The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 04, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    srRiNortm.n news
_________ thviihoay N»VKM,,K" ’
Vialla D aughter— Mr» John Ediulnn-
, t,,„ or ThurwhiM retu rn ed Momluy
Her» From Camp— Mr» V Souther |
a v loll or »- vefal day» with her
Hayden In Town—C harles lla y d .n
B P. Possy H ere— 1« F Poa< y »1 of Camp Creek was a Bprlnglleld land «I «'amp 17 wo» In town for .«i daughter. who I» atten d in g Ih e » la ta
i short «oit»
1 norm al school at Ashland
Motor Route 0 w»» In «own Bunday.
time SMiurdav
S aturday
visitor Monday.
enta of a baby aim. horn Bunday.
Simondwon Her»—Jo»» tllBMMMtaon
Vtella Prom E u g e n e -M l.« Edna
Hare From Crotwoll— Mlsa Rubv
or Eugene »»» a Springfield visitor Wei,» ot C resw ell *»» lu Springfield Hurley visited In Springfield Sundav
from her Eugene residence
for a short tim e Sat unlay
yiliss f h »
Do You Use A Lipstick— and How?
New caaea or ltg u tk k
»** »“ n e »
“ 'w l l h ^ h ! »lie of «he mouth
M ra gchlsw s Leaves— Mr» Set-
Family Recover»—The Tyson fam ­ Mr». G ear Hero— Mr». Mary G ear
ily, which ha» be< n 111 with th e In ot W endltng »pent a par, of Saturday tewe, m other of Mr» Ered Pre»e. has
fiucnta. ha» now recovered
left for her home near Portland
vanltl?*. alw ays arouse consideration
th ,, „ u le r e d r * • n’1
Hava Baby— Mr and Mra. F r-d
Visit In P ortland—Or. and Mr» K.i
H u O peration—tluy Redding under
intere»« among women, and too often
of the m outh If Tryon of Route 1 a re the proud par- wen, an operation at the 1‘aclfic gone K ester returned from Portland
They m otored to «he
«be novel m anner In which 1« is P«« you are one of «bo»,.lucky few
northern city Saturday.
up sw ays (he decision. Io a cosm etic powma. a m o u « « *
not alt suited to o n e s complexion
shape,! you may e «
in »electing any cv .m el.c th e tm ftlne
^ v that y“ S - r k .»
~ B \V w
quality and anart«’.
It is im portant to rem -M r.
«f * < » « ’ «>•*
•electing lipsliclt. w hether o r not you to you « » «• «o
can afford to use a lips«, k that adds » „ g g e . i t J - te e
w. x
ia mor* becomiWS
¿ J
, ry to
up, r ^ >
prom inence to your lipa. * * ‘“ r‘ l b '
, ppn ,d in a I ny
t e l ’X ^ X i ’t U r a t n o Pnol ge, 1« ..... wide o r your
care m rnt be taken th a, the Rpatlck lips w...
. r T - . 's y =
ftu k at ai<ht than by day.
a dividing 11« will no, show.
«>«■•» v»»r it ia a
Es ¡mated Budget For the Town of
Springfield for 1927
1 Town M arshal al $«2 50 per mo. 12 ntos
1 Town M arshal al 15 00 per mo.. 12 mos
1 Night W atchm an, too 00 per mo 12 mos
750 00
190 0«
1200 0«
too 00
HONOLULU. N ov « —T hat Hawaii Fire D epartm ent
1440 0«
I Eire Uhlef at $120 00 per mo.. 12 mos
is a coming force in A m erican foot
750 1)0
1 Elreuian a t $«2 50 per m o. 12 Bio?
ball. Is evidenced by the fact that
150 >0
Responding to Eire Alarms, 12 mo».
K nute Rockne. fam ous N otre Dam -
c<wch , iU a r r |ve in Honolulu
$ 3340 00
th is coming rv~.w,n,kue
D ecember tfs
to riinriuut
conduct ;4
a R ecorder’» Salary
900 00
1 Recorder. 13 m onths
“school* In football playing.
T reasu rer'» Salary
190 00
keen done.
1 T reasu rer. 12 m onths
This m eans th at th ere a re approxi- the invitation of Coach O tto Klum A ttorney's Fee»
240 00
1 Attorney. 12 month»
m rtclv 50« children who will have 1 niveralty of Hawaii m entor, whose
to go through life with mangled ban t< team s have comm anded atten tio n af Lights and W ater
M ountain State« Tower Company Lights for Street«
face? arm s and leg». Some of them th e m ainland during th e past few
1950 00
and Public buildings. 12 month»
Klum ha? turned ou, unde-
W ater
Mountain S tate Pow er CompMy.
a re w killed
v rais. ---
Eire H ydrants. S treet Sprinkling Drinking Fountain« f*ubllc
Blasting cap» contain fulm inate
featefj team s which have »ucceaafully
Building?. 12 montlw
m ercury, a quick, powerful
'„ .p ^ u e d m ainland conference champ-
S treet Cleaning and Flushing
It is readily exploded. It will explode
During the past sum m er the
Man and Team. 12 month« a t $115 00 per mo
when struck with a ham m er
The Haw<ii coacj, atten d ed Rockne’s foot Town Hall Supplies
blasting caps will explode w€en throw n
gchoo| at Corvallis. Oregon,
Fuel. 12 month»
into the fire. It will al»o explode, Although deluged with Invitations H ealth Officer
Medical Services and Official Supervision
when children try to ex tract the con' | t(> conduct football ••school»" In all R ecorder’s Supplira
te n ts with a pin. or by holding a
V nlted S tates. Rockne
12 Month»
lighted m atch to IL or by th ru stin g acc<>pted Klum'» Invitation because a A dvertising
the flaming end of the m atch into the trip to u Hawaii
a . . . u .w
e s lm l to
to him
u b ra r A
y dvertising, 12 m onths
cap. In the mines and quarries, even. will lecture at evening classes for a
Rent. Wood Supplies and Expense«
________ ______
w here men who have used blasting period of two weeks. During his time Care of Poor, Aiding D estitute
to 00
caps every day ought to know better, here, he will referee th ree Im portant
12 M o n th »
125 00
th ere a re plenty of manxled hands games
They are Hawaii vs Utah.
on Bonded Indebtedness:
ami other injuries a« the result of December 18; Hawaii Senior le a g u e In terest
2100 00
G eneral Im provem ent. F irst Issue. $35,000 00
2100 00
crim ping caps on fuse with a Jack- vuwiiii>tw>i
champion vs. Texas. D ecem ber 25;
G eneral Im provem ent. Second l»»ue. $35,000 00
3000 no
Sew er Bonds due 1944 $ 50.000 00
knife, pointed nail, or any tool th a t s an<J Hawall vs Texas. Jan u ary 1.
2 C.I) on
Refund Bonds due 1932. $35.000 00
Many a m iner has crippled
-- ---------------------------
54 00
Sew er Bonds. $900 00
420 on
him self for life in biting the cap on
Returna From Marshfield— Dr Paul
Eire Engine G eneral O bligation Bonds. $7000 00.
the fuse, -and other» have filled them- p ^ e ,(ep|aCP returned to Springfield
Bond Sinking Fund
selves with copper o r have been kill SaturdBy from Marshfield, to where
$17 124 00
ed outrig'.ri by the sparks from th eir h< wag raI,pd last week to testify In
hat lamp« or pipes dropping in an a
$29.729 .10
Gross E stim ated Expenditure«
open box of caps.
A nticipated Revenues:
90 00 ;
tf all the children mangled during
V Nelson R e ..d e n e e -M r and
L icense».' Pool and Billiard Halls. 12 m onths
1500 00 I
.he na > vear by blasting caps had Mrs. H L. Edmonson of G cshen an I
FlBM, 12 m onths
2000 00
t en h u rt’ at one time, what an im- Mr. and Mrs. Disk M .ltxen of T rent
Road Funds. 12 month«
3590 o0 I
pression would have been created! were visitors Sunday at th e N. N.-1-
T otal A nticipated Revenues
But because the accidents are spread son home.
25140 00
T otal Net E stim ated E xpenditures
all over tee country and happen »«
The Budget C om m ittee o ' the Town of S rrlngfteld will m eet on Mondnv
rate of only . ( m t fcriy « fifty a
Fire M enace. H ou.e
„ „ „ . pi al H- h o u r of
30 P M
„ o n t h . n o th in g is done
Indeed the
Eire on
| w h e ^ a n d ^ 1 « , any and al. ta x p a y e r, of the T o w n o f » p r .n g fle .d shall b
thin« to be done i - to educate Girard hou*e on M ntn and < street«. I. heard , , In . favor
----- t,««
of h»w
or against
s .c h tax
th- Whole population to reallxe how but was extinguished w ithout the aid
dangerous these exceedingly useful of the city dep artm en t before serious
----- --
— «—
w . U McI.AGAN.
thin« a -e wben thev are ou, of th eir dam age was done. The blaze broke
proper plac? and w hat a dreadful out in a close receptacle in the bath-
thm g it is going through life crippled room, and was d v ered by neigh-
or blind or want of a little care and bors who saw smoke pouring from the
. knowledge.
, ,
bathroom window.
H. J. UOX.
The point to be rem em bered is th a t
he accepted.
whm a blasting cap goes off It does
Motion made and carried to adjourn
r -at dam age locally. T here is no
PETERSON Secretary.
At W. O. W. Hall, Eugene,
»reaping its effects. Among all th e Tues<Jay nl?ht
O 28: N 4.
accident:: reported from play .n r wit.
are Mil
three in which somebody was n o t ,
E lectric hla«,ing caps are a s J
strong as ordinary blasting caps; hut
as th e capsule or shell Is sealed up
w ith a sulphur p lu s through which I
the wir « are ta rrie d rinan to the
fulm inate, no, so many accidents o c
cu r in rlrv ln g with them Th y are
tJ ^ o r e
generally dipped In dark-colored wax,
■ n: ' such attractiv e playt ings |
as '
bright copp'.r blast 'a t a'»- ;
but “They get there Just th? sam e.",
A m 'fo u r electricians are earnestly
advised to bury the electric ca| a ;
foot or two In the earth before trying
to nass electric cu rren ts through the
wlr'-s. and they had b e tte r not do It
then. Don't open It up to see what's
tn it. Don't carry caps around in
Friday and Saturday — Nov. 5th - 6th
your pockets! Don't tak e them horn, j
Observed in all Breier Chain Stqreg_in_t_he_Wggt
with you! Don’t '.eave them where
children can get a t them ! Don’t '
monkey with them !
Then* are approxim ately »00 eS Ha­
rt o crippled each year in the United
S tates by playing with blasting caps
which they have picked up in th e
vicinity of mines, quarries, or in the
fields w here agricultural blasting nas
Plant Gets H eader
i new header was Installed in
h o ll.r No. 1 of the Mountain S tates
Power company plant, the old header
having been cracked.
The header
wa ; In tailed by A. L. N lzonger of
R a sta s: "Ah you all w orkln’ much
Sam :
"W orkln'7
Man I'se Just
worked to death. I done wish 1 h adn't
m arried Mandy—she done keeps me
busy g ettin ' washings fo’ her to do."
\V<* will iiuiki' your Suit or
I trenn. will alter or remodel
your ulil «me. will Clean and
l »renn or Hye I hem.
210 Main Street
» 2230 «0
sésr*' yZi& 's
Model Cleaners
P o lic e D e p a rtm e n t
zj Z
Called to Ja sp e r—Dr It I* Morten
aen was called lo Jnaper Sunday night
to atten d M orris Hill», who 1» con
fined lo hl» lied Willi In grippe Hill»
Springfield. Ore . Oct 25, 192« llltle d au g h ter also 1» III with ’*
Budget C om m ittee M eeting w as call' d to o u ter h\ Mayor I! I! ltii 'in i. iil grippe.
J s>( II
Upon motion niily made, seconded and carried, l! ,! Ilusbm aii » a s elec t­
ed Chairm an of the Budget ,'o iu m tltee anil I M F rierson. as S ecrelari
m n rs
S treet Im provement
Lum ber
$ 50 «0
500 i«
lu,bor. Man and Team. 12 m onths
40« 0«
Crushed Reek
50 «0
Cem ent Alley C rossings
200 111
C utting W eeds
10« on
Surveying S treet» ..... .................
250 «0
Cleaning S treets
We wish to take thia meant of announcing to the peo­
too 00
Equipm ent and Supplies ....... ...
75 00
Sew er Pipe»
ple of Springfield and Lane County that we have opened a
$ 1500 oo
The Ing rouge and RpetUM
I|A NC|.. K,„ t „na I |„ || Kvory Satur-
U arrH , . , ( ,rM-ii.»tra. tf.
Every dollar’s worth packed full of value.
Jf money saved is worth a trip to Breier’«
-J .h e n he sure you don’t miss anv of these
if, super specials, carefully selected for this S I
s' - v e n t a n d price ’ to prove conclusively that
<iow a .< always—
‘It Pays to Huy at Ureters
Gent’s Furnishing
Jewelry Store
---------------- a n d ------------- -
at 321 Main Street
Here you will find a complete line of Gent« Furnish­
ings which we have priced to fit your pocket book.
Our Aim
ia to serve the people of this community. To give you
the very best merchandise at the lowest cash price possible.
Our Watch Department
takes pride in having at the bench, an expert with years of
experience and we turn nothing out except the highest
class work and
OUR MOTTO is W ork in Today
and Out Tomorrow.
We Give You Service.
Once our customer— Always our customer
We W ill Welcome You A» A Shareholder
You Can Share
In the Wages of Capital
Capital. I ike labor, earns wages. The wages
o f capital ate interest and dividends.
You can share in the wages of capital by
investing in Preferred Shares o f this company.
You will receive your capital’s wages reg­
ularly - a dividend check by m a il—every
three months.
A large sum o f m oney i'. no? need. .
you can start mvc.iing with as little as $5.
F or A/nau.’cf Know tiw Facts About Investment
¡n Our Preferred Shares
The P rsferred Share» of
Mountain States v
Power Conipaiiy
May Be Purchased From