T lllt lt tj tlA Y AtlOUWT II. 1ICT Many Paople W ad M arriage Ucettaaa hay» been tanned durtug the la»» «rank by the county Clark to the follow ing A lfred llobart •o n and Helen W itte r, both ot Ku gene; »’la ir P. W illiam » and Itulh 1’toud. both of Kugene; lra Nice. Springfield. «‘»ate C h ristie. Long » .•.u h . W a lle r PaUaway and M a il» W h itley, both of Eugene; lla rr y H a r­ rington and Jenueaa Mayer, both -if Kugene; »'hurlea Anderson a n «1 I Ourothy Aaderaon. both of Spring i Sold; Chester M axw ell amt Lola H. Line. Ix-th of A u lau f, A rth u r C u llaw at anil M ildred Hoaolton. both ot Kit gvua; lloyal tJvtty. Kugene and Kather Dowdy, » « t .iis ; Halph Howdy and j tt.a ti tee Sb-mae. both of Coburg. factored in Oregon are m arketed in other states. Development of these distant m arkets, in com ­ petition with woolen nulls close to them, reflects ’.'Ubh»hed Kvery Tharaday at struggle, daring, enterprise and also skill In Sprin«fleld. Lane County. Ora»»«. by m anufacturing. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS A recent example of enterprise was made pos­ H K MAXEY. Bittor sible through co-operation of Portland s police de­ K r te red s» se c eM cU«« m atter. Kebrugry S4. tW .I a t the partm ent, which perm itted a traffic officer to rush his motorcycle down the Columbia highway to poBtofltoe. Sprlncflekl. Ore««« Astoria to catch an outbound ship with samples M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E and a bid asked for by cable Just after the ship „ ..7 5 c »1.75 T hree Months left Portland. By quick action of the nianuiac- One year in Advance ,1 ttiet'«' t t \ i T*'fh*n WUT train. !}, -T o n e . ^ E - r o 'T v ’a Í Á Í .L T ? l6 tlT ? h t 1 ? E '6 t M e _ -ANt» i5U !»«' »» » I 1' en»e fee for auch perm it Ihe nm " f lin e H o lla r for each perm it rra n t -d Section 3 T h ere »hall he appointed by Ihe M ayor and ratified by the < oun e ll a» 1» other appointive officer« an electrical w irin g Inspector, who -»hall hold hl» office for the »««nr term a« RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT other appointive officer» W hen any ha» tlntahed a Job for which Discussion has been going on recently In the person has o b ta in « ! a perm it. It "hall be press about George Bernard Shaw s rem ark that he hl» duty to report the «ame to 'h * In- a woman ought to be a m other in order to be a gpector for InapecUon. and the In­ spector «hall require the wv-rk In he good teacher. tn accordance w ith the provision» This rem ark was made opposing the tendencies of this ordinance T he Inspector 1» in many places to have only unm arried teachers. fu rth e r suthortxed to c o ll« 't from th-- appllcant the »urn of One Hollnr to Many educators have expressed them selves up­ pa'- for »uch Inspection I section t Any person vfolstfog on one side or the o ther of this question. any of the nrorlsfon» of thia «-«tie ance »hall be pnnl«bed by fine of After all it is merely a point of view. not leas than »10 011 or more than One side looks a t the question as to w hether »50 00 in the dlacretlon of the Re- corder’e court a woman can do a good Job of teaching or not. Section 5 tnnamurh a» there 1« nil The other side loks at the question as to provlalon at the prea-n t tim e for whether the woman ought to have the pla e o r electrics! w irin g Inspection In Spring field, and aa the tam e 1» necessary not with the salary attached. for the safety and protection of pro In m anv places of business a job is looked upon p e rt'- and for the w elfare of the In ­ as a sort of special privilege and certain classes habitant». an emergency la declare»! In and t a ordinance shall become are favored In giving Jobs out. such as world war exist full force and effect upon Its naas- veterans, old people, unm arried people and so on. of »go hy the council and approval hy If a m a n can do the business, or a woman • the mavnr Cnffi»*,n n ( ownrtl fn i* either, what diff«’rence does it m ake w hether he 8th dav of A u n tlt. 1977 or she is m arried or not or young or old? Approve»! bv the M ayor th l* Sin nav What most people w ant in business is results. o f" August. 1M 7. o o B V 8 H M A N Editorial Comment» Dependable Eyeglass Service SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quulity, we ore making a epecial offer for a abort time only. H om e—or “just a place to stay"? Can you point with pride to your house and say, T here is my h o m o ”? Or do you look resentfully, if at all, at the unpainted, unattractive domicile in which you «fay? Live now! Don’t wait for the future to bring you enjoy­ ment. Beautify your place with Acme Quality Hou«e Paint. It's durable and economical. You’ll enjoy the sur­ prisingly delightful change. You’ll begin to five! Ind- dentally you will increase your property value. fiCME QUALITY Paint‘>^fnish Use Acme Quality Paint and Varnish for enduring beauti­ fication of all interior and exterior surfaces. Come in and talk paint with us. We will gladly answer all question«. W rig h t & Son