The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 30, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    thvrfday s r i T r M n m nn, io?n
THE tii‘Ul*\>nKLV iüIWB
—* t —— - -------- —
Barry, tluin and again," I hurried on, EATING F R U IT BE N E FIC IA L
Hh-wart. V. I). Bain, (1 O. Buahman. bridge la backed by the county court
"tluil my bvurt bvlungs to Curtis»
SAYS H E A LT H B O A R D an<*
were named on and favored by Eugene and Spring*
Wright I «till want to tmpreaa y -u
tbe- , onMuiltee by John Ketels, preal 'field people, It la thought t h a t some of
with that, In all fulrneaa to youraelf,
The benefits derived from eating dent of the Lions.
' the other parts of the country not
also to tell you frankly that I do not fruita» ttr<. undoubted. Fruita are a
Thia committee and the one from directly Interested In the bridge might
love you aa you deserve to bo love I, natural and healthy stimulant to <11- the Chamber ut Commerce Will handle find objections to the bond Issue if
but.'* 1 concluded. "If you still want g,-stlon. They act upon the digestive all the necessary publicity In connec- the necessity for the new bridge w«re
me, knowing all this, I'll try my best (organs somewhat like green
veg«- tlon with the new bridge. While the not placed before them.
to make you happy and to bury the u b ,Hg but tbey have tbe nddltlonul
twat." There was no breaking down, advantage of containing acids and of
no hysterics, or uncertain delay hut appealing to the aesthetic sense.
the words w ere uttered with such Home people look on fruit as a luxury,
dreadful culm that they rang through but tbers are very good reasons why
Ellie's beautiful room, with tbe weird we should eat fruit dally. All fruits
sound of a funeral dirge.
contain certain salts or organic acids
"I want you under ANY circum­ which have a more or less stimulat­
stances,*' Barry replied, and 1 sup- ing effect on the kidneys, and some
pose 1 should have appreciated bis of them. , ucb
pears, figs and
To have pretended to myself that I wur unmoved by the J k v o tio n and that bis promptness m p iUne(!
a laxative effect la ad-
mualclan'a ardent wooing would have been untrue, for his ulncer- replying should have warmed my dition to this, fruit furnishes a eer­
ily and devotion, expreaaed In auch perauaalve language, had re- heart.
u io indigestible bulk of roughage
aaaured me that, In spite of ('urtlaa' painful Indifference«, 1 wan "And now, Barry, If yon please, 1 which tends to retain water la the
not entirely without charm. Then, too, I bad been ultebly lonely wont to be alone. 1 think bs under intestines and thus helps to regulate
for no many montha and had felt for auch a long time that I waa stood my mood for this tim e he only I in , bowels.
not an eaaentlal factor In Curtlaa* life, that, althought Barry waa klascd my band, and, as radiant as * ( Children’s physlalans recommend
not coneloua of the fact, hla gr<*ateat appeal to me waa the youngster ua ChrUmss morning. Mft that all babies of the a«» of six
thought that 1 would be able to help him In hla mualcal career.
the soom.
month* should be given a small
Mni Browning had written, in the fullneae of her great love, I»n g afer hs had gone 1 compared amount of mild fruit Juice ov tomato
for the Florentine poet that "a woman’« greateet need la Juat the his cold matter-of-fact engagem ent,!juice aally. Thia Is particularly nec-
need of being needed." or words of similar sentiment, and cer­ wtth the way 1 had fell when Curtiss easary In cases of Infants fed on
tainly no truer words have ever benn penned. I had begun to had proposed. Then the world bad cows* milk or prepared milk foods.
realize, too, that a woman must be necessary to someon* else « been transformed Into a garden spot Unless some of these Juices are given
happlnesa or usefulness, be It children, parents, husband or friend, In the midst of rosate clouds and ws * disease known a* scurvy may dev­
otherwtea her motherly Instinct becomes a bothersome complex!the only tw o beings in n beautiful elop. The mild form of this disease
and makes of her exlsiance a highly unsatisfactory affair.
(Eden of dreams.
1 bad beard of often stands unrecognised for a time,
And so v*»n
• a Harry came to call engaged m yself from hl* embrace. I i women marrying the second time, being noted only In the «lowing up of
<me evening not long after Ellie and couldn't marry Harry! I couldn't! I ’making successful wires and gaining the growth of the child later on
I had had oar talh. I had made up had not realised anttl now *11 that It a certain seasure of contentment and
Fruit la one of so-called protective
my mind to tell him that I would be­ would mean. 1 had. only thought of Joy. but, for me. 1 was sure that the foods and It should be used In some
come bis wife Elite, with her usual going to him aa a roraardr, a friend thrilling exuberance o f
flraUove form dally. Fresh fruits, because of
diplomacy, had seen to It that she to help him and Inspire him In his would never again be mind.
' their large content of water, are al-
, v
Largest Stock of Fine
amt Carmen had both disappear»« great work, but with tbe Intimate
A n r way if Curtis« didn't want me 1 ways cooling, refreshing, and appetlz-|
Linena in the City
with their 'dates' before be arrived. picture he had drawn of our honey­ what difference did It make? If 11 In*. Fruit that is not thoroughly ripe
We seated ourselves on E llies moon dancing In my brain and bis refused Barry I would probable stay or Is decomposed should not be eaten,
_If you’re a housekeeper with a love for piles of linens,
on In New York and become harden- Apples are a staple fruit, low In price
then come to Ax Billy’s, where the cay’s largest stocks
ed to tbe aim less pleasure-loving ex and easy to prepare. They are the
abound. If you’re a bride-to-be with a slowly Increasing
Istance led by Ellie and Carmen In , moot abundant market fruit. Thtlr
store of lovely linens, you, too, will want to partake of these
their ultra modern set. and. old * b many and varied uses are too well
Linens of dependable qualities. Picture your
soclatlonss with Curtiss would for known to require comment,
table covered with one of these smartly colored and pat­
ever keep me away from my father □, When we chew fibrous food, such
terned sets. How charming it will look! How well it will
home—the place where we had tint as raw fruit. It Is said that we exsrt
set off your china, crystal and silver!
met. And too. as I grew older . ¡a pressure of 100 to 160 pounds on the
would loug for cmpanlonsblp and cer-j teeth. This Insures a good ventlla-
Table Damask Hemmed Without Charge
talnly Barry could give me that. I tlon of the lungs, ana In children,
recalled a fragment of one of Edna particularly, tends to develop better
Then confused, dis­
St. Vincent Millay s charming little teeth and Jaws. Raw fruit, again,
Another service at Eugene’s largest and oldest depart­
ordered thoughts came
songs and for hours It spun Itself la leaves the teeth freer from adhering !
ment store. All table damask bought at our linen section
pounding in on me and
and out of my mind:
matter than soft foods. U also sti­
will bear this service.
• atrenuens mental con­
"You might as well be calling
mulates the secretion of a strongly
flict ensued white 1 die-
$1.00 and $1.25
alkaline saliva which costa the teeth
engaged myself from
Linen Lunch
never will be hla.
and counteracts the action of partic­
Table Damask
hla embrace.
And one of us be happy
les of food which would otherwise re­
There's few enough as Is."—
main. It Is wise, therefore, to end a
At any rate 1 bad made my decision meal with raw fruits, since II not only
and my fate was on the lap of the adds to the cleansing of the teeth, bat
It also help» to preserve them. Fruit I
(T o ba continued)
Juices are Invaluable aa restoratives
Imported Linen Table Damask
. N ext— Sallis baa an In te rv ie w With to health, since they tax the d lgestlrel
at only, Yard -----------------------
Lemoyne who reveals many secrets organs very B ale and are quickly as-
of her p a st
■Unlisted—State Board of Health,
‘. ^ìììrs.
being Ö » Confessions
o» <x iMMv trfiCe
Smart Fashion in
Very Good quality, pure silver bleach, 70 Inches wide
down cushioned divan. He 00k botfc Misses still warm against my mouth
m y hands In his. and ('th o u g h t be the whole situation stood revealed,
J. C. Brill Stores
A reduction In fares for week end
would discuss hla concert but. wlfh A wave of terror swept over me at
The Lions club started their cam­
tils usual impetuosity, be came direct- the thought of dissolving my matrt- trips has been announced by the
to the subject whlcJl was always up­ montai ties and becoming the wife of Southern Pacific company to go Into paign to place the new McKenzie
effect October 1. On that date, ticket i highway bridge proposition before the
someone else.
per most In his mind.
Then 1 bowed my face In my bands agents are authorised to begin selling People this fall by selecting a co-n-
“Well, petite Oiseau.** he always
used French in his tenderer moods,
’ <lbbetl »"
heart bod lost roupd trip tickets good on Sunday ;m lttee to work In conjunction with a
only for any place at one and a tenth similar committee from the Chamber
“am I to have my answer tonight? | lta *un,bln® and **■ J°F*
^ u 7. u
. what
. . —
- - | | far#' The trlp mU8t be made on Sun- of Commerce. H-„ E. Maxey, Herry
I've been thinking all day of a a I , "Why.
d earest
on earth . Is . - the
lr matter?" Barry ashed, "haw sorry 1 ,lBy an<1 return the same day. This
wonderful place we can spend our
honeymoon. High up In the Sw iss “m!
ra®' WHn t you P«*®*«“ - rate enables one to make short trips
Alps at the beautiful little village o f , ” * * ln« a b<>or' Not for • “ the worlJ on Sunday at a substantial reduction .
from the regular price.
Under the
It overlooks la c Leman—tbs would I have brought tears to your
new schedule, the fare to Oakridge Is
bluest of all the lakes In the world—
»2. U> Westfir »1 90. to Lownell .80, to
and In Muy the hillside and valleys ■nd gestures he tried to comfort me
McCredle Springs 82.60, and to Cas­
ore an unbroken bed of white nar
cade Summit 84 36.
clssl There's a splendid hotel and a t , 1*0“ 1 ha<1 nuwl*‘ be,ore be
On the same day, reduced rates on
that season there are very few g u e sts,,recal1*'1 Kl,l*'a conversation and each
end tripe will come Into e ffe c t,!
Caux being famous, really, you know, ,crBal word Bh*’ ha‘l employed In tell-
for it* winter sporta and." he went«”» ra“ ,hat Curtiaa
,on«er ,<” a'1 A round trip ticket may be bought on
on. bla e y e . bright with h l. plans. "In, me or wantc<, “ • ,or hla w ,fe' 1 Saturday or Sunday to return on
the Sprlnktlme the air Is so delicious- ” un< up my h4'ad* bru"be<1 tbe «** Monday for a fare and a third, provid­
ly sharp that the huge logs roar In ma,ntn«
^om my e y e . and. ed the regular one way fare Is not
that age-old Impulse more than 812-
fireplaces at either end of the lounge,
the sides of which are made of in­ which drives lovers to drastic action
DANCE Stevens Hall Every Satur­
numerable windows through! which from sheer pique, I said:
"Oh, |t ’s all right, Barry, |t*s Juit day Night. Garrett's Orechestra. It
one always gets a m atchless view of
dancing, sun kissed water and snow , that you're sorter' strange to me you
capped Alps. You'll love Caux!*' he , know and the Idea of marrying you
CALL AND 8EE Dr. N. W. Emery
finished, "nnd from there we can go [ >s very, very new.
I've told you, on prices on piata and other work. U
to other places that ure sure to fill
you with delight."
"But iwhat about your m u a 1 c |
Barry?" 1 asked tentatively for III
was his art that I was most Interested 1
In nnd not the lover's paradise he bail ,
ao charmingly painted In picturesque (
"Later, Adoree, we shall return to!
I*arls to live, or perhaps you would J
like a pretty chateau In Fontaine-1
A happy home life is assured you through the purchase of this
beau!" with fervent enthusiasm ho!
wonderful labor-saving device.
continued making hla plans, "we'lli
have such Jolly times, Sallle-dear, |
By lessening the drudgery of kitchen work, your wife will have
won't you please tell that you'll J
more time for her children, more time for companionship with you— 'n
marry ino soon?"
short, she becomes more a wife and less a kichen drudge.
*‘Aro you sure thnt you love me s o '
The Washing Machine You Can Afford, See It on Dls-
much?" I finally asked In an effort!
play at Kctel's Drug Store.
to gain further tim e before my fin al!
The Master is a cylinder type Washing Machine and is
My silence nnd the question which [
guaranteed to do as good work as any machine made
followed gave Barry hope. Ho to o k 1
regardless of price.
me In hla arms: "Oh, my b eloved ,’ !
ho murmured with lips against m y 1
hair, "why will you tantalize me so?"j
and before I realized It his lips had
found my tflouth and he kissed me
with tender yearning again and again.
I, who had longed so for Curtiss and
hla carressee, found m yself aa rigid
and unresponsive as a piece of Ice
In the arm* of another man. Then
Fifth and Main Street
Ketel’s Drug Store Bldg.
oonfused, disorderly thoughts came
pounding In on me and a stratums
szental oonfllot euaasd while I dls-
N ow You Can Easily Afford
This Faithful Servant
For Your Wife
Electric Washer
On A Hotpoint Super-Automatic Range
Price $110
You are progressive in your business
Be progressive in your home
Your Credit Is Good
Henderer Electric Supply
Nfcmtaia States®^ - Paver Company