T u rn I y k < r i.. .«« i t . * tv : T in : s bring e i * ;r -v ,-. f .v G i TU R K S’ — T- you »o much for opening my eye», and m aking me »«e what a little beast I would nve le i a to accept Harry a.i a » e c o irl choice playm ate to ease my heart. He w on't want to hold in-- to my prom ise aguln»t my will, be'» much too line for th at." H er eyes began Io gleam and »he gra»i»-d my hand She realized thut my decl»ion hud been made and »he could not conceal her Joy. "H e won't he em bitter««! either. You m onkey!” atoixl 'wlkli bowed head evidently In prutouinl thought. It wa» aevernt m inute» before I ku> w w hether or not ahe had heard. “ D on't you aee bow hard you a re mak- tug It for m e?'’ »he wheeled auddenly and there was a look of to rtu re In h er clear brown eye». "I w ant to do the right thing for Hurry, 1 want 1« he unaiii Iflah, hut it'» »o d esp erately h ard ! By urging you to m arry him I am »ui rllliliig the only thing In IPe lliat m ean» anything to me, hut I "I'm »orry I wa» so frank," »he could le-ar even th at it I thought you ««nlltd, “and I apollglze for the un- would, or could. Oil hl» life. Hut I kml thing» I »aid hut,'’ her voice know you cannot. And y et,” »h<- l broke, ”1 ju»t couldn't In-Ip It, Sable continued, raining her face and look­ -dear." ing Mtraight Into my eye», "Pin afraid THE GREATER LOVE We em braced affectionately and I If you hacked out now il m ight cuum ; j took my leave. A» I stepped out Into him to lone III» shining ideal» ami hl» Tin* m il> tiu iiiil itir < f w h ic h fit«« yo un g g in g e r lined in h e r the brilliant noon-tide ! came face to gretu tlp e n it i r.>len begun to ilix p la y iih<«lf, uh «lie rc x tle h flly beautiful faith. Ism t you, can 't you jfnee with Mr». W right. She wa» a »oe wlmt I mean?*' »In- flung out h er pnc,•(! the le n g th o f the room u ntl c o n tin u e d to (n lk , I cour I ii of Curt!»» and I knew by h**r hand» In hopelo»» despair. sm ile th at th ere would be new» fro « "!> o n 't you realize th a t if Ila r r v th in k s y o u 're p la y in g w ith How thoroughly s ir knew ii mi I home. h im th a t it w ill nlisohit« :v bre ak h lx h e a rt? ” she