THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1927 THE 8PK1NGFIKLD NEWS An eld man in Illinois aenda one dollar to a woman In Indiana, an t­ ing, " I itolo hulf a watermelon from your father alxty yaara ago, when I was thlrt-an. I ain On my way to heaven and do not want that melon standing in my way. Here la the money) forgive and fo rg et“ WILL MAKE U. 8. LEARN. WE RE GETTING MORAL BUYING FORGIVENESS. CHINA S AWAKENING. For on« thing wa should b« grab» ful. Our aouaini In Eumpa will teach ua te fly, whether we want to learn or net. T h . BriUah expect to send to New Torlt next fell an alr- ahlp "ae big aa the Mauretania,** with reeaa for 1M paaaengnra. That wUl he one good The French Academy ef BM- tn — . a meet serious body, ssys that Margoulls, a French engineer, has perfected a helicopter flying machine. Such a machine, enabling yen te fly and rise directly from the ground. Would give the Inven­ tor wealth u r"-ilte d and would he the beet in J '• «toes the ila r t ef the W rig li era W ith a heli­ copter In go.»l order you could start from the roof of your apartment houae or office building, go where you like, and laad ee amy other roof or office building. % v The Jaax period to dance» and to morals Is passing la Christendom and pagan lands Turkey Is sup- t, rearing Immoral dances; Japan Is dealing seriously with the social evil; “ all governments,’ says a re­ port, “ere occupying themselves with the task ef checking Immor­ ality." <— “ * That to gratifying. Important Pew■. and than mere Important is news that tells of the discovery by British scientists ef a new vitamin, 1,000 times more powerful than any known hitherto. I t will cure rick­ ets, and, most Interesting, It seems to Knee the effect of ultra-violet light The new health food is called •ehlostorol" and contains what is practically the pure vilamn D, a substance called ergo-terol. It can he made cheaply, end an ounce of it would be enough to keep you healthy fiom birth to death. Health news and educational news are the realty important kinds of news “Give L IG H T and the people will And their own p," as Dante said. Give H E A L T H wav,' they will have energy to work and 1 welt. Murals change »nJ return to normal with timo. Health and knowledge are what count. Some General Electric genius has Invented a searchlight gun that will write on clouds, build­ ings, banks of smoke live miles away. This opens up a marvelous advertising fleld. But the Govern­ ment should protect It, and the heavens should continue to declare the glory of God. and the Arma­ ment to show forth His handiwork. They should not be used to declare the glory of suspender i, tooth paste or automobiles. .....- I — — J TOWN AND VICINITY PA O K nVB SEEK FRUIT FOR VETS. I f . w pettyjohn co . AT PORTLAND HOSPITAL dependable used c a r s at ----- In From Creak— Roy Hrewer of Fall Creak was a visitor bere Monday. Eugsns Visitors Here— Mrs. P. M Cook and son of Eugene were visitors In Springfield Tuesday. Nelson Improos— N. Nelson Is Im­ Has Operation— Mark Cole under­ proving slowly after an Illness. went an operation at the Pacific Chris­ Moves To Eupono— T. L. Parmenter tian hospital Tuesday. and family have moved to Eugene. Visits in City— F. W. Morse of In From Wendlinp— Mr. and Mrs. Motor Itoute II spent a part of Tues­ C. Neet and C. G Neet of Wendling day In thia city. were here on business Saturday. Hsrs From Oardane—W illis Ferre Mrs. M illar V isit*—M rt. Ivan Miller of Chase Gardens as a visitor here .more tactful. of Marcola spent a part of Monday In Wednesday. I Springfield. 'The Middle West flghts the eem Drives to Trlangls Lake— Dwight , ,, _ , borer with a machine that souirts _ Stowell Here— Ü. O. Btowell of Kessey drove to Triangle Lake Sun- biasing oil over the Adds. Huge ‘ Wendling was a Springfield visitor stubble pulverisers will help the day. Saturday. work. Biasing oil will dispose of Mrs. Huntly Better— Mrs. M. H. com borers, and of part of our sur­ To Marshfleld— W. C. Mr- plus oil at the same time. Huntly la able to be about following I.agan made a business trip to Marsh­ a minor operation several days ago General Mali, formerly in the field early this week. Government of Canton, tails re­ Sprains Ankle— Mrs. Briggs of Eu porters that “China will ba a true Drive To Analauf— Mr. and Mrs gene T O a visitor In Springfield this democracy,” not a Soviet Govern­ John- Henderer drove to Analauf Sun­ week. She recently sprained her ment. day. Everybody hopes that China, % z t *,?<"' V ■ ’V - ‘ A • ' Laraway s Dept. Store Phone 2233 ■, 9^-96$ Willamette LARA WAY BUIIJDINÖ WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE