srRiNortm.n news PAGE SIX _________ thviihoay N»VKM,,K" ’ Vialla D aughter— Mr» John Ediulnn- , t,,„ or ThurwhiM retu rn ed Momluy Her» From Camp— Mr» V Souther | a v loll or »- vefal day» with her Hayden In Town—C harles lla y d .n B P. Possy H ere— 1« F Poa< y »1 of Camp Creek was a Bprlnglleld land «I «'amp 17 wo» In town for .«i daughter. who I» atten d in g Ih e » la ta i short «oit» 1 norm al school at Ashland Motor Route 0 w»» In «own Bunday. time SMiurdav S aturday visitor Monday. enta of a baby aim. horn Bunday. ^TiatPric Simondwon Her»—Jo»» tllBMMMtaon Vtella Prom E u g e n e -M l.« Edna Hare From Crotwoll— Mlsa Rubv or Eugene »»» a Springfield visitor Wei,» ot C resw ell *»» lu Springfield Hurley visited In Springfield Sundav from her Eugene residence Monday. for a short tim e Sat unlay yiliss f h » Do You Use A Lipstick— and How? New caaea or ltg u tk k »** »“ n e » “ 'w l l h ^ h ! »lie of «he mouth M ra gchlsw s Leaves— Mr» Set- Family Recover»—The Tyson fam ­ Mr». G ear Hero— Mr». Mary G ear ily, which ha» be< n 111 with th e In ot W endltng »pent a par, of Saturday tewe, m other of Mr» Ered Pre»e. has fiucnta. ha» now recovered left for her home near Portland here. vanltl?*. alw ays arouse consideration off th ,, „ u le r e d r * • n’1 Hava Baby— Mr and Mra. F r-d Visit In P ortland—Or. and Mr» K.i H u O peration—tluy Redding under intere»« among women, and too often a, of the m outh If Tryon of Route 1 a re the proud par- wen, an operation at the 1‘aclfic gone K ester returned from Portland peuterday. They m otored to «he «be novel m anner In which 1« is P«« you are one of «bo»,.lucky few , northern city Saturday. up sw ays (he decision. Io a cosm etic powma. a m o u « « * J not alt suited to o n e s complexion shape,! you may e « in »electing any cv .m el.c th e tm ftlne ^ v that y“ S - r k .» ~ ~ B \V w ~ x quality and anart«’. » hnw It is im portant to rem -M r. «f * < » « ’ «>•* •electing lipsliclt. w hether o r not you to you « » «• «o can afford to use a lips«, k that adds » „ g g e . i t J - te e w. x w‘ ,h ia mor* becomiWS ¿ J , ry to ™ pe up, r ^ > prom inence to your lipa. * * ‘“ r‘ l b ' f 9OuW , ppn ,d in a I ny t e l ’X ^ X i ’t U r a t n o Pnol ge, 1« ..... wide o r your care m rnt be taken th a, the Rpatlck lips w... ~ . r T - . 's y = ftu k at ai«■•» v»»r it ia a PROTECT CHILDREN FROM BLASTING CAPS Es ¡mated Budget For the Town of Springfield for 1927 COMING TO FRONT RANK 1 Town M arshal al $«2 50 per mo. 12 ntos 1 Town M arshal al 15 00 per mo.. 12 mos 1 Night W atchm an, too 00 per mo 12 mos ....... Supplies 750 00 190 0« 1200 0« too 00 HONOLULU. N ov « —T hat Hawaii Fire D epartm ent 1440 0« I Eire Uhlef at $120 00 per mo.. 12 mos is a coming force in A m erican foot 750 1)0 1 Elreuian a t $«2 50 per m o. 12 Bio? ball. Is evidenced by the fact that 150 >0 Responding to Eire Alarms, 12 mo». ................... K nute Rockne. fam ous N otre Dam - c conduct football ••school»" In all R ecorder’s Supplira te n ts with a pin. or by holding a Qf V nlted S tates. Rockne 12 Month» lighted m atch to IL or by th ru stin g acc<>pted Klum'» Invitation because a A dvertising Official the flaming end of the m atch into the trip to u Hawaii a . . . u .w e s lm l to He appealed to him him — u b ra r A y dvertising, 12 m onths cap. In the mines and quarries, even. will lecture at evening classes for a Services. Rent. Wood Supplies and Expense« ________ ______ w here men who have used blasting period of two weeks. During his time Care of Poor, Aiding D estitute to 00 caps every day ought to know better, here, he will referee th ree Im portant 12 M o n th » 125 00 Annual Cleanup th ere a re plenty of manxled hands games They are Hawaii vs Utah. on Bonded Indebtedness: ami other injuries a« the result of December 18; Hawaii Senior le a g u e In terest 2100 00 G eneral Im provem ent. F irst Issue. $35,000 00 2100 00 crim ping caps on fuse with a Jack- vuwiiii>tw>i champion vs. Texas. D ecem ber 25; G eneral Im provem ent. Second l»»ue. $35,000 00 3000 no Sew er Bonds due 1944 $ 50.000 00 knife, pointed nail, or any tool th a t s an vear by blasting caps had Mrs. H L. Edmonson of G cshen an I FlBM, 12 m onths 2000 00 t en h u rt’ at one time, what an im- Mr. and Mrs. Disk M .ltxen of T rent Road Funds. 12 month« 3590 o0 I pression would have been created! were visitors Sunday at th e N. N.-1- T otal A nticipated Revenues But because the accidents are spread son home. 25140 00 T otal Net E stim ated E xpenditures ’ all over tee country and happen »« The Budget C om m ittee o ' the Town of S rrlngfteld will m eet on Mondnv i rate of only . ( m t fcriy « fifty a Fire M enace. H ou.e „ „ „ . pi al H- h o u r of 30 P M „ o n t h . n o th in g is done Indeed the Eire on | w h e ^ a n d ^ 1 « , any and al. ta x p a y e r, of the T o w n o f » p r .n g fle .d shall b thin« to be done i - to educate Girard hou*e on M ntn and < street«. I. heard , , In . favor ----- t,«« nr of h»w or against s .c h tax th- Whole population to reallxe how but was extinguished w ithout the aid R E MOSIER. dangerous these exceedingly useful of the city dep artm en t before serious ----- -- — «— w . U McI.AGAN. thin« a -e wben thev are ou, of th eir dam age was done. The blaze broke W P TYSON. proper plac? and w hat a dreadful out in a close receptacle in the bath- L L. MAY. r E WHEATON. thm g it is going through life crippled room, and was d v ered by neigh- GEO W. PERKINS. or blind or want of a little care and bors who saw smoke pouring from the M. J McKI.IN. . knowledge. , , bathroom window. H. J. UOX. ______________ I. M. PETERSON, The point to be rem em bered is th a t Motion made and carried th at budget he accepted. whm a blasting cap goes off It does OLO TIME DANCE Motion made and carried to adjourn r -at dam age locally. T here is no I M PETERSON Secretary. At W. O. W. Hall, Eugene, »reaping its effects. Among all th e Tues( II Upon motion niily made, seconded and carried, l! ,! Ilusbm aii » a s elec t­ ed Chairm an of the Budget ,'o iu m tltee anil I M F rierson. as S ecrelari m n rs S treet Im provement Lum ber $ 50 «0 500 i« lu,bor. Man and Team. 12 m onths 40« 0« Crushed Reek 50 «0 Cem ent Alley C rossings 200 111 C utting W eeds 10« on Surveying S treet» ..... ................. 250 «0 Cleaning S treets We wish to take thia meant of announcing to the peo­ too 00 Equipm ent and Supplies ....... ... ..... 75 00 Sew er Pipe» ....... ple of Springfield and Lane County that we have opened a $ 1500 oo The Ing rouge and RpetUM I|A NC|.. K,„ t „na I |„ || Kvory Satur- U arrH , . , ( ,rM-ii.»tra. tf. __________________ Every dollar’s worth packed full of value. Jf money saved is worth a trip to Breier’« -J .h e n he sure you don’t miss anv of these if, super specials, carefully selected for this S I s' - v e n t a n d price ’ to prove conclusively that