The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 14, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1927
An eld man in Illinois aenda one
dollar to a woman In Indiana, an t­
ing, " I itolo hulf a watermelon
from your father alxty yaara ago,
when I was thlrt-an. I ain On my
way to heaven and do not want
that melon standing in my way.
Here la the money) forgive and
fo rg et“
For on« thing wa should b« grab»
ful. Our aouaini In Eumpa will
teach ua te fly, whether we want to
learn or net. T h . BriUah expect to
send to New Torlt next fell an alr-
ahlp "ae big aa the Mauretania,**
with reeaa for 1M paaaengnra. That
wUl he one good
The French Academy ef BM-
tn — . a meet serious body, ssys
that Margoulls, a French engineer,
has perfected a helicopter flying
machine. Such a machine, enabling
yen te fly and rise directly from
the ground. Would give the Inven­
tor wealth u r"-ilte d and would he
the beet in J '•
«toes the ila r t ef
the W rig li
era W ith a heli­
copter In go.»l order you could start
from the roof of your apartment
houae or office building, go where
you like, and laad ee amy other
roof or office building. % v
The Jaax period to dance» and to
morals Is passing la Christendom
and pagan lands Turkey Is sup-
t, rearing Immoral dances; Japan Is
dealing seriously with the social
evil; “ all governments,’ says a re­
port, “ere occupying themselves
with the task ef checking Immor­
<— “
* That to gratifying. Important
Pew■. and than mere Important is
news that tells of the discovery by
British scientists ef a new vitamin,
1,000 times more powerful than any
known hitherto. I t will cure rick­
ets, and, most Interesting, It seems
to Knee the effect of ultra-violet
The new health food is called
•ehlostorol" and contains what is
practically the pure vilamn D, a
substance called ergo-terol. It can
he made cheaply, end an ounce of
it would be enough to keep you
healthy fiom birth to death.
Health news and educational
news are the realty important
kinds of news “Give L IG H T and
the people will And their own
p," as Dante said. Give H E A L T H
they will have energy to work
and 1
Murals change »nJ return to
normal with timo. Health and
knowledge are what count.
Some General Electric genius
has Invented a searchlight gun
that will write on clouds, build­
ings, banks of smoke live miles
away. This opens up a marvelous
advertising fleld. But the Govern­
ment should protect It, and the
heavens should continue to declare
the glory of God. and the Arma­
ment to show forth His handiwork.
They should not be used to declare
the glory of suspender i, tooth
paste or automobiles.
.....- I — —
f . w pettyjohn co .
AT PORTLAND HOSPITAL dependable used c a r s at
In From Creak— Roy Hrewer of Fall
Creak was a visitor bere Monday.
Eugsns Visitors Here— Mrs. P. M
Cook and son of Eugene were visitors
In Springfield Tuesday.
Nelson Improos— N. Nelson Is Im­
Has Operation— Mark Cole under­ proving slowly after an Illness.
went an operation at the Pacific Chris­
Moves To Eupono— T. L. Parmenter
tian hospital Tuesday.
and family have moved to Eugene.
Visits in City— F. W. Morse of
In From Wendlinp— Mr. and Mrs.
Motor Itoute II spent a part of Tues­
C. Neet and C. G Neet of Wendling
day In thia city.
were here on business Saturday.
Hsrs From Oardane—W illis Ferre
Mrs. M illar V isit*—M rt. Ivan Miller
of Chase Gardens as a visitor here
.more tactful.
of Marcola spent a part of Monday In
I Springfield.
'The Middle West flghts the eem
Drives to Trlangls Lake— Dwight ,
borer with a machine that souirts
Stowell Here— Ü. O. Btowell of
Kessey drove to Triangle Lake Sun-
biasing oil over the Adds. Huge
Wendling was a Springfield visitor
stubble pulverisers will help the
work. Biasing oil will dispose of
Mrs. Huntly Better— Mrs. M. H.
com borers, and of part of our sur­
To Marshfleld— W. C. Mr-
plus oil at the same time.
Huntly la able to be about following
I.agan made a business trip to Marsh­
a minor operation several days ago
General Mali, formerly in the
field early this week.
Government of Canton, tails re­
Sprains Ankle— Mrs. Briggs of Eu
porters that “China will ba a true
Drive To Analauf— Mr. and Mrs
gene T O a visitor In Springfield this
democracy,” not a Soviet Govern­
John- Henderer drove to Analauf Sun­
She recently sprained her
Everybody hopes that China, <x-
plotred, despoiled and bullied by
Visit at Notl— Mr. and Mrg. Paul
European nations, will succeed In
Tensile Removed— Frances Math­
Schlewe and family and Mrs. 8.
self government as a gigantic na­
ews. son of W A. Matthews of Dexter
8cblewe were visitors at Notl Sunday.
tion, not break into small places
underwent a tonsil operation nt n lo­
lighting each other.
cal surgeon's office Wednesday.
Te Move Prom Orev«
. Gillett
But It la all guaaswerk. Tt to
has sold his property at Cottage
hard for a Jellyfish te change tote
Is Operated On— Wesley Scott of
a vertebrate ever n igh t
Grove and plans to move to Spring-
Marcola underwent an operation f o r ;
field shortly.
appendicitis Tuesday at the Pacific
Christian hospital.
Attend Eugens Lecture— Mrs. Fred
PLANNED BY LEGION1 Power W srksr Injured George Eas­ Frese and Miss Pearl Nelson attended
a lecture on Intet lor decoration In Eu
ton. employe at the W altervllle power
gene recently.
Five hundred popples made by dis­
plant dropped an Iron on his foot
abled veterans In Hospital No. 77 kt
Monday, breaking two bones.
Undergoes Operstlsn— Mrs Harold
Portland will be sold here for Memor­
Barney, Wlnberry, underwent n tnajoi
ial day this year by the American
Confined at Hospital— Mrs. C. O.
operation nt the Pacific Christian hos­
(»Sion and auxiliary. It la aanuusead. Stolberg of Wendling as conflaed at
pital Monday.
The poppy sales go toward feeding, the Pacific Christian hospital this
clothing, bousing and keeping warm week for treatment.
Has Minor Operstlsn— Mrs. Nellie
children of disabled service men and
Tibbetts underwent a minor operation
Mentjey Cute Finger— Smith Mont- at the Pacific Christian boapltal Mon­
for supplying necessities at the hos­
severely cut two fingers on bis
pital. Springfield people have been
urged not to purchase any save those right hand at the Booth Kelly plant
Returns Te Spokane— Luella B. Fer­
bearing the official American legion Saturday. He Is still off duty.
ris, mother of Dr. W. C. Rebhan, has
end legion Auxiliary stickers.
Coming From Portland— Miss Abbie returned to Spokane, after a visit of
"Every poppy sold makes some dis­ Massey will arrive Friday from Port­
three weeks here.
abled veteran a wage-earner,’ the Leg land
She w ill visit here with her
» ♦
- e
Ion bulletin aeyc. "The patients In sister. Mrs. N. W. Emery.
Goes to Live at Portland— Mrs.
boapltal No. 77 told ne they were en­
Charlotte Barnes, winner of a recent
Returns Te Nebraska— Mrs. M arr old-time flddleTa' contest has moved
joying making the popples this year.
Portland from her former rMldenee
They are made by patients receiving Lindsay, mother of Mrs. Ketels, has
little or no compensation and this left for Omaha Nebraska, after an on M, n Btreet
money really earned Is sincerely ap­ extended visit here. At Omaha she
will visit her son before returning to I To Arrive From Canada— W. H. Gil­
An effort la being made to eliminate ber own home at Hebron. Nebraska. lett. who was expected to arrive from
The question la, can you buy
forgiveness from heaven at the
last minute, when “on your way“ T
A Mohammedan writes that his
qp-religionists do not pray for
heaven. They say in their prayers
to Allah. “We pray to you because
we know you are great and good,
deserving praise. We ask nothing
In return.'* That seems more dig-
nifled than everlasting begging, and
commercial poppy sales from Oregon.
The genuine legion Poppy carries a
sticker with the l<eglon emblem print­
ed on It.
Neighbors Meet
The Royal Neighbors were enter­
tained yesterday at the home of Mrs.
D. W
McKinnon on W illamette
Heights. Fancy work and conversa­
tion were the afternoon's diversions.
Luncheon was served by two little
girls, Myrna McKinnon and Delores
Casteel. Eaatrr bunnies were given
ns favors.
Guests present were Mrs. John
Newman and daughter. Mrs. Inn Scri­
vener. Mrs. Fred Cline and daughter,
Ms Georgia Nettleton. Mrs. Arthur
Mattson and Mrs. H arriett Scott.
Special guests were Mrs Claude New-
nisn and Mrs. Jrwas O,
, April 11.— (Special— Improvement and
economics In the administration of
Salem will be host to the annual en­
campment, Orand Army of the Repub­
lic. June 11 to 21.
Bandon Is to have a saw cheese fac­
tory. It will be able te handle 1B.OOO
pounds of milk dally.
Machines In the nsw <1 0S0.MS ad
dttloa ta the Oregon Palp A Paper
company's »hurt at Rnleai warn sat la
operettas last weak.
J. F. Cramer, principal ef the high
school at Ceqntlle. vrae elected te the
superintendenty ef the Bendon schools
and wlU taka charge In September
The state land board turned ever
911S.2Sft.SS te tbe state treasurer dar­
ing March, aacordtag te a report by
George O. Brown, clerk ef the beard.
»42 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
125* Anniversary |
Easter Silk Frocks
Amazingly Low-Priced, Too
A n y woman or miff« will
walk forth proudly on Eagter
Sunday in one of these dresses
__and for many weeks after,
as well.
A Score of Style»!
Featuring two-piece styles —
the variety is interesting and pro­
vides opportunity for satisfaction.
Size» For Women, Mi»»««
and Junior Mi»»««
Flat Crepe and Georgette
Printed and Plain
Stunning , new patterns are
cgmOtnen with plain colors —
navy blue, black and all the pop­
ular light and bright shades. ,
Easter Greetings
From the White Front Grocery
r . :
Fire which destroyed the girls' dor
mltery bunding at Klamath agency
Inst week threatened ta rase a large
section a f the ladlaa reeervatlea net-
April fool's Joke when It awoke to And
four Inches of enow on the ground and
every Indication of continued stormy
Marlon county growers nre reported
gratified us a result of contracts al­
ready executed covering the logan
berry and strawberry crops for the
next two seasons.
Governor Patterson, In a proclama­
tion Issued In 8alem. has urged the
citlxens of Oregon to co-operate In ob­
serving American Forest week, April
24 to 30. Inclusive.
The season's crate of aspara-
gus was foranrdeil to Portland last
week by the Mid-Columbia Vegetable
Growers’ association. The first ship-
mint was made March 22.
Although large crowds dally visit
the Sandy river, smelt are not running
heavily this year. Troutdale desldents
declare there nre fewer Osh In the
stream than for many seasons.
Divorces and marriages ran a close
race In Multnomah county during the
month of March. One hundred and
thirty-four marriage licensee were Is­
sued and 132 divorce suits filed
the University are expected as the
result of an extended tour by Presi­
dent Arnold Bennett Hall through the
middle west. Is became known today.
President H all la back at his desk
after studying the methods used nt
other Institutions.
"Oregon w ill win national recogni­
tion as the result of Its Junior College
pfin recently adopted.-’ President
H all declared. “1 found that every In­
stitution I vtetted favored the idea
W hile some of them are not yet ready
to-fo llo w out lead, they believe we
are on the right track."
More than 100 professors were in-,,
tervlewed and ten different universi­
ties visited by the preeldent In an
effort to And the best man for the
bead of the law school to replace
W illiam O. Hale, who recently re­
signed. Lack of funds to pay as high
a «alary as le necessary, said Prési­
dant Hall, la s handicap In getting a
nrw man. Onl’ ’ wo Institutions were
found which paid as low a salary is
For a Truly Satisfying Easter Dinner
—one that you will enjoy to the utm ost
commendation is that you
Our personal re­
Use Your Telephone
It is Quicker
Than Your Feet
Our delivery service makes it unnecessary for you to
walk or ride to the store or to send your child. We stand
back of every article ordered hy phone.
No charge if the goods don’t suit you.
Brief Resume of Happenings of D E A N OF L A W SCHOOL
the Week Collected for
University of Oregon. Eugene. Ore..
measonable prices
Fruit for Easter at the Veterans bate Mode) Dodge Sedan. Unusually
boapltal. No. 77, In Portland, Is sought! good condition.
by members of the Women's auxiliary i Bulck Standard 2door sedan, late
of the American Legion, according io | model.
Mrs. M. B. Huntly, In charge of the Oldsmoblle 4-pass. Coupe,
’ Bulck » Sport Roadster.
Bulck Sport Touring, new dneo.
Mrs. Huntly asked that all contribu­
Hudson Speedster.
tions be turned over to her at the
Ford Roadster with delivery box.
Huntly delicatessen by Friday night.
Nash tonring
In order that It may be shipped te
Auburn Beauty Six Roadster,
Portland Saturday In time for Easter.
Ford Coupe.
Ford Tourings.
Lights A rt Burning
Chevrolet Tourings.
Lights on the nreb nt the McKInxie Bulck Manter Roadster, almost new.
highway Intersection Ith the Pacific
highway are burning again, following
repairs to damage done by the flood.
Eugene. Ora.
The repairs were made by the power 7th and Olive Streets,
Phone 12*7.
company upon the request of Mayor
Open Sundays sad Evenings
Sbaunavon. Saak., Canada, was de­
layed and will not get here until next
Saturday, according to H. L. Gillett,
hie brother, who lives here.
OUT R e a d e r » .
- -t—
g—— r
— ■
Larawafs Shopping News
R ollina
East Springfield end W ort Eugene
should have c nneries to balance pr e
perly the labor situation In Lane coun­
ty. according to George Melvin Miller,
Fug- nc lawyer. In a letter to the
chamber or commerce supporting the
plan for a cannery here.
H osiery
$ 1 .4 9 , $ 1 9 8
K ilte r said that such a plant here
should pack vegetables and fruits
from across the Cascades, as well as
AH year
( products of this district.
round use o< the McKenxle pass would
greatly benefit such a project.
—• - * '
New Equipment In
A Metablor, a delicate Instrument to
measure breathing and furnish In fo r-,
matjon for the treatment of goiters,
has been Installed by Dr. Eugene Kes­
ter In his Springfield office. The in­
strument Is said to bo one of the most
modern of Its kind, and Is of great
value In tho treatment of goiters.
Old Flume Replaced
The Mountain States Power com­
and In stock at the News offlee pany Is replacing the old flume which
Fora suitable (or road, construction supplied water to the condensers by
work. sawmills. etc., with table to a 24-lnch wooden pipe. This water
compute workmans compensation Is taken from the Booth-Kelly m ill
OR BALE— Payroll sheet«, print*
and deduction«. No employer shoal.,
be without these f mis when they P°nd
In All The New
That Blond Beautifully With New
Costumes and Footwear
-.•» A «
ASTEL Parchment— Rose Blush—Shell Gray and Stol-
ler Tan—new hosiery shade« for Spring that smart
women will wear Easter Sunday. A complete range.
_>% z
V ■ ’V
‘ A
• '
Laraway s Dept. Store
Phone 2233
9^-96$ Willamette