The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 02, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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» AC K
H m G m tfess
new un
Baseball Costs H 50
you think that ties you. lrrvvocshly tton
With these thoughts of Curtiss lug-
to a man rvSMrill«»» of hla noal<H-t or
is.I.. Mulligan likes Io play ball, but
whether or not he live» up to ht» part glt g al my heart. I sud.lenb felt dial
hla enthusiasm is somewhat dltntni d
of the agreement ” I gw«pe«1 nt his
us a result of a mlui lay In the Kami
modern view point of matrimony be­ too. that It was because he had
era Union store Friday morn lint I’vln
cause I felt .hat my ntarrlate vows
had a new baseball Friday ami »•>*
wore very »avn*<l. "In my opinion,'1 ", don't think you should c r lllc b e ,
trying Io throw a curve Io Don Gil­
ho ionelmlert. “he hna sacrltlced the
lespie who was on the receiving end
right to any conshheratlon lu the : "It Isn’t ethical.“ I stammered trying
Hon failed Io receive one throw and
the ball continued to curve on
“But J really don't think thing* are cumstances.’* I continued, "and cer­
as bait as they look between h l't
| I expected him Io be embarrassed
and— “
“The flapper In Birmingham?’’ he 1 at my reprimand and felt that ho
flintahed for me, “but that Isn’t the would at least apolgian for bis out­
point I'm making Whether he la In­ spoken manner
(T o be continued)
fatuated with this girl or not doesn’t
of Itself create an Issue. The fa it
(The tem peram ental musician re­
Barry Pleads His Case
that he has wounded your feellnrs plies to Sallle'a tirade In the most
It’s just the sort of a day for a tea party!” I exclaimed when I »n<i given you cause for unhappiness surprising fashion. Read his answer
met Barry the following afternoon promptly at five o’clock at 1« »h at greatly matters That he In the next latallm en t.)
the place which he had chosen. It was one of those charming falls to cherish and protect your love,
little restaurants which are so popular in New York and whose as if it » ere a precious Jewel, and MODEL MILL SHOWS OLD
rery atmosphere inspires intimate conversation.
that he has ceased to appreciate your
Outside a thin rain had been putting forth a purposless per- beauty and charm are transgressions LUMBER MAKING METHOD
formance with the results that the street, which I glimpsed for which he should never hope to b.< If sawinllllng methods were still
through the window, was covered with a scraggly piece of wind- forgiven* You aren’t thinking of In the stage shown b.v a window d is-,
tossed veiling which against the edges of the building, became going hack to him. are you SaiiieT ’ play at the Loop this week, the Booth-
In turn, gray blotting paper.
’ “t hadn’t thought of doing any- Kelly mills would not he running and
I slipped into th e narrow cushioned bench which ran along the thing etoe,” l replied frankly, “after , one of the main Industries of Sprlng-
wall and he reseated himself beside me. The waiter brought tea all the gossip has blown over.”
! field and the vicinity would never
and an assortment of pastry and then disappeared at a nod from -T<m can-t do ,t>
can’t." he have been called Into existence. O r.1
declared with rehement decision. If one w ish es Io visualise lhe Immen»«
“It's so cosy here!" I declared, lost in reminiscence, "but that dldn t -w h a tev er you decide to do don't development of the lumber Industry
busying m yself with the tea things i keep me from caring 1 tried to erase p,,rtnj, yourself to even think of ro­ within the memory of men now liv­
und remembering to give Barry you from my life God knows I did. conciliation. Can’t you see that If ing. let him stop a minute and look
cream instead of lemon.
I spoke Sallle, but , couldnt, 1 couldnt! 1 be-g capable of neglecting you once al the model at The t,oop showing
admiringly of the potted geraniums, decided 1 could rather be In love with
do „ a<aln
lhe slightest pro- lumber being sawed by the swlp-saw-
the gay curtains and blue-and-whlte you and never possess you than t j vocation? Oh. 1 haven't any douht Ing methods and then visit the Bootn-
checked gingham and the highly dec- have, perhaps, the wdiole affection
he cares for you In his ow-i K dly plant with all Its modern equip-'
orated tables, which were unoccupied mf any other woman. I would be way •• he answered the question In ‘ ment and note the difference.
on account of the Inclement weather satisfied with expressing my tore for my eyeg ..but (t l!in l sufficient!" be
The model on display shows two
and the lateness of the hour, most you In «ny music.
his dark eyes quickly added, "you being you and so men busy at work whip-sawing lum­
people preferring their tea at four- burned with emotion, ”1 would go absolutely sweet and lovely!
Tou ber. a method once common In the
For some reason Barry did , along, like Dante with my Ideal ever 8h,mld h«> married to someone who frontier regions. That It was a slow
not respond to my enthusiasm. He (before me. and like Beatrice, you understands your artistic nature and and cumbersome method men now
■wore an absorbed expression and his , would be my guiding star—my tn- your sensitive spirit.
You cannot living can attest.
A sign pasted on the window says.
tea remained untasted
, spiral Ion!“
ex(at on husks of his desultory af-
“I won’t offer you the prorerbii,
“O k Barry, you must not say these
for a temperament such sa "Whip sawing lumber Miners In the
• arly days used this method of whlp­
penny for your thoughts." I continue 1, things, don't you know that ytn yourg demands unstinted devotion.”
sawlng lumber for their sluice boxes
"because I know how musicians scorn shouldn’t?" I Interrupted for , was
1 sipped1 my tea that he might not
In Alaska In 1909 the lumber we used
anything so mundane as money, but strangely alarmed at his ardent w o>
read my thoughts which flew back tn
cost us 1376 per thousand feet In the
I will give you a piece of this deli­ ing.
the summer which, for me. had pass­
.Island of Sumatraln In 1902 It took S
“I know. You still think that you
cious French pastry."
ed so dully, with Curtiss either oc­
“Listen Sallle." began Barry, still are in lore with Curtiss. You told cupied with his business affairs or Chinamen It days to saw 20 boards
jone foot wide and sixteen feet long.";
nnable to enter Into a gay humor. "I
surreptitiously meting Letltla Evans.
V. J. Daniels who made the modi I
might as w ell tell you what's on my .uncertain words in Paris, and I had
iGrevlous thoughts flashed through
mind. I know all about your un­ resolved never to speak of my love my mind. Suppose Barry were right on display is an experienced hand S t 1
| whlpsawlng lumber He said that In
happy situation. I made Ellie tell me. for you again. Sallle. but after Ellie
I In his estim ate of Curtiss. He was Southern Oregon they sawed ISM feet j
You don’t mind my knowing, do you?"
'voicing. In different words. E llie’s
of lumber for sluice boxes from one ;
he asked, anxiously scanning my face but think that he had forfeited your
Identical opinion. Could It be psslble, log.
admiration. It seem s to me that It Is
for an answer.
1 asked myself, that Curtiss meanto to
The model now on display Is t h - 1
“I hate for you to bother yourself now a question to be settled between
live up to his high Ideals but could latest of a serins The Ixxip has bad ,
with my troubles,” I fended. That you and
— not a » Curtiss Wright s
That after all he p ossess^ l In Its windows made by V. J. Daniels *
Ellie bad confined in him only from 'w|f®— kut as a woman free to choose
fraillttea of character like so many A small wlndmltl. a stamp mill, and
the kindest motives In my behalf I ker future, unhampered by any bonds
other husbands" That he was not a revolving tower with flags on It i
was certain and yet 1 disliked him of matrimony."
Impeccable? Perhaps m e d i o c r e ? are among some of the others that
knowing about the events of the past
1 avoided his Intense gaxe and
fastened my attention on my cup and
» * i,b ,e ,hBt he
n° ‘ hare been put In the window and
“But he’s
No’ BO- “»• * thousand made to work by water power.
"My dear, my dear." he was saying, saucer,
8au<w, "But
he's still
still my
my husband.” f« lthfnlT
times, no) Although he had entered
“don't you know that your troubles 1 demurred’ when I felt that he was
Into this flirtation with Letltla Braus FOR SALE— Payroll sheets, printed
are mine? I must tell you then how waiting for an answer.
I knew In my heart of hearts th a t *f
and tn stock at the New« office
very, very much I love you. When I
“That hasn't anything much to do
he would, he could still offer some
Form settable for road, conetreetioe
first saw you that night at Monte wl,h the subject." he startled me by
work, eawmllla. e tc , with table to
reasonable explanation of his be-
Carlo you fulfilled all my dreams and tsaylng. “Just because you took part
compote workm ans oompeneatlon
1 havlor which would restore him to
all my desires. At last I had found fn a ceremony which was In stitu ted ...
. . .
and deductions. No employer should
YOU only to find that you belonged in the beginning to protect the p
‘ '.‘I *
be without these 9 m s when they
thing, he still occupied In my esttroa-
cos be purchased for a few cents ,
to another.” For a moment he was Pcrty rights of children. I suppose
For Children And Misses
Misses' Sweaters, $3 00 Quality
—Really what ure you gaining by waiting to buy your fall
and winter underwear supplies’ Isn’t It much better to
purchase while stocks are at their best and complete and
when you can get the sizes wanted in the styles and quali­
ties you prefer?
Boys Knit Union Suits
$ 1 .2 5
Fleece lined unions In the
desired weight and grey
shade. Short sleeves, knee
length. Sizes 6 to 12 years.
Children's Nainsook
Union Suits 5 9 c
Buttoned waist and bloom­
er leg. Sizes 2 to 10 yenrs.
W i d e a n d s h a llo w P a c ific C o a s t f lr e b o a
T e n c a n , r u s t- r e s is tin g , e le c t r ic a lly w e ld e d o v e n
You can depend on a Mon tag.
O v e n T h e r m o m e te r s o n a l l m o d e ls
AU castings are made in the
F r e n c h p la t e t o p Is e a s ie r to k e e p c le a n ,
p r e v e n ts h e a t loss
H ig h e s t g r a d e M o n ta g e n a m e lin g a n d n ic k e l p la t in g
S c ie n tif ic a n d p r a c t ic a l In d e s ig n
department. Beautiful porce­
are electrically welded — no
$ 1 .9 8
—Clever sli|»over style combined of Itayon und wool. Colors
are gold, blue, nlle and red. Sizes 34 to 42. (2nd floor)
F in e s t m a t e r ia ls a n d c o n s tr u c tio n
range bodies, and all seams
Only an organization with the M ontag back­
ground could make such a range as the Montag
40 years of Western manufacturing experience
in ranges; year af ter year of close study and ob­
servation of what the Western housewife needs
and wants; years th at have built reputation
for the concern and for its products.
To know what you want in a range, see the
M ontag line.
T h u new s Office.
—The opening »lay» of school bring In their wake tho urgi
to be clad In a sweater and the children are seeking the
smart protection and comfort of knitted toga.
$2.96 To $3.98
Sweaters $ 2 .6 9
Another lot of childrens*
wool sweaters In plain and
fancy colors, choice of sev­
eral styles
Practical for school wear-
Early chooBing Is suggest­
$4.25 To $5 75
Sweaters $ 3 .9 5
Assorted group of child­
rens' wool sweaters, light
und heavy weights In coat
and pullover style. Checks,
plaids- stripes or jacquard
pat tents.
A t t r a c t i v e a n d u p - t e - t h e - m ln u t e s ty le a n d
Only rust-proof iron is usedfor
inc hoe.
School Day Specials
Q u ic k f i r i n g
the Montag enameling plant.
m a k in g tra c in g s
A p e r fe c t b a k e r
lain enamels are baked on in
E asy to c le a n
done in the Montag nickeling
r o il BALIS— Carbon |>ap«r In targe
M e r e h e a t w i t h less l i r e
Monlag plant. A ll nickeling
through the front window of the alors
to the tutte of »I 60 for a new thine.
"No more husehall for us, al least
within the store," said the partners.
"It’s luo painful."
J. C. Brill Stores
B e t t e r c e e k ln g — a n d
c h e a p e r c o o k in g
' M
SWl’T. 2. 192«
Children's Knit Union
suit. $ 1 .1 5
Fleece waist undertogs In
two styles, Dutch neck,
long sleeves, knee length
or elbow sleeves and ankle
length. Sizes 2 to 13 years.
Misses' Nainsook
Combinations 89c
Sizes 4 to 14 years.