thvrfday s r i T r M n m nn, io?n THE tii‘Ul*\>nKLV iüIWB —* t —— - -------- — PAO¿ THREP Barry, tluin and again," I hurried on, EATING F R U IT BE N E FIC IA L Hh-wart. V. I). Bain, (1 O. Buahman. bridge la backed by the county court "tluil my bvurt bvlungs to Curtis» SAYS H E A LT H B O A R D an<* W were named on and favored by Eugene and Spring* Wright I «till want to tmpreaa y -u _____ tbe- , onMuiltee by John Ketels, preal 'field people, It la thought t h a t some of with that, In all fulrneaa to youraelf, The benefits derived from eating dent of the Lions. ' the other parts of the country not also to tell you frankly that I do not fruita» ttr<. undoubted. Fruita are a Thia committee and the one from directly Interested In the bridge might love you aa you deserve to bo love I, natural and healthy stimulant to <11- the Chamber ut Commerce Will handle find objections to the bond Issue if but.'* 1 concluded. "If you still want g,-stlon. They act upon the digestive all the necessary publicity In connec- the necessity for the new bridge w«re me, knowing all this, I'll try my best (organs somewhat like green veg«- tlon with the new bridge. While the not placed before them. to make you happy and to bury the u b ,Hg but tbey have tbe nddltlonul twat." There was no breaking down, advantage of containing acids and of no hysterics, or uncertain delay hut appealing to the aesthetic sense. the words w ere uttered with such Home people look on fruit as a luxury, dreadful culm that they rang through but tbers are very good reasons why Ellie's beautiful room, with tbe weird we should eat fruit dally. All fruits sound of a funeral dirge. contain certain salts or organic acids "I want you under ANY circum­ which have a more or less stimulat­ stances,*' Barry replied, and 1 sup- ing effect on the kidneys, and some pose 1 should have appreciated bis of them. , ucb pears, figs and To have pretended to myself that I wur unmoved by the J k v o tio n and that bis promptness m p iUne(! a laxative effect la ad- mualclan'a ardent wooing would have been untrue, for his ulncer- replying should have warmed my dition to this, fruit furnishes a eer­ ily and devotion, expreaaed In auch perauaalve language, had re- heart. u io indigestible bulk of roughage aaaured me that, In spite of ('urtlaa' painful Indifference«, 1 wan "And now, Barry, If yon please, 1 which tends to retain water la the not entirely without charm. Then, too, I bad been ultebly lonely wont to be alone. 1 think bs under intestines and thus helps to regulate for no many montha and had felt for auch a long time that I waa stood my mood for this tim e he only I in , bowels. not an eaaentlal factor In Curtlaa* life, that, althought Barry waa klascd my band, and, as radiant as * ( Children’s physlalans recommend not coneloua of the fact, hla gr<*ateat appeal to me waa the youngster ua ChrUmss morning. Mft that all babies of the a«» of six thought that 1 would be able to help him In hla mualcal career. the soom. month* should be given a small Mni Browning had written, in the fullneae of her great love, I»n g afer hs had gone 1 compared amount of mild fruit Juice ov tomato for the Florentine poet that "a woman’« greateet need la Juat the his cold matter-of-fact engagem ent,!juice aally. Thia Is particularly nec- need of being needed." or words of similar sentiment, and cer­ wtth the way 1 had fell when Curtiss easary In cases of Infants fed on tainly no truer words have ever benn penned. I had begun to had proposed. Then the world bad cows* milk or prepared milk foods. realize, too, that a woman must be necessary to someon* else « been transformed Into a garden spot Unless some of these Juices are given happlnesa or usefulness, be It children, parents, husband or friend, In the midst of rosate clouds and ws * disease known a* scurvy may dev­ otherwtea her motherly Instinct becomes a bothersome complex!the only tw o beings in n beautiful elop. The mild form of this disease and makes of her exlsiance a highly unsatisfactory affair. (Eden of dreams. 1 bad beard of often stands unrecognised for a time, And so v*»n • a Harry came to call engaged m yself from hl* embrace. I i women marrying the second time, being noted only In the «lowing up of or' Not for • “ the worlJ on Sunday at a substantial reduction . from the regular price. Under the Caux It overlooks la c Leman—tbs would I have brought tears to your new schedule, the fare to Oakridge Is beautiful eyes." With gentle worda bluest of all the lakes In the world— »2. U> Westfir »1 90. to Lownell .80, to and In Muy the hillside and valleys ■nd gestures he tried to comfort me McCredle Springs 82.60, and to Cas­ until finally I returned to the resolu- ore an unbroken bed of white nar cade Summit 84 36. clssl There's a splendid hotel and a t , 1*0“ 1 ha<1 nuwl*‘ be,ore be 1 On the same day, reduced rates on that season there are very few g u e sts,,recal1*'1 Kl,l*'a conversation and each week end tripe will come Into e ffe c t,! Caux being famous, really, you know, ,crBal word Bh*’ ha‘l employed In tell- for it* winter sporta and." he went«”» ra“ ,hat Curtiaa ,on«er ,<” a'1 A round trip ticket may be bought on on. bla e y e . bright with h l. plans. "In, me or wantc<, “ • ,or hla w ,fe' 1 Saturday or Sunday to return on the Sprlnktlme the air Is so delicious- ” un< up my h4'ad* bru"be<1 tbe «** Monday for a fare and a third, provid­ ly sharp that the huge logs roar In ma,ntn« ^om my e y e . and. ed the regular one way fare Is not spurred on by that age-old Impulse more than 812- fireplaces at either end of the lounge, the sides of which are made of in­ which drives lovers to drastic action DANCE Stevens Hall Every Satur­ numerable windows through! which from sheer pique, I said: "Oh, |t ’s all right, Barry, |t*s Juit day Night. Garrett's Orechestra. It one always gets a m atchless view of dancing, sun kissed water and snow , that you're sorter' strange to me you capped Alps. You'll love Caux!*' he , know and the Idea of marrying you CALL AND 8EE Dr. N. W. Emery finished, "nnd from there we can go [ >s very, very new. I've told you, on prices on piata and other work. U to other places that ure sure to fill I, you with delight." "But iwhat about your m u a 1 c | Barry?" 1 asked tentatively for III was his art that I was most Interested 1 In nnd not the lover's paradise he bail , ao charmingly painted In picturesque ( terms. "Later, Adoree, we shall return to! I*arls to live, or perhaps you would J like a pretty chateau In Fontaine-1 A happy home life is assured you through the purchase of this beau!" with fervent enthusiasm ho! wonderful labor-saving device. continued making hla plans, "we'lli have such Jolly times, Sallle-dear, | By lessening the drudgery of kitchen work, your wife will have won't you please tell that you'll J more time for her children, more time for companionship with you— 'n marry ino soon?" short, she becomes more a wife and less a kichen drudge. *‘Aro you sure thnt you love me s o ' The Washing Machine You Can Afford, See It on Dls- much?" I finally asked In an effort! play at Kctel's Drug Store. to gain further tim e before my fin al! reply. The Master is a cylinder type Washing Machine and is My silence nnd the question which [ guaranteed to do as good work as any machine made followed gave Barry hope. Ho to o k 1 regardless of price. me In hla arms: "Oh, my b eloved ,’ ! ho murmured with lips against m y 1 hair, "why will you tantalize me so?"j and before I realized It his lips had found my tflouth and he kissed me e rr.BviLçsgY with tender yearning again and again. I, who had longed so for Curtiss and hla carressee, found m yself aa rigid and unresponsive as a piece of Ice In the arm* of another man. Then Fifth and Main Street Ketel’s Drug Store Bldg. oonfused, disorderly thoughts came pounding In on me and a stratums szental oonfllot euaasd while I dls- AX-BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE k N ow You Can Easily Afford This Faithful Servant For Your Wife Only $9.99 Down THE MASTER Electric Washer On A Hotpoint Super-Automatic Range Price $110 You are progressive in your business Be progressive in your home Your Credit Is Good Henderer Electric Supply % f Nfcmtaia States®^ - Paver Company