The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 07, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    T i l t 'HSI>AY .ULY 7, l!>J7
r rwvi n
u m
e—■— s^— —
Sound to the North
year's belief In education, a six-story ot electricity
building housing the Industrial I'nl duction and
varsity. a theater, gymnasium, bowling published by
alleys and men's aud women s com ment station
uiunlty rooms.
Fish on Long Ton
for Increased egg pro­
Fred Frese. Harry Crider and C. F
for breeding have been
tne state college experi­ Kntlmann loft this morning for the
Long Tom river, where they Intend
poultry department.
to spend the day fishin*
Reserve Olstrlel No. I I
"The Industrial Vnlverslty Is III» Charlar No #»■»!
outgrowth of the early factory school,
organised to give men scpeclal tratu
lug. in increase their efficiency In the
bid!" ah« cried brokenly.
factory and to prepare them for more
At Bpringfleld. In the S tale of Oregon, at the close of business
”1 have ceased to regard it aa a
important work In conjunction with
June 30. 1»37
thing very valuable I have stamped
public school authorities, continue
upon this love, but tt la too atr-ms
tion classes have been organised for Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts, acceptanciw of other
(or me. So here 1 am. contemptuous
hanks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with In­
boys who want to go to work but wh >
77 «94 <’«
In my own eyes and doubtless in > >ur
dorsement of this bank,
must continue their schooling until Overdrafts, secured, none, unsecured. »141)80
I«» NO
they are IS."
(J S. G o v e rn m e n t se cu ritie s ow ned ;
"You forced me to play traitor!"
Deposited to secure circulation (U. B bonds par value) »«.360.00
He leaned toward the fire and
All other t'n lt'd Stales Ooverunv <nt securities (Including
E lectric brooders have been found
premiums. If anvl
»«.73« 67
spread out hi» hands.
12,0N« 61
satisfactory If operated properly. It
"Will you give me the name of the
102.02« «I
costs usually more than oil for brinai O ther bonds, slock s, secu rities, etc.
5,334 75
man 1 married that night?"
lug but elim inates most of (he labor Furniture and fixtures
2ON2S 17
"Bay that 1 was the man and let It aud fire hasard. Results of the use Real estate owned other than bunking house
16.617 «3
latwful reserve with IVderal Reserve Hank
go at that"
- - HM "I
fa s h In vault and amount due from uatlonal banka
1 202 0*1
C hecks on oth er banks In the sam e city or town as reporting bunk.
"It is impossible, because you are
T otal last tw o Items
167 03« 87
the man who first stepped ou;."
Redemption fund with D 8 Treasurer and due from V. 8. Treasurer
• On my word of honor I w as not
201. «72 b«
that man.”
Should he tell her that It was Mor­
gan. whom she trusted? He doubted
» 36.000 00
Capital stock paid In
if she would believe hitu; so he let
6.000 00
Surplus fund
4 524 90
the opportunity pass.
fn d lv id c d groflta
C irculating notes outstand in g
"You will not tell me the truth?"
1.353 67
C ashier s c h e ik s outelandlng
Armitage smiled into the fire.
Oemand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject
"Suppose 1 tell you that I did not
to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days):
140.087 75
play with you. that 1 admired you
I Individual deposits subject to check
of deposit due In less than SO daye (other than for
beyond all other men?"
»16,741 MJ
noux-y borrowed
“I'm afraid of you. Jeane Beaufort."
MUte. county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of
was all he said.
37.363 3«
assets of thia bank or surety boot)
"Then God help us both!" And with
Total of d-mnnd depoalta (other than bunk deposits)
subject to reserve
»193.022 «6
this passionate cry she ran from the
Time deposits subject to Reserve (rayable utter 20
days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and
The cry lingered In Armitage-» ear
postal savlnga);
47.31« 31
for a long while. He fought against
Savings deposits
• 606 10
Other time depoalta
It resolutely. She was a consummate
Total time deposits subject to reserve
actress, but all her arts were useless
By Harold MacGrath
fvsaton to me one night, under «tree».''
•'You are under my root. Major."
"A Yankee!”
•’Still, an honorable man.”
"And yet tits name was on that Hat
I fave you
Will you not tell me
; not as a woman to a man. but as
comrade to comrade, what thia list
First National Bank
Parson Kennedy, Charles Lowell,
Arthur Snell. George Armstrong. John
Armitage. Philip Gardner. James
Ftwartr. Franz Schmidt. Wallace
Henderson, Frederick Skinner.
The WG, Washington. NK, New
York. RD, Richmond. BN. Boston. PA. means?**
! "No." Bestdea there were eleven.
It seemed strange to her that there and you brought me the uamea of but
had ever been any mystery J-WU-A. ten.”
that meant John (Washington! Arm!
"Eleven? 1 secured what I couTd.
»■f»—the man’s name and his head- ixdn'l 1 tell you I got them in Parson
Kennedy's room? 1 didn't have much
Including Parson Kennedy, th ere; time. You can be like granite some
w ere bat ten names, and there had times.''
been eleven men that night! Oh. she
..,{ our meetings are unpleasant,
had counted them with particular care
have only yourself to thank. 1
—eleven, always eleven Morgan had
not iove you; but there was a time
missed one.
when I respected you, admired your
Havelg lost the certificate, the courage and resourcefulness. '
eleventh name — the initials — had
-Yon hit straight. Well, a thousand
passed from her recollection
times you have signed John Artul-
Meantime. Armitage's telegrapher tage » death warrant. ’ He spoke with-
had restored communitaction* and his out apparent anger "All I want is
command was saved.
Armitage In front of my sword. 1
It was Parson Kennedy who brought wish to conquer him before 1 kill
information of the Confederate trap. him.'*
••The death of John Armitage will
He had sfim bled onto this informa­
tion by the merest luck. He had left in no wise alter my sentim ents in
regard to you. Major. You ought to
his comrade back there, dead.
realise that**
“Who?" asked Armitage.
He reached for his hat. but did not
• Gardner."
The two. sent out Io feel the way put It on his head. For two troopers
from headquarters, had run plump in- entered, wheeled right and left and
to a scouting party of the enemy. The stood at attention. A man followed now. of no avail.
tw o never hesitated; hesitation would them, blinking. Two more troopers
Morgan came In smiling "So here
he to invite death. They struck the came after him. Then came the staif. we are at last!"
astonished group before they though!
John Armitage and Jeanne Beaufort
"At least It will not be murder."
to raise their carbines, broke through j lo ked into each other’s eyes once
"You and the Parson were In my
and went on. followed by a storm of more. He took off his hat.
way. Ixird, how I fooled you all!"
“Do you know thia man. Major?" ' "'Not recently, Major."
The younger man twisted
oddlv in his saddle. A mile or so Morgan was asked.
"Alice Trent—there was drama for
“Yes. General; he is Captain Ar- you. How she laughed behind your
beyond, be called out in agony Ken
nedy was beside him almost as soon mltage of the Federal Secret Service back!"
as he fell.
one of the eleven I have often told * Something Impelled Armitage to
G a rd n e r, boy?”
< you a b o u t '
say, "Yon He!"
■Parson — If yon ever see her
"He was found within our lines,” I " I have stirred you. then?"
againagain—" Gardner was dead.
• —grimly. “He shall be shot at dawn."
There was a sentry outside the w in­
Armitage. with compressed lips and i "Did you find any papers on him?" dow. one on the veranda, three more
frowning eyes, listened to this vivid ' “No.”
distributed around the house Armi­
recital. Six gone: Armstrong. Fogar-
Jeanne walked to the farther door. tage had made careful note of this.
ty. Schmidt. Henderson. Skinner and opened it and passed out of the room; A great many things might happen
Gardner—six brave and gallant of- but she remained close to the door, within an hour.
eers. Clark, the telegrapher had told her brain awhirl.
After several
"Suppose we play a game of piquet
atm it was a woman who held him minutes she heard Morgan speak to while away the time. We used to
up. Six comrades were dead: bat again. There was no doubt of the try our hand at that.”
Jeanne Beaufort lived; and she was hatred in her heart now.
“I shouldn't mind In the least."
free besides. He »tiffined in the sad-
"He has left his dispatches or his Armitage instantly formed a purpose.
die. , and the lines in his face grew notes elsewhere. Perhaps I had bet- He believed he saw a way out. There
hard. He would find Jeanne Beaufort; ter go and look over the ground where was a chance of a bullet m issing his
and woe to her when he did!
you found him.”
back tonight but no chance of a dozen
The ragged army had settled down
Presently Jeanne heard the men missing his breast In the morning.
for the winter. The living-room was filing out.
She o pened the door
They sat down at the table, and
temporarily deserted, the chief in com- cautiously. Armitage was seated be- Morgan riffled the cards. “I'll always
msnd and h's taff having gone on a fore the fire, stretched out in his remember you as a cool one. Arm.-
tour of inspection. Beyond the win- chair, his chin in his collar. He was tage. For my part. I'd much rather
dew the camp-fire blazed brightly.
alone. The guards had been stationed have you at the end of my saber.” ,
The door opened and closed softly, outside. Jeanne entered and approaeh- He dealt a hand.
nnd Morgan stood oelin his back to ed within a few feet of him. He heard
Armitage led.
It for a while, asborb'ng Ci“ lovelr her. truned and rose.
, "A queen, eh?” Morgan sprawled In)
picture Jeanne presented. “ You are
“Jeanne Beaufort!" he said quietly. his chair.
••Yea; this is my home, Captain ! The butt of his revolver protruded
v e rv lovely to n ig h t." h e said.
She did not reply. She could not Armitage.''
I Just above the table edge
"Do yon know why I am In this
bate this man She vaguely wonder-
Banter of a deadly character began
ed what her ittifu d “ would have been room tonight? I disobeyed orders for to pass between the two men. One '
the mere sake ot seeing you once was sure of the situation; the other
had he been less handsome.
“Have von ever oauspd to think more. In the back of my watch are was watchful and ready to seize upon '
Jeanne that a man falls in lovb in- my notes of observation.”
the slightest advantage.
voluntarily? That it is instinctive on , “You tell me th is!”—horrified,
"Armitage," said Morgan, finally. • I |
his part to elude it as long as pos-
“Yes. You played with me. von hate yon more than anything else on 1
sought my love to break it. Wei!, earth. But you are a brave man."
“Between von and me. Major, love here they are, love and life. Ereax
"I pass the compliment back— only,
them. I was there that night, as vou I do not hate you. Morgan. I dlsplse j
Is taboo" said she rising.
“Ah. you may draw that taboo line know Take your revenge. They will you."
ns much as you please; but I am have me shot anyhow.”
j "That renegrade Parson Kennedy ,
bound io cross it. You made a con-
”1 do not want you life. God for- will mourn for you."
"But he has my dispatches by this !
time. For two nights I have been j
inside your lines. If I lost my head,
it Is because I wanted to make sure I
that Jeanne Beaufort did not play fast j
and loose with me. She will never
be yours either, Morgan."
“No?" Morgan gazed at his enemy i
through half-closed eyes. “If as they '
say. the dead come back you will see." I
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
The Mission of
The Retail Store
A customer in one of our stores recently, con­
fided wistfully to a saleswoman that she had
‘wanted a blue silk dress all her life, hut somehow
never seemed to think she couid afford it.”
Thanks to modern merchandising few people
nowadays h ve to wait years to acquire the simple
pleasures and luxuries of life. The J. C. Penney
Company feel that a retail store should be a vital
force in the life of the community with a real mis­
sion to perform— the mission of making it possible
for millions of people to enjoy comforts which were
once luxuries for the privileged few.
Our great buying resources are exercised to
make your homes more beautiful and to enable
your dollar to purchase a greater measure of con­
tentment for your lives.
"The Goodyear Tire * Rubber Co.
at Akron, Ohio, Is one of the moat un­
usual Industrial Institutions In the
country." declared W. H. Adrian deal­
er at Bpringfleld.
"The Goodyear family of tire build­
ers Includes an army of some 18,000
m en at the parent plant In Akron, and
between 2.000 and 2,000 each at the
factories In Los Angeles and T oronti.
•'Stimulation is given to the men to
give their best efforts and Intelligence.
Awards are paid for suggestions and
Improvements, the men are encou­
raged to use their Initiative and brain
"Goodyear’s form of shop council,
the Industrial Assembly, represents
the men In the shop In all questions
arising, Ironing out problems with the
"From Goodyear’s general phlloso
phy of Industrial relations hare evol­
ved Selherllng Field, an athletic field
of 22 acres, with ample space for foot­
ball, baseball, tennis, soccer, track
and play-grounds for children: and
EX Goodyear Hall, a monurnvnt to Good-
(Des Alpes)
Delightfully perfumed,
pleasant, aoft
For use
after the bath to prevent
chafing, off-set preeptra-
tion. and to soothe and
dry the skin.
Has the real odor ot
fragrant flowers.
Drug Store
Total ............
State of Oregon. County of lame, at :
I Wra G Hughes, president o f the above narne-d bank do solemnly swear
that the above statem ent Is true to t he beet of my knowledge and belief.
WM 0 HfOHBB. I*reeldent
Correct Attest
L. K Page. A II Sneed B M M clhereon. Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this «ih day of July, 1*37.
R W SMITH. Notary l*ubllc for Oregon.
My commission expires April 1». 1939
Dependable Eyeglass Service
Dr. Roxjdl Qick
• o p t o m e t r is t — EYESIG HT SPECIALIST
878 W Ulsm stts St.
Eugene, Ore.
Pay Only
A Better Value
SE r V el
in Electric Refrigeration
HE NEW SERVEL has no moving
Parts! !
This greater model offers the best
value in
Electric Refrigeration
You can now enjoy all the comforts
of this amazing device, the patents of
which cost the manufacturer more than
a million dollars!
Do not delay, our Special Offer will
soon be withdrawn!
Worth More Then $30.00
The complete set of frozen dessert sllverwar«,
shown above, will be given FREE to each pur­
chaser of a SERVEL Electric Refrigerator during
Special sale! I
M ountain
S tates power C ompany
— ■ s