The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 14, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    T u rn
i t . * tv :
T in : s
bring e i *
;r -v ,-.
f .v G i TU R K S’
— T-
you »o much for opening my eye»,
and m aking me »«e what a little beast
I would nve le i a to accept Harry a.i
a » e c o irl choice playm ate to ease my
heart. He w on't want to hold in--
to my prom ise aguln»t my will, be'»
much too line for th at." H er eyes
began Io gleam and »he gra»i»-d my
She realized thut my decl»ion
hud been made and »he could not
conceal her Joy. "H e won't he em
bitter««! either. You m onkey!”
atoixl 'wlkli bowed head evidently In
prutouinl thought.
It wa» aevernt
m inute» before I ku> w w hether or not
ahe had heard.
“ D on't you aee bow hard you a re mak-
tug It for m e?'’ »he wheeled auddenly
and there was a look of to rtu re In
h er clear brown eye». "I w ant to do
the right thing for Hurry, 1 want 1«
he unaiii Iflah, hut it'» »o d esp erately
h ard ! By urging you to m arry him
I am »ui rllliliig the only thing In IPe
lliat m ean» anything to me, hut I
"I'm »orry I wa» so frank," »he
could le-ar even th at it I thought you ««nlltd, “and I apollglze for the un-
would, or could. Oil hl» life. Hut I kml thing» I »aid hut,'’ her voice
know you cannot.
And y et,” »h<- l broke, ”1 ju»t couldn't In-Ip It, Sable
continued, raining her face and look­ -dear."
ing Mtraight Into my eye», "Pin afraid
We em braced affectionately and I
If you hacked out now il m ight cuum ;
j took my leave. A» I stepped out Into
Tin* m il> tiu iiiil itir < f w h ic h fit«« yo un g g in g e r lined in h e r
the brilliant noon-tide ! came face to
gretu tlp e n it i
r.>len begun to ilix p la y iih<«lf, uh «lie rc x tle h flly beautiful faith. Ism t you, can 't you jfnee with Mr». W right. She wa» a
»oe wlmt I mean?*' »In- flung out h er
pnc,•(! the le n g th o f the room u ntl c o n tin u e d to (n lk ,
I cour I ii of Curt!»» and I knew by h**r
hand» In hopelo»» despair.
sm ile th at th ere would be new» fro «
"!> o n 't you realize th a t if Ila r r v th in k s y o u 're p la y in g w ith
How thoroughly s ir knew ii mi I home.
h im th a t it w ill nlisohit« :v bre ak h lx h e a rt? ” she <letuuild«'d, g a z ­
B etter Ilian I could ev er hope to do.
in g d ire c tly in to toy luce,
To Be Continued
Site had analyzed hl» tem peram ent,
W hat doe» M r e . W right tell Sallie?
"O h , 1 d o n 't believe t h a t ’" I e xclaim ed, " H u r r y th in k s he hl» a rtistic n atu re and hi» varying Read the nevt installm ent. , • . . . .
fo r me hut I believe tt Is because, m a n lik e , he th o u g h t he mood». Il< r» wan a trotnendous pa»-
<■« dd i f t i hat me w h ile I belonged to som eone e l e
He wove pion, (if course I would give ntm up.
M ovee To R oseburg—M. I’. H ard
pi tr y and rom an ce a ro u n d w hat he believed to he his u n re q iilt*
"L isten, Lemoyne,*' I sprang to my
l i d desire. |t w a his love o f the u n a tta in a b le h is z.ext fo r the feet mid »wlftly crowding the room e»ty. telegraph operato r at the South­
« has«-, also his sym p a th y fo r w ln it he th o u g h t wan m y u nh ap py I put my aim » about h er »boulder», e r n Pacific depot, ha» been transfer-
ph| lit w hich pro m p te d him to ask me to la* Ills w ife . If I should ''I m mil going to m arry H arrington I red to itoKeburg. M D. Shannon,
« hange m y m ind a fter I've secured th e d ivo rce , I k n o w he w ou ld Pierce! I couldn't, Io »ave my life, form erly of Rost burg, will handle th ”
»•«•« n fo rg e t." I htol Ignored la-m oyn e's scorn, m y o n ly w ish b e ­ because I belong loo com pletely to 1 work here.
ing to m ake h e r less sail, and so th e w ords fe ll th ic k and fust, Curl I-*» W right. I «<•«■ now w h at a
I voiced th e haphazard piiruseu w h ich tu m b le d u bo ui iu terrib le inju»(fce II w uld be. not
CALL AND SE E Dr. N. W Em ery
only Io Hurry, hut to mya« If. Thunk on price» < n plaie and o th er work, tf
m y m in d.
tie « inn ; ;i I tier« .mil talk In
that < (Mil. ItnlllTi r«-nt m anner ab o u ti
t'n mult for whom I would gladly I
lay down m y life?” »he cried, "you
km w what he -iirau« Io ill» , do you
n o t” You wen- hound to have known
In I'arl» how much I cared and it
aewm» to me that you d eliberately
mad«- yourself attractlv«' before hi»
eye» to »teal the love which wa» mine
Mine I loll you! Do you h ear?" She
aloud motlonl«»» before my chair.
h«r whole face wa» deathly white,
"Bllle told me when we fir«! met »ou
th at you w ere a nierclle»« flirt a n l
I believe It now."
"W hat have you to offer hhn?’*
ah«- « ik e d , "not even the love th a t
ho crave» You »ay you are m arrying
him to help him with hl« work
l»n t so. you're deceiving yourself!
lx« p down In your h eart you know
and you can't deny that you »till love
Curtl»» W right You've hud a q u arrel
with him and you're m atch in g at
H arry's proposal with only your own
w ellare In sight. Let u» be frank.
Am I not rig h t?”
A d ram atic alienee en»u«-d.
"W ell, what If I do consider my-
»«•11’ ' I flashed hack at her. alum s’
Indignant, though I »nil held my
t e m p e r In cheek.
" fin only human
you know and beside». I've explaln-d
lo Harry I'zartly how I feul. r» •»
In in aliHolulcly hniH»M with him
about Hi«' whole affair "
"Anil III' still want» you?
»atlxfii’il with th«« w rl of Jelly •riMh
afi •** t Ion you're offering him In tho
plat »• of hive? I
»he m oaned, ,
"h< ha» -Imply lo»t hl» head, poor,
il'.nr hoy!" U rcut t«-ar» stood In h -r
I w as g rn itly moved.
"11« told me you no longer ln v - 1 ,
him. ' I »aid, "mid I believed It was
tru e.”
"Y«.'. 1 know. He would tell you
anything to win hl» point, lie h a » !
an Im pulsive nature like th at. And j
he believed h hr should lose you j
hl» wind«' fu tu re would be wrecked.
A llh o u g h I m il you to m arry h im .'
now. I wish to (led we had talked |
things over before you gave him your '
w oid.”
"W hy. Lem oyne." I »aid softly, "I |
do m il underatand, von say you love
him and that I will not niHki* him a
good wife nnd yet you urge mo to (
n w rry him.
You a re lu co n salaten f,,
to say the leaat.**
I was no longer Incensed nt h«T
Ili ad«'. I only fell a denlre to r ig .if'
the unhappy situation which I had
unw ittingly created by my acceptance | •
ol H arrington Pierce.
"W hat else 1» th ere for me lo do!
Him ■ you've led him on. Io t i l l s poln', I
lil Ilk«« lo know!
Il's loo Into to
reason with him now. Before you
Ii« Id «ml hope for him he hud philiiHo-
nh Ically accepted th«« fact thut yon
JPere an o th er nmn'a wife and he
would have given up the mem ory of
you mid gono on to hl» glorious
In Iglits. He »hould n ever m arry and
he knows. It «» well a» I. He only
consented to such an ag reem en t be­
cau se he knew he could not have you
utile»» he did.''
"N aturally,” 1 replied, "and If ho
shouldn't m arry me why do you w ant
likm?” I exclaim ed,
"You silly little fool!" she cried
’'W.hnt <lo I enre 'w hether he niurrl«'»
me or not. I w ouldn't m arry him If
I «»uld becam e' I realize he shouldn't
be shackled
w ith respo n sib ilities
and hedged about with m onotonous
routine. Such an existence would kill
hie im agination—the driving foree be­
hind his creative a rt.”
"And y»t you advise me to go ahead
And m*rry him under conditions surh
as those?” 1 asked becoming more
and morn puzzled all the while. She
walked fo the group of window» a id
In From W a lt e r v llle — W
T h e in la
Co To California— Mr». B A Wa.m*
of W altervllle »pent a p a rt of Monday hurne ha» left for San Pranclsoo WttM
In town on bu»lne»a.
her daughter, Mr». Helen M artin,
who»*- home 1» In the C alifornia city.
Back At School W o r k — M l«
Dorothy A bbott, teac h er of English Mr». W a»hburne will v lilt th ere for a
and L atin In tt»- high Reboot, 1« back fortnight.
with h er clanae» thia week a fte r
Visit» Mapleton— Ia»vl N eet tried
»pending »everal day» confined -with fishing luck in the Mapleton d istric t
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