T i l t 'HSI>AY .ULY 7, l!>J7 r rwvi n u m e—■— s^— — » ■ Sound to the North year's belief In education, a six-story ot electricity building housing the Industrial I'nl duction and varsity. a theater, gymnasium, bowling published by alleys and men's aud women s com ment station uiunlty rooms. Fish on Long Ton for Increased egg pro­ Fred Frese. Harry Crider and C. F for breeding have been tne state college experi­ Kntlmann loft this morning for the Long Tom river, where they Intend poultry department. to spend the day fishin* Reserve Olstrlel No. I I "The Industrial Vnlverslty Is III» Charlar No #»■»! REPORT OP CO NDITION OP THE outgrowth of the early factory school, organised to give men scpeclal tratu lug. in increase their efficiency In the bid!" ah« cried brokenly. factory and to prepare them for more At Bpringfleld. In the S tale of Oregon, at the close of business ”1 have ceased to regard it aa a important work In conjunction with June 30. 1»37 thing very valuable I have stamped public school authorities, continue RESOURCES upon this love, but tt la too atr-ms tion classes have been organised for Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts, acceptanciw of other (or me. So here 1 am. contemptuous hanks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with In­ boys who want to go to work but wh > 77 «94 <’« In my own eyes and doubtless in > >ur dorsement of this bank, must continue their schooling until Overdrafts, secured, none, unsecured. »141)80 I«» NO own." they are IS." (J S. G o v e rn m e n t se cu ritie s ow ned ; "You forced me to play traitor!" Deposited to secure circulation (U. B bonds par value) »«.360.00 He leaned toward the fire and All other t'n lt'd Stales Ooverunv