and not to give the
positions out to certain groups of men.
In considering an applicant for a Job. common
sense tells us to consider his ability to perforin
the duties of th a t business and not his ability in
some other direction.
A president of the United States or the mayor
of a city should be selected because he is capable
of performing the duties of his office, and w hether
he was a good handshaker and baby kisser or not
has nothing to do with the case, in reality, al­
though in politics It has much to do with it.
B78 W illamette Bt.
W H E R E A S . there la no electrical ;
w trin r Inspection required In S p rin g -'
field, and
in M O
‘ T o KI A- < & _
Dr. Roi]al Qick
ratee make thia a good achool where you are a.eured of a business
O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 5lg
net »ear» for the safety and p r o f « (
tli-e of t-m p ertY .
T h e re fo re , th e Town of Sprlngfleld
doe* Ordain a t Follows:
Section I
The E lectrical Code of
the State ot Oregon la herehv adopted
tn whole a» fully aa If the eante were
art out herein
Section I
H e re a fte r, perm its »hall
be r . . n'r- I 'o r electrical wiring Job»
T he applicant »hall make application
of such pernlt« Io the CUV Recorder
and »hall fo- reulred l<> !»«' »» » I 1'
en»e fee for auch perm it Ihe nm " f
lin e H o lla r for each perm it rra n t -d
Section 3 T h ere »hall he appointed
by Ihe M ayor and ratified by the < oun
e ll a» 1» other appointive officer« an
electrical w irin g Inspector, who -»hall
hold hl» office for the »««nr term a«
other appointive officer»
W hen any
ha» tlntahed a Job for which
Discussion has been going on recently In the person
has o b ta in « ! a perm it. It "hall be
press about George Bernard Shaw s rem ark that he
hl» duty to report the «ame to 'h * In-
a woman ought to be a m other in order to be a gpector for InapecUon. and the In­
spector «hall require the wv-rk In he
good teacher.
tn accordance w ith the provision»
This rem ark was made opposing the tendencies of this ordinance T he Inspector 1»
in many places to have only unm arried teachers. fu rth e r suthortxed to c o ll« 't from th--
appllcant the »urn of One Hollnr to
Many educators have expressed them selves up­ pa'- for »uch Inspection
I section t
Any person vfolstfog
on one side or the o ther of this question.
any of the nrorlsfon» of thia «-«tie
ance »hall be pnnl«bed by fine of
After all it is merely a point of view.
not leas than »10 011 or more than
One side looks a t the question as to w hether »50 00 in the dlacretlon of the Re-
corder’e court
a woman can do a good Job of teaching or not.
Section 5
tnnamurh a» there 1« nil
The other side loks at the question as to provlalon at the prea-n t tim e for
whether the woman ought to have the pla e o r electrics! w irin g Inspection In Spring
field, and aa the tam e 1» necessary
not with the salary attached.
for the safety and protection of pro
In m anv places of business a job is looked upon p e rt'- and for the w elfare of the In ­
as a sort of special privilege and certain classes habitant». an emergency la declare»! In
and t a ordinance shall become
are favored In giving Jobs out. such as world war exist
full force and effect upon Its naas-
veterans, old people, unm arried people and so on. of
»go hy the council and approval hy
If a m a n can do the business, or a woman • the mavnr
Cnffi»*,n n ( ownrtl fn i*
either, what diff«’rence does it m ake w hether he
8th dav of A u n tlt. 1977
or she is m arried or not or young or old?
Approve»! bv the M ayor th l* Sin nav
What most people w ant in business is results. o f" August. 1M 7. o o B V 8 H M A N
Editorial Comment»
Dependable Eyeglass Service
T o acquaint you with Acme Quulity, we ore
making a epecial offer for a abort time only.
H om e—or “just a place to stay"?
Can you point with pride to your house and say, T here is
my h o m o ”? Or do you look resentfully, if at all, at the
unpainted, unattractive domicile in which you «fay?
Live now! Don’t wait for the future to bring you enjoy­
ment. Beautify your place with Acme Quality Hou«e
Paint. It's durable and economical. You’ll enjoy the sur­
prisingly delightful change. You’ll begin to five! Ind-
dentally you will increase your property value.
Use Acme Quality Paint and Varnish for enduring beauti­
fication of all interior and exterior surfaces. Come in and
talk paint with us. We will gladly answer all question«.
W rig h t & Son